Chief’s Citizen Advisory Council - January 13, 2016 - Meeting Notes

Chief’s Citizen Advisory Council Minneapolis Police Department 350 South 5th Street, Room 130 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Attending Chief Janeé Harteau Deputy Chief Medaria Arradondo Joanne Kaufman Renee Jenson Dr. Avelino Mills-Novoa Reverend Joan Austin Shane Zahn Pastor Charles Graham Michael Rainville Arnetta Phillips Don Samuels Sherman Patterson Mark Anderson

Not Attending VJ Smith Harry Davis, Jr. Joe Minjares-Senkyr Jana Metge Dr. Heather Huseby Claudia Waring Leo Espinoza Kate Lee Eva Wood Bishop Richard Howell Robert Lilligren Doris Overby William Means Rebecca Waggoner Long Yang Dominick Bouza Father Michael O’Connell Ricardo McCurley

1. Welcome - Chief Janeé Harteau

2. Re-appointment Update - Chief Janeé Harteau

3. Current Climate – 4th Precinct

4. 4th Precinct

5. Appreciation Meal

6. Roundtable

7. Adjourn

------1. Welcome  Chief Harteau welcomed everyone.

2. Update Re-appointment

 All department heads waiting for Mayor to move forward their names to Executive Committee who then moves the names to their respective council committees for a public hearing. Hoping for a February 3rd Public Hearing and a February 12th City Council vote. The group will be kept up to date. People wishing to speak will need to arrive early and sign up with the City Clerk.

3 & 4. Current Climate – 4th Precinct  Officers involved in the 4th Precinct incident have been returned to duty. BCA, DOJ and FBI investigations continue.

 Debriefing with Officers and City Departments being scheduled.

 Need to follow up with the community to see how they are doing.

 Officers are afforded due processes

1. Appreciation Dinner

 In lieu of the February CCAC meeting the appreciation dinner will be held February 10th. There will be two serving times, noon and 8:00pm in order to cover all three shifts. Council President Johnson and Council Member Yang have been informed. CCAC members will invite community members. Watch for additional details.

2. Roundtable

 Chief interviewed a very diverse group of 51 Cadet candidates. A Cadet candidate has a 2 or 4 year degree and MPD pays for their Law Enforcement training. Candidates not wavering in their wish to be an officer even with the national climate.

Current Hiring Information – subject to change

Contact: Sergeant David Burbank 673-5583

Hiring Dates Start Date Graduation Date Number of Officers CSO Class 2016-1 January 2nd NA To be determined Recruit Class 2016 -1 January 25th Week of May 23rd 9-12 Cadet Class 2016 -2 March 28th Week of October 24th 25-30 Recruit Class 2016-3 August 15th Week of December To be determined 19th

 Members working with MPD and Transit Police regarding 5th and Nicollet issues. Wonderful presentation by DID and MPD Downtown Crime Prevention Specialist.

 Worry about the youth – just hearing load voices

 Have worked with many advisory councils and is impressed with the Chief’s goal setting, visionary outlook and that you aren’t afraid of change.

 Free college available at MCTC for city residents – allows residents to work toward a 2 or 4 year degree.

 Leaders must be selected by the community and then acknowledge by the community. Leaders must be held accountable for reform. Who listens to who?

 Wins only last 5 minutes and then people are on to the next thing.  Community needs to understand they are responsible for public safety. Seem only crisis brings people out.

 Officers are allowed due process prior to judgements being made. Unfair to convict officers on the sins of others.

 Youth listen in different ways. Organize a Saturday Cyber Chat with the Chief. Call into an 800 #.

 Organizations must work to gain trust back – how to do it?

 Update MPD Website – ½ million 911 calls a year – 1 million contacts yearly. Until November 2015 no officer involved death since 2013.

8. Adjourn