Dr. Faika M. El-Refaie

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Dr. Faika M. El-Refaie

Dr. Faika M. El-Refaie

e-mail : [email protected] Mobile : (012) 2239439

Cairo 1/1/2010

Academic Qualifications

* Ph.D. in Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA-1969. * M.A. In Economics, Yale University, USA (1965). * Diploma in Economics, Cairo University (1964). * Diploma in Planning, Institute of National Planning Cairo, Egypt (1962). * BA in Economics, Cairo University , Egypt (1961).

Recognition Awards

. AUC Certificate of Appreciation for Efforts on Women Development in Egypt, American University in Cairo, 2005. . Union of Associations for Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Award, Cairo,2005. . The Egyptian Banking Institute Award, 2001. . American Economic Association and the Economics Institute Award, 1999. . Egyptian Statistical Association Medal,1997. . Egyptian Bankers’ Union Medal,1994. . The International Bussinessman’s WHO is WHO,1986. . The World WHO’s WHO of Women, 1986. . Fellowships from Yale University, Colorado University, and the United Nations. . Honorary Citizenship of State of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA 1967.

1 Recent Positions

 Sub-Governor, Central bank of Egypt: 1987-2000.  Member of The Egyptian Parliament (EP): member of Economic,and Budget & planning Committees:(2000-2005).  Chairman of NEPAD Parliamentary Committee of EP: 2003-2005  Member of the Pan African Parliament (2003-2005).  Vice-Chairman of PAP Trade, Customs and Immigration Committee 2004- 2005.  Member of the Egyptian National Council for Women and Chairman of its Economic Committee, 1999-2003.  Member of the African Parliamentarians Contact Group for the NEPAD- 2003 up to now.  Member of the Egyptian Delegation to International Parliamentary Union (IPU) and leader of its group of facilitators for Cyprus: 2000-2005.  Team Leader of UNDP study on “Technical Cooperation for Capacity Building: The Case for Egypt”, 2001.  Consultant, Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES),2000-2001.  Member of the USA/Egypt Partnership joint Committee on Trade, Investment, Finance, and Development, 1994-99.

Previous Positions

. Manager, Research Department, Arab Monetary Fund (AMF),1985-87. . Deputy Manager, Programs and Operations Department, AMF,1980-84. . Assistant Managing Director- the Central bank of the United Arab Emirates (CB, UAE),1779-1977. . Manager, Research Department, CB, UAE, 1974-79. . Senior Expert (Assistant Professor)- Institute of National Planning, Cairo Egypt, 1974-79. . Expert- Institute of National Planning, Cairo Egypt, 1969-73. . Researcher–Economic Growth Center, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, 1967-68. . Instructor, Economics Department, University of Colorado, United States, 1965-67.

Board of Directors Member

* Arab African International bank. * Afro-Export-Import (ExIm) Bank. * Arab Monetary Fund, UAE. * Inter-Arab Trade Financing Program.

2 * Holding Company for Trade (Egypt). * Associations for Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation (NGO).  Board Member, Egyptian Banking Institute till 2013.  Member of the Economic Committee of the Supreme Council for Culture till 2012.  Board Member and Treasurer, Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs till 2010..   Member of the Consultative Group of the Egyptian Center for Future and Strategic Studies till 2010.

Official Missions Representative of Egypt in:

Meetings of G-33: Head of mission; G-24: As deputy(1992-96) and as Minister (1999); the interim Committee (now International Monetary and Financial Committee); Development Committee of the world Bank; the Annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank; the G-24 Conference on Bretton-woods Institutions; WTO:liberalization of Financial Services (Head of the Banking Sector negotiation team-1995-97); Arab Monetary Fund (AMF): Annual Meeting as deputy Governor (1989-1993 & 1998); Arab Central Bank Governors annual meetings as deputy Governor; the International Conferences on crisis management and financial instability; the Consultative Group Meetings for some African and Arab countries representing the AMF (1984-86); and the Extraordinary Meeting of the Arab Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors- Head of mission representing the UAE Central Bank (1975).

Membership of Associations and Committies

 Economic Research Forum, Senior Research Fellow and affiliates.  Egyptian Association for Economics and Legislation.  American Economic Association, USA.  Committee on Commerce Studies and Applied Statistics- Supreme Council of Universities, since 2005.  Member of the Academy of Science and technology (1999- 2004).  Committee for modernising the performance of CAPMAS (1996).  Committee for Administrative Support (1995).  National Committee for Export Promotion (1971-1072).

3 Other Distinguished Work

1) The establishment of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) web-site. (1999). 2) The initiation of data-base for the Egyptian Economy and LAN network in the CBE Department of Economics (1996-1998). 3) The establishment of the Egyptyian Banking Institute, Cairo (1989-1991). 4) Alignment of Egypt’s external debt data with the World Bank: Result reducion of WB figures by 8 billion US dollar (1993-94). 5) Joint work with the World Bank for improving and enhancing the capital market in Egypt-(1990-1993). 6) Promoting participation of Egyptian Banks to be shareholders in inter-arab trade financing program (1990-91).


Participant in international, regional, and national Conferences, seminars, workshops and Round-table discussions as Speaker/ Discussant /or Chairperson of a session in the fields of economic development, monetary and Fiscal Policies, banking & financial sector issues, international trade and finance, statistics, governance in public/private sectors, and women issues.

Supervisor / Discussant of PhD & Masters Theses

Supervised PH.D and MA theses in economics and management (mainly in monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate policies, bank efficiency, financial markets, and women Issues) presented to Cairo, Ain-Shams, and El-Azhar Universities.


Numerous researches and articles in the publications of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES), UNDP, World Bank, the OECD, the Egyptian Center for Future and Strategic Studies, the Center for Economic and Financial Research (CEFR) of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science- Cairo University, the Egyptian Bankers’ Union (The Bankers Magazine), the UAE Chamber of Commerce

4 Magazine, the Institute of National Planning, in addition to numerous articles in the daily newspapers in UK, USA, Egypt and the UAE.( Publications’ List below).

Contact Addresses

Tel (Home): 02 25268820 02 25244952 E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 012-2 223 9439

Postal Address: 33 Cornish El-Nil, Maadi, Al-Woroud Building- Sixth floor, .Apt 11 - Cairo, Egypt


. A book on African Dream (New Partnership for Africa’s Development and African Economic Community, Published by The Supreme Council for Culture, 2014. . A book on Democracy and the role of Parliament, Published by Dar Al Shorouk International, 2013. . The Role of Egypt in Africa in the Context of Recent Changing Environment, the Egyptian Center for Future and Strategic Studies, Cairo, August 2009 . . Monetary Policy in Egypt over the Past One-Hundred Years, Faculty of Economics and Political Science Conference, Cairo University, May 12-13, 2008. . A book on “A Vision on the Egyptian Constitution”, Dar Al-Shorouk International Press, 2007. . The Liquidity Issue in Egypt: Reasons and Solutions, ECES, 2000. . Twelve papers in financial and monetary Affairs published in “ Bankers Magazine” 1996-1999. . Inflation Mechanisms Via the Exchange Rate Policy, Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies, Cairo University, 1992. . Planning of Investment and Evaluation of Investment Projects, INP, Cairo, May 1972. . Planning of Foreign Trade and Navigation Policies, INP, Cairo, June 1972.

5 . International Economics and Planning of Foreign Trade, INP, Cairo, May 1970 (two parts). . The Economics of Consumption and Planning, INP, April, 1970.

In addition, three arabic reports on NEPAD : Economic Status of African Countries, NEPAD and the Agriculture Initiative, NEPAD and the Educational Initiative were submitted and discussed in the plenary sessions of Egyptian Parliament and were endorsed and transferred to the Egyptian Government for Action.

In English

. Technical Cooperation for Capacity Building: The Case for Egypt, UNDP, 2001. . The Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Egypt, Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES), 2001. . Business Barometer Survey (Bi-annual), ECES, 2000. . The Report of the Working Group on Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: A Comment presented in an international conference organized by ECES and Others, 1999. . Europe and the Mediterranean Countries: The Integration Process from Central Bankers Point of View (A Comment)- Ain Shams University Conference, 1998. . Strengthening The Banking System in Egypt : Opportunities for Investment, Euro-Money International Conference, Egypt 1998. . The Conduct of Monetary Policy With An Open Capital Account - A case Study on Egypt, Presented at the World Bank, MDF, Morocco, 1998. . Financial Intermediation: The Efficiency of the Egyptian Banking System, International Conference, ECES, 1997. . Financial Services Agreements and Its Impact on Arab Banking Industry- A Paper presented at the CEFR, Cairo University, 1995. . A Comment on a Paper on International Liquidity and the Needs of the World Economy, presented at the G-24 International Conference on Britton woods Institutions Held in Cartagena, Colombia, 1994. . The Financial Sector in Egypt after Liberalization: A Lecture at the AUC, 1994. . The Performance of the Banking Sector in Egypt During the 1980s, AUC, 1988. . The Central Bank, Monetary Policy and the Role of the Private Secrtor in the UAE- Economic Horizon Magazine, Union of Chambers of Commerce, UAE, 1981. . A Comment on A Paper on Economic Growth and the UAE Experience, Centre for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, Lebanon, 1981. . Money and Banking in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Department of Planning, Government of Abu Dhabi, 1981. . The Financial Market in the UAE – Department of Commerce and Industry Magazine, Abu Dhabi, 1980. . The Development Impact of Barter and Barter-like Arrangements in Egypt: A research undertaken for the OECD, September 1973.

6 . The Public Sector and Multinational Corporations in Egypt: The case of Pharmaceutical Industry, UN, IDEP-Cairo, 1972. . Towards Fulfilling the Promise of the High Dam, UN, IDEP-Cairo, 1972. . The Use of Commodity Balances in Planning Foreign Trade, INP-Cairo, November 1971(co-author).

Other papers for teaching at the Institute of National Planning, Cairo on: Growth Models, Investment Planning, Planning of Consumption, and Planning of Foreign Trade (1969-1972).


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