1St 5Th Grade Science Teacher- Maura Callan

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1St 5Th Grade Science Teacher- Maura Callan

Curriculum Night September 14, 2017 1st – 5th Grade Science Teacher- Maura Callan

** I will be in Room 302 from 7-8pm! Drop by to learn more about our science program!**

Introductions Hello and welcome back to all our Renaissance family! I am excited to see new and old faces alike. This is my 4th year at TRCS, and my third as science teacher! It is my 16th year in the NYC DOE and I am eager to make it my best yet! Science at TRCS is ever evolving. This year I am pleased to announce your son or daughter will have science class in our brand new elementary science lab room! By teaching science in a classroom of its own, as opposed to pushing into the regular classrooms for instruction, science can be even more hands on and exploratory. This year will be filled with investigations, experiments, and lab work. I am so excited and grateful for this opportunity!

The following is a list of the units of study for each grade level. Some grades have less units as we have more material to cover within one unit and will work with that topic for longer. All students begin the year with a unit I call “Being a Scientist.” At each varying grade level students will learn and review scientific skills such as measurement, observation, estimation and classification. If you have any questions on a given unit please email me.

Science Units of Study Grades 1-5 Grade Level Units for 2017-2018 1st  Being A Scientist  Five Senses  Solids, Liquids and Gases  Pebbles, Sand and Silt  Plants and Animals 2nd  Being A Scientist  Air and Weather  Balance and Motion  Insects and Plants 3rd  Being A Scientist  Measuring Matter  Water  Nutrition  Structures of Life 4th  Being A Scientist  Sun, Moon and Stars  Energy and Electromagnetism  Food Chains and Webs  Conservation and Climate Change 5th  Being A Scientist  Measurement  Mixtures and Solutions  Weather on Earth  Environments The following is a guide to Grade 1- 5 Science at TRCS:

FOSS Our science program is centered around FOSS (Full Option Science System), a research-based science curriculum for grades K-8 developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. FOSS has evolved from a philosophy of teaching and learning that has guided the development of successful active-learning science curricula for more than 40 years. The FOSS Program bridges research and practice by providing tools and strategies to engage students and teachers in enduring experiences that lead to deeper understanding of the natural and designed worlds.

Goals My goal for each student during this school year is to not only to teach them scientific content, but also how to think which is just as important! I hope all students will grow in the following ways: •Asking questions and defining problems •Developing and using models •Planning and carrying out investigations •Analyzing and interpreting data •Using mathematics, and computational thinking •Constructing explanations and designing solutions •Engaging in argument from evidence •Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Grading I will regularly use Pupil Path to publish student’s grades. Students will be given a biweekly class grade. This grade is based on participation, behavior, classwork, and effort. This is a holistic look at your son or daughter in science class for the previous two weeks. Students in 3rd -5th grade will also receive a notebook grade every four weeks. This grade will be based directly on their notebook output- what they have written and communicated both in content, neatness, effort and quality. Other grades in Pupil Path will be test scores, quiz scores, labs and projects.

Report Cards The following are the criteria I score on the report cards given in November, March and June:  Demonstrates an understanding of science content and concepts  Uses reading, writing and mathematics to gather, interpret and use evidence in science content and concepts  Makes predictions, seeks answers and develops solutions

Class Participation Students are expected to work in teams to complete science labs, challenges and investigations. Students will be held accountable to their group and must offer assistance and insight. Students are also expected to participate in class by reading material, answering and asking questions, and being present in class. Hoods on heads, heads down on the table and talking to others during instruction will not be tolerated. Homework/Projects Homework will be very infrequent but will occur on occasion. Students (depending on grade level) will have 2-4 projects throughout the school year which will primarily be completed at home. Also be on the lookout for information regarding our first ever TRCS Science Fair!

Testing Students will be tested at the conclusion of every unit. Students will know test dates in advance and will be able to bring materials home to prepare. 4th grade students will take the NY State Science test at the end of May. 4th grade parents expect more info in the Spring, but keep in mind if your son or daughter is keeping up and understanding classwork, they will do fine on the state test.

Be a Tree I believe in rewarding children for hard work. Every day in class that students show “TREE” behavior they earn a point. TREE stands for Teamwork, Respect, Excellence and Enthusiasm. Each class must work together for this point. When ten points are accumulated they can pick a reward. Rewards are all science related and include science games, videos or special experiments. I hope that this incentive will encourage the best behavior and therefore the best learning!

STEM STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It is an interdisciplinary and applied approach which teaches the four disciplines cohesively based on real-world applications. This year, just like last, I will teach this term with students and work on “STEM Challenges.” STEM is the way of the future!

Materials Thank you to all the parents who sent in supplies. These supplies will be used in the science lab throughout the year. I would not be able to do it without you, so thank you! I did though forget to ask for Clorox Wipes so if anyone would like to donate any I will be most appreciative. The lab sees 150 students daily (so many germs!) and cleaning is a must!

Instagram This year I kindly invite you to follow me on Instagram. My name is TRCScience. I will post pictures of exciting labs, experiments and activities. If you DO NOT want your child featured in an online post email me your request. The purpose of the account is to have a central way to quickly let parents and fellow teachers see the great work the students of Renaissance are doing! Posts will focus on the science activity but students may appear. Please “friend me” if you are on Instagram, and if you are not currently on, please consider joining.

****************************************************************************** Thank you so much for partnering in your child’s education. Together we can achieve more! Email is my best form of communication and I will typically answer within the day. Please reach out to me with questions, concerns, ideas or just to say hi! 

-Maura [email protected]

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