Assessment Progress Report

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Assessment Progress Report

APPENDIX E Assessment Progress Report (To be submitted to IFT’s Higher Education Review Board By August 31 of each year after being granted IFT Approval/Re-approval Status)

If your program proposed a learning assessment plan in your initial or re-approval application, completing the Assessment Progress Report template will be straightforward. The Assessment Progress Report entails spe cifying the program outcome(s) or course learning outcome(s) that were assessed and the methods that wer e used to assess them each year after initial approval or re-approval. The other two components of the Asse ssment Progress Report are: (1) a summary of what the assessment showed, and (2) a detailed description of how the information was/is being used to improve the program and/or student learning.

The Assessment Progress Report template is shown below.


Food Science Program: Faculty who participated in the development or approval Name of coordinator: of this Assessment Progress Report (please list all): Title: E-mail: Name of Department Head/Chair: E-mail of Department Head/Chair:

I. PROGRAM OUTCOME(S) OR COURSE LEARNING OUTCOME(S) THAT WERE ASSESSED IN THE ____- ____ ACADEMIC YEARS, METHODS USED, AND KEY FINDINGS List the outcomes that were assessed, the methods that were used to assess each outcome, and summarize key findings. Attach all relevant rubrics. Add more boxes if more than three outcomes were assessed. The first set of boxes provides an example of course learning outcomes, assessment techniques, and summary of key findings.

Example of course learning outcome: Food Microbiology, F’12 OUTCOME MEASURED Identify sanitation practices to control important pathogens and spoilage microorganisms in foods 1. Students (groups of 3) recommended sanitation practices for meat processing facilities after discussing a case study. Method(s) of Assessment and 2. Each student completed a written laboratory report about techniques to control data analysis spoilage organisms. 3. Students completed a ‘delta-plus’ activity (anonymous report) to reflect about learning strategies in the course. 1. Ten/12 groups (83%) correctly identified all appropriate sanitation procedures for the problems presented in their case study. 2. Average scores from a grading rubric for the lab report about methods of control for spoilage microorganisms were: 4.0/5, 4.0/5, 4.5/5, and 3.0/5 for pH, temperature, oxygen, and chemical, respectively. Summary of Key Findings 3. The majority of students reported that the textbook was difficult to understand, but lectures and lab experiences helped them learn about pathogens and spoilage microorganisms in food. Over 90% of the responses indicated that the case study was time-consuming but very effective in illustrating control of microorganisms in industry. 1. Acceptable response so no actions taken. 2. Acceptable responses for effects of pH, temperature and oxygen, but not for Actions Being Taken Based chemical methods of control. Revised lectures to address concerns and make on these Finding chemical methods of microbial control more clear. 3. Consider alternative textbook.

Example of program learning outcome: OUTCOME MEASURED Demonstrate oral and written communication skills appropriate for food science professionals

1. Senior teams presented public demonstrations about their product development projects to students, faculty and industry representatives. Ten industry representatives used a rubric to evaluate the content, creativity, technical expertise and oral communication ability demonstrated by the students. Method(s) of Assessment and 2. Written reports and oral summaries of Journal of Food Science articles were data analysis presented in the senior seminar course. A rubric was used to evaluate content, and written communication on the written reports; and oral communication skills on the oral summaries. 3. Employers of food science graduates for the past 3 years were surveyed by the college (survey included). 1. All ratings on the rubric were in the ‘competent’ category. The average score for 8 teams was 92%; the average score for oral communication was 98%, according to the industry evaluators. 2. Students’ ability to summarize JFS research data was satisfactory but not exemplary. Eighty-two percent of the students scored ≥80% on the oral summary assignment but only 60% scored ≥80% on the written summaries. An analysis of Summary of Key Findings results showed that students who scored lower on content also scored lower on written communications. 3. Employer comments indicated high overall satisfaction with food science graduates, but the response rate was low (n = 9). Scores (1 = not prepared to 5 = very well prepared) for most survey questions were above 4 except the ability to communicate effectively in technical reports was rated 3.5. Actions Being Taken Based 1. Oral communication skills in acceptable range, so no actions taken. on these Finding 2. To improve student’s written summaries, additional training was provided in the seminar course on how to critique published research. 3. This result goes hand in hand with the above assessment, indicating that more comprehensive training is need in written communication. Faculty discussion has led to plans to incorporation of more dedicated training in several Food Science

2 courses. Specifically, more feedback on written assignments will be provided in lower-level courses. We are coordinating with our Writing Center to ensure our feedback to each student is constructive.


Method(s) of Assessment

Summary of Key Findings

Actions Being Taken Based on these Finding


Method(s) of Assessment

Summary of Key Findings

3 Actions Being Taken Based on these Finding

II. MULTI-YEAR ASSESSMENT PLAN In the space below, provide details of the assessment activities planned for the years up to your program’s 5-year program renewal. Expectations are that all outcomes will be assessed within the 5-year period. The information can be presented in any format but the use of a Gantt chart may be useful.

4 III. OTHER INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) In the space below, provide additional information you feel is important to share with HERB related to your program. These items could include extenuating circumstances or other assessment related information.

5 Resource: Permission to use this form granted by Lisa Kramer [email protected].


APPENDIX G Rubric for Evaluating Assessment Progress Reports

Not yet developed In development Developed

Degree to which There is little or no Outcomes exist, but are Outcomes exist, and outcomes are defined evidence that outcomes incomplete or do not address lend themselves to and lend themselves exist for the course or all of the desired outcomes assessment to assessment and program for the course or program; or, student learning student learning outcomes exist, but faculty are unable to assess them

Degree to which There are little or no Assessments exist, but are Assessments exist that assessments/tools assessments used to not linked to individual course clearly measure specific address individual assess course learning or program outcomes or, course or program outcomes (course and outcomes or program assessments are reported outcomes on a regular program outcomes) outcomes only episodically (not basis regularly) Degree to which Faculty discussions Faculty discussions about Faculty discussions faculty meaningfully about assessments assessments have occurred, about assessments discuss students’ have not yet occurred but only informally and directly evaluate student achievement of on a formal basis, or among a few learning outcomes and outcomes and make have only been occur on a regular basis recommendations to discussed intermittently act and in starts Degree to which There is no evidence There is some evidence that There is ample evidence discussed actions are that assessment-based assessment-based to demonstrate that implemented in areas discussions have led to discussions have led to action assessment-based such as instruction, action or to any change or change; or, there is some discussions have led to curriculum, course evidence that action; or, there is ample learning objectives, recommendations based on evidence demonstrating etc. assessment-based that recommendations discussion have been based on assessment- enacted based discussions have been enacted


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