Seagreen Singers (Oxford) Lyrics & Song Sheets s1

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Seagreen Singers (Oxford) Lyrics & Song Sheets s1

27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 1 . SeaGreen Singers (Oxford) 'Big Choir' COP21 Songbook - Nov.29th 2015 27/04/2018 12:27:18 Lyrics & Song sheets

For scores in musical notation and mp3 sound files of the choral parts for these songs look at the SeaGreen Singers website:

The Seagreen Singers are a group based in Oxford singing songs to change the world about peace, protest, environment, feminism.

The SeaGreen Singers is named after the colour of the ribbons worn by the Levellers, a radical movement in Cromwell's Model Army. The Levellers believed in equality for all, justice, and human rights.

All are welcome to join, you don’t need singing experience, and you don’t need to read music. We meet at St.Columba's Church Hall, Alfred Street (just off the High Street, Carfax end) Oxford, on Mondays at 8pm.

For more information ring 07815 914776, or email [email protected] or look at the website 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 2

1 BUILD A BETTER FUTURE (A) 1 2 CONSUME DOOM DOOM (A and F) 2 3 TAR SANDS (C)...... 3 4 NOT ON A JET PLANE (F#-G) 3 7 FRACKING ANTHEM (C).....5 8 BLOWING IN THE WIND (G)6 9 CARBON NEUTRAL SOCIETY (C) 6 10 SUN, WIND AND WATER (E) 7 11 OH, I DO LOVE TO LIVE BESIDE THE FRACKERS (starts G) 8 12 MOTHER EARTH (C) 8 13 SLEEPWALKERS ALL (E ♭) 9 14 IF WE KILL THIS FOREST (A - D) 9 15 BOUNDARY SONG (A)...... 9 16 OIL IN THE WATER (Starts D) 10 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 1 1 BUILD A BETTER more lies and do it FUTURE (A) NOW! NOW! NOW! (Tune: Bella Ciao, Words: We need….. Sea Green Singers) Repeat all 4 verses, then: We need to wake up, we Finale: We need to build need to rise up a better future We need to open up our And we need to start eyes and do it right now NOW! NOW! NOW! We need to build a better future And we need to start right now

We've got a problem on our planet We've got to solve it, get involved and do it NOW! NOW! NOW! We need …

Make it greener, make it cleaner Make it last, make it fast and do it NOW! NOW! NOW! We need…..

No point in waiting or hesitating We must get wise, take no 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 2 cutting them down 2 CONSUME DOOM It’s our wake-up call, it’s DOOM (A and F) our wake-up call. (Tune: Da Doo Ron Ron. (ba-du-ba) Let's end this Words:Camilla Cancantata pollu-ution and Morag Carmichael) (ba-du-ba) That's part of the solu-ution (ba-du-ba) And we need a Walking down the high revolu-ution street with my take-away It’s our wake-up call, it’s Consume doom, doom, our wake-up call doom, Sustainability, Consume doom, doom sustainability, Send it to the landfill and Biodiversity, biodiversity, have a nice day Care for the earth, care Consume etc. for each other and more! (ba-du-ba) Yeah, 'twon’t bio-de-grade (ba-du-ba) Yeah, it’s all Walking down the high man-made street with my spade and (ba-du-ba) Yeah, the hoe workers are badly paid We plant our own now, we Consume etc. plant our own Take away, throw Digging up potatoes and away (x 3) Stop! watching beans grow, We plant our own now, we Walking down the high plant our own street when I saw the light (ba-du-ba) Solar panels on Consume etc. the old town hall Looked into the future and I (ba-du-ba) Green jobs had a fright make a living for all, Consume etc. (ba-du-ba) Working (ba-du-ba) Yeah, it’s together is our answer to looking bad that call (ba-du-ba) Yeah, the It's our wake-up call, it's world’s gone mad our wake-up call. (ba-du-ba) What's Sustainability (repeat happened to the earth we chorus) had? This is our wake-up call Consume etc. (x 2) Take away etc.(x 3) Stop! Now's the time for us to turn this round It’s our wake-up call, it’s our wake-up call. Plant more trees instead of 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 3 3 TAR SANDS (C) NOT leaving on a jet plane Tune: Daisy Daisy; words It’s cleaner now to Morag Carmichael, RV. take the train Tar sands, tar sands, what Cheap flights will cost a calamity! us dear Massive pollution, waste and toxicity. Switch off the lights, the TV Ancestral lands and forests too Despoiled by greed for oil Simple things we all can do Extracting tar to run my car Insulate and turn the Causes global catastrophe. heating low Governments must regulate, 4 NOT ON A JET PLANE Change the laws, it’s not (F#-G) too late, (Tune: Leaving on a jet Prosecute polluters, they plane. must go. Chorus. Words: Stephanie Irvine, RV) 5 ONE SONG, ONE The arctic’s melting, and DANCE (D) that’s a fact (Tune: Mayenziwe. Words The sea is rising, it’s time Cynthia Cockburn, RV) to act Hey, we’re fiddling while One song, one dance the planet burns One world, one chance The climate’s changing, don’t let us down It’s getting hotter, don’t fool around Cut emissions while the earth still turns

Chorus: Let’s use up less energy Let’s promote efficiency Save the ozone in the atmosphere 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 4 6 THOSE WERE THE First we heard that DAYS (verse starts temperatures were rising G) Melting ice and (Climate version. Tune: earthquakes, floods and Gene Raskin. Lyrics: Julia droughts Clarke and Maggie Gamblers put out stories Sobiech) emphasising Odds that put this climate Once we gloried in the change in doubt earth’s resources Helped ourselves to These are the days my everything we found friend, Gamblers learnt the game And now we must defend of market forces Our planet earth from Played with euro, dollar, selfishness and greed. yen or pound. To save the atmosphere, We’ll shout it loud and Those were the days my clear, friend, We will not buy more stuff We thought they'd never that we don’t need. end (da da dad a da dai… We'd sing and dance etc) forever and a day We'd live the life we Then we saw how war choose, between the nations We'd fight and never lose Serves the gamblers’ For we were young and interests very well sure to have our way. Shock and horror’s good (da da dad a da dai etc) for corporations They don’t care if we all burn in hell. 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 5 And let I-Gas and Rathlin These are the days my know friend, …etc To scrap their dark satanic drills? Corporate interests rule the Come join us here and sing politicians your song; Sing of the country you When I buy their products desire. they rule me. Our voices rise! These frackers are wrong. Revolutions start from Let's call the tune now. small beginnings We're the Choir! Forest fires will spread We will not cease from from one small tree. singing here, Nor shall we rest till fracking's banned. These are the days my Till we have kicked these frackers out friend, … etc.(x 2) Of England's green and pleasant land.

7 FRACKING ANTHEM (C) (By Simon Welsh Poetry, inspired by William Blake's poem 'Jerusalem'. Amended words by RV.) And did they frack in ancient times? Poisoning waters, once so clean? And were their filthy rigs of doom On England's pleasant pastures seen? And did a people's movement rise To drive Cuadrilla from our hills? 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 6 How many times do we need to look up, Before we can see the 8 BLOWING IN THE sky? WIND (G) (Yes and) how many ears ; low part C) must one person have, (Environment version) Before they can hear Origin: Bob Dylan; words people cry? adapted by Morag (Yes and) how many Carmichael, RV) deaths will it take till we know How many roads must we That too many people have humans walk down died? Till we know we are one The answer, my friend, is humankind? blowing in the wind, (Yes and) how many ice The answer is blowing in caps will melt to the sea? the wind. How many lands will be drowned? (Yes and) how many deep sea wells will leak oil, 9 CARBON NEUTRAL Before they are forever SOCIETY (C) banned? The answer, my friend, is (Tune: Country Gardens blowing in the wind, trad. Words: Jane Lewis) The answer is blowing in the wind. How many types of local fruit and veg How many years can a In a carbon neutral mountain exist, society? Before it’s blasted to the Here’s all the places we ground? can grow our food (Yes and) how many years In a carbon neutral society. can forest people exist Before their trees are cut Apple trees along the down? street, (Yes and) how many Window boxes full of planets will we need to wheat, survive, Beans in the backgreen, Unless we turn things peas in the park around? There’s a busy local market The answer, my friend, is full of local food blowing in the wind, In a carbon neutral society. The answer is blowing in the wind. 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 7 How many types of transport do we have In a carbon neutral Sun, wind and water are society? plentiful and they're free Here’s all the ways that we So why do we need to go can get about In a carbon neutral society. fracking for energy? Bicycles for all to share, How can the solution be Public transport water pollution? everywhere Cars running on clean How can we sanction serial energy. explosions? Oh there are bike paths and bus lanes and dancing in the street They frighten us by telling In a carbon neutral society. us there's no other way They're frightened by the How many ways of making energy thought that renewables In a carbon neutral don't pay society? Here’s how we make all the How can business cash in power that we need on water and wind In a carbon neutral society. You can't own the sun - the Windmills turning on the hill, supply's ne-e-ver done. Solar power for when it’s still Switch up the heat, pay Geothermal heating, hydro schemes. the bill Oh we are cosy and warm But don't forget that in our insulated homes fracking will kill In a carbon neutral society. (x 2)

10 SUN, WIND AND WATER (E) (Fracking version. Origin: Shawn Jarrett. Update: Janet Russell) 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 8 I am the soil that harbours the seed I am the crop the good soil 11 OH, I DO LOVE TO yields LIVE BESIDE THE Remember I give you birth, FRACKERS (starts Remember G) Mother Earth. (Tune: Beside the Seaside. I am the woods, the forest, Words: Julia Clarke) the trees, I give the buds, take back the leaves... Oh I do like to live beside the frackers I am the rain, the rivers, the As they drill deep for gases sea, All creatures born must in the rock drink of me... And they pump toxic chemicals right down the I have been here since time was new well But now I fear what YOUR Polluting all the water so it time may do... makes us ill You plunder me for coal And I do like to breathe in and for oil all that methane Leaving me scarred, Cuadrilla says it's safe for leaving me spoiled... you and me You clear the forests, While the earth around me uproot the trees shakes Poison the air, pollute the seas... With the tankers and the quakes Pure air, pure rain, for millions of years Beside the frackers I love Now on the wind come acid to be. tears... 12 MOTHER EARTH Why can't you hear, why (C) (Frankie Armstrong) can't you see? 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 9 You kill yourselves if you kill me... 15 BOUNDARY SONG 13 SLEEPWALKERS (A) (Environment version) (Original: Molesworth ALL (E ♭) (Round, sing Peace Camp. Arr.Bradford as three parts) Women Singers. New verse: Morag Carmichael, Sleepwalkers all RV. No / more delusion You say this land is out of Planet Earth is bounds, sounding Our lives and our futures are out of our hands. Our wake up call This land is not yours to put boundaries around. We’ll grow and get stronger, our voices resound. 14 IF WE KILL THIS You build new power FOREST (A - D) stations for gas to burn (Round) You act as if climate change weren’t our If we kill this forest concern. To give our children a If we desecrate the future we build our land, campaign We might as well be We’ll grow and get cutting off stronger, our ways must Our own right hand / change. For we and the earth (Repeat first verse) are one □ □ □, Under the moon, □ under the sun. 27/04/2018,12:27 PM 1 10 Who's that young boy dressed in white? Down by the water 16 OIL IN THE WATER Watching an Arctic rig go (Starts D) (Words: Shell Out Sounds) by Chorus: Who's gonna spill in the Oil in the water, water? (Chorus) Oil in the water children, Oil in the water Shell's gonna trouble the water.

Who's that yonder dressed in red? Oil in the water Must be the woman whose crops are dead, Shell's gone and burnt the Delta. (Chorus)

Who's that young girl dressed in blue? Down in the water Tar sands oil is soaking her through Shell's gone and poisoned the water. (Chorus)

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