Plan for Managing Deer Population in River Ridge
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April 2016
Plan for Managing Deer Population in River Ridge Great Cacapon, Morgan County, West Virginia
This plan is for reducing the deer population in River Ridge community as outlined below. The plan would only be implemented upon approval by the River Ridge Board and a majority of lot owners.
Introduction/Rationale: The following observations were given to the Environmental Committee by a West Virginia Dept. of Natural Resources (WVDNR) representative of Morgan County after touring the River Ridge community in April 2014.
The deer population and the forest are interdependent. Evidence of forest decline is a lack of diversity of tree species, absence of tree and shrub understory, presence of grasses in open spaces, and loss of tree saplings from deer browsing. Lack of diversity increases risk of forest loss from insect or fire damage.
The size of the deer herd in our forest should be no larger than our forest can support. Some studies suggest a healthy forest can support about 20 deer per square mile. It is suggested that the optimal number of deer should be maintained at 10 per square mile, to minimize further damage and allow the forest time to recover, according to West Virginia Dept. of Natural Resources (WVDNR). At present, the deer are choosing what species of trees will remain in our forest— only those they don’t want to eat.
The WVDNR representative stated that no counting of deer in the community is necessary. Complaints from residents about nuisance deer are enough to undertake a deer hunt. There is no danger of over hunting of deer according to the WVDNR official.
Goals of Managing Deer and Forest Health,
The overall goal for managing the deer population in River Ridge is to maintain a healthy and environmentally sustainable deer population and forest within the community.
Other goals include: reduce damage to trees, landscapes, and understory; reverse loss of diversity of plants and animal wildlife habitats; reduce risk of deer-vehicle collisions on RR roads; educate River Ridge members about deer, deer-related problems, how to protect property from deer damage, and deer impacts on forest and park vegetation. Any organized hunt will be undertaken with careful planning and in cooperation of the majority of River Ridge lot owners, and will be implemented in the most humane way possible.
This deer hunting measure may need to take place for several years before any beneficial effect of the forest will be noticed. A vote by property owners will need to take place before each hunt is conducted with a majority of property owners voting in favor of a hunt, before any hunt will be allowed.
General Protocols for Hunt
This will be a managed hunt allowed by permit from the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (WVDNR) and Morgan County. The hunt is considered a “Home Owners Special Deer Archery Season Hunt.”
The Board has determined that a controlled hunt is a pest control action for the benefit of property owners and does not change or affect the status of River Ridge or violate the covenants regarding to hunting inside River Ridge determined boundaries. The covenants still prohibit any other hunting at River Ridge.
Due to the relatively close distance between dwellings in River Ridge, deer hunting using bow and arrow is the ONLY option considered for this community. The community covenants regarding firearms will still be in effect.
An estimate of how many deer should be taken during this hunt will be established with recommendations provided by our WVDNR representative.
Permission to Hunt by River Ridge property owners
A vote of River Ridge property owners will be taken at the annual picnic in June. Accommodations will be made for property owners who cannot attend. Also, mail in ballot forms will be accepted until a set cutoff date, which will be determined later.
If a majority of River Ridge property owners vote in favor of a limited special archery hunt, the River Ridge Board, with recommendations from the Environmental Committee, will designate a “Deer Management Committee” (DMC) to manage all aspects of the hunt. A “Hunt Coordinator” will be selected to oversee the hunt each day. The DMC will create a property access authorization list of approved hunt properties compiled from the tally of approved ballots from property owners. A map of River Ridge showing the approved hunt properties will be created. This will designate where approved hunt areas will be allowed. It will not be required for property owners to mark their property with flagging. “No hunting” signs may be placed by property owners, at their property boundaries if so desired. A buffer zone may need to be established around properties not participating in the hunt. This will be decided by the DMC.
Hunters will only hunt on properties volunteered for the hunt. However, in the extreme case where an injured deer runs onto a “no hunting” property, a hunter must contact the DMC hunt coordinator before going on said property. The hunt coordinator will decide how to proceed. Special considerations may be made for property owners that do not wish any hunters on their property under any circumstances.
Baiting deer will not be permitted prior to or during the deer hunt. It is illegal to feed deer under any conditions in a Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) containment area. Although this has been a problem in Hampshire Co., DNR has included Morgan Co. in their effort to control this disease. Feeding of deer is not permitted in River Ridge.
Selection and Location of Hunters
A “Hunting Agreement” will be created. All hunters will be required to sign the “Hunting Agreement” to be allowed to hunt on River Ridge property.
Hunting will not be open to the general public. This is an invitation only hunt.
Hunters will be selected at the discretion of the DMC. Hunters must submit their names to DMC for consideration no later than Sept. 1st, 2016. A prospective hunter must have a valid West Virginia deer-hunting license and be certified as a proficient bow hunter.
Selected hunters will be expected to provide information and abide by all guidance listed below in the “Hunters Responsibilities” section, as listed below, along with the “Hunting Agreement” document.
All approved hunters will be given an opportunity to tour River Ridge property under the supervision and direction of the deer management committee. Times will be determined at a later date by the DMC. This will allow the hunters to assess the area and review guidance from the DMC. At the time of this tour, hunters will receive information relating to deer habits at River Ridge. Hunter locations within River Ridge will be determined by the DMC using a lottery system. Approved hunt properties will be given a number that will be placed in a ballet type box. Approved hunters will draw from box to acquire predetermined locations. A hunter may possess more than one hunting location. The order in which the hunters will choose locations from a container will be determined by the DMC.
Hunters will visit their assigned locations and be allowed to setup a deer stand if desired and allowed by the property owner. No screw-in type hunting stands will be allowed. Hunters will not be permitted to change locations during the day, unless it is to another predetermined authorized location that was chosen by the hunter using the lottery system earlier discussed. The DMC supervisor must be notified of the location change. This will limit movement and activity during the event. Hunters may be allowed to use residents’ decks rather than tree stands if desired. This will be at the property owner’s discretion.
Selected hunters will not be allowed to transfer their River Ridge hunting privileges to any other hunters.
Qualifying the Hunters
Hunters will be required to pass an archery qualification proficiency test prior to the hunt administered by DMC. This test will require an archer to hit a target at 20 yards. Hunters must possess a valid West Virginia Archery hunting license.
Communication and Oversight of Hunt
River Ridge will communicate the activities of the events through email, website, written notices at both gates, and any other way deemed necessary by the Board. A point of contact person will be designated by the Board. All communication will be done in as timely manner as possible. Communication with the community is an important goal of this program.
Each day of the hunt, the Hunt Coordinator will oversee all aspects of the hunt and will ensure that hunters get to their designated locations and abide by established guidelines. This leader will have the authority to dismiss those exhibiting inappropriate or unsafe behavior. River Ridge residents may contact the Hunt Coordinator at any time during the hunt.
Hunters must check in with the River Ridge designated Hunt Coordinator at the lower gate prior to entry. Hunters must also check with the Hunt Coordinator upon leaving River Ridge, so that all “deer taken” total can be tallied. The Hunt Coordinator will ensure that any taken deer is done legally and by WV DNR guidelines. It is preferred that any taken deer be “dressed and cleaned” off of River Ridge property. If dressing of deer is allowed on River Ridge property, a pre- determined location will be set aside. The “dressing” of deer will be permitted at predetermined locations only and all remnants of deer carcasses will be removed from River Ridge property.
The hunt times may vary but generally the lower gate should be operated from sunrise to sunset. Hunting before sunrise or after sunset will NOT be allowed. A RR resident may be required to keep an eye on the upper gate. Only approved hunters on the registration list will be allowed to enter. Notices will be posted at least 2 weeks prior to event at both upper and lower gate locations.
Dates of Hunt
The dates of the hunt will be determined by the DMC with approval by the Board and will abide with established “Special Deer Archery Season Hunt” regulations as required by the WVDNR.
The hunt will be held approximately 3 weeks prior to the official deer hunt gun season. Hunters can take up to two (2) deer per day, with a maximum total of 7 deer taken per hunter. An antlerless deer must be taken before an antlered deer is taken. Only 1 antlered deer will be allowed to be taken per hunter. The limited hunt will take place Monday-Saturday. Specific times will be decided at a later time.
No hunting will be permitted on Sundays.
A total number of deer that will be taken will be determined by the “DMC”, with recommendations provided by WVDNR. The number of deer taken will be counted each day and the hunt will continue until the goal is reached. Once the goal is reached, hunting will cease. The “Hunt Coordinator” will notify all hunters in that case. The community will be notified of the results of the hunt after the event and in a timely manner, using the techniques listed above.
Hunter Responsibilities
Hunters must sign and comply with the “Hunter Agreement” document that will be provided by the DMC.
Hunters will be considerate of resident’s property and dwellings. No consumption of alcohol will be permitted at any time during the hunt. No littering is permitted anywhere within the River Ridge community. The DMC will have the right, at any time, to revoke a hunter’s hunting privileges and access to River Ridge property. Hunters must be 21 years old or older.
Hunters will be required to provide proof of: 1. Having a current West Virginia hunting license. 2. Completing a general hunting safety course. 3. Additional bow hunting training or proof of bow hunting proficiency 4. Successfully passing the Deer Management Committee’s proficiency test will ascertain if a hunter is qualified to hunt. If a hunter is deemed not proficient in the archery test, no permit will be given to that individual.
Hunters must abide by all WV hunting regulations
The meat from the deer will belong to the hunter. They may keep the meat or donate meat to any relevant organization at the hunter’s discretion.
Residents Responsibilities
Hunters will be informed that some River Ridge property owners may be sensitive about undertaking a deer management program. In return, residents must be considerate of the needs of the hunters to carry out the hunt.
Residents should be respectful of hunters. The hunters are here to do a service for the River Ridge community. Please be respectful. Excessive noise or purposeful disruption of the hunt will not be allowed.