Statement Supporting the Application for Promotion Of
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Statement supporting the application for promotion of Dmitry V. Skryabin to the post of professor in the Department of Physics
This document includes my CV and the publication list. CV is structured in the format required for the promotion procedure.
The case is made on the basis that a major contribution is claimed in the area of Research and Scholarship and an effective contribution is claimed in the area of Management and Leadership.
According to the current promotion criteria (Appendix 6.3) a major contribution in the area of Research and Scholarship requires: ‘The candidate has an outstanding, auditable sustained record of publication in leading peer-reviewed journals or other forms of output appropriate for the discipline’
Over around fifteen years of my research carrier I have co-authored 95 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, three book chapters, and numerous conference contributions. My papers include - one in Nature, one in Science, one in Nature Photonics, 12 in Physical Review Letters, and one in Reviews of Modern Physics. The above mentioned journal titles are the most prestigious and high impact ones in the research areas, where applicant is active. My H-factor is 21. For more detailed information, see pages 4 and 10 of this document.
In addition to the above criterion significant and auditable achievements are required in two or more of the specified activities. The attached CV confirms that I have achieved this in 5 out of 8 listed activities.
1. The candidate has led a Research Group or Research Centre.
I have being leading a research group, see details in the section ‘Research Supervision and Collaborations’ on the page 6.
2. The candidate has a sustained record of attracting major research grants and contracts, as appropriate for the discipline.
15 research grants are listed on the page 5. 3. The candidate has a track record of invited presentations at international conferences. 21 invited talks are listed on the pages 6-7. 4. The candidate has won prizes and awards. I have been awarded a prestigious Maxwell medal and prize in 2009, see page 6. 5. The candidate has a sustained record as the editor, or a member of an editorial board, of a learned journal. I have been a topical editor for a popular and well cited journal (Optics Express) over the period of 4 years, see page 7. 2
An effective contribution is claimed in the area of Management and Leadership. It requires significant and auditable achievements in two or more of the specified list of activities. The attached CV confirms that the applicant has achieved this in 3 of those. 1. The candidate has contributed to setting up new initiatives.
I have coordinated and led the first continuous professional development unit in the Physics department. This unit was run for the first time in January 2011 and generated the total income £42500 with the surplus of £12k, see page 8. 2. The candidate has undertaken work with professional bodies. I have been engaged in the activities of the Institute of Physics, see page 8. 3. The candidate has been significantly involved in the organization of a major conference.
My involvement into organisation of major conferences is described on the page 8.
Names of the academics who can be consulted about the list of referees.
1. Prof. J.C. Knight (University of Bath)
2. Prof. W.J. Firth (University of Strathclyde, [email protected])
Curriculum Vitae for promotion to the post of professor
A major contribution is claimed in the area of Research and Scholarship and an effective contribution is claimed in the area of Management and Leadership
Full Name Skryabin, Dmitry Vladimirovich
Department Physics
Current Post Reader
Start Date in current post: 2004
Previous Posts in University (with dates): Lecturer (Sep 2001- 2004)
Posts prior to joining the University of Bath: research fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1998-2001 (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow)
Qualifications, with dates: 1998 PhD. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. 1996 Candidate of Science: Physics and Mathematics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. 1993 First class Diploma in Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia.
Membership of Professional Bodies: Institute of Physics (Quantum Electronics Group committee) Optical Society of America (associate editor for Optics Express) 4
General area: Computational and theoretical nonlinear photonics Currently active topics: Nonlinear waveguides (silicon photonics, plasmonics, photonic crystal fibers) Nonlinear microcavities Solitons, vortices, nonlinear waves My major research achievements have been explanations of the supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers, and of the filamentation of nonlinear waves carrying orbital angular momentum and also development of the stability theory of nonlinear optical waves. My key research audience is the international scientific community working in the areas of nonlinear optics, photonics and nonlinear waves.
Publications and Impact 95 publications in the leading scientific journals, three book chapters, numerous conference contributions (60 have been formally recorded in published proceedings) and two reviews (records 10 and 63 in the list of journal articles). Papers include - one in Nature, one in Science, one in Nature Photonics, 12 in Physical Review Letters, and one in Reviews of Modern Physics. H-index is 21. 9 papers with more than 50 cites and four out of those have more than 100 cites. Citation graph is shown below and the list of publications can be found at the end of this document.
Selected publications: [1] D.V. Skryabin, F. Luan, J.C. Knight, P.St.J. Russell, Soliton self-frequency shift cancellation in photonic crystal fibers, Science, vol 301 (19 Sep 2003), 1705. (~60%-contribution) [2] W.H. Reeves, D.V. Skryabin, F. Biancalana, J.C. Knight, P.St.J. Russell, F.G. Omenetto, A. Efimov, and A.J. Taylor, Transformation and control of ultrashort pulses in dispersion-engineered photonic crystal fibres, Nature, vol 424, 511 (31 July, 2003) (~30%-contribution) [3] A.V. Gorbach and D.V. Skryabin, "Light trapping in gravity like potentials and expansion of supercontinuum spectra in photonic crystal fibers", Nature Photonics 1, 653-657 (November, 2007) (~50%-contribution) [4] D.V. Skryabin and A.V. Gorbach, (2010), "Looking at a soliton through the prism of optical supercontinuum", Reviews of Modern Physics, April, 2010. Vol. 82, pp. 1287-1299. (~90%-contribution)
News items and commentaries reflecting on the impact of my research: 1. ‘Nonlinear optics in fibers’ by L. Mollenauer, Science 7 November 2003. This commentary is by one of the classics in the field, which covers advances in the area, including Ref. [1] from the list of selected publications. 5
2. ‘Supercontinuum generation: can pulse broadening be stopped ?’ by M. Frosz and P.E. Andersen, Nature Photonics 1, 611 - 612 (2007) . This commentary is solely dedicated to Ref. [3] from the list of selected publications. 3. The article on the popular and prestigious ‘Science daily’ portal dedicated to Ref. [3] from the list of selected publications. 4. ‘Photonic crystal waveguide: Compressing slow solitons’, by myself and J.C. Knight, Nature Photonics 4, 806–807 (2010). I have been invited by one of the editors of Nature to write this commentary. 5. ‘New horizons for Hawking radiation’ by J. Dudley and myself, Physics 3, 95 (2010) I have been asked by the first author to help with writing this commentary for this online journal highlighting exceptional research in physics.
Full List of Research Grants
Large grants: 1. ‘Ultrafast optical processing of information using spatial solitons’ £ 80000; principal investigator; 3-year fellowship; Royal Society of Edinburgh; Oct 1998 - Sep 2001 2. 'Interaction of solitary waves in nonlinear optics', £76,800; principal investigator; EPSRC standard grant; June 2000-June 2003 3. 'Three-dimensional control of light in fully functional thin-film photonic crystal devices and circuits', £147,387; co-investigator with staff supervising responsibilities (P. Russell –principal investigator); EPSRC standard grant; June 2002 –May 2005 4. ‘Photonic crystals and their applications’, £399,219; EPSRC platform grant; co-investigator with staff supervising responsibilities; (P. Russell –principal investigator) 2003-2008 5. 'Resonant radiation by solitons in photonic crystal fibres: Theory and experiment', £110000 Leverhulme Trust, Standard research grant, principal-investigator, Jan 2005-Jan 2007 6. 'Photonic Crystal Fibres: Foundation for Novel Science and new Applications', £834,304, EPSRC standard grant, co-investigator with staff supervising responsibilities, (P. Russell –principal investigator) 2005-2007 7. 'Ultrafast fiber lasers for material processing and imaging applications', £219,052, DTI Technology programme, co-investigator with staff supervising responsibilities, (W. Wadsworth – principal investigator) July 2006 - June 2009, 8. 'Localised structures of light in dissipative nonlinear lattice models', £144,107; EPSRC standard grant; principal investigator; September 2006 - December 2009. This was a collaborative project with the University of Bristol. 9. ‘Nonlinear photonics in silicon on insulator nanostructures’, £561000, EPSRC standard grant, principal investigator; September 2009- January 2013. This was a collaborative project with the University of Glasgow.
Small grants: 1. 'Modelling of optical supercontinuum', £4,530; principal investigator; Royal Society Research grant; March 2002-2003 2. 'Coherent and cooperative phenomena in interaction of laser radiation with atomic Bose-Einstein condensate' INTAS grant: 6,000 Euro (lead person in Bath); September 2002 – August 2004 3. 'Dynamical systems and geometric integration methods for problems in nonlinear optics', EPSRC visitor grant : £3,000; co-investigator; 2002 (C. Budd – principal investigator) 4. 'Exploring plasmonic nonlinearities', ~£4000, Royal Society visitor grant, principal investigator, (2006). 5. 'Linear and nonlinear photonics in silicon-on-insulator nano-circuits', Royal Society research grant; £11,000, principal investigator, March 2007-2008. 6. 'Parametric amplification in plasmon-polariton waveguides'', ~£4000, Royal Society visitor grant, principal investigator, (2008). 6
Research supervision and collaborations
I have led a research group in Bath for around 10 years. Currently there are 5 PhD students and 1 research assistant working under my close supervision (see below for details). Collaborations within the group are actively managed through the weakly schedule of topical meetings. Dedicated journal clubs and book reading seminar are organised on a regular basis.
I have been the lead supervisor for all the researchers listed below
Dr. A. Yulin – research assistant; 2000-2008 (presently, junior Prof., Center of Theoretical and Computational Physics, University of Lisbon, Portugal) Dr. A. Gorbach – research assistant (microcavities, waveguides, nanophotonics); 2006- present (presently, shortlisted candidate for the 5-year Royal Society Fellowship in 2011) Dr. F. Biancalana.- PhD student (fibre solitons); 2002-2005 (presently, junior Prof., Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany). Dr. C. Benton - PhD student (silicon photonic wires); 2005-2009 Mr. R. Hartley - PhD student (microcavities, exciton-polaritons); 2008- Mr. A. Marini – PhD student (nonlinear plasmonics); 2008- Mr. C. Milian – long term visiting PhD student from Valencia (2008-2010) Mr. O. Stains – PhD student (nonlinear silicon photonics) 2009- Mrs. X. Zhao – PhD student (nonlinear silicon photonics and plasmonics) 2009-
External and internal collaborations listed below have played an important role in my research
University of Bath (Prof. J. Knight, Dr. W. Wadsworth) – fibers, silicon photonics University of Jena (Prof. Lederer, Dr. Egorov) - microcavities University of Glasgow (Prof. R. De La Rue, Dr. M. Sorel) – silicon photonics King’s College London (Prof. A. Zayats) – plasmonics Tel-Aviv University (Prof. B. Malomed) – solitons University of Valencia (Dr. A. Ferrando) – solitons, plasmonics University of Sheffield (Dr. D. Krizhanovskii) – microcavities Los Alamos (Dr. A. Efimov) – nonlinear fibers
Prizes and Awards
I have been awarded with the 2009 Maxwell medal and prize from the Institute of Physics. It has been awarded for my ‘contributions to theory and modelling of nonlinear optical processes; in particular for predictions and understanding of effects accompanying interaction of solitons with radiation and generation of ultrabroad spectra in optical fibers.’
The award is made for outstanding contributions to theoretical physics, mathematical or computational physics. This award is intended to recognise physicists early in their careers. The medal is bronze and is accompanied by a prize of £2000 and a certificate.
Conference invitations
Invited talks 21. Optical Solitons, workshop (Invited address), Berlin, October 2010 20. Nonlinear waves in periodic structures, workshop (Keynote talk), Dresden, September, 2010 19. International Conference on Nonlinear Optics (Invited Address), Kazan, Russia, August 2010 18. International Conference on Nonlinear Waves, (Invited Address) Beijin, China (June, 2010) 7
17. Frontiers in Optics, OSA meeting (Invited address), San-Jose, USA, October, 2009 16. Nonlinear Optics in Guided Geometries, workshop (Invited address), Berlin, May 2009 15. 18th International Laser Physics Workshop (Invited Address), Barcelona, July 2009 14. Annual meeting of the European Optical Society (Invited address), Paris, September, 2008 13. SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (Invited address), Rome, July 2008 12. International Conference on Nonlinear Waves, (Invited Address) Beijin, China (June, 2008) 11. Laser Optics 2008, (Invited Address), StPetersburg (June 2008), Russia 10. International Conference on Nonlinear Optics (Invited Address), Minsk, Belarussia, May 2007 9. 49th British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC 2007) (Invited Address), Bristol, UK, April 2007 8. Nonlinear Physics in Periodic Structures and Metamaterials (Invited Address), Dresden, March 2007 7. Workshop on Nonlinear fiber optics (Invited Address), Berlin, Germany, June 2006 6. IEEE Optics and Optoelectronics conference, (Invited Address), Warsaw, Poland, August 2005 5. International Conference on Nonlinear Optics, (Invited Address), St Petersburg, Russia, May 2005 4. 13th International Laser Physics Workshop (Invited Address), Trieste, Italy, July 2004 3. Workshop on Mathematical Ideas in Nonlinear Optics (Invited Address), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2004 2. SIAM conference on NONLINEAR WAVES (Invited Address), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2004 1. Nonlinear Guided Waves, OSA Meeting (Invited Address), Stressa, Italy, September 2002
Membership of Editorial Boards
Optics Express , Associate Editor, 2006-present (published by the Optical Society of America) Optics Express is a very popular and relatively recent online only journal with the high impact factor fluctuating between 3 and 4.
Journal of Optics, Deputy Editor, 2011- (published by the Institute of Physics) This journal can be considered as the UK based alternative to the prestigious international journals. Its impact factor is between 1 and 1.5.
External Examining at Postgraduate Level P.D. Rasmussen (supervisor Prof. O. Bang, Technical University, Denmark, topic: supercontinuum generation)
Licences and Patents
Blue-enhanced supercontinuum generation (together with J. Knight and J. Stone). The patent has been successfully exploited under the agreement by Fianium Ltd, a UK-based laser company. 8
CPD unit
I have been a coordinator of the continuous professional development (CPD) unit on Fabrication of Photonic Crystal Fibres: see the university news . This unit has been the first of its kind organised by the Physics Department and it was run for the first time in January 2011. Preparation of this unit has required from me the major coordinating efforts with the academic and research staff in the department and with the staff of the University CPD office and most importantly the significant and continuous work with applicants and participants, who have paid a substantial registration fee of £8000 each. The unit has received a very positive feedback from participants.
Work with the Institute of Physics Over the last 2 years I have been actively involved with the activities of the Institute of Physics. First, I was a member of the Optics and Photonics Division committee and then became a member of the Quantum Electronics and Photonics group committee, see The group and division activities which I have either Ied or taken an active part in included organisation of the one day workshop on Nonlinear Photonics in Structured materials attended by all major UK researchers in this area (see , shaping the structure of Photon 10 and Photon 12 conferences, rating of the nominees for the annual prize for the best UK PhD in Photonics, etc.
Organisation of major international conferences
I have been a committee member voting on submissions, proposing invited speakers and making the lists of topics on several major and well established international conferences listed below. From this list I would like to highlight the role I played in the conferences 3 and 6. Taking 6, the session on Nonlinear Optics was shaped and run by myself. I have also helped to attract invited speakers and co- chaired the Slow-Light session. Taking 3, I was invited by the organisers of this large conference to make a symposium on ‘Nonlinear photonics in waveguides and resonators’.
8. CLEO Europe -EQEC - 2011, Optical Society of America (committee member) 7. Nonlinear Photonics - 2010, Optical Society of America, Karlsruhe, Germany (committee member) 6. Photon 2010-conference, Institute of Physics (topical chair: Nonlinear Optics; co-chair Slow Light) 5. Annual Meeting of the European Optical Society -2010 , Paris (committee member) 4. SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Brussels, Belgium (committee member) 3. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Rome, 2008 (symposium co-chair) 2. Annual Meeting of the European Optical Society -2006 , Paris (committee member) 1. Nonlinear Guided Waves -Optical Society of America, 2004, Toronto (committee member) 9
Coordinator of the continuous professional development (CPD) unit on Fabrication of Photonic Crystal Fibres: 2010-present Chair of the final year project exams ‘Study year abroad’ coordinator: 2010 Department research committee: 2009 Student-staff liaison committee: 2007-2008 Faculty board of studies: 2005-2006 ‘Library’ coordinator: 2002-2010
Mathematics for Scientists (PH10007): 2001-2004 Mathematical Physics (PH40073): 2006-present Photonics (PH40086): 2007-present Mathematical Methods (PH30025): 2007-2010 Problem solving in Quantum Mechanics (distance learning): 2002-2004 Contemporary Physics (PH30024): 2002-2004 Final year projects (PH30036): 2001-present
1. Skryabin, D. & Gorbach, A. (2010), "Supercontinuum Generation in Optical Fibers (edited by Dudley, J. and Taylor, J.R.)", March, 2010. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 9: Theory of supercontinuum.
2. Skryabin, D.V. & Wadsworth, W.J. (2009), "Nonlinear Optics and Solitons in Photonic Crystal Fibres, in 'Nonlinearities in Periodic Structures and Metamaterials (edited by C. Denz, S. Flach, Y. Kivshar)", December, 2009. , pp. 37-54. Springer.
3. Saffman, M. & Skryabin, D. (2001), "Coupled propagation of light and matter waves, in 'Spatial Solitons' (edited by S. Trillo, W. Torruelas)" , pp. 433-446. Springer.
ARTICLES IN JOURNALS Record 1 of 95 Ding, W; Gorbach, AV; Wadsworth, WJ; Knight, JC; Skryabin, DV; Strain, MJ; Sorel, M; De la Rue, RM. 2010. Time and frequency domain measurements of solitons in subwavelength silicon waveguides using a cross-correlation technique. OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (25): 26625-26630.. Author Full Name(s): Ding, W.; Gorbach, A. V.; Wadsworth, W. J.; Knight, J. C.; Skryabin, D. V.; Strain, M. J.; Sorel, M.; De la Rue, R. M. Record 2 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Gorbach, AV; Marini, A. 2011. Surface-induced nonlinearity enhancement of TM modes in planar subwavelength waveguides. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B- OPTICAL PHYSICS 28 (1): 109-114.. Author Full Name(s): Skryabin, D. V.; Gorbach, A. V.; Marini, A. Record 3 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC. 2010. PHOTONIC CRYSTAL WAVEGUIDES Compressing slow solitons. NATURE PHOTONICS 4 (12): 806-807.. Author Full Name(s): Skryabin, Dmitry V.; Knight, Jonathan C. DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2010.270 Record 4 of 95 de Nobriga, CE; Hobbs, GD; Wadsworth, WJ; Knight, JC; Skryabin, DV; Samarelli, A; Sorel, M; De La Rue, RM. 2010. Supermode dispersion and waveguide-to-slot mode transition in arrays of silicon-on- insulator waveguides. OPTICS LETTERS 35 (23): 3925-3927.. Author Full Name(s): de Nobriga, Charles E.; Hobbs, Gareth D.; Wadsworth, William J.; Knight, Jonathan C.; Skryabin, Dmitry V.; Samarelli, Antonio; Sorel, Marc; De La Rue, Richard M. Record 5 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Ding, W; Staines, OK; de Nobriga, CE; Hobbs, GD; Wadsworth, WJ; Knight, JC; Skryabin, DV; Samarelli, A; Sorel, M; De La Rue, RM. 2010. Spatiotemporal nonlinear optics in arrays of subwavelength waveguides. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82 (4): art. no.-041802.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Ding, W.; Staines, O. K.; de Nobriga, C. E.; Hobbs, G. D.; Wadsworth, W. J.; Knight, J. C.; Skryabin, D. V.; Samarelli, A.; Sorel, M.; De La Rue, R. M. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.041802 Record 6 of 95 Egorov, OA; Skryabin, DV; Lederer, F. 2010. Polariton solitons due to saturation of the exciton-photon coupling. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82 (16): art. no.-165326.. Author Full Name(s): Egorov, O. A.; Skryabin, D. V.; Lederer, F. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.165326 Record 7 of 95 11
Marini, A; Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2010. Coupled-mode approach to surface plasmon polaritons in nonlinear periodic structures. OPTICS LETTERS 35 (20): 3532-3534.. Author Full Name(s): Marini, A.; Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. Record 8 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2010. Parametric instabilities of microcavity polaritons in a periodic potential. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82 (12): art. no.-125313.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.125313 Record 9 of 95 Egorov, OA; Gorbach, AV; Lederer, F; Skryabin, DV. 2010. Two-Dimensional Localization of Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 105 (7): art. no.-073903.. Author Full Name(s): Egorov, O. A.; Gorbach, A. V.; Lederer, F.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.073903 Record 10 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Gorbach, AV. 2010. Colloquium: Looking at a soliton through the prism of optical supercontinuum. REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 82 (2): 1287-1299.. Author Full Name(s): Skryabin, Dmitry V.; Gorbach, Andrey V. DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.82.1287 Record 11 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Hartley, R; Skryabin, DV. 2010. Vortex Lattices in Coherently Pumped Polariton Microcavities. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 104 (21): art. no.-213903.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Hartley, R.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.213903 Record 12 of 95 Bolger, PM; Dickson, W; Krasavin, AV; Liebscher, L; Hickey, SG; Skryabin, DV; Zayats, AV. 2010. Amplified spontaneous emission of surface plasmon polaritons and limitations on the increase of their propagation length. OPTICS LETTERS 35 (8): 1197-1199.. Author Full Name(s): Bolger, P. M.; Dickson, W.; Krasavin, A. V.; Liebscher, L.; Hickey, S. G.; Skryabin, D. V.; Zayats, A. V. Record 13 of 95 Marini, A; Skryabin, DV. 2010. Ginzburg-Landau equation bound to the metal-dielectric interface and transverse nonlinear optics with amplified plasmon polaritons. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81 (3): art. no.- 033850.. Author Full Name(s): Marini, A.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.81.033850 Record 14 of 95 Marini, A; Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV; Zayats, AV. 2009. Amplification of surface plasmon polaritons in the presence of nonlinearity and spectral signatures of threshold crossover. OPTICS LETTERS 34 (18): 2864-2866.. Author Full Name(s): Marini, A.; Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V.; Zayats, A. V. Record 15 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Malomed, BA; Skryabin, DV. 2009. Gap polariton solitons. PHYSICS LETTERS A 373 (34): 3024-3027.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Malomed, B. A.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2009.06.036 Record 16 of 95 Milian, C; Skryabin, DV; Ferrando, A. 2009. Continuum generation by dark solitons. OPTICS 12
LETTERS 34 (14): 2096-2098.. Author Full Name(s): Milian, C.; Skryabin, D. V.; Ferrando, A. Record 17 of 95 Welch, MG; Cook, K; Correa, RA; Gerome, F; Wadsworth, WJ; Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC. 2009. Solitons in Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fiber: Engineering Nonlinearity and Compressing Pulses. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 27 (11): 1644-1652.. Author Full Name(s): Welch, Matthew G.; Cook, Kevin; Correa, Rodrigo Amezcua; Gerome, Frederic; Wadsworth, William J.; Gorbach, Andrey V.; Skryabin, Dmitry V.; Knight, Jonathan C. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2009.2019731 Record 18 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2009. Spatial solitons in periodic nanostructures. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79 (5): art. no.-053812.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.053812 Record 19 of 95 Egorov, OA; Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV; Lederer, F. 2009. Bright Cavity Polariton Solitons. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 102 (15): art. no.-153904.. Author Full Name(s): Egorov, O. A.; Skryabin, D. V.; Yulin, A. V.; Lederer, F. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.153904 Record 20 of 95 Benton, CJ; Skryabin, DV. 2009. Coupling induced anomalous group velocity dispersion in nonlinear arrays of silicon photonic wires. OPTICS EXPRESS 17 (7): 5879-5884.. Author Full Name(s): Benton, Christopher J.; Skryabin, Dmitry V. Record 21 of 95 Yulin, AV; Egorov, OA; Lederer, F; Skryabin, DV. 2008. Dark polariton solitons in semiconductor microcavities. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 (6): art. no.-061801, Part A.. Author Full Name(s): Yulin, A. V.; Egorov, O. A.; Lederer, F.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.061801 Record 22 of 95 Benton, CJ; Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2008. Spatiotemporal quasisolitons and resonant radiation in arrays of silicon-on-insulator photonic wires. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 (3): art. no.-033818.. Author Full Name(s): Benton, C. J.; Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.033818 Record 23 of 95 Yulin, AV; Champneys, AR; Skryabin, DV. 2008. Discrete cavity solitons due to saturable nonlinearity. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78 (1): art. no.-011804.. Author Full Name(s): Yulin, A. V.; Champneys, A. R.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.011804 Record 24 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV; Harvey, CN. 2008. Vortex solitons in an off-resonant Raman medium. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77 (6): art. no.-063810.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V.; Harvey, C. N. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.063810 Record 25 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2008. Soliton self-frequency shift, non-solitonic radiation and self-induced transparency in air-core fibers. OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (7): 4858-4865.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, Andrey V.; Skryabin, Dmitry V. 13
Record 26 of 95 Ding, W; Benton, C; Gorbach, AV; Wadsworth, WJ; Knight, JC; Skryabin, DV; Gnan, M; Sorrel, M; De La Rue, RM. 2008. Solitons and spectral broadening in long silicon-on-insulator photonic wires. OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (5): 3310-3319.. Author Full Name(s): Ding, W.; Benton, C.; Gorbach, A. V.; Wadsworth, W. J.; Knight, J. C.; Skryabin, D. V.; Gnan, M.; Sorrel, M.; De La Rue, R. M. Record 27 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2007. Theory of radiation trapping by the accelerating solitons in optical fibers. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 76 (5): art. no.-053803.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, Andrey V.; Skryabin, Dmitry V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.76.053803 Record 28 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2007. Bouncing of a dispersive pulse on an accelerating soliton and stepwise frequency conversion in optical fibers. OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (22): 14560-14565.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. Record 29 of 95 Knight, JC; Skryabin, DV. 2007. Nonlinear waveguide optics and photonic crystal fibers. OPTICS EXPRESS 15 (23): 15365-15376.. Author Full Name(s): Knight, J. C.; Skryabin, D. V. Record 30 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2007. Light trapping in gravity-like potentials and expansion of supercontinuum spectra in photonic-crystal fibres. NATURE PHOTONICS 1 (11): 653-657.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2007.202 Record 31 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2007. Cascaded generation of multiply charged optical vortices and spatiotemporal helical beams in a Raman medium. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 98 (24): art. no.- 243601.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.243601 Record 32 of 95 Sigler, A; Malomed, BA; Skryabin, DV. 2006. Localized states in a triangular set of linearly coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equations. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 74 (6): art. no.-066604, Part 2.. Author Full Name(s): Sigler, Ariel; Malomed, Boris A.; Skryabin, Dmitry V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.066604 Record 33 of 95 Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Vladimirov, AG. 2006. Modulational instability of discrete solitons in coupled waveguides with group velocity dispersion. OPTICS EXPRESS 14 (25): 12347-12352.. Author Full Name(s): Yulin, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V.; Vladimirov, A. G. Record 34 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV. 2006. Raman solitons with group velocity dispersion. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 74 (4): art. no.-046616, Part 2.. Author Full Name(s): Skryabin, D. V.; Yulin, A. V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.046616 Record 35 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2006. Spectral-discrete solitons and localization in frequency space. OPTICS LETTERS 31 (22): 3309-3311.. 14
Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. Record 36 of 95 Luan, F; Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV; Knight, JC. 2006. Energy exchange between colliding solitons in photonic crystal fibers. OPTICS EXPRESS 14 (21): 9844-9853.. Author Full Name(s): Luan, F.; Skryabin, D. V.; Yulin, A. V.; Knight, J. C. Record 37 of 95 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV; Stone, JM; Knight, JC. 2006. Four-wave mixing of solitons with radiation and quasi-nondispersive wave packets at the short-wavelength edge of a supercontinuum. OPTICS EXPRESS 14 (21): 9854-9863.. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V.; Stone, J. M.; Knight, J. C. Record 38 of 95 Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2006. Slowing down of solitons by intrapulse Raman scattering in fibers with frequency cutoff. OPTICS LETTERS 31 (21): 3092-3094.. Author Full Name(s): Yulin, Alexey V.; Skryabin, Dmitry V. Record 39 of 95 Serebryannikov, EE; Fedotov, AB; Zheltikov, AM; Ivanov, AA; Alfimov, MV; Beloglazov, VI; Skibina, NB; Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV; Knight, JC. 2006. Third-harmonic generation by Raman-shifted solitons in a photonic-crystal fiber. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 23 (9): 1975-1980.. Author Full Name(s): Serebryannikov, Evgenii E.; Fedotov, Andrei B.; Zheltikov, Aleksei M.; Ivanov, Anatoly A.; Alfimov, Mikhail V.; Beloglazov, Valentin I.; Skibina, Nina B.; Skryabin, Dmitry V.; Yulin, Aleksei V.; Knight, Jonathan C. Record 40 of 95 Krutitsky, KV; Skryabin, DV. 2006. Quantum lattice solitons in ultracold bosons near the Feshbach resonance. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 39 (17): 3507-3517.. Author Full Name(s): Krutitsky, K. V.; Skryabin, D. V. DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/39/17/008 Record 41 of 95 Luan, F; Yulin, AV; Knight, JC; Skryabin, DV. 2006. Polarization instability of solitons in photonic crystal fibers. OPTICS EXPRESS 14 (14): 6550-6556.. Author Full Name(s): Luan, F.; Yulin, A. V.; Knight, J. C.; Skryabin, D. V. Record 42 of 95 Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC. 2006. Phase-sensitive scattering of a continuous wave on a soliton. OPTICS LETTERS 31 (11): 1624-1626..
Record 43 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV; Maimistov, AI. 2006. Localized polaritons and second-harmonic generation in a resonant medium with quadratic nonlinearity. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 96 (16): art. no.- 163904..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.163904 Record 44 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV; Biancalana, F. 2006. Nontopological Raman-Kerr self-induced transparency solitons in photonic crystal fibers. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 73 (4): art. no.-045603, Part 2..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.045603 Record 45 of 95 15
Vladimirov, AG; Skryabin, DV; Kozyreff, G; Mandel, P; Tlidi, M. 2006. Bragg localized structures in a passive cavity with transverse modulation of the refractive index and the pump. OPTICS EXPRESS 14 (1): 1-6..
Record 46 of 95 Efimov, A; Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC; Joly, N; Omenetto, FG; Taylor, AJ; Russell, P. 2005. Interaction of an optical soliton with a dispersive wave. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95 (21): art. no.- 213902..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.213902 Record 47 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV. 2005. Theory of generation of new frequencies by mixing of solitons and dispersive waves in optical fibers. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72 (1): art. no.-016619, Part 2..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.016619 Record 48 of 95 Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Russell, PSJ. 2005. Dissipative localized structures of light in photonic crystal films. OPTICS EXPRESS 13 (9): 3529-3534..
Record 49 of 95 Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Russell, PSJ. 2005. Resonant radiation and collapse of ultrashort pulses in planar waveguides. OPTICS LETTERS 30 (5): 525-527..
Record 50 of 95 Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Omenetto, FG; Yulin, AV; Joly, NY; Biancalana, F; Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC; Russell, PS. 2004. Time-spectrally-resolved ultrafast nonlinear dynamics in small-core photonic crystal fibers: Experiment and modelling. OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (26): 6498-6507..
Record 51 of 95 Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Russell, PSJ. 2004. Four-wave mixing of linear waves and solitons in fibers with higher-order dispersion. OPTICS LETTERS 29 (20): 2411-2413..
Record 52 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Biancalana, F; Bird, DM; Benabid, F. 2004. Effective Kerr nonlinearity and two-color solitons in photonic band-gap fibers filled with a Raman active gas. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 93 (14): art. no.-143907..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.143907 Record 53 of 95 Skryabin, DV. 2004. Coupled core-surface solitons in photonic crystal fibers. OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (20): 4841-4846..
Record 54 of 95 Biancalana, F; Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV. 2004. Theory of the soliton self-frequency shift compensation by the resonant radiation in photonic crystal fibers. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70 (1): art. no.-016615, Part 2..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.70.016615 16
Record 55 of 95 Biancalana, F; Skryabin, DV. 2004. Vector modulational instabilities in ultra-small core optical fibres. JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS 6 (4): 301-306..
DOI: 10.1088/1464-4258/6/4/002 Record 56 of 95 Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Russell, PSJ. 2003. Transition radiation by matter-wave solitons in optical lattices. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 91 (26): art. no.-260402..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.260402 Record 57 of 95 Biancalana, F; Skryabin, DV; Russell, PS. 2003. Four-wave mixing instabilities in photonic-crystal and tapered fibers. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 68 (4): art. no.-046603, Part 2..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.046603 Record 58 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Luan, F; Knight, JC; Russell, PS. 2003. Soliton self-frequency shift cancellation in photonic crystal fibers. SCIENCE 301 (5640): 1705-1708..
Record 59 of 95 Reeves, WH; Skryabin, DV; Biancalana, F; Knight, JC; Russell, PS; Omenetto, FG; Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ. 2003. Transformation and control of ultra-short pulses in dispersion-engineered photonic crystal fibres. NATURE 424 (6948): 511-515..
DOI: 10.1038/nature01798 Record 60 of 95 Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV. 2003. Out-of-gap Bose-Einstein solitons in optical lattices. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 67 (2): art. no.-023611..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.67.023611 Record 61 of 95 Skryabin, DV; McSloy, JM; Firth, WJ. 2002. Stability of spiralling solitary waves in Hamiltonian systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 66 (5): art. no.-055602..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.66.055602 Record 62 of 95 Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 2002. Polarization dynamics of Bragg solitons. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 66 (4): art. no.-046603, Part 2..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.66.046603 Record 63 of 95 Buryak, AV; Di Trapani, P; Skryabin, DV; Trillo, S. 2002. Optical solitons due to quadratic nonlinearities: from basic physics to futuristic applications. PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 370 (2): 63-235..
Record 64 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Vladimirov, AG. 2002. Vortex induced rotation of clusters of localized states in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 89 (4): art. no.-044101.. 17
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.044101 Record 65 of 95 Vladimirov, AG; McSloy, JM; Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 2002. Two-dimensional clusters of solitary structures in driven optical cavities. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 65 (4): art. no.-046606, Part 2B..
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.046606 Record 66 of 95 Skryabin, DV. 2002. Energy of the soliton internal modes and broken symmetries in nonlinear optics. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 19 (3): 529-536..
Record 67 of 95 Rosanov, NN; Vladimirov, AG; Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 2002. Internal oscillations of solitons in two- dimensional NLS equation with nonlocal nonlinearity. PHYSICS LETTERS A 293 (1-2): 45-49..
Record 68 of 95 Skryabin, DV. 2001. Energy of internal modes of nonlinear waves and complex frequencies due to symmetry breaking. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 64 (5): art. no.-055601, Part 2..
Record 69 of 95 Kolossovski, KY; Buryak, AV; Skryabin, DV; Sammut, RA. 2001. Nonlinear dynamics of higher-order solitons near the oscillatory instability threshold. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 64 (5): art. no.-056612, Part 2..
Record 70 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Yulin, A; Michaelis, D; Firth, WJ; Oppo, GL; Peschel, U; Lederer, F. 2001. Perturbation theory for domain walls in the parametric Ginzburg-Landau equation. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 64 (5): art. no.-056618, Part 2..
Record 71 of 95 Fedorov, S; Michaelis, D; Peschel, U; Etrich, C; Skryabin, DV; Rosanov, N; Lederer, F. 2001. Effects of spatial inhomogeneities on the dynamics of cavity solitons in quadratically nonlinear media. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 64 (3): art. no.-036610, Part 2..
Record 72 of 95 Michaelis, D; Peschel, U; Lederer, F; Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 2001. Universal criterion and amplitude equation for a nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch transition. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 63 (6): art. no.-066602, Part 2..
Record 73 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Champneys, AR. 2001. Walking cavity solitons. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 63 (6): art. no.- 066610, Part 2..
Record 74 of 95 Skryabin, DV. 2001. Instabilities of vortices in a binary mixture of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates: Role of collective excitations with positive and negative energies. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 63 (1): art. no.-013602..
Record 75 of 95 18
Skryabin, DV. 2000. Stability of multi-parameter solitons: asymptotic approach. PHYSICA D- NONLINEAR PHENOMENA 139 (1-2): 186-193..
Record 76 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Champneys, AR; Firth, WJ. 2000. Frequency selection by soliton excitation in nondegenerate intracavity down-conversion. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 84 (3): 463-466..
Record 77 of 95 Skryabin, DV. 1999. Role of internal and continuum modes in modulational instability of quadratic solitons. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 60 (6): 7511-7517, Part B..
Record 78 of 95 Skryabin, DV. 1999. Instabilities of cavity solitons in optical parametric oscillators. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 60 (4): R3508-R3511, Part A..
Record 79 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 1999. Modulational instability of bright solitary waves in incoherently coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 60 (1): 1019-1029..
Record 80 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 1999. Interaction of cavity solitons in degenerate optical parametric oscillators. OPTICS LETTERS 24 (15): 1056-1058..
Record 81 of 95 Ostrovskaya, EA; Kivshar, YS; Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 1999. Stability of multihump optical solitons. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 83 (2): 296-299..
Record 82 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 1998. Modulational instability of solitary waves in nondegenerate three-wave mixing: The role of phase symmetries. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 81 (16): 3379-3382..
Record 83 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 1998. Dynamics of self-trapped beams with phase dislocation in saturable Kerr and quadratic nonlinear media. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 58 (3): 3916-3930, Part B..
Record 84 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 1998. Instabilities of higher-order parametric solitons: Filamentation versus coalescence. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 58 (2): R1252-R1255, Part A..
Record 85 of 95 Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 1998. Generation and stability of optical bullets in quadratic nonlinear media. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 148 (1-3): 79-84..
Record 86 of 95 Vladimirov, AG; Skryabin, DV. 1997. Dynamic instabilities in the interaction of transverse modes in a class-B laser. QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 27 (10): 887-891..
Record 87 of 95 19
Skryabin, DV; Vladimirov, AG; Radin, AM. 1997. Phase and amplitude dynamics of the TEM10 and TEM01 modes in a class-B laser. QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 27 (10): 892-896..
Record 88 of 95 Firth, WJ; Skryabin, DV. 1997. Optical solitons carrying orbital angular momentum. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 79 (13): 2450-2453..
Record 89 of 95 Skryabin, DV. 1996. Rotating and oscillating transverse patterns in an inhomogeneously broadened laser operating in a pair of doughnut modes. QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL OPTICS 8 (3): 485-493..
O. Egorov, D. Skryabin, and F. Lederer, "Cavity Polariton Solitons with Imprinted Nano Pattern," in Nonlinear Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper 20
C. de Nobriga, W. Wadsworth, A. Gorbach, D. Skryabin, J. Knight, A. Samarelli, M. Sorel, and R. De La Rue, "Supermode Dispersion of Strongly Coupled Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguides," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper CThB4.
A. Gorbach, R. Hartley, and D. Skryabin, "Vortex Lattices in the Coherently Pumped Polariton Microcavities," in Nonlinear Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper NWB3.
W. Ding, C. De Nobriga, G. Hobbs, W. Wadsworth, J. Knight, A. Gorbach, O. Stains, D. Skryabin, A. Samarelli, M. Sorel, and R. De La Rue, "Spectral Signatures of Spatio-Temporal Solitons in Arrays of Silicon-on-Insulator Photonic Wires," in Nonlinear Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper NWA4.
C. de Nobriga, G. Hobbs, W. Ding, A. Gorbach, W. Wadsworth, J. Knight, D. Skryabin, A. Samarelli, M. Sorel, and R. De La Rue, "Supermode Dispersion and Mode Transitions in Silicon- on-Insulator Waveguide Arrays," in Nonlinear Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper NME1.
O. Egorov, D. Skryabin, A. Yulin, and F. Lederer, "2D Polariton-Solitons in Semiconductor Microcavities," in CLEO/Europe and EQEC 2009 Conference Digest, (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper EH3_1.
A. Gorbach, A. Yulin, and D. Skryabin, "Localized cavity polaritons supported by the exciton field discontinuities," in CLEO/Europe and EQEC 2009 Conference Digest, (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper EF_P12.
D. Skryabin, "Gravity-Like Effects on Light and Fiber Supercontinuum," in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper FWD4.
O. Egorov, D. Skryabin, A. Yulin, and F. Lederer, "Solitons in Semiconductor Microcavities Operating in the Strong Coupling Regime," in Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper IME4.
A. Gorbach and D. Skryabin, "Spatial Solitons in Periodic Semiconductor-Dielectric Nano- Structures," in CLEO/Europe and EQEC 2009 Conference Digest, (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper EF_P8.
A. Gorbach and D. Skryabin, "Gravity-Like Force Suppresses Normal GVD and Blue Shifts Frequency of Femtosecond Pulses in Fibres," in Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2008), paper CTuE4.
A. Gorbach and D. Skryabin, "Soliton Self-Frequency Shift and Spectral Broadening in Air-Core Photonic Crystal Fibres," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2008), paper JWA26.
A. Gorbach and D. Skryabin, "Soliton Self-Frequency Shift and Spectral Broadening in Air-Core 21
Photonic Crystal Fibres," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2008), paper JWA26.
D. Skryabin and A. Gorbach, "Generation of Multiply Charged Optical Vortices and Spatiotemporal Helical Beams Using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing," in Nonlinear Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2007), paper NThA5.
A. Gorbach and D. Skryabin, "Gravity-Like Potential Traps Light and Stretches Optical Supercontinuum," in Nonlinear Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2007), paper NThB5.
A. Vladimirov, D. Skryabin, and M. Tlidi, "Localized structures of light in nonlinear devices with intracavity photonic bandgap material," in CLEO/Europe and IQEC 2007 Conference Digest, (Optical Society of America, 2007), paper IG_4.
D. Skryabin and A. Gorbach, "Theory of the radiation trapping at the blue edge of supercontinuum and two-frequency quasi-solitons existing across the zero dispersion point," in CLEO/Europe and IQEC 2007 Conference Digest, (Optical Society of America, 2007), paper CD10_6.
A. Gorbach and D. Skryabin, "Generation of multiply charged optical vortices and spatiotemporal helical beams using cascaded four-wave mixing," in CLEO/Europe and IQEC 2007 Conference Digest, (Optical Society of America, 2007), paper IE2_6.
A. Yulin and D. Skryabin, "Slowing and Stoping of Optical Solitons by Intrapulse Raman Scattering," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper JThC13.
D. Skryabin, A. Gorbach, and C. Benton, "Discrete Optical Solitons in Frequency Space and Trains of Short Pulses in a Raman Medium," in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper FTuL3.
Efimov, A. Taylor, A. Yulin, D. Skryabin, and J. Knight, "Phase-Sensitive Resonance in Scattering of Continuous Waves on Femtosecond Solitons in Photonic Crystal Fibers," in 15th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, OSA Technical Digest Series (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper TuH4.
D. Skryabin, A. Yulin, and A. Maimistov, "Solitons and Slow-Light in Materials with Resonantly Enhanced Quadratic and Cubic Nonlinearities," in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper FThA4.
A. Efimov, A. Taylor, A. Yulin, D. Skryabin, J. Knight, and P. Russell, "Scattering of Continuous Waves on Solitons in Photonic Crystal Fibers," in Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper QThJ6.
A. Yulin and D. Skryabin, "Slowing Down of Solitons by Intrapulse Raman Scattering in Fibers with Frequency Cut-Off," in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper FWS1. 22
A. Yulin and D. Skryabin, "Slowing and Stoping of Optical Solitons by Intrapulse Raman Scattering," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper JThC13.
D. Skryabin, F. Biancalana, D. Bird, and F. Benabid, "Resonant and Off-Resonant Two-Color Raman Solitons in Gas Filled Photonic Band-Gap Fibres," in Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2005), paper JWB99.
A. Yulin, D. Skryabin, and P. Russell, "Dissipative Bragg Solitons in Thin Film Waveguides," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2005), paper JThE106.
D. Skryabin, A. Yulin, N. Joly, J. Knight, P. Russell, A. Efimov, F. Omenetto, and A. Taylor, "Interaction of a Soliton with a Continuous Wave in Photonic Crystal Fibers: Theory and Experiment," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2005), paper TuD7.
D. Skryabin and A. Yulin, "Stimulated Emission of Linear Waves from Optical Solitons: Analytical Approach," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2005), paper ThB5.
D. Skryabin, F. Luan, J. Knight, and A. Yulin, "Spectral Signatures of Soliton Collisions in Photonic Crystal Fibers," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2005), paper ThC3.
D. Skryabin, F. Biancalana, D. Bird, and F. Benabid, "Resonant and Off-Resonant Two-Color Raman Solitons in Gas Filled Photonic Band-Gap Fibres," in Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2005), paper JWB99.
F. Biancalana and D. Skryabin, "Resonant ? and 2? Solitons in Gas-Filled Hollow-Core PCFs," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2005), paper ThB6.
A. Yulin, D. Skryabin, and P. Russell, "Dissipative Bragg Solitons in Thin Film Waveguides," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2005), paper JThE106.
F. Biancalana, D. Skryabin, and P. St. J. Russell, "Four-wave mixing instabilities in ultra-small core fibers," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, Technical Digest on CD (Optical Society of America, 2004), paper MC9.
A. Yulin, D. Skryabin, and P. Russell, "Cherenkov radiation of spatiotemporal solitons in planar waveguides," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2004), paper IML3.
A. Efimov, A. Taylor, F. Omenetto, N. Joly, D. Skryabin, J. Knight, and P. Russell, "Soliton 23
stabilization near second zero-dispersion point in small-core photonic crystal fibers," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2004), paper ITuH7.
D. Skryabin, A. Yulin, F. Biancalana, F. Luan, J. Knight, N. Joly, and P. St. J. Russell, "Radiation and scattering of linear waves and solitons in photonic crystal fibers," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2004), paper CThT28.
A. Yulin, D. Skryabin, and P. Russell, "Transition radiation by matter-wave solitons in optical lattices," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, Technical Digest on CD (Optical Society of America, 2004), paper TuB7.
D. Skryabin, A. Yulin, F. Biancalana, F. Luan, J. Knight, N. Joly, and P. Russell, "Radiation and scattering of linear waves and solitons in photonic crystal fibers," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, Technical Digest on CD (Optical Society of America, 2004), paper WC2.
W. Reeves, J. Knight, D. Skryabin, P. Russell, F. Omenetto, A. Efimov, and A. Taylor, "Ultrafast optics in dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fiber," in Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2003), paper CThV2.
J. McSloy, D. Skryabin, and W. Firth, "Stability of spiralling solitary waves in Hamiltonian systems," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, A. Sawchuk, ed., Vol. 80 of OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics (Optical Society of America, 2002), paper NLMD21.
D. Skryabin, "Interaction of dissipative localized structures in nonlinear optics," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, A. Sawchuk, ed., Vol. 80 of OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics (Optical Society of America, 2002), paper NLTuB1.
A. Vladimirov, J. McSloy, W. Firth, D. Skryabin, and N. Rosanov, "Two-dimensional clusters of solitary structures in driven optical cavities," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, A. Sawchuk, ed., Vol. 80 of OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics (Optical Society of America, 2002), paper NLMD48.
K. Kolossovski, A. Buryak, R. Sammut, and D. Skryabin, "Higherorder solitons: nonlinear dynamics near the oscillatory instability threshold," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, 2001 OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, 2001), paper MC60.
A. Yulin, D. Skryabin, W. Firth, G. Oppo, D. Mchaelis, U. Peschel, and F. Lederer, "Longituidal and transverse instabilities of domainwall solitons in OPO with gain and spectral filtering," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, 2001 OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, 2001), paper MC34.
D. Skryabin, "Energy of internal modes and universality of complex frequencies in systems with broken symmetries: examples from intracavity optics and BEC," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, 2001 OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, 2001), paper MA4.
D. Skryabin and W. Firth, "Competing neck and snake instabilities of vector Kerr and type-I quadratic solitons.," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, OSA Technical Digest 24
(Optical Society of America, 1999), paper WA3.
D. Skryabin and W. Firth, "Interaction of cavity solitons in degenerate optical parametric oscillators," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1999), paper WC3.
D. Skryabin, "Criterion for an oscillatory instability of multiparameter solitons," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1999), paper ThD11.
D. Skryabin, "Instability and multistability of cavity solitons in optical parametric oscillators," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1999), paper WD33.
Y. Kivshar, E. Ostrovskaya, D. Skryabin, and W. Firth, "Do stable multi-hump solitons exist?," in Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1999), paper WD6.
Record 1 of 9 Egorov, OA; Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV; Lederer, F. IEEE. 2009. Solitons in Semiconductor Microcavities Operating in the Strong Coupling Regime. 2009 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (CLEO/QELS 2009), VOLS 1-5: 1903-1904.presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS 2009) in Baltimore, MD, JUN 02-04, 2009. Author Full Name(s): Egorov, O. A.; Skryabin, D. V.; Yulin, A. V.; Lederer, F. Record 2 of 9 Skryabin, DV; Egorov, OA; Gorbach, AV; Lederer, F. 2010. One-dimensional polariton solitons and soliton waveguiding in microcavities. SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES 47 (1): 5- 9.presented at 9th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures in Lecce, ITALY, 2009. Author Full Name(s): Skryabin, D. V.; Egorov, O. A.; Gorbach, A. V.; Lederer, F. DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2009.06.012 Record 3 of 9 Gorbach, AV; Skryabin, DV. IEEE. 2008. Soliton Self-frequency Shift and Spectral Broadening in Air- core Photonic Crystal Fibres. 2008 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS & QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-9: 2732-2733.presented at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference in San Jose, CA, MAY 04-09, 2008. Author Full Name(s): Gorbach, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V. Record 4 of 9 Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC. 2007. Phase-sensitive resonance in scattering of continuous waves on femtosecond solitons in photonic crystal fibers. Ultrafast Phenomena XV 88: 217-219. edited by Corkum, P; Jonas, D; Miller, RJD; Weiner, AM.presented at 15th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Pacific Grove, CA, JUL 30-AUG 04, 2006. 25
Author Full Name(s): Efimov, A.; Taylor, A. J.; Yulin, A. V.; Skryabin, D. V.; Knight, J. C. Book series title: SPRINGER SERIES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS Record 5 of 9 Kazantseva, EV; Maimistov, AI; Skryabin, DV. 2006. Resonant parametric interaction of electromagnetic waves in quadratic nonlinear medium - art. no. 61810K. Photon Echo and Coherent Spectroscopy 2005 6181: K1810-K1810. edited by Samartsev, VV.presented at 8th International Symposium on Photon Echo and Coherent Spectroscopy in Kaliningrad, RUSSIA, SEP 18-25, 2005.
Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) DOI: 10.1117/12.675051 Record 6 of 9 Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Omenetto, FG; Knight, JC; Yulin, AV; Biancalana, F; Kumar, VVRK; Joly, NY; Russell, PS; Skryabin, DV. 2005. Visualizing nonlinear dynamics in optical waveguides. Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers V 5714: 160-172. edited by Neev, J; Schaffer, CB; Ostendorf, A; Nolte, S.presented at Conference on Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers V in San Jose, CA, JAN 24-27, 2005.
Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) DOI: 10.1117/12.602147 Record 7 of 9 Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Omenetto, FG; Joly, N; Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC; Wadsworth, WJ; Russel, PS. 2005. Spectral-temporal soliton dynamics analysis near second zero-dispersion point in photonic crystal fibers. ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA XIV 79: 52-54. edited by Kobayashi, T; Okada, T; Kobayashi, T; Nelson, KA; DeSilvestri, S.presented at 14th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena in Niigata, JAPAN, JUL 25-30, 2004.
Book series title: SPRINGER SERIES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS Record 8 of 9 Rosanov, NN; Fedorov, SV; Rozhdestvenskii, YV; Smirnov, VA; Veretenov, NA; Skryabin, DV; Firth, WJ. 2004. Modulation instability and decay of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates into solitonic trains. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON QUANTUM OPTICS 2003 5402: 98-106. edited by Samartsev, VV.presented at 9th International Workshop on Quantum Optics in St Petersburg, RUSSIA, OCT 13-17, 2003.
Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) DOI: 10.1117/12.561008 Record 9 of 9 Vladimirov, AG; Skryabin, DV. 1996. Dynamics of transverse modes in a class-B laser. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS IN LASERS - LASER OPTICS '95 2792: 242-252. edited by Abraham, NB; Khanin, YI.presented at Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics in Lasers, at the 8th Laser Optics Conference in ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, JUN 27-JUL 01, 1995.