Government of Tripura Directorate of Family Welfare & P.M

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Government of Tripura Directorate of Family Welfare & P.M

Government of Tripura Directorate of Family Welfare & P.M Fax: 0381-232-6602. [email protected]

Tender No. No. F. V (31)/-RFL/08 Dated 03/7/2015

Notice Inviting Tender

Sealed Tenders are invited by the undersigned on behalf of the Governor of Tripura from the reputed and experienced manufacturer or their authorized Distributors for supply of Laboratory Chemicals for Regional Food Laboratory, Agartala for the year 2015-2016.

The tender form with detailed description of the items and terms and conditions may be available through the website .The tender will be received by Speed Post / Registered Post/Courier Services only in sealed covers addressed to “Director of Family Welfare & P.M., Government of Tripura, P.N. Complex, Gurkhabasti, P.O. Kunjaban, Agartala-799006” up to 4:00 p.m. of 13/07/2015 & tender will be opened at 11:00 a.m. 14/7/2015 if possible. The undersigned will not be responsible for any postal delay. Rates of Lab. Chemical finalized through this process shall remain valid up to 31 March 2016. The Director of FW&PM, Government of Tripura may extend or curtail the validity period if deem fit.


(Dr. K.L. Bhowmik) Director of Family Welfare & P.M., Govt. of Tripura: Agartala. TERMS & CONDITIONS

The tender will be received by Speed Post / Registered Post/Courier Services only in sealed covers addressed to “Director of Family Welfare & P.M., Government of Tripura, P.N. Complex, Gurkhabasti, P.O. Kunjaban and Agartala-799006” up to 4:00 p.m. on 13/7/2015 tender will be opened at 11:00 a.m. on 14/7/2015 if possible. Tender received after the aforesaid date and hours shall be rejected. The Director of Family Welfare & P.M. shall not remain responsible for any postal delay. Tenderer are requested to provide detailed address along-with Pin Code, Phone and Fax numbers with S.T.D. Code number for communication.

, 1. At the time of submitting tender papers, the bidders/firms should mention full particulars of Director/Secretary/Authorized signatory and put their full signature on the tender papers. On the top left side of the sealed tender inquiry number and date, due date of receipt of tender and address of Tenderer should be mentioned. The tender form with detailed description of the items and terms and conditions may be through the website 2. The interested bidders shall submit the bids in 2(two) parts, namely “Technical Bid and Financial Bid”. The 2-bids should be put in two separate sealed envelopes, indicating on the cover as to which one is the technical bid and which one is the financial bid. The 2 envelopes shall, thereafter, be placed inside a large sealed cover and the same may be submitted. The “Technical Bid “ shall contain on details regarding the item offered by the bidder, compliance of terms and conditions, submission of documents etc. in other words, everything except the rate offered. The “Financial Bid” shall contain the rate offered by the bidder. While processing the bids, the technical bids will be opened first and the eligible bidders meeting requirement will be short-listed. Thereafter, financial bids of only short listed bidders will be opened for consideration”.

,,, , 3. The list of item with detailed specification is at annexure-A. 4. The Lab. Chemicals must be supplied directly by the firm itself or by it’s authorized distributors and should obtain sales tax clearance by the supplier before delivery. An authorized representative of the firm should remain present during delivery of the ordered quantity. 5. The supply order of Lab. Chemicals must be completed within 45 (forty-five) days from the date of issue of order. A penalty @ 1% on the total value shall be charged for every week or part of week of delay beyond stipulated date of supply. However, Relaxation will be entertained only in special circumstances (Natural Calamities, War or any other situation beyond human control). 6. 5 % of the value of ordered quantity will have to be deposited in favour of the Director of Family Welfare & Preventive Medicine, Government of Tripura as security money by demand draft from any Nationalized Bank by the firm within 20(twenty) days time from the date of issue of supply order/before receiving item. The security money will be released after completion of full supply within the stipulated period or it may be kept for the next supply order whichever is applicable. 7. Income Tax / Sales Tax/VAT will be deducted from the bill as per guidelines of the Government, if applicable

Continued Page no.-02 Page no-02 8. Any enhancement of rate within the validity period of contract will not be considered except for imposition of any levy or increase in existing levy by the Government & any undue request may lead to cancellation of the order.

9. Payment to successful Tenderer shall be made on bill basis only after completion of supply items as ordered for. No advance payment shall be made under any circumstances.

, 10. a) The rate should be typed and quoted both in figure and words clearly. The rate of both CST & VAT should be mentioned separately and clearly. Rate should be quoted in Indian currency only. b) The rate of Lab. Chemicals should contains (i) basic price, (ii) any tax for calculating the price of the articles.

11. When tender is submitted by the authorized distributor/ supplier, the name of manufacturer should be mentioned against each item for which the rate is quoted. When a tender is submitted by authorized distributor / supplier of more than one manufacturer, rate should be quoted separately for each item showing the name of manufacturer against each item. 12. The following self-certified / self-attested documents should be submitted along-with the tender and all the papers are to be self-certified / self-attested. i) Attested copy of PAN Card ii) Up to date Sales Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) iii) Valid quality assurance certificate like ISI/ISO/BIS/GMP or any other approved standard. iv) Up to date valid Trade License in respect of authorized distributor/supplier v) Up to date Income Tax Clearance Certificate (IT). vi) Upto date manufacturing license of respective manufacturer. 14. Fresh deposit at call (D/Call) on any Schedule Bank for an amount of Rs. 10,000/- (Ten thousand) only is to be deposited in favour of Director of Family Welfare & Preventive Medicine, Government of Tripura along with the tender as Earnest Money which will be released after validity period of contract in case of successful tenderer and that of unsuccessful tenderer will be released after finalization of tender. 15. Mode of delivery: - Price quoted should be quoted on F.O.R. Door delivery basis by any route of transportation to the health institution (Tripura) the list of which is to be supplied from this end 16. No insurance charge is admissible and successful tenderer will be responsible for any breakage, damage and loss in transit on way to destination.

Continued Page no.- 3 Page No-03 17. Any default or breach of contract and non-execution of supply order shall lead to forfeiture of earnest money/security deposit of successful tenderer beside to such action as may be considered appropriate by the Director of Family Welfare & P.M., Government of Tripura, Agartala including black listing / delisting the tenderer for future. 18. If any item supplied is found to be not of Standard quality, the same should be taken back and replaced by fresh stock at own cost of supplier. 19. The tenderer, who is not a manufacture or who quoted rate for the product of manufacturer shall furnish a letter of authority form the manufacture of the products authorizing the tenderer to quote the rate on their behalf. Such tenderer shall also furnish an undertaking that in the event of acceptance of the rate, he will supply the products of the manufacturer for which he quoted the rate. 20. The manufacturers having Marketing Agency at Agartala, Tripura will be preferred during consideration of rate & firm by a constituted committee. 21. a) Satisfactory certificate from the competent authority where the tenderer had already supplied the listed Instrument earlier may be submitted along with the tender in the part of technical bid. b) Literature/booklet etc. in connection with each machine/equipment as available should be accompanied with the technical bid.

22. Director of Family Welfare & P.M., Government of Tripura, Agartala reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof and tender may be accepted or rejected in part or in whole. 23. In case of any legal dispute the jurisdiction will be Agartala Bench of the Tripura High Court/ Consumer forum at Agartala. 24. The Director of Family Welfare & P.M., Government of Tripura, Agartala reserves the right to unilaterally terminate contract or cancel the acceptance of the rate or supply order at any time without notice before expiry of the period for which rate are now invited. 25. Extension of rate for supply may be considered for 2nd year to the approved supplier on the basis of satisfactory performance and execution of supply order in time and in terms of quality.

Director of Family Welfare & P.M Government of Tripura, Agartala Contd. Annexure-A

Page no.-4 Annexure-A ,, List of Chemicals/ Reagents required for Regional Food Laboratory, Agartala Sl. Name of the Chemicals /Reagents Name of the Manufacturer and Packet Unit Quantity required No. product code no. 1. Iodine resublime, GR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 100g. 5Nos. 10476101001730 2. Sodium thiosulphate Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No. 61753605001730 3. Bromine extra pure Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 20ml 5Nos 60194500201730 4. Potassium Iodide Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 250g. 1No. 1.05043.0250 5. Potassium hydroxide Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 10Nos. 1.05033.0500 6. Copper foil Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 1No. 7. Rectified spirit 500ml 1000Nos 8. Absolute alcohol 500ml 1000Nos 9. Ferrous sulphate Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No 61868105001730 10. Sodium hydroxide pellets Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 10Nos 1.93102.0521 11. Glycerol purified Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 5Nos 61756005001730 12. Conc. Sulphuric acid 98% Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 2.5lit. 2Nos 1.93000.2521 13. Stannous chloride Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 100g. 2Nos 1.07815.0100 14. Phlorogucinol GR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 100g. 2Nos 10706901001730 15. Digitonin / Digitin Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 1No 16. Acetic anhydride Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 2Nos

17. Potassium sulphate GR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No 61777405001730 18. Resorcinol recrystal Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 250g. 2Nos 60759002501730 19. Boric acid Powder Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No 1.93409.0521 20. Fehling’s-A Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500mleach 50Nos. each 61779705001730 21. Lead acetate trihydrate GR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No 60737505001730 22. Zinc chloride dry purified Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 2Nos 61752905001730 23. Para rosolic acid Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 25g. 2Nos 24. p-Dimethyl amino benzaldehyde Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 100g. 2Nos GR 10305801001730 25. Sodium carbonate anhydrous Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No GR 61778705001730 26. 1,8- Dihydroxynapthalene-3,6- Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 1No disulphonic acid 27. Chloral hydrate SDFCL, 37668K05 500ml 2Nos Contd. Page/05

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28. Methyl red solution 0.01% Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 125ml 10Nos 61841301251730 29. Salicylic acid Pure Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 2Nos 61778505001730 30. Ammonium thiocynate GR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No 61773305001730 31. Ferric ammonium sulphate Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No dodecahydrate GR 61798505001730 32. Carmoisine Sigma Aldrich Company, Code 25gm 1No no-122 33. Tartrazine Sigma Aldrich Company, Code 25gm 1No no-102 35. Indigo carmine Sigma Aldrich Company, Code 25gm 1No no-132 36. Brilliant Blue FCF Sigma Company 25gm 1No 37. Fast Green FCF Sigma Aldrich Company, Code 25gm 1No no-143 38. Ponceau 4R Sigma Aldrich Company, Code 25gm 1No no-124 39. Erythrosine Sigma Aldrich Company 25gm 1No 40. Potassium Iodate GR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 100g. 1No 61790501001730 41. Sucrose pure Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 2Nos 61806905001730 42. Potassium dichromate AR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 2Nos 1.04864.0500 43. Potassium chromate GR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 1No 61775605001730 44. Bufffer solution Merck specialties Pvt. Ltd. pH-700 ECBU7BTEU 480ml 1No pH-4.01 ECBU4BTEU 480ml 1No pH-10.01 ECBU10BTEU 480ml 1No pH-1.68 ECBU1BTEU 480ml 1No pH-12.45 ECBU12BTEU 480ml 1No 45. Formaldehyde solution 37- Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 1No 41%GR 61783705001730 46. Acetone Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 10Nos 1.07031.0521 47. Xylene pure SDFCL, 20575L05 500ml 6nos 48. Chloroform AR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 10Nos 1.07024.0521 49. Phosphorous Pentoxide extra Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 250g. 5nos pure 10054002501730 50. Isobutanol Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 5Nos 82234505001730 51 Phenol purified GR Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 1No 61784705001730 52. Chloroacetic acid extra pure SDFCL, 37677K05 500ml 2Nos 53. Anhydrous aluminum oxide neutral Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500g. 2Nos 61768405001730 Contd,. Page No.06

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54. Bromothymol blue indicator Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 25g. 1No 61796500251730 55. Bromophenol indicator Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 25g. 1No 56. Cresol red indicator Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 25g. 1No 61814300251730 57. Propionic acid Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 5Nos 80060505001730 58. Storage solution for pH Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 480ml 1No electrode, ECRE005EU 59. 1413 Micro ohm / cm KCl Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 480ml 1No Calibration solution for ECCON1413BTEU conductivity / TDS meter 60. Fehling’s-B Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. 500ml 50Nos 61779805001730 61. Absorbent Cotton 500gm. 25Nos. 62. Tissue paper 14.5cmx9cm 9100 ------50Nos. pages each packet)

N.B.- All product no. given in the column no 3 expressed as per Lab. Essentials Price List 2012-13 of Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd. except sl, no. 7, 8 ,27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 47,& 52 which are bellowing to SDFCL, Sigma Company etc.

Sd. illegible

Director of Family Welfare & P.M Government of Tripura, Agartala TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION QUOTED BY THE FIRM IN RESPECT OF PURCHASE OF INSTRUMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2015-16 VIDE NO. F.VII (47)/RFL-09 dated ------/7/2015.

------Name of the Supplier/Distributor / Manufacturer and Address:- ,,, ------Submitted Tender paper in 2 bids, namely ‘Technical bid and financial bid’ separately :-

1. Attested copy of PAN Card :-

2. Up to date Sales Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) :-

3. Valid quality assurance certificate like ISI/ISO/BIS or any other approved standard :- 4. Up to date valid Trade License in respect of authorized distributor/supplier:-

5. Up to date Income Tax Clearance Certificate (IT). :-

6. Upto date manufacturing license of respective manufacture:-

7. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.10, 000/- only:-

8. List of items detailed specification and name of manufacturer, quoted by bidder :-

9. Any pre condition laid down by the firm :- Signature

Tender Enquiry No. F.VII (47)/RFL-09

Dated……. /2015

Sign of Bidder Page ------

Declaration by the Bidder:

1. This is to certify that I/We before signing this tender have read and fully understood all the terms and conditions contained in Tender document regarding terms & condition of the contract, rules regarding Purchase of Visible Spectrophotometer, Funke Gerber(for analysis of Milk) & . I/we agree to abide them.

2. No other charges would be payable by Client and there would be no increase in rates during the Contract period.

(Signature of Bidder with seal)

Place:………………………………… Date:………………………………… Name : Seal : Address:

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