Desoto County Board of Supervisors s1

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Desoto County Board of Supervisors s1




March 18, 2013


The March 18, 2013 meeting of the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors was called to order by Supervisor Mark Gardner, Board President.

Sheriff Bill Rasco of the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Department was present and opened the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors meeting in a regular session to hear all business before the Board of Supervisors. The following officials were present:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin District 1 Supervisor Mark Gardner District 2 Supervisor Bill Russell District 3 Supervisor Lee Caldwell District 4 Supervisor Harvey Lee District 5 Sheriff Bill Rasco Sheriff W. E. Sluggo Davis Chancery Clerk Vanessa Lynchard County Administrator Tony Nowak Board Attorney


Supervisor Lee Caldwell presented the invocation.



Mr. R. G. Moore said that Rolling Thunder Mississippi Chapter #2 will join SSG ® Salvatore Giunta, first living Medal of Honor recipient since the Vietnam War in hosting the Medal of Honor Ride. The ride will be June 8, 2013. Mr. Moore introduced Nancy J. Rouse, Secretary for the organization.

Ms. Rouse thanked the Board of Supervisors for their time and their past contributions. She said there will be approximately 1,000 motorcycles coming into the County to participate in this fundraising event.

Ms. Rouse said the Fisher House started as an organization for military families who needed a place to live during rehabilitation. They now have facilities throughout the United States. It now helps soldiers in transition waiting for delayed paychecks, assists with meals, hotels, airline tickets and maintaining the buildings and building new facilities.

Ms. Rouse said together they can make a difference in the lives of men and women of our Armed Forces who have been wounded in the global war on terror. Ms. Rouse said the mission is to keep government accountable for MIA’s and to help soldiers and their families.

The Fisher House and the Defenders of Freedom are both registered with 501(c)(3) tax deductible status. All proceeds of the event will be donated to The Fisher House and the Defenders of Freedom.

Ms. Rouse said there is a high level of sponsorship. She said a sponsor can participate with their name on a t-shirt, their name on a banner, their name on the program and many other opportunities. She said they receive sponsorship from 95 The Rebel who provides a lot of advertising, Clear Channel, Rock 103 and others. ____ 14 3/18/2013 M.G. Supervisor Lee Caldwell said this is a great cause and she has seen it in action during Desert Storm.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if families stay in the houses if someone is in Afghanistan. Ms. Rouse said yes.

Supervisor Mark Gardner said he appreciated the service they are providing for our soldiers.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to approve donating $1,000 from Advertising County Resources to Chapter 2 Rolling Thunder for the Medal of Honor Ride being held on June 8, 2013, based upon finding the activity brings into favorable notice the opportunities, possibilities, and resources of the county, and further, that such advertisement will be helpful toward advancing the “moral, financial and other interests” of the County.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

Mr. Moore thanked Sheriff Bill Rasco for providing support for the motorcycles from the Landers Center to Sam’s Town.

See Exhibit D


Supervisor Mark Gardner asked if there was anyone who wished to add or delete items to the Agenda.

1.) Chief Financial Officer Tom Arnold requested adding a Late Bill for Fuelman.

2.) Sheriff Bill Rasco requested to work with the Board Attorney on policies and procedures for the jail administration for the Sheriff’s Department.

3.) Sheriff Bill Rasco requested to work with the Board Attorney on policies and procedures for Search and Rescue operations by the Sheriff’s Department.

4.) Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked the County Administrator if she heard from the Food Pantry in Olive Branch.

5.) County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said there has been a change in the Homestead process with the State Tax Commission. She requested hiring the Board Attorney to seek an Attorney General’s opinion.

6.) Ms. Lynchard requested adding an item of property acquisition for consideration for a possible executive session discussion.

7.) Ms. Lynchard requested deleting item number H.4.b, the contract with Stericycle, Biomedical Waste Services Agreement for the Eudora Fire Department.

8.) Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis said he would also like to discuss the change in the process for Homestead.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Lee Caldwell seconded the motion to approve the Agenda with the additions and deletions as set forth above.

The motion passed by a vote as follows: ____ 15 3/18/2013 M.G. Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

1. Chief Financial Officer Tom Arnold requested adding a Late Bill for Fuelman.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Lee Caldwell seconded the motion to approve the late bill for Fuelman in the amount of $40.73.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

See Exhibit E.1

2. Sheriff Bill Rasco requested to work with the Board Attorney on policies and procedures for insurance for the Sheriff’s Department.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve hiring the Smith, Phillips, Mitchell, Scott and Nowak Law Firm, to work on policies and procedures for the jail administration for the Sheriff’s Department.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

3. Sheriff Bill Rasco requested to work with the Board Attorney on policies and procedures for insurance for Search and Rescue.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve hiring the Smith, Phillips, Mitchell, Scott and Nowak Law Firm, to work on policies and procedures for Search and Rescue operations by the Sheriff’s Department.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

4. Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked the County Administrator if she heard from the Food Pantry in Olive Branch.

Ms. Lynchard said they are still working with Road Manager Andy Swims. She said the people at the Food Pantry are very complimentary about Mr. Swims.

5. County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said there has been a change in the Homestead process with the State Tax Commission. She requested hiring the Board Attorney to seek an Attorney General’s opinion.

____ 16 3/18/2013 M.G. Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis explained that the Department of Revenue is denying Homesteads for several reasons.

Board Attorney Tony Nowak said the statute supersedes the rules established by the Department of Revenue. However, it appears the Department of Revenue is not following the statutes nor their own rules.

Chancery Clerk Administrator Misty Heffner said there is no way to track whether a surviving spouse remains entitled to Homesteads. She said the state sent a list of deaths and directed them to notify the people to see if they qualify. Ms. Heffner said they did notify the people but they only have the name of the applicant for Homestead. She said they sent about 400 letters and some did not qualify and some did qualify. Ms. Heffner explained ambiguities with the process and the state form is causing a lot of confusion for taxpayers and the law is contradictory.

Mr. Davis said the state says they will change the letter next year. Ms. Heffner said the letter reflected the Board of Supervisors information instead of the Chancery Clerk and that caused a lot of confusion.

Supervisor Mark Gardner suggested seeking an Attorney General’s opinion. Mr. Nowak said there are issues that would justify seeking an AG opinion.

Supervisor Medlin asked Mr. Davis if residents are losing the $300 exemption. Mr. Davis said yes, some are.

Supervisor Bill Russell said he did not understand who is supposed to be handling this situation. He asked if the Chancery Clerk’s office or the Tax Assessor’s office should be handling these issues with Homesteads. Ms. Lynchard said that Mr. Davis and Mr. Pickle disagree on who should be handling this issue.

Supervisor Russell asked why the letter did not list both spouses. Ms. Heffner said there is no room on the form for both names. Mr. Nowak said it is a state form. Ms. Heffner said the state has to send a letter to their office if there is a mistake.

Supervisor Russell suggested seeking help from our Legislators with this matter.

Supervisor Mark Gardner asked if the Board should authorize the Board Attorney to work with the Chancery Clerk to clarify these questions.

Supervisor Medlin said most people’s homes are in both names. He asked if we could work with the state to make a change that has both names on the form. Supervisor Medlin said he agreed with Supervisor Russell on requesting assistance from the Legislators. Mr. Nowak said this is a Department of Revenue issue but the Legislators may be able to provide some assistance.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve writing a letter to the Department of Revenue regarding issues with the current Homestead form.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Jessie Medlin seconded the motion to hire the Smith, Phillips, Mitchell, Scott and Nowak Law Firm to work with the Chancery Clerk and Tax Assessor to change the form to include both spouses and to seek an Attorney General’s opinion as needed.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

____ 17 3/18/2013 M.G. Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

Ms. Lynchard said an Attorney General’s opinion is not likely to resolve the issue but will give us something to take to the state.

6. Ms. Lynchard requested adding an item of property acquisition for consideration for a possible executive session discussion - This item was later determined to qualify for executive session.

7. Ms. Lynchard requested deleting item number H.4.b, the contract with Stericycle, Biomedical Waste Services Agreement for the Eudora Fire Department. This item was deleted from the Agenda.

8. Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis said he would also like to discuss the change in the process for Homestead. This item was discussed under item E.5.


The Board of Supervisors considered the following items on the meeting’s Consent Agenda.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin clarified that item number 4 is in reference to the issue that occurred in the Planning Department and that this is to extend or reissue the permit.

Planning Director Ted Garrod said that is correct.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve the actions set forth in Consent Agenda as follows:

1. Office of Finance and Accounting

a. Budget Amendments - Detailed in Exhibit 1

b. Request for Transfer of Sheriff Seized Funds

2. Establish as Part of the Formal Record and Enter into the Board’s Minutes a. Resolution of Appreciation for the DeSoto County School District b. Interlocal Agreement with Tunica County, MS for Digital Orthophotography

3. Department of Road Management a. Additions to Official DeSoto County Map and Register b. Monthly Safety Report

4. Planning Department: Request to apply for Building Permit fee paid for Permit Number 2007-28 to Building Permit issued to Jerry Robertson at 5825 Austin Road

5. Chancery Clerk’s Office a. Objections to Homesteads

March 12, 2013

Please accept this OBJECTION on the following names and parcel numbers. According to the Department of Revenue with the State of Mississippi, these are homestead notice of adjustments (Code 5) where the homestead applicant and or spouse are not a natural person. The Dept of Revenue has verified this means that one or the other are deceased, but have not been removed from the homestead application that is of record in the DeSoto County Chancery Clerk’s Office as well as the Department of Revenue’s office. The Chancery Clerk’s office has notified these landowners about this issue and they have complied with the requirements that were asked by the Dept. of Revenue and have also signed a new ____ 18 3/18/2013 M.G. 2013 homestead application to update their homestead record. By accepting this OBJECTION, the taxpayer listed below will receive their homestead credit for the 2012 tax year and WILL NOT be disallowed.

AARON, JAMES E 3073 0602 22.00 ALFORD, WALTER ELMER 2084 2000 17.01 BACCHUS, TANZIE G 3063 0800 40.00 BAXTER, RAYMOND O 2062 0902 13.00 BECKWORTH, JOHN C 3074 1711 33.00 BLAIR, ERNEST M 4086 1302 215.00 BLOODWORTH, CHARLES W 1097 3601 202.00 BOONE, BILLY D 3073 0717 169.00 CHANEY, JAMES J 1075 2207 132.00 CLARK, HENRY 3081 0102 19.00 CLARK, JOHN W 1078 2707 105.00 COLE, ROBERT L 1064 1701 65.00 COLLINS, MELVIN B 1078 2702 6.00 COVELLI, PETER L 1068 2816 11.00 DAWKINS, ELAN W 2062 0900 4.00 DICKERSON, WILLIAM 3081 1278 4 75.00 FRASER, DONALD J 1069 3012 181.00 FORD, ROBERT M JR 2066 1401 53.00 HACKNEY, BOBBY B 1079 3001 1343.00 HAJOSTEK, JOSEPH C. 1079 3104 156.00 HALE, DON 2074 1901 17.00 HENSLEY, RICK 2068 3402 10.00 HOLBROOK, JAMES A 1084 2007 64.00 HOLT, JAMES S 1074 1907 1164.00 HUDSON, DARRELL K 2074 1802 6.00 HUNT, DOYCE E 1069 3100 14.00 JENKINS, WALTER P 2076 2301 105.00 KRUPCZNSKI, JAMES P 1068 3455 3 165.00 NEWTON, BILLY 2076 2304 475.00 PARRISH, HAROLD F 1097 2601 108.00 PENN, HARVEY G JR 1086 2404 337.00 PIKE, HERSHAL H JR 1086 2310 848.00 POSEY, JAMES E 1059 3203 111.00 RILEY, WILLIE L JR 3093 0601 184.00 SANDERS, BILLY ROGER 2072 0312 337.00 SHACKLEFORD, GERALD C SR 4081 1100 8.01 SMITH, JOHN T 1085 2207 1782.00 SMITH, WILLIAM WAYNE 1097 3601 211.00 SPARKS, JIMMY O 1069 2906 226.00 STRAIT, PAUL EDWIN 1069 3207 51.00 STRINGFELLOW, REUBEN F 3082 1001 12.00 TERRY, WILLIAM E 2083 0801 10.00 THOMAS , PEGGY 3094 1801 56.00 TOWLE, LAVERNE 2076 2301 132.00 TOWNSLEY, JOHNNY R 2075 2204 46.00 TRAYLOR, LOUIS E 1064 1701 21.00 WAGGENER , FRANK W 2083 0800 3.00 WELCH, WILLIAM S 2072 0313 423.00 WHEELER, CLARENCE JOSEPH 1074 1907 1189.00 WILLIAMS, GEREN E 1059 3204 66.00 WILSON, ROBERT 3086 1400 17.00 WRIGHT, ALBERT 2081 0105 2090.00

b. Chancery Allowance (1) - $2,116.66

12. Sheriff’s Office: Approval to Jail Sign Design

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

See Exhibit G


1. Siemens Performance Report

Chris McNeil of Siemens Industries appeared before the Board of Supervisors to discuss issues with the chiller units and areas in certain buildings that are not adequately heated.

Mr. McNeil said he would like to start with the courthouse and discuss Chancery Clerk Sluggo Davis’ concerns. Mr. McNeil said the courthouse was a struggle. They had to work around employees and the public and it was tough to do with people in the building. Mr. McNeil said ____ 19 3/18/2013 M.G. some of the problem is that the courthouse is such an old building.

Mr. Davis told Mr. McNeil that Siemens knew that going into this project.

Supervisor Mark Gardner said we cannot shut down government when it is just not working properly.

Mr. McNeil said he understood it had been better the past couple of weeks. Mr. Davis said yes, it was better.

Supervisor Gardner said the outside temperature was in the 20’s at the last Board meeting.

Facilities Management Director Tony Martin said the units start to heat at 4:00 a.m. and it does take a while to catch up, especially when the temperature is so low.

Mr. McNeil said a majority of the issue occurs when the outside temperature is really cold. He said part of the cost savings is to turn the thermostats lower after hours and it takes a long time for them to catch up when it is so cold. He said instead of setting them back so far, they could set it to 65 degrees and they would not run into as many issues. He said we want to make sure everyone is comfortable. Mr. McNeil said everyone has his cell phone number.

Supervisor Harvey Lee said there are two chillers and only one is running. He asked what is going to happen when the temperatures outside get hotter. He also asked why the chillers were in alarm status all night long.

Supervisor Gardner asked who is responsible locally. He said he is concerned that the previous Board was sold on a more efficient system. He said if setting the thermostats lower at night is the only cost savings, we could have done that with a programmable thermostat.

Mr. McNeil said setting them back at night is a cost savings but also there is a savings during the day when the systems is running because it is much more efficient than the old system.

Sheriff Bill Rasco said he hoped the temperature is not cut back in the Sheriff’s facilities because theirs is 24/7. Sheriff Rasco said the Juvenile Detention Center does have some areas that are uncomfortable and there are other hot and cold pockets in the Jail.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin told Mr. McNeil that he questioned the system originally and voted against it the first 2-3 steps into the project. Supervisor Medlin said he voted yes for the contract for the system with Siemens. Supervisor Medlin said he knows some of the money for the system is grant money but that money is also taxpayer money in addition to local money.

Supervisor Gardner asked Mr. Tony Martin if he is satisfied with the remedies recommended by Siemens. Mr. Martin said he feels confident they can resolve the issues with the heat. He said the issues in the Administration Building are on track.

Supervisor Lee asked why two chillers stayed in alarm mode. Supervisor Lee said he wants them operational and does not want employees have to get calls at night. He also asked why the chillers were losing water flow.

Mr. McNeil said by taking the temperature down in the building, it decreases the water flow.

Mr. Davis said there is improvement since Friday afternoon when one of his employees had to wear a jacket.

Mr. McNeil said he would like to go home and get clothes and come back to Hernando and stay until the issues are resolved. Mr. McNeil said he would like to have the issues resolved by the next Board Meeting.

Supervisor Lee said he is upset about the breaks in the piping. Mr. McNeil said there was a hairline break in the first pipe and an installation issue with the second pipe.

Supervisor Gardner said there have been two catastrophic failures. Mr. Martin said one was at the ____ 20 3/18/2013 M.G. courthouse and one was at the Sheriff’s Department.

County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said one of the issues was actually with Hernando water. It was not an issue with Siemens. Siemens Project Manager Corey Carter said there is a test to show whether it was chiller water and, thus a chiller problem, but the test could have been thrown off because the water was coming from the ground.

Supervisor Lee said you really cannot tell where the water is coming from until you dig a hole in the ground.

Supervisor Gardner said he agreed with Mr. McNeil to come back to Hernando and remain onsite until the issues are resolved. He said we need to make sure the offices and buildings are comfortable for the constituents and employees.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell said we need to remember to not use space heaters because it will affect the air going through the vents.

Mr. McNeil said fans will not affect the air like the heaters. Mr. McNeil told Supervisor Medlin that he appreciated his support and the fact that his name is connected to the project. He thanked the other Board members as well and asked for the opportunity to come back and have the issue resolved by the next Board meeting.

Supervisor Bill Russell said he is concerned about comfort but he is also concerned about guarantees on the cost savings. He said this is more complicated than he previously thought. Supervisor Russell said Siemens could come back the end of the year and say there is no cost savings due to having to raise the temperature on weekends and at night in certain facilities. Supervisor Russell asked if Siemens would provide the county a written document saying that they will cover the extra expenses.

Mr. McNeil said this is an engineering issue which is on Siemens and not DeSoto County. He said the warranty and cost savings will not be void due to increasing the nighttime and weekend temperatures.

Supervisor Russell said he would still like something in writing to that affect from Siemens.

County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said after Siemens realized there was an issue in January, they were really responsive and stepped up to fix the problem. Ms. Lynchard said Tony Martin has spent a lot of time on this issue as well.

Supervisor Mark Gardner asked the status of the alarms. Mr. Martin said he receives alarms by email during the night and weekends.

Supervisor Medlin said this project issue is similar to the Starlanding Road project. Andy Swims spent a lot of time working on issues with it when he could have been working on other projects. It takes a lot of time from the day to day work. Mr. McNeil said he appreciated the time Tony has spent on the project and he appreciated the Board giving him the opportunity to make it right.

2. Board Attorney a. Swinnea Road

Board Attorney Tony Nowak said the County agreed to cost sharing the design and engineering on the Swinnea Road project with the City of Southaven. The City is asking for the County to cost share on the property title work as part of the design and engineering. The total is $2,000 which will be split with each entity paying $1,000 for their share.

Supervisor Mark Gardner made the motion Lee Caldwell seconded the motion to pay one half the cost of the title work as part of the design and engineering on Swinnea Road.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

____ 21 3/18/2013 M.G. Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES b. Valleybrook Bridge ROW – Authority to write check

Board Attorney Tony Nowak said an agreement has been reached on one of four right of ways for the Valleybrook Bridge project. The property owner is Valleybrook Fellowship Church.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve the issuing a check for $400 to Valleybrook Fellowship Church as part of the the Valleybrook Bridge right of way acquisitions.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES


1. DeSoto Industries Report

County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said last week DeSoto Industries had an open house and she wanted to give the Board an update. Ms. Lynchard said they wanted to let companies know that DeSoto Industries is available and can help cut costs by using their clients to work for them.

Michelle Houston of DeSoto Industries thanked the Board of Supervisors for allowing her to appear. She said DeSoto Industries has been in existence for 20 years. She said currently they have 52 clients with intellectual and development disabilities. She said they like to encourage their different passions and develop their job skills so they can transition to work in the community. They work at places such as Walmart, fast food restaurants and other places.

Ms. Houston said they currently have clients employed at Valvoline, Batesville Casket, Marrietta, Voter Registration, NEPA, Phillips Lighting and others.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if they work out of the facilities. Ms. Houston said yes. She said they pick up and deliver. There is facility at 166 South Street. She said there is a group home for clients and DARTS (transportation) assists 33 clients. She said they serve meals at the group home.

Ms. Houston said she really likes teaching job skills to the clients. She loves the look on their faces. She said the client brings their lunch and two snacks.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell asked the difference in this program and Ability Works.

Ms. Lynchard said Ability Works is a vocational rehab and DeSoto Industries is a regional rehab.

Ms. Houston said the companies are not responsible for insurance. She said clients are paid by piece so there is not minimum wage. She said payday is a huge incentive for her clients.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell asked how clients start with the center. Ms. Houston said there is an admission process to determine if they qualify for the group home or stay at home.

Supervisor Caldwell asked if they go to the High Schools to see if there is a need. Ms. Houston said they do not go to the High Schools, but they do have Olive Branch students come through the program. There is one staff person for every eight people who comes through the program. The students take clients to the courthouse, the library and other places whenever there is a need. ____ 22 3/18/2013 M.G.

Supervisor Medlin said this would be helpful for companies coming into DeSoto County and come before the Board for tax exemptions. He asked if Jim Flanagan, President and CEO of the DeSoto Economic Development Council is aware of DeSoto Industries. Mr. Flanagan could let the companies know this service is available when they meet with Mr. Flanagan. Ms. Lynchard said they would connect Ms. Houston with Mr. Flanagan.

Ms. Lynchard said DeSoto Industries is a well-kept secret in DeSoto County. We need to let people know about the service DeSoto Industries can provide. We will get flyers to hand out at the Tax Advisory meetings.

Ms. Houston said the WinJob Center is already aware of the service. She said they have one gentleman who makes caskets for Batesville Casket Company. She said their work speaks for itself.

Ms. Houston said she appreciated the Board and the opportunity to work with the County and other counties as well.

See Exhibit H.1

2. 11:00 a.m. – Tax Exemptions a. StyleCraft Home Collection, Inc.

Jim Flanagan, President and CEO of the DeSoto Economic Development Council said that StyleCraft is home owned and they are leasing a new space in Southaven. Mr. Flanagan said StyleCraft is seeking a five year personal tax exemption.

Mr. Joey Judd, Chief Financial Officer for StyleCraft, said they have been in existence since the early 70’s. Mr. Judd said they were bought out in 07 and then they bought the company back. Their total sales were between $33-35 million and they are now looking at increasing to $70 million in sales.

Mr. Judd said the current square footage is 125,000 square feet and they need more space. They reduced office space by eliminating the showroom. Mr. Judd said they needed more warehouse space to run more efficiently.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked if the expansion is in the same building. Mr. Judd said no, it is in another building off of Stateline Road.

Mr. Flanagan said this is a request for a five year personal property tax exemption. Supervisor Bill Russell said the application says a 10 year exemption and that needs to be revised.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell asked about hiring DeSoto County residents. Mr. Judd said they always advertise locally and the percentage is lower than he originally thought. Mr. Judd said that 50% of the salaried employees live in DeSoto County.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Lee Caldwell seconded the motion to approve a five year personal property tax exemption for StyleCraft Home Collection, Inc.

The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

See Exhibit H.2.a b. Nidec Motor Corporation

Mr. Flanagan said Nidec Motor Corporation is formerly Emerson Motors. He said they are ____ 23 3/18/2013 M.G. requesting a five year personal property tax exemption.

John Stubbs and Mr. Bill Heustess of Nidec appeared before the Board of Supervisors to talk about Nidec.

Mr. Stubbs said Nidec is the largest electric motor company in the world. They currently have 290,000 square feet in the Trade Center in Southaven and they are the main distribution center. Mr. Stubbs said that Nidec extended its lease till 2019 and they added 75,000 square feet.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell said she noticed their headquarters was in Japan. Supervisor Caldwell invited Nidec to move the headquarters to DeSoto County.

Supervisor Caldwell asked them to hire residents from DeSoto County.

Supervisor Mark Gardner noted the average salary with benefits of $25.79.

Supervisor Bill Russell said that this is one of the best descriptions of wages and benefits that he has seen.

Supervisor Gardner asked if they use the WinJob Center for hiring. Mr. Stubbs said yes.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve a five year personal property tax exemption for Nidec Motor Corporation.

The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

See Exhibit H.2.b

3. Office of Finance and Accounting a. Request to Apply for Grants

1) 2014 DUI Grant 2) Occupation Protection Grant

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve applying for the 2014 DUI Grant and the Occupation Protection Grant.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

Chief Financial Officer Tom Arnold told Sheriff Bill Rasco that Deputy Jonathan Bingham did a great job helping him on the DUI Grant. Mr. Arnold said he provided the information needed and stayed after hours to work on the grant with him.

County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard told the Board that Mr. Arnold spent many hours on the grant to make sure the County doesn’t miss a deadline. Mr. Arnold worked after hours several times and she thanked him for his work.

Ms. Lynchard and Mr. Arnold thanked Tom Haysley for his assistance with the grants as well.

See Exhibit H.3.a ____ 24 3/18/2013 M.G. b. Supplemental Claims Docket

Chief Financial Officer Tom Arnold, of the Office of Finance and Accounting, presented the supplemental claims docket to the Board. Mr. Arnold read the items on the claims docket individually and the Board discussed these items.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin asked about the claim on page 66 to Mid-South Ag & Equipment. Road Manager Andy Swims said it is for the purchase of tractors. Mr. Arnold said two tractors are on page 66 and two tractors are on page 69.

Supervisor Medlin asked about the claim on page 50 for $23,000 to Harris, Madden & Powell for a final audit. Mr. Arnold said that is for the final audit. It is not included in the price but is part of the agreement.

Supervisor Lee Caldwell asked about the claim on page 13 to the Department of Employment. She asked if that is for unemployment benefits for workers who were laid off. Mr. Arnold said yes.

Supervisor Caldwell asked about the claim for $223.73 on page 13 for City of Hernando-Mental Health. Mr. Arnold said he would check on it.

Supervisor Caldwell asked about the claim to the City of Hernando for animal services on page 13. Mr. Arnold said he would check on that and come back with the information.

Supervisor Caldwell asked about the claim to SafetyCal, Inc. on page 28 for 2 charges of $105.50 each. Mr. Arnold said that is for decals.

Supervisor Mark Gardner asked about the claim for the test ballot and page 28. He said it appears the ballot cost $2.30 and the shipping was $100.01. Mr. Arnold said he would check on it and come back to the Board.

Supervisor Harvey Lee asked about the claim on page 59 in the amount of $9,765 for Aviation. Mr. Arnold said that is for night vision goggles for helmets for Aviation. He said this is a 100% paid Homeland Security Grant.

Supervisor Gardner asked about the claims:

Page 7 - Travelers Insurance. Mr. Arnold said this to settle a lawsuit and the county pays up to $25,000 for the deductible. Board Attorney Tony Nowak said this is for the cost of defense counsel for an incident at the Jail.

Page 17 - K-D Roofing & Construction. Facilities Director Tony Martin said that is for one wing of the Jail and to repair the courthouse roof.

Page 17 - Metal detectors. Mr. Martin said they waiting on other equipment. Mr. Martin and Sheriff Rasco agreed to get together regarding getting the detectors operational.

Page 41 – Tractor Supply for dog supplies. Mr. Arnolds said this is paid from EMS and is for the K-9 unit.

Page 71 - $835 to ISI Detention Contracting. Mr. Martin said this is for four sets of master keys.

Mr. Martin said the claim to the City of Hernando for the Animal Shelter is for sewage.

Supervisor Caldwell said the Animal Shelter is now under the City of Hernando sewage so we can get rid of the septic tank. We will be charged a flat fee. The mental health claim is one we have disputed with the city.

Supervisor Caldwell asked how often the county pays the unemployment fees. Mr. Arnold said it is paid quarterly.

____ 25 3/18/2013 M.G. Supervisor Medlin said he thought the federal regulation may pay unemployment for up to two years. Mr. Arnold said that is correct.

Supervisor Medlin asked about the contingency money on the new Jail and when it would be signed off on. Mr. Martin said they have not yet received the last checklist from the architect. He said it should be on the next claims docket.

Supervisor Medlin asked if there are different contracts for different companies, and if they would release to different ones.

Board Attorney Tony Nowak said there is one master contract with the general contractor. It is the general contractor who then subcontracts the work.

In accordance with Section 19-13-31 and Section 19-11-23 of the Mississippi Code Annotated, Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Lee Caldwell seconded the motion to authorize the Chancery Clerk to pay the bills as presented by the Chief Financial Officer.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

4. Contracts Administration a. Facilities Management – Renewal of Proven Pest Management Agreement for Various County Buildings including the New Jail

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Lee Caldwell seconded the motion to approve renewing the agreement with Proven Pest Management for various county buildings including the new Jail as fully described in Exhibit H.4.a.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

See Exhibit H.4.a b. EMS – New Contract with Stericycle for Bio-Waste removal at Eudora Fire Station, Walls Ambulance Service and Lewisburg Ambulance Service

This item was deleted from the Agenda.

See Exhibit H.4.b c. Justice Court – Data Systems Management Training Contract

Supervisor Mark Gardner said he is concerned about the company charging the county for training on software that we purchased from them. County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said that is the way the company does business.

Supervisor Gardner said he is concerned about mileage, travel time cost and out of pocket expense.

Ms. Lynchard said it was covered with IT and it is standard.

____ 26 3/18/2013 M.G. Director of Administrator Services Pat McLeod said this is part of the Justice Court program.

Ms. Lynchard said that they have never been trained.

Supervisor Gardner said it cost between eleven and twelve hundred dollars.

Supervisor Mark Gardner made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve training for Justice Court with Data Systems Management, Inc. not to exceed $1200.

The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

5. Sheriff’s Department: Security Cameras in Juvenile Detention Center

Sheriff Bill Rasco said when the facility was built cameras were not installed in holding cells/detention cells. Since the most recent incident in the Juvenile Detention Center, Sheriff Rasco recommended installing cameras in each cell with 24 hour monitoring. Sheriff Rasco said that Tony Martin is getting two quotes and it could cost up to $20,000.

Supervisor Bill Russell asked about the other cells and moving juvenile to that area. Sheriff Rasco said that area does not currently have cameras. Supervisor Russell asked if the cost is in our current budget.

County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard said this is the first she has heard of adding cameras to the detention cells.

Supervisor Bill Russell made the motion to authorize the purchase clerk to get another quote for cameras for the detention cells not to exceed $20,000 and to use funds from Facilities Management if necessary. Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion to accept the lowest quote for cameras in the detention cells and to install immediately due to the recent incident. Supervisor Bill Russell seconded the motion.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

6. Board Attorney: ACLU Public Records Request

Board Attorney Tony Nowak said Sheriff Bill Rasco received a request from the ACLU requesting the Sheriff to provide certain information regarding the SWAT Team. Mr. Nowak said some of that information is privileged information.

____ 27 3/18/2013 M.G. Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to allow the Smith, Phillips, Mitchell, Scott and Nowak Law Firm to work with Sheriff Bill Rasco in responding to the ACLU’s request for documents connected to the SWAT Team.

The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to approve not waiving fees for the ACLU.

The motion passed by a vote as follows: Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

7. Department of Road Management: Finding of Fact – 7869 Bailee Lane, Walls

Road Manager Andy Swims presented information regarding damages to private property associated with drainage and erosion, affecting the health, safety and welfare of the public located at 7869 Bailee Lane, Walls.

Mr. Swims presented pictures of the area that showed the culvert which drains one of the ditches coming up from the ground causing general flooding in that area. One of the pictures showed a shed on the property which may have to removed. Ms. Swims said the estimated cost for the work is $4,145.93. He said the homeowners are in agreement with the county doing the work.

Mr. Swims said Dan Brown is the builder and the county did not have engineers to inspect when this subdivision was built.

At the recommendation of the Road Manager, Supervisor Bill Russell made the motion and Supervisor Harvey Lee seconded the motion to declare the damages caused by drainage and erosion on the property located at, 7869 Bailee Lane, Walls, a health, safety and welfare issue to the citizens of DeSoto County as outlined in Mississippi code section 19-5-92.1 and to repair the damages at an estimated cost of $5,145.93.

The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES

See Exhibit H.7


DeSoto County Board of Supervisors Planning Agenda March 18, 2013 11:00 a.m.


____ 28 3/18/2013 M.G. Supervisor Medlin made a Motion to open a Public Hearing. Supervisor Caldwell seconded the Motion.



Rezoning Amendment

Ordinance Amendments 2012 Zoning Map Update - The Board of Supervisors will consider adopting an update to the DeSoto County Zoning Map to include all Rezoning applications approved by the Board of Supervisors in the year 2012.

Mr. Tom Haysley presented the 2012 Zoning Map Update to include the Turkey Creek Rezoning (717) and Earnhart, Miles (Pat)/ Amber Acres Rezoning (719) for the Board of Supervisors consideration to adopt.

Supervisor Caldwell made a Motion to adopt the 2012 DeSoto County Zoning Map with the proposed updates. Supervisor Lee seconded the Motion.


Supervisor Medlin made a Motion to close a Public Hearing. Supervisor Caldwell seconded the Motion. THE FOLLOWING ACTION WAS TAKEN ON THIS MATTER:



Minor Lot Regina Ross Minor Lot (6868) – Application is for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 2.04 acres and one (1) lot of 12.49 acres, identified as Parcel #3-07-1-02-00-0-00042-00. Subject property is located on the north side of Bright Road and east of Malone Road in Section 2, Township 3, Range 7 and is zoned Agricultural (A). (District 5)

Mr. Haysley presented the application for Regina Ross Minor Lot (6868) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 2.04 acres and one (1) lot of 12.49 acres, identified as Parcel #3-07-1- 02-00-0-00042-00. He noted that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this application.

Supervisor Lee asked how the parcels will access Bright Road. Mr. Haysley stated both proposed lots have road frontage on Bright Road.

Supervisor Lee made a Motion to approve the Regina Ross Minor Lot (6868) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 2.04 acres and one (1) lot of 12.49 acres, identified as Parcel #3-07-1-

____ 29 3/18/2013 M.G. 02-00-0-00042-00, subject to required right-of-way dedication, if any, and Health Department approval. Supervisor Caldwell seconded the Motion.



Liming Minor Lot (6869) – Application is for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.37 acres and one (1) lot of 1.44 acres, identified as Parcel #3-06-1-01-00-0-00007-01. Subject property is located on the east side of Box Corner Road and south of Byhalia Road in Section 1, Township 3, Range 6 and is zoned Agricultural (A). (District 1) Mr. Haysley presented the application for Liming Minor Lot (6869) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.37 acres and one (1) lot of 1.44 acres, identified as Parcel #3-06-1-01-00-0- 00007-01. He noted that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this application.

Supervisor Medlin asked if the Planning Office has received any building plans for the new lot being created. Mr. Garrod stated he has not seen any building plans for this lot yet.

Supervisor Medlin made a Motion to approve the Liming Minor Lot (6869) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.37 acres and one (1) lot of 1.44 acres, identified as Parcel #3-06-1-01- 00-0-00007-01 subject to required right-of-way dedication, if any, and Health Department approval. Supervisor Lee seconded the Motion. THE FOLLOWING ACTION WAS TAKEN ON THIS MATTER:


Division of Lot 2 Looney Road Estates Minor Lot (6870) – Application is for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.66 acres, one (1) lot of 1.66 acres, one (1) lot of 1.67 acres and one (1) lot of 1.67 acres, identified as Parcel #1-05-4-20-00-0-00006-03. Subject property is located on the south side of Looney Road and west of Center Hill Road in Section 20, Township 1, Range 5 and is zoned Agricultural-Residential (A-R). (District 1)

Mr. Haysley presented the application for Looney Road Estates Minor Lot (6870) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.66 acres, one (1) lot of 1.66 acres, one (1) lot of 1.67 acres and one (1) lot of 1.67 acres, identified as Parcel #1-05-4-20-00-0-00006-03. He noted that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this application.

Supervisor Medlin made a Motion to approve the Looney Road Estates Minor Lot (6870) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.66 acres, one (1) lot of 1.66 acres, one (1) lot of 1.67 acres and one (1) lot of 1.67 acres, identified as Parcel #1-05-4-20-00-0-00006-03, subject to required right-of-way dedication, if any, and Health Department approval. Supervisor Caldwell seconded the Motion. THE FOLLOWING ACTION WAS TAKEN ON THIS MATTER:


Miller Road 1 Lot Minor Lot (6871) – Application is for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.50 acres, identified as Parcel #2-05-4-19-00-0-00002-00. Subject property is located ____ 30 3/18/2013 M.G. on the south side of Miller Road and east of Bethel Road in Section 19, Township 2, Range 5 and is zoned Agricultural-Residential (A-R). (District 1)

Mr. Haysley presented the application for Miller Road 1 Lot Minor Lot (6871) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.50 acres, identified as Parcel #2-05-4-19-00-0-00002-00. He noted that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this application.

Supervisor Medlin made a Motion to approve the Miller Road 1 Lot Minor Lot (6871) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.50 acres, identified as Parcel #2-05-4-19-00-0-00002-00, subject to required right-of-way dedication, if any, and Health Department approval. Supervisor Lee seconded the Motion.



King – Redford Minor Lot (6872) – Application is for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.72 acres, one (1) lot of 3.28 acres, and one (1) lot of 5.0 acres, identified as Parcels # 3- 07-9-31-00-0-00010-00, 790 Slocum Rd., and #3-07-9-31-00-0-00010-01, 750 Slocum Rd. Subject property is located on the north side of Slocum Road and east of Belmont Estates Dr. S. in Section 31, Township 3, Range 7 and is zoned Agricultural. (District 5).

Mr. Haysley presented the application for King – Redford Minor Lot (6872) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.72 acres, identified as Parcel #3-07-9-31-00-0-00010-01, 750 Slocum Rd; one (1) lot of 3.28 acres; and one (1) lot of 5.0 acres, identified as Parcel # 3-07-9-31-00-0- 00010-00, 790 Slocum Rd. He noted that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this application.

Supervisor Lee asked of all parcels will be using the same driveway to access their property. Mr. Haysley stated yes that up to three lots may use an easement.

There was discussion of access for all parcels being created.

There was discussion of the rail road crossing to the west of the subject property.

Supervisor Lee made a Motion to approve the King – Redford Minor Lot (6872) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 1.72 acres, identified as Parcel #3-07-9-31-00-0-00010-01, 750 Slocum Rd; one (1) lot of 3.28 acres; and one (1) lot of 5.0 acres, identified as Parcel # 3-07- 9-31-00-0-00010-00, 790 Slocum Rd., subject to required right-of-way dedication, if any, Health Department approval and recording the plat for the subdivision of King-Redford Minor Lot. Supervisor Caldwell seconded the Motion.



DePriest Minor Lot (6873) – Application is for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 5.01 acres, identified as Parcels # 2-06-8-34-00-0-00012-00. Subject property is located on the north side of Plantation Oaks Drive and east of Hwy 305 N. in Section 34, Township 2, Range 6 and is zoned Agricultural. (District 1).

____ 31 3/18/2013 M.G. Mr. Haysley presented the application for DePriest Minor Lot (6873) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 5.01 acres, identified as Parcels # 2-06-8-34-00-0-00012-00. He noted that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this application.

Supervisor Medlin asked if Ms. Reita Parham, an adjacent property owner has contacted Planning staff to discuss the address of her property. Mr. Garrod stated Ms. Parham has not been in to talk to Planning staff to his knowledge.

Supervisor Medlin made a Motion to approve the DePriest Minor Lot (6873) for final subdivision approval of one (1) lot of 5.01 acres, identified as Parcels # 2-06-8-34-00-0-00012-00, subject to required right-of-way dedication, if any, and Health Department approval. Supervisor Lee seconded the Motion.



Other Items:

1. Update: I-69/I-269 International Trade Corridor Study Mr. Haysley reminded the Board of Supervisors of the upcoming Public meeting for the I-69/I-269 International Trade Corridor Study to be held March 22, 2013 from 1:30 pm until 6:00 pm at the Landers Center.

There was a discussion of land uses in the Agricultural-Residential (A-R) zone.

Mr. Ted Garrod presented the February 2013 Building Permit Report.


The executive session portion of these minutes is recorded under the portion of the minutes called “Executive Session”.


1. Roadside Mowing Crews

Road Manager Andy Swims invited the Board of Supervisors to the next Roadside Mowing Crew Meeting. The Board discussed possible improvements to prevent windshield breakage and dents on cars. Mr. Swims said the crew is responsible for their mowers and the issues are addressed. Mr. Swims said people who call regarding damaged vehicles talk to Gail and Stan and they take care of them. Insurance takes care of most of the issues. Mr. Swims said they verify that the person making the claim was in the same area where they are working.

The Board also discussed taking more safety precautions.

No action was taken on this item.

Supervisor Jessie Medlin made the motion to adjourn the Board meeting until April 1, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Harvey Lee. The motion passed by a vote as follows:

Supervisor Jessie Medlin, First District YES Supervisor Mark Gardner, Second District YES Supervisor Bill Russell, Third District YES Supervisor Lee Caldwell, Fourth District YES Supervisor Harvey Lee, Fifth District YES ____ 32 3/18/2013 M.G. THIS the 18th day of March, 2013, these minutes have been read and approved by the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors.

______Mark Gardner, President DeSoto County Board of Supervisors

____ 33 3/18/2013 M.G.

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