Assumption of the Virgin Mary s4
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July 24, 2011
ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE AND NEW ROME 1301 Newport Avenue Northampton, Pennsylvania 18067 V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha, Rector Dc. Mychail Sawarynski
Telephones: Church Office…(610) 262-2882 Church Fax/Kitchen/Hall…(610) 262-0552 Fr. Bazyl’s Residence… (610) 882-2488 Dc. Mychail’s Residence… (610) 262-3876 Websites: E-mail: Parish… [email protected] Fr. Bazyl…[email protected] Dc. Mychail… [email protected]
24 (11th)) July, 2011
Commemoration of the Miracle (451) of Great-martyr EUPHEMIA the All-praised, of Chalcedon (+304). Blessed Equal-to-the-Apostles OLHA, princess of Kyiv, in holy baptism called HELEN (69).
Rom. 12, 6-14 2 Cor. 6, 1-10 Mt. 9, 1-8 Lk. 7, 36-50 PROPERS FOR THE DIVINE LITURGY:
Resurrection Tropar, Tone 5 Let us, the faithful, praise and worship the Word, co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, born for our salvation of the Virgin. In His Good Will He was lifted up on the Cross in the flesh to suffer death and to raise the dead by His glorious Resurrection.
Tropar of the church, Tone 1 In giving birth, you preserved your virginity. In falling asleep you did not forsake the world, Birth-Giver of God. You were translated to life, Mother of Life, and through your prayers you deliver our souls from death.
Tropar of the saint, Tone 1 Having fixed your mind with the wings of divine understanding, you flew to the One Who surpasses visible creation. Having found God, the Creator of All, you received rebirth through Baptism. Ever Glorious Ol’ha, you satisfied yourself with the Tree of Life and abide forever incorrupt.
Glory… Kondak of the Resurrection, Tone 5 You descended into Hades, my Saviour, destroying its gates as the Almighty, resurrecting the dead as Creator and destroying the sting of death. You have delivered Adam from the curse, Lover of all Mankind. Therefore, we all cry out to You: Lord, save us.
Now and ever… Bohorodychnyi, Tone 5 Rejoice, Impassible Gateway of the Lord. Rejoice, Wall and Protection for those who take refuge in you. Rejoice, Haven untroubled by storms. Rejoice, you who have not known wedlock, yet gave birth in the flesh to your Creator and God. Fail not in your prayers on behalf of those who venerate and praise your birth-giving.
Prokimen, Tone 5 You, O Lord, shall protect us and preserve us from this generation forever. Verse: O Lord, save me for there is no longer any righteous man.
Alleluia verses, Tone 5 Of Your mercies O Lord, I will sing forever; unto generation and generation I will proclaim Your truth with my mouth. You have said: Mercy will be established forever and My truth will be prepared in the heavens.
Sun. 24 (11th) July SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Tone 5 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy
Mon. 25 (12th) July 7th week of Pentecost. Martyrs Proclus and Hillary of Ancyra (II cent.). Martyrs Theodore and his son John of Kyiv (983). 1 Cor. 5, 9 – 6, 11 Mt. 13, 54-58
Tue. 26 (13th) July Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel. St. Stephen of St. Sabbas’ Monastery (794). 1 Cor. 6, 20 – 7, 12 Mt. 14, 1-13
Wed. 27 (14th) July Apostle Aquila of the Seventy and St. Priscilla (I cent.). Fast Day: Wine & Oil Martyrs Cyricus and his mother Julitta of Tarsus (305). 1 Cor. 7, 12-24 Mt. 14, 35 – 15, 11
Thu. 28 (14th) July Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Volodymyr (in holy baptism Basil), enlightener of Kyivan Rus’ (1015). 1 Cor. 7, 24-35 Mt. 15, 12-21
Fri. 29 (15th) July Hieromartyr Athenogenes, bishop of Heracleopolis, and his ten Fast Day disciples (311). Martyrs Paul and two sisters, Chionia (Thea) and Alectina (Valentina), at Caesaraea in Palestine (308). 1 Cor. 7, 35 – 8, 7 Mt. 15, 29-31
Sat. 30 (16th) July Great-martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch in Pisidia (IV cent.). Rom. 12, 1-3 Mt. 10, 37 – 11, 1 5:00 p.m. Great Vespers
Sun. 31 (17th) July SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Tone 6 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy
NECROLOGY: 24 July… Paul Nazar (’88) 25 July… John Arndt (’88), Fr. Jacob Kosteckyj (’78) 27 July… Andrew Krayowsky (’64) 28 July… Wolodymyr Zherebecky (’27), Stephen Yaremchuk (’96), Fr. Joseph Kreta (’78) 29 July… John Zadubera (’48) 30 July… Ilia Kubalo (’31), Fr. Dmytro Leschyshyn (’85), Agrippina Radchuk (’68) 31 July… Alex Kereb (’87), Kathryn Sawka (’04), Andrij Haschenko (’96)
BIRTHDAYS: 24 July… Anne Dworakivsky 25 July… Xenia Sheska, Beth Seremula 26 July… Sean Nehmeh 30 July… Rosemarie Pypiuk
ANNIVERSARIES: 30 July… Michael & Martha Misko
WE PRAY FOR THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF: Michael Smallen, Anna Pristash, Thea Scioscia, Emma Krasnopera, Mary Kereb, Donna Keslosky, John Hnatow, Pauline Bollent, John Hewko, James Osmun, Walter & Tessie Kuchinos, Stanley & Stephania Teply, Brendan Phillips, Mikhail Rudchuk, Jessie Hnatow, Stella Antolick, Anna Hewko, Catherine Fedorishen, Jessica Meashock, Martha Marakovits, Anna Blum, Mary Doncsecz, Pamela Monfeli.
NOTIFICATION FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL: The year 2011/12 will mark the celebration of our parish’ 90th anniversary. We will begin this commemorative year on Sunday, 25 September, 2011. His Eminence Archbishop ANTONY will celebrate the Archiepiscopal Divine Liturgy which will be followed by a parish luncheon in the church hall. Details will be forthcoming, we simply ask that you mark this date in your calendars and encourage your families to participate in this most solemn day.
THE SECOND COLLECTION through the spring and summer is dedicated towards our parish’ cemetery fund. CLOTHING DRIVE for orphanages and the homeless shelters in Ukraine will is being held in the parish hall for the month of July. Please bring used clothing that is in good shape, from infant sizes up to senior types. They will be shipped to Ukraine free of charge. We are collecting pants, dresses, blouses, gloves, scarves, sweaters, coats, etc. Please see Melanie Unger if you have any questions.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FOR WORK AT THE FOOD BANK. There is a sign-up sheet in the church hall. See Kathy Crayosky after liturgy.
GIANT SUPERMARKET COUPONS: Martha Dowling has coupons for sale at $25.00, $50.00, $100.00. 5% of the profits will go to the church.
NORTHAMPTON FOODBANK DONATIONS: there continues to be a dire need for foodstuffs to assist our neighbors. As you know, our parish’ remit from the food bank is to contribute baby-food, but any other non-perishables will be accepted gladly. There is a cupboard for the collection of donations in the church hall.
OCMC AGAPE DONATIONS: $43.00. Thank you for your support of Orthodox missions. Your efforts are yielding great results around the world.
NEXT JR. U.O.L. meeting Sunday, August 14th.
SUMMER COFFEE HOURS: Sr. U.O.L. is asking parishioners to sponsor a coffee hour for summer months (JUNE 26th to SEPT. 4th) Coffee will be prepared. All you need to do is bring baked goods and clean up. Proceeds go to St. Anthony’s Mission in New Mexico.