CRAINVILLE VILLAGE BOARD Board Meeting Tuesday November 11, 2014

Crainville Village Board met in a regular session on Tuesday November 11, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Roll call as follows:

Evelyn Fuqua Nay Arthur Mize Yea Julie Aue Yea John Oetjen Yea Rodger Emery Yea Jim Rains Yea Ron Mitchell Yea Tena Steinacher Yea Brad Olson Nay Jaci Chapman Yea

A quorum was present:


Minutes from the October 14, 2014 Board Meeting were presented. There were no corrections.

Motion 1: Mize moved and Rains seconded the motion to approve the Village Board Meeting Minutes for October 14, 2014 as presented. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Tena Steinacher presented the treasurer’s report. The Board accepted the Treasurer’s Report as presented.

Motion 2: Oetjen made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to approve bringing $30,000 from the Illinois Funds to the Village of Crainville’s General Fund. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Bills: November bills were presented.

Motion 3: Mize made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to pay the November bills. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Visitor participation

Kim Herron who lives at 1006 Main Street was present. She has concerns regarding the property next door on 1001 California. The property at 1001 California is zoned residential. Ms. Herron is concerned that the property has been bought by Robins Nest Day Care Center and she has heard that the day care is planning on remodeling the house on 1001 California and putting in classrooms. Mitchell told Ms. Herron that Robins Nest will need to apply for a zoning variance

1 before constructing classrooms at the residence on 1001 California. Robins Nest has not applied for a zoning variance. Mitchell will contact Robins Nest regarding this issue.

John Crawford Report:

IDOT Utility Relocation

Crawford reported that Haier Construction is continuing to work on the Utility Relocation project. The Village has received the 4th Pay Estimate of $142,602.57 from Haier Construction and the bill for Resident Inspection fees for this project from John Crawford and Associates for $14,034.00. The Village will send a letter to IDOT requesting 94% reimbursement for these bills which was agreed upon in the Route 13 Utility Relocation Project contract with IDOT.

Motion 4: Mize made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to approve the payment of pay estimate number 4 for $142,602.46 to Haier Plumbing & Heating for work on IDOT Utility Relocation; payment is contingent upon receiving 94% of the money from the State of Illinois. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Motion 5: Rains made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to approve payment to John Crawford & Associates for resident engineering fees of $14,034.00 for work on the IDOT utility relocation project; money contingent on receiving 94% payment from the State of Illinois. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.


KPS continues their work on the water main replacement project. KPS has submitted pay estimate No. 3 in the amount of $53,223.91 that will be paid out of the DCEO grant.

Motion 6: Mize made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pay KPS pay estimate number 3 for $53,223.91 for work on the water main replacement project, money to come out of the DCEO grant funds. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Stand Pipe Repair

Cady Construction has completed the repair work on the stand pipe. Cady Construction submitted their bill for $3,464.13. Crawford submitted resident inspection fees for the stand pipe repair project for $1,500.00.

Motion 7: Mize made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to pay Cady Construction $3,464.13 for repair of the stand pipe. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Motion 8: Mize made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pay John Crawford and Associates $1,500.00 for resident inspection fees for the repair of the stand pipe. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

2 Crawford told the Board that the Board should start looking at road projects for next year.

Department Heads

Water Report: (Pam Borders was not present)

1. There are 722 water customers 2. 541 garbage customers. 3. 2 Building Permits 4. 11 new customers 5. 6 disconnects 6. Room Rental 5 days for a total of $250.00

Street/Water-Sewer Report (Ryan Farrar was not present)

a.i.1. All cells in the lagoon are now working. a.i.2. The stand pipe is repaired and has been filled with water.

Police Report (Chief Rogers was not present)

Bill Johnston passed out Chief Roger’s report.

Old Business

Park Equipment

John Caudill has poured the concrete for the new handicapped accessible swings. The matting from Rural King had to be ordered. The matting should be in within the next week and the Street/Water workers will then install the swings. The total bill from John Caudill for pouring the concrete for the handicapped accessible swings was $5,896.00. The Village has already paid $2,948.00 and will owe John Caudill another $2,948.00.

Motion 9: Mize made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pay John Caudill $2,948.00 for pouring the concrete pad for the installation of the new handicapped accessible swings. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Veteran’s Appreciation Day

Julie Aue, Patty Edwards, and Evelyn Fuqua are planning a Veteran’s Appreciation Day that will be held November 15 and 16 in the Village Hall Community Center. The plaque that will be presented to the Village President on November 16 will have the names of all the veterans past and present that live or have lived in Crainville. Aue said that she has had a good response from Village of Crainville Veterans and due to this response will need to purchase an additional plaque. The Board approved the purchase of an additional plaque for approximately $95.00.

3 New Business

Water Penalty Appeal

No appeals

Kindling Easement

The First Southern Bank has requested an easement on the west edge of the Kindling property. The easement that First Southern Bank is wanting is on the Village of Crainville’s right of way. Before granting First Southern Bank an easement, the Board wants the request in writing and the request should include a map of the area that will be impacted.

IMLRMA Insurance

Motion 10: Mize made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to pay IMLRMA $33,298.10 for Village of Crainville’s 2015 liability insurance. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Village Hall Generator

The Village of Crainville’s Budget for 2014/2015 did not include money to wire the Village Hall for a generator nor did the budget include money to purchase a generator. Wiring the Village Hall for a generator and purchase of a new generator will be considered for the 2015/2016 budget. The Village will also look into possible grants that could help with the purchase of a new generator.

Pump Repair

The Village’s main pump at the lift station on Main Street is not working. Farrar replaced the pump with a spare back-up pump. Farrar is getting bids to either repair the pump or replace the pump with a new one.

Executive Session

The Board did not go into Executive Session.


Motion 11: Emery made the motion and Mize seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40p.m. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Jacquelyn Chapman, Village Clerk