Japan Art Directory in Australia

Japan Foundation Sydney invites all Australian based Japanese artists, non-Japanese artists and arts organizations practising Japanese art forms in Australia and experts in the area of Japanese art to apply to be part of our directory.

If you or your organization would like to be part of our new directory, please fill the following form and return to:

art directory @jpf .org.au

Individual artists who belong to an organization are welcome to register as part of an organization as well as an individual artist. Please simply fill out two separate forms.

If you know an artist, expert or arts organization that you would like to recommend, please email art directory @jpf .org.au, with the name of the artist, expert or arts organization and contact details, and we will contact them on your behalf. Please obtain the consent of the artist or arts organization before providing their details to us.


1. Name of artist, expert or arts organization:______

2. Name of representative, if registering as an organization:______

3. Contact details (either phone number, email or website with contact form of individual artists or of their agent or representative): _


4. Website of your work: ______

5. Main state/territory of residence (please circle one):


6. Your art form (circle up to 3 categories):

Animation / Manga Architecture Conceptual Contemporary Craft Dance Graphic Design Film Installation Inter disciplinary Mixed Media Music / Sound Performance Photography Textile Theatre Traditional Japanese Art Traditional Japanese Craft Traditional Japanese Music Traditional Japanese Performance Literature Visual Art Other

7. Specific medium (ie. ikebana, oil painting, trumpet, glass, butoh etc):______


Updated: 27 April 2016 8. Are you an Australian citizen or a permanent resident? (please circle one)



If no, what type of visa? ______Visa valid until______


1. These terms set out the terms on which you can apply to register for the Japan Art Directory in Australia (JAD). In these terms, the Japan Foundation Sydney is referred to as we, us or our. Registrants of the JAD are referred to as you and your.

2. We reserve the right to refuse your application for any reason, for example, if it is not consistent with the nature of JAD.

Intellectual property

3. You grant to us a non-exclusive, royalty free licence to exercise all intellectual property rights in any image, audio-visual, information or other materials that you submit to us for publication on the JAD, until such time that you notify us that you would like us to withdraw such materials from the JAD by writing to the contact details provided in Clause 13.

4. We will work with you to ensure that materials submitted by you are properly attributed and are not treated in a derogatory manner. However, you acknowledge that we have editorial control over the JAD and how your materials will be presented.

5. JFS will list you in the JAD based on your choice(s) of art form circled in this form. If you become aware that you have been listed on the JAD incorrectly in respect of a particular art form please contact us using the contact details provided in Clause 13 and we will amended your listing.

6. You warrant that you own the materials you submit to the JAD, or have all rights necessary to do so, and that the materials do not infringe the rights of any other person.

7. You must ensure that the materials you submit to us or link to the JAD are not unlawful, defamatory, harassing, threatening, menacing, obscene, indecent, offensive, inflammatory or pornographic, or could give rise to civil or criminal proceedings. We reserve the right to remove any such material or link at any time.

8. You must not do anything that bring us into disrepute.

Updated: 27 April 2016 Privacy

9. We are committed to respecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information.

10. We will collect personal information about you including your name, telephone number, email address and postal address, citizenship and visa status. The primary purpose for which we collect this information is to upload your information to the JAD in order to facilitate introductions and relationships in the arts sector.

11. Your citizenship or visa status will not appear in the JAD. Please note that unless you notify us of changes in your visa validity date in writing, your directory listing will be discontinued after the visa expiry date. We have decided to ask this information so that we are able to include artists on temporary visas.

12. We will not disclose your personal information to any other person or use it for any other purpose unless we have your consent to do so.

13. You have the right to change or delete any of your own details on the JAD. Should your details change or you wish to delete your details from the JAD please contact us by writing to us at [email protected] or Shop 23, Level 1, Chifley Plaza, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000.


14. We do not endorse expressly or impliedly any person, organization, artwork, product, or service. appearing on the JAD or any third party site accessible by the third party website links on the JAD.

Please note; upon receiving your application there will be a screening process and you'll be notified within two weeks of submission.

Updated: 27 April 2016