Irmo High School Course Syllabus

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Irmo High School Course Syllabus

IRMO HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SYLLABUS Grading Scale Course: English IV CP Fee: $8.00 A= 93-100

Book/s: Literature: The British Tradition B= 85- 92

Length of course: X Y _____S Number of Credits: ___1______C= 77- 84

Type: ____Weighted _X__Unweighted Instructor:_S. Casey______D= 70- 76 E-mail: [email protected] Voice Mail:476-3120 F= Below 70

Brief description of course: English IV CP curriculum is a language arts course for high school seniors. The course is designed to prepare students for the demands of a two- or four-year college degree program or for the workplace through implementation of a rigorous curriculum. In order to insure maximum benefit for all students, the class functions in a lecture and group discussion format in addition to providing numerous opportunities for team and individual experiences. Considerable emphasis is placed on grammar, vocabulary and the analysis and interpretation of British literature.

Class Requirements: Students are required to participate in class and have all necessary materials in class daily. Failure to do so will impact the total number of points earned at the end of the nine weeks. If students lose the materials and handouts they are given, they will not be given replacements, so they must keep up with all material staying organized.

Students will be given homework assignments regularly. The majority of homework required for this course will be reading. Written assignments will not always be given, but they will be checked, graded, and reviewed when assigned. Pop quizzes may be used as a means of checking reading assignments. All formal compositions must be typed.

Students are responsible for keeping up with assignments and turning them in on time. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Students are expected to listen carefully to instructions for class work and to write down instructions for out-of-class work. We encourage students to maintain a calendar for homework assignments, tests, and compositions. Dates for tests, compositions, and projects will be posted well in advanced on the board in the classroom. It is the responsibility of the student to note these dates and to turn in his/her work promptly. Adjustments will be made in assignments as circumstances dictate; students will be notified of adjustments during class.

Grading Procedures: Grades for each nine weeks period will be determined using a point system whereby students will be awarded points for daily work, major tests, compositions, and projects. Each nine weeks students will have the opportunity to earn approximately 300 points. The point value of each assignment will be weighted according to difficulty and time invested. Point values will be communicated to students when assignments are given. The number of points awarded for each assignment will be determined based on a set of predetermined criteria. At the end of each nine weeks points will be converted to percentages in order to determine letter grades. For example:

235/300 points = 78% (C) 285/300 points = 95% (A)

Interim grades will be determined by converting points for all work assigned and graded by the end of the interim marking period.

Make-up work: Due 5 calendar days from absence. If a student must miss class for any reason, it is his/her responsibility to get all missed assignments before or after class from the daily assignment notebook. All work missed due to an absence must be made up.

Late work: No late work will be accepted Extra Credit: Extra credit opportunities may be offered periodically at the teacher’s discretion. The purpose of any extra credit will be to increase student involvement in the class or to encourage independent study of the subject matter on a small scale. Any extra credit opportunities will be offered to ALL students in the class, not to individual students as a means for making up missed assignments or raising grades.

Attendance: Any student absent from class more than 5 times for a year long course or 3 times for a semester course will not receive credit for the course.

Classroom rules and consequences: Students are responsible for knowing and obeying rules outlined in the Irmo High School Student Handbook. In order to guarantee an environment conducive to learning for all of our students, the the discipline outlined below will be implemented starting today. 1. Be in your assigned seat and quiet when the tardy bell rings. 2. Listen to directions and follow them. 3. Observe rules of courteous behavior. Examples: a. Do not talk when I or another student is talking, when a test is in progress, when you have been instructed not to talk. b. Do not leave your seat for any reason without permission. c. Do not write or pass notes. d. Do not eat candy or other food during class. e. Do not throw paper from your seat to the trash can. f. Do not put on make-up or brush your hair during class. g. Do not pack-up your belongings or leave your seat until the bell rings. h. Do not abuse school property or the property of others. 4. Observe all school rules.

Consequences 1. Warning 2. Referral to administrator.

Any behavior that is detrimental to the learning atmosphere or safety of the teacher or students is considered a severe disruption and warrants sending a student to the principal immediately. Tardies are covered under a separate school plan.

Units of Study

Each grading period will include grammar practice, vocabulary from literature selections, and composition.

First Nine Weeks Third Nine Weeks Summer Reading Renaissance Period Anglo-Saxon Period Restoration & Eighteenth Century

Second Nine Weeks Fourth Nine Weeks Argumentative Research Paper Poetry Middle Ages Twentieth Century

Additional information:

Material needed: Three-ring binder Pens/pencils Loose-leaf notebook paper

Make-up testing: Students must schedule an appointment for making up tests. All make-up testing will be done during planning periods (4A and 6B) or after school.

Contact with parents:

At the end of each grading period, I will contact the parents of any child who receives a below average grade. This contact will be made either by phone (a message will be left on answering machines if possible), email, or by letter. If your child receives less than average on a report card and you did not receive notification, please contact me at your earliest convenience. I feel that it is imperative that we communicate in order to insure the success of our students. Every child will receive an itemized grade report for the interim and nine weeks.

Teacher Website: All students should be aware that assignments for each day will be posted on my website. Upcoming tests, projects, etc. will also be posted. The web address is Please get into the habit of checking the site daily – you never know what you might find there...

Because the needs and abilities of classes differ from year to year, I reserve the right to modify this course of study to meet the needs of my students.




Parent's names______

Home Phone Number______Work Phone Number______

Parents’ E-Mail address: ______

I have read and am familiar with course requirement/syllabus for ______(Course Name) ______Parent’s name (Please Print) Student's name (Please Print)

______Parent’s signature Date Student’s signature

Additional information parent wishes teacher to know:


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