Depression and the New Deal Unit Syllabus
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Mr. Baker APUSH
UNIT 7: THE WORLD AT WAR: 1929-1960 2012-2013
Readings in America’s History, 6 ed.
Chapter 24 Redefining Liberalism: The New Deal, 1933-1939 Chapter 25 The World at War, 1939-1945 Chapter 26 Cold War America, 1945-1960
Unit Assessments
1. Document Based Questions (DBQs) 2. Unit Project--TBA 3. Daily Reading Quizzes 4. Weekly Reading Quizzes 5. Hub Dates: 1933, 1948 6. Unit 7 FRQ Test 7. Unit 7 MC Test
Readings with Focus Questions
Day 1 March 11 M
TWE was Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) a do-nothing President?
The Onset of the Great Depression, 1929-1032 Video: People’s Century: Breadline Video: Its’s a Wonderful Life: Bank Panic
Day 2 March 13 W
Was the New Deal totally new or did it adopt Populist and Progressive proposals as well as those of other political commentators of the 1930s? Contrast Hacker essay with Commager essay.
Did the New Deal programs fundamentally change the identity of Democratic Party and the role of the American government in relation to the lives of ordinary Americans more than in any previous era?
In terms of new legislation, the Second New Deal was much more significant than the First New Deal.
[Relief, Recovery and Reform] The 1932 Election The New Deal Takes Over, 1933-1935 Secondary sources from The New Deal: Revolution or Evolution by Rozwenc Mr. Baker APUSH
The Second New Deal, 1935-1939 The New Deal’s Impact on Society
Day 3 March 15 F
How does a modern historian explain the internment of citizens of Japanese decent?
The Road to War Organizing for Victory Life on the Homefront Fighting and Winning the War
Day 4 March 18 M
Who, Stalin or Truman and Eisenhower, was most responsible for causing and expanding the Cold War before 1955?
Yalta Simulation Korean War New Deal Unit Projects due in class The Cold War
Day 5 March 20 W
Using the CAHO documents, evaluate the following statement:
“The Cold War and domestic anticommunism were reasonable and measured responses…to tangible external and internal threats…”
The Truman Era
Day 6 March 22 F
Shifts in party control of the presidency during the twentieth century have typically not brought major shifts in domestic policy." TWE did Republican President Eisenhower adopt or accept the domestic programs of Democratic Presidents Harry Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt? Was this true of foreign policy? Consider Eisenhower and Truman.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1961 Modern Republicanism
Day 7 April 1 M
In-class DBQ Mr. Baker APUSH
Day 8 April 3 W
Unit 7 FRQ/DBQ Test
Day 9 April 5 F
Unit 7 Test Return
Day 10 April 8 M
Unit 1 and Unit 2 Review
Day 10 April 10 W
APUSH MOCK EXAM 2:05-5:30 (estimated)
General Unit Vocabulary (page numbers are 2 ed.)
Depression and New Deal
Buying on margin United Cannery… (UCAPAWA) Black Tuesday 1929 Agricultural Marketing Act Margaret Sanger 1932 Revenue Act Mae West 1932 Glass-Steagall Banking Act Marx Brothers Reconstruction Finance Production Code Administration Corporation Catholic Legion of Decency Pump priming Walt Disney Hoovervilles Shirley Temple Hoover flags Swing music Hoover blankets Benny Goodman Farm Holiday Association Duke Ellington 1932 Bonus Army The Scottsboro case General Douglas MacArthur Dust storms Dwight D. Eisenhower Okies George S Patton The Grapes of Wrath Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Factories in the Field Eleanor Roosevelt Bracero
The New Deal, 1933-1939
Bank Holiday Huey Long Emergency Banking Act 1933 Fireside chats Hundred Days Frances Perkins Home Owners Loan Corporation FDR’s First Inaugural Address Glass-Steagall Banking Act Mr. Baker APUSH
Federal Deposit Insurance Share Our Wealth Society Corporation (FDIC) Second New Deal Civilian Conservation Corps Section 7(a) of the NRA Tennessee Valley Authority National Labor Relations Act Agricultural Adjustment Act (Wagner Act) National Industrial Recovery Act National Labor Relations Board National Recovery Administration Social Security Act Federal Emergency Relief Works Progress Administration Administration Revenue Act of 1935 794 Public Works Administration Court Packing Bill 795 Civil Works Administration National Housing Act 795 Securities and Exchange Fair Labor Standards Act 1938 795 Commission Roosevelt Recession of 1937-38 Public Utilities Holding John Maynard Keynes Company Act Eleanor Roosevelt Banking Act of 1935 New Deal Coalition Schechter vs United States Federal Art Project Francis Townsend Federal Writers’ Project Father Charles Coughlin Federal Theater Project
The World at War, 1939-1945
Lend-Lease Act March 1941 Good Neighbor Policy Quarantine Policy Nye Committee and speech 1941 822 Neutrality Acts 1935-1937 Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 823 Greater East Asia War Production Board 823 Co-Prosperity Sphere WACS 825 Benito Mussolini WAVES 825 Fascism WASPs 825 Ethiopia 1935 Rosie the Riveter 826 Adolf Hitler Harry Truman 829 National Socialist Party Victory Gardens 830 Fuhrer Rationing 830 Third Reich Zoot suiters, zoot suit riots 831 Rome-Berlin Axis 1936 Nisei 833 Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 Relocation camps/centers 833 Anti-Comintern Pact 1936 Atlantic Charter Munich Conference 1938 Battle of Stalingrad 1942-1943 Neville Chamberlain D-Day June 6, 1944 Non-Aggression Pact August, 1939 V-E Day May 8, 1945 840 Poland September 1, 1939 Holocaust 840 Cash and Carry November 1939 Battle of Midway June 1942 841 Blitzkrieg Bataan Death March 842 Committee to Defend America Iwo Jima and Okinawa America First Committee Feb-June 1945 844 Yalta 845 United Nations and Mr. Baker APUSH
Security Council Hiroshima August 6, 1945 846 Nagasaki August 9, 1945 846 845 V-J Day August 15, 1945 846 Manhattan Project 846
Cold War America
Dixiecrats 867 Yalta 1945 854 McCarthyism 869 Iron Curtain 855 HUAC 871 Containment policy 855 Joseph McCarthy 871 Greece 1946-1947 858 Dwight D Eisenhower 872 Truman Doctrine 858 Richard M. Nixon 873 Marshall Plan 858 Brown vs. Board 875 Czechoslovakia 1948 859 Sputnik 875 Berlin Airlift 859 Interstate Highway Act 1956 875 NATO 860 John Foster Dulles 875 Comecon 860 Nikita Khrushchev 876 Warsaw Pact 860 Hungary 1956 846 Chinese Civil War 1949 860 Allen Dulles 876 NSC-68 861 Central Intelligence Agency 876 National Security Act 861 Guatemala 1954 876 Korean War 862 New Look 876 Douglas MacArthur 862 Hydrogen bomb 877 Inchon Landing 863 Arms race 877 Yalu River 863 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile 877 38th Parallel 863 Mutually Assured Destruction Fair Deal 865 Suez Canal Crisis Servicemen’s Readjustment Act Eisenhower Doctrine 1944 865 Alger Hiss Taft-Hartley Act 866 Whittaker Chambers
Past FRQs and DBQs
1993 Identify THREE of the following New Deal measures and analyze the ways in which each of the three attempted to fashion a more stable economy and a more equitable society. Agricultural Adjustment Act Securities and Exchange Commission Wagner National Labor Relations Act Social Security Act
1985 During the past four decades, historians consistently have rated Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt as the greatest Presidents. Assess the Mr. Baker APUSH
greatness of any TWO of these three chief executives, making clear the criteria on which you base your judgement.
1982 Prior to American involvement in both the First and Second World Wars, the US adopted official policy of neutrality. Compare the policy and its modifications during the period 1914-1917 to the policy and its modifications during the period 1939-1941.
1985 During the past four decades, historians consistently have rated Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt as the greatest Presidents. Assess the greatness of any TWO of these three chief executives, making clear the criteria on which you base your judgement.
1979 “Between 1776 and 1823, a young and weak US achieved considerable success in foreign policy with the two principle European powers, Great Britain and France. Between 1914 and 1950, however, a far more powerful US was far less successful in achieving its foreign objectives in Europe.”
Discuss by comparing US foreign policy in Europe during the period 1776 to 1823 with US policy in Europe during ONE of the following periods: 1914-1932 or 1933-1950.
1999 Assess the success of the United States policy of containment in Asia between 1945 and 1975.
1991 Although the 1960s are usually considered the decade of greatest achievement for Black civil rights, the 1940’s and 1950’s were periods of equally important gains. Assess the validity of this statement.
1981 Why did U.S. foreign policy after the Second World War (1945-1960) take a different direction from that after the First World War (1919-1939)? Give approximately equal attention to both periods.
1968 Between 1945 and 1956, American foreign policy was dominated by the principles of Woodrow Wilson.” Is this a valid generalization? Explain your answer.