Constitution of the Coalition for Ministry with Persons
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Editor's note: This constitution lays the groundwork for a coalition which corresponds with the commission described in diocesan model 1 in section A.2. of this chapter.
Constitution of the Coalition for Ministry with Persons having Disabilities
Diocese of Sioux City, Iowa
PREAMBLE: The Church of the Diocese of Sioux City, through the leadership of the bishop, continues the mission of Jesus Christ through ministry with persons who have disabilities. The diocesan Coalition for Ministry with Persons Having Disabilities assists the bishop in his role as chief pastor and teacher.
Justification for this diocesan Coalition is found in the following paragraphs from the Pastoral Statement of U.S. Catholic Bishops on People with Disabilities, November 16, 1978, rev. 1989: “The same Jesus who heard the cry for recognition from the people with disabilities of Judea and Samaria 2,000 years ago calls us, His followers, to embrace our responsibility to our own disabled brothers and sisters in the United States. The Catholic Church pursues its mission by furthering the spiritual, intellectual, moral and physical development of the people it serves.” “Efforts to bring people with disabilities into the parish community are more likely to be effective if the parishes are the diocesan level....The adequacy of this ministry should be re-evaluated in the light of present- day concerns and resources (and)...the program should be strengthened to assure that specialized aid is provided to people with disabilities.”
Article I:NAME The name of this body will be the Coalition For Ministry with Persons Having Disabilities of the Diocese of Sioux City.
Article II:PURPOSE Sec. 1This Coalition is to assist the bishop in his role as chief pastor and teacher. Sec. 2This Coalition will make recommendations to the bishop regarding diocesan policy and act as a consulting body to him in instituting ministry with persons who have disabilities in the diocese. Sec. 3Following the bishop's approval and promulgation, policy implementation becomes the responsibility of the diocesan office under which the policy would normally fall:
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Page 1 of 4 the Office of Catholic Education, Family Life Office, Building Commission, Vocations, Office of Worship, Adult Spiritual Formation Office, or the Office of Pro-Life Activities. Sec. 4This Coalition will assist the bishop by recommending goals for ministry at the diocesan level, planning activities, and supporting awareness through media and education.
Article III:MEMBERSHIP Sec. 1Members of the Coalition for Ministry with Persons Having Disabilities will be appointed by the bishop. Coalition members may make recommendations to the bishop. Sec. 2Membership will be a minimum of twelve and not more than eighteen persons who are representative of the clergy, religious, and laity, including a representative group of persons who have disabilities, their families, service providers and of the various types of disabilities.
Article IV: TERM OF MEMBERSHIP Sec. 1Members will serve a term of three years. Sec. 2A member may be appointed to a second term. Sec. 3One-third of the Coalition will be appointed or re-appointed each year. The appointments shall be made each year before May 1. Sec. 4Two consecutive unexcused absences from Coalition meetings shall be considered the equivalent of the tendering of a letter of resignation.
Article V: OFFICERS Sec. 1The director of the diocesan Office of Religious Education is appointed by the bishop and serves as Executive Secretary and Meeting Process Facilitator. This person also serves on the Executive Committee. Sec. 2The Chair/Director and Secretary will be elected by a majority vote of the members at the last regular meeting in the spring. Terms of office will be one year. Officers may be re-elected. Sec. 3Duties of the Chair/Director include: - to preside at Coalition meetings; -to serve on the Executive Committee; -in conjunction with the Executive Secretary, to communicate to the bishop the recommendations of the Coalition; -to convene the Executive Committee; -to provide consultation for parish and diocesan bodies; -to prepare the agenda for Coalition meetings; -to direct activities identified by the Coalition; -to name an Assistant Director for identified Coalition activities. Sec. 4Duties of the Secretary:
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Page 2 of 4 -to record minutes of each meeting of the Coalition; -to present typed minutes to the Executive Secretary for duplicating and mailing by that person's staff; -to serve on the Executive Committee.
Article VI:AGENDA Sec. 1Anyone may submit proposals for consideration to the Coalition for Ministry with Persons Having Disabilities. Such proposals must be in writing and bear the signature of the author(s). Sec. 2The proposals must be in the hands of the Chair/Director or another member of the Executive Committee at least three weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting. Sec. 3The agenda will be mailed to Coalition members two weeks prior to the Coalition meetings. Sec. 4The Chair/Director shall report to the Coalition the disposition of each proposal which was submitted but not included in the agenda.
Article VII:MEETINGS Sec. 1The Coalition for Ministry with Persons Having Disabilities will meet at least three times each year. Special meetings may be called by the bishop or by the Executive Committee of the Coalition. Sec. 2A quorum is necessary to make Coalition recommendations to the bishop. A quorum is a simple majority of the Coalition membership. Sec. 3Coalition decisions are arrived at by consensus.
Article VIII: COMMITTEES Sec. 1The Executive Committee will be the Chair/Director, Secretary and Executive Secretary of the Coalition for Ministry with Persons Having Disabilities. Meeting agenda will be developed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will appoint a liaison to the diocesan presbyteral council. Sec. 2The Coalition Chair/Director will be responsible for these standing committees; sub-committee chairpersons will be chosen by the Commission at large. Consideration will be given to Coalition members' special interests and areas of expertise. Sec. 3Standing committees may draw membership from outside the Coalition membership. Sec. 4Ad hoc committees may be appointed as needed.
Article IX: AMENDMENTS Sec. 1Consensus is needed to approve amendments to the Constitution. Sec. 2Amendments shall become effective upon the approval of the bishop.
Opening Doors, Chapter Two, Sect. C.1.b.(1)
Page 3 of 4 August 28, 1990
This resource may be reprinted provided you credit the Diocese of Sioux City, Iowa
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