History 1301, American History to 1877

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History 1301, American History to 1877



Course Number: Biology 1407

Course Title: Biology for Science Majors II

Course Description: Lecture: The diversity and classification of life will be studied, including animals, plants, protists, fungi, and prokaryotes. Special emphasis will be given to anatomy, physiology, ecology, and evolution of plants and animals. Dissection included. Lab: Laboratory activities will reinforce study of the diversity and classification of life, including animals, plants, protists, fungi, and prokaryotes. Special emphasis will be given to anatomy, physiology, ecology, and evolution of plants and animals. Dissection included.

Course Credit Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3

Prerequisite: Biology 1406

Student Learning Outcomes:  State-mandated Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will: Lecture 1. Describe modern evolutionary synthesis, natural selection, population genetics, micro and macroevolution, and speciation. 2. Describe phylogenetic relationships and classification schemes. 3. Identify the major phyla of life with an emphasis on plants and animals, including the basis for classification, structural and physiological adaptations, evolutionary history, and ecological significance. 4. Describe basic animal physiology and homeostasis as maintained by organ systems. 5. Compare different sexual and asexual life cycles noting their adaptive advantages. 6. Illustrate the relationship between major geologic change, extinctions, and evolutionary trends. Lab 1. Apply scientific reasoning to investigate questions, and utilize scientific tools such as microscopes and laboratory equipment to collect and analyze data. (Teamwork) 2. Use critical thinking and scientific problem-solving to make informed decisions in the laboratory. (Critical Thinking Skills) 3. Communicate effectively the results of scientific investigations. (Communication Skills) 4. Demonstrate knowledge of modern evolutionary synthesis, natural selection, population genetics, micro and macroevolution, and speciation. (Empirical and Quantitative Skills) 5. Distinguish between phylogenetic relationships and classification schemes. 6. Identify the major phyla of life with an emphasis on plants and animals, including the basis for classification, structural and physiological adaptations, evolutionary history, and ecological significance. 7. Describe basic animal physiology and homeostasis as maintained by organ systems. 8. Compare different sexual and asexual life cycles noting their adaptive advantages. 1 9. Illustrate the relationship between major geologic change, extinctions, and evolutionary trends.

Withdrawal Policy: See the current Collin Registration Guide for last day to withdraw.

Collin College Academic Policies: See the current Collin Student Handbook.

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: Collin College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, SCC-D140 or 972.881.5898 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) to arrange for appropriate accommodations. See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional information.

Instructor’s Name: Elizabeth Felker Office Number: F229 Office Hours: By appointment only Monday-Friday 8am -5pm Phone Number: 972-377-1581

Email: [email protected] This is the best way to communicate with me

CLASS INFORMATION Section Number: P1L Meeting Times: MTWR 10:10 am-12:10 pm Meeting Location: F231

Course Resources: Course Resources: Exploring Biology in the Laboratory, 1st edition: Customized for Collin College, Pendarvis and Crawley


REQUIRED Safety Goggles and gloves are required during lab. These can be purchased from the bookstore. Loose-leaf notebook to keep lab reports and handouts

Recommended Labcoat or apron, if desired, for some labs

Attendance Policy: Laboratory attendance is mandatory. If a student misses a lab or one of the practical exams, they can make-up the exam only after approval of the lab instructor (see details in the next paragraphs). Instructors cannot count one practical exam grade twice. Contact your instructor immediately if you miss a class or a practical. Students who stop attending class and do not officially withdraw from the course will be assigned a grade of “F”.

Missing the first lab meeting: Students that miss the first day of the lab are required to view the “Starting with Safety” DVD in the Science Den prior to being permitted to attend the next lab. The Science Den staff will supply the student with the DVD to watch and with a confirmation note to return to their instructor to verify completion.

Lab Make-ups: If you need to miss a lab for an appropriate and documented reason (for example: illness requiring a doctor’s visit, death in the family, College related athletics and activities) you must contact the instructor as soon as possible. You may only make-up the lab during the same week by attending another section with prior approval from both the instructor of the lab you will be attending and your original lab instructor (arrangements can be made ONLY by the lab instructors). If you miss a lab and do not

2 contact the instructor in an appropriate timeframe in order to attend a make-up lab you will receive a zero for all quizzes and assignments missed and/or not turned in on time.

Practical Exam Make-ups: For any practical exam make-up to be approved, students must provide their instructor with documentation verifying that the nature of their absence was for an acceptable reason. Please note: a practical make-up will be approved ONLY for legitimate reasons. Every request for a make-up should be accompanied by appropriate documentation. Arriving late or unprepared for the exam will not qualify for a make-up approval. The make-up practical will be a comprehensive practical at the end of the semester (during final exam week).

In addition: The lab doors are locked for security reasons and they will only be opened for the first 5 minutes of class. Class will start on time. If you are late you will miss whatever activity that takes place at the beginning of class (review before quiz, quiz, bonus activities or introduction to lab activity). If you are late you can join the class only when the activity we started is over. Students who will miss lab due to an illness, emergency, or previously scheduled engagement must email me ASAP. If you miss lab, and do not email me, I will not allow you to attend another later lab sessions. If you miss lab due to illness a note from your doctor must be presented.

LATERAL TRANSFER POLICY Lateral transfers will not be granted after the 4th week of class or after the first exam, whichever comes first. Exceptions to this are for documented changes in work schedule or family emergencies. If a student does transfer to another section, all previous grades will accompany the student. However, the new instructor can require the student to retake any exam or quiz. For questions concerning this policy, contact the Biology Department Chair.

Additional Student Learning Outcomes: Scholastic Dishonesty Every member of the Collin College community is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Collin College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. For more details on Academic Dishonesty - Please see section 7-2.2 of the Collin Student Handbook".

Method of Evaluation: Overall course grade: Lecture 70%, lab 30% Lab: 3 practical exams - 20% each Quizzes - 20% of lab grade Lab reports - 20% of lab grade Lab Reports –will be due throughout the semester. Guidelines are outlined in the lab manual, and in handouts provided by the instructor. Reports must be written using college-level writing, and are due at the beginning of the class period on the date they are due. If lab reports are not turned in at the BEGINNING of class on the day they are due, they are considered late, and I will not accept late work.

Weekly Quizzes –will be given daily and will usually involve material that has been covered in any previous lab session or the lab being covered that day. Quizzes will be administered at the beginning of class, 5 minutes after class officially begins. Missed quizzes due to documented reasons may be made-up. However, being late to the quiz will result in a zero.

Practical Exams – (3) are hands-on, and will involve questions covering topics discussed in the lab. Being late constitutes missing the practical, which cannot be made up due to tardiness. If you miss a practical due to illness a note from your doctor must be presented. In order to attend lab closed toe shoes must be worn at all times, included practical exams


Week Dates LABORATORY TOPICS EXERCISES 1 6/8 Lab Orientation/ Lab Saftey Handouts 6/9 Population Genetics and Evolution, 13,15 Evolutionary Mechanisms 6/10 Classification 16 6/11 Protists 19 Census day 2 6/15 Review 6/16 Practical Exam I 6/17 Nonvascular plants 20 6/18 Seedless plants 21

3 6/22 Gymnosperms and Angiosperms 22,23 6/23 Stems, Roots, and Leaves 24 Last day to withdraw 6/24 Fungi 25 6/25 Review 4 6/29 Practical Exam II 6/30 Animal Planet Invertebrates 27,28 7/1 Animal Planet Ecdysozoans and 29,30 Deutrostomes 7/2 Animal Planet Chordates, Animal 30,26 Organization 5 7/6 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, 33 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems 7/7 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, 34,37 Digestive and Urinary Systems, Ecology 7/8 Practical Exam III

4 Addendum to Syllabus: Everyone in this class is responsible for creating a positive educational environment. Participation in class is strongly encouraged and often leads to discussions which broaden everyone’s perspective. Respect your fellow students by being punctual and by being attentive as they participate.

Your work should be collegiate in nature. Neat papers, legible writing, and thoughtful answers are expected on every assignment. Disorganized or illegible work will not be accepted and will be assigned a grade of zero (0).

You should expect to spend time outside of class preparing for each lab by reading the appropriate chapters in the textbook before coming to class. I will expect you to come to class each week prepared to discuss the material being covered, and may give a quiz or assignment on material being covered that day.

Powerpoint slides of my lectures will be posted on my website throughout the semester. These slides are NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR ATTENDING CLASS, but are merely a list of talking points I will expound upon during the lecture. Posting these slides is done as a courtesy and may be discontinued at any time. Please do not email me through this website or Blackboard, as I do not check email there. Emails should be sent directly to [email protected].


______Your First and Last Name:

______Your Biology lecture instructor

______What is your major and why are you taking this course?

______When are lab reports due?

______Do I allow work to be turned in late?

______Can you eat a grilled cheese sandwich in lab?

According to my website complete the following statements: 1.“Please email me any time during the week with questions. During the weekdays if you don’t get an email back from me with in ______I didn’t get it and you will need to resend. I do not check emails over the ______.

2. “Because grades ______fully be calculated until I receive all of your assignments, I cannot give you an accurate current standing grade. Keep all of your assignments, and it should be easy to keep track of where you stand in the course.”

5 ______Are open-toed shoes allowed in the Biology 1407/1409 lab during practical examinations?

______Are open-toed shoes ever allowed in the Biology 1407/1409 lab?

______At what time are quizzes given and what topic will they cover?

______What will happen if you are late to a quiz?

______What will need to be provided to me in order to make-up a lab session, quiz, report, or practical?

I have read and understood the contents of this syllabus. I realize if there is ever a question about the content of this syllabus, I am to see Professor Felker for clarification. I also realize I can download a replacement copy of the syllabus from Professor Felker’s Website.

Students Signature and date


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