Chapter 13 – Psychological Disorders Web Resources

Diagnosis and Classification Section of the American Psychiatric Association

This portion of the APA website details research on the current diagnostic manual, the DSM-IV, and offers links to examine other diagnostic models and the attempts that the APA has made to be compatible with these systems (such as the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10).

Internet Mental Health

From Introduction:"Internet Mental Health is a free encyclopedia of mental health information designed by Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Phillip Long, and programmed by his colleague, Brian Chow. The idea of creating Internet Mental Health resulted from a Canada-Japan Mental Health Exchange in 1994 where Robert Winram and Dr. Phillip Long visited Japanese psychiatric hospitals and lived for one week with psychiatric patients as guests in their homes."

Anxiety Disorders Association of America

This site offers a comprehensive guide to resources on anxiety disorders, as well as their relation to other conditions. Consumer and professional resources available here.

This site discusses research and treatment into depression and related disorders.

Eating Disorders Links

National Eating Disorders Association includes links to other sites relative to eating disorders.

List of Cultural Bound Disorders

This site offers a comprehensive guide to resources on anxiety disorders, as well as their relation to other conditions.Consumer and professional resources available here.

National Institute of Mental Health NIMH

From Welcome: "The mission of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is to diminish the burden of mental illness through research. This public health mandate demands that we harness powerful scientific tools to achieve better understanding, treatment and, eventually prevention of mental illness." Dr. Ivan's Depression Central

"This site is Internet's central clearinghouse for information on all types of depressive disorders and on the most effective treatments for individuals suffering from Major Depression, Manic- Depression (Bipolar Disorder), Cyclothymia, Dysthymia and other mood disorders."

The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent Suicide

"On July 28, 1999, Tipper Gore and Surgeon General David Satcher hosted a press General unveiled a blueprint to prevent suicide in the United States. The document, entitled The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent Suicide, outlines more than a dozen steps that can be taken by individuals, communities, organizations, and policymakers."

Internet Mental Health

From the introduction: "Internet Mental Health is a free encyclopedia of mental health information designed by Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Phillip Long, and programmed by his colleague, Brian Chow. The idea of creating Internet Mental Health resulted from a Canada- Japan Mental Health Exchange in 1994 where Robert Winram and Dr. Phillip Long visited Japanese psychiatric hospitals and lived for one week with psychiatric patients as guests in their homes."

Schizophrenia Home Page

Information on schizophrenia, family-support, and general information for researchers, clinicians, and general public are available here.

The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent Suicide

From the Web site: "On July 28, 1999, Tipper Gore and Surgeon General David Satcher hosted a press conference at which the Surgeon General unveiled a blueprint to prevent suicide in the United States. The document, entitled “The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent Suicide,” outlines more than a dozen steps that can be taken by individuals, communities, organizations, and policymakers."

The American Psychological Association

Search this Web site to find the most up-to-date information about psychological disorders and research. From the Web site: “Based in Washington, DC, the American Psychological Association (APA) is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychology in the United States. With more that 155,000 members, APA is the largest association of psychologists worldwide.”

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

From the Web site: “The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is the nation’s largest patient-directed, illness-specific organization. Incorporated in 1986 and based in Chicago, we represent the voices of the more than 23 million Americans living with depression and the additional 2.5+ million living with bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depression.) DBSA was formerly the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association.”

The National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression

From the Web site: “NARSAD was founded in 1986 by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, the National Mental Health Association, the National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association and the Schizophrenia Foundation.”