The Special Offerings for May & June Are As Follows
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![The Special Offerings for May & June Are As Follows](
SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015
WELCOME! We extend a warm welcome to everyone, particularly those who are visitors at our worship service this morning. We pray that you will receive a special blessing as we worship our Lord together. Join us in Friendship Hall immediately following the worship service for coffee and fellowship. This evening plan to join us in a Psalmfest Hymn Sing at 5 PM at Ridgewood Christian Reformed Church (271 Lincoln Ave., Ridgewood). Come to praise our great God in song. A freewill offering will be received to help cover the costs of the event. Light refreshments will follow. More Than Conquerors--Today we continue with our new sermon series on the book of Revelation. This challenging book of Scripture is not intended to confuse or intimidate, but to inspire God's people with fresh courage and absolute assurance in the midst of ugly injustice and heartbreaking behavior in homes, communities, businesses, schools, nations and the world. It reminds us that in this world, "though the wrong seems oft' so strong, God IS the ruler yet!" Knowing that God is working out His good purposes in the midst of the confusion, that He will set all things straight in due time, and that all the evil of this world will be dealt with, encourages God's people to persevere, to be faithful in the struggle, and to overcome evil with good by the grace and power of our risen Lord. May we all be encouraged to persevere and be inspired to faithfulness through our reflection on this "revelation of Jesus Christ.” RENEWAL LAB--Pastor Rod will be traveling to Grand Rapids this week Tuesday to Friday for an initial kickoff for the pastors involved in our cohort of 6 churches going through the Renewal Lab process together. Our Council, along with the key leaders selected for the Renewal Lab, will participate in a local "Learning Lab" on Saturday, June 20--to help all these leaders understand the role of Council in working with our Renewal Team (the group of renewal leaders in key areas, along with Pastor Rod). PLEASE PRAY for Pastor Rod with his meetings in G.R. this week, and for the Learning Lab on June 20, as we seek our risen King's purpose and direction for His church here in Midland Park. ADULT EDUCATION: Today in our study of the Holy Spirit, we will meet to study "The Spirit's Sword." Bible passages are Eph. 6:11, 12, 17; Hebrews 4: 12; 2 Tim. 3: 16, 17; 2 Peter 1: 19-21; 1 Peter 1:10-12; Rom. 15:4, 13. Steve Gorter will lead us in Friendship Hall 11:15AM-12 noon. Looking ahead, our final lesson for this season will be June 14th. Come for a time of fellowship and study. Next Week: Doris Koopman of World Renew will be joining us.
The special offerings for May & June are as follows: May 31 - Good Shepherd Mission June 7 - Eastern Christian Tuition Aid June 21 - Faith Promise June 28 - Eastern Christian Schools ATTENTION PARENTS OF OUR 2015 GRADUATES: On Sunday, June 21st, we will once again celebrate our graduates and we would like to include the names of our young people who are graduating from 8th grade, high school or college in our bulletin. Please call the church office with the name(s) of your graduate(s) so that we do not overlook anyone. Thank you! Holland Christian Home: Senior adults are invited to join us on Wednesday, June 3rd at 1:30 PM sharp in the Holland Christian Home Chapel for a free afternoon matinee featuring Disney Pixar’s Movie “UP!” – An animated comedy about 78 yr. old Carl who ties balloons to his house & flies away to South America to avoid moving to a nursing home. When Carl finds 8 yr. old Russell has stowed away with him, the adventure begins. Complimentary refreshments provided. RSVP by Monday, June 1st to Elaine at 973-427-4087. SAVE THE DATE! Cedar Hill CRC in Wyckoff will be hosting a simulcast of The Justice Conference on Saturday, June 6. This conference is one of the largest Biblical and Social Justice Conferences in the world featuring premier speakers and artists to highlight the work of justice globally, nationally, locally, and personally. Special guests include Louie Giglio, Eugene Cho, Lynne Hybels, Dr. Cornell West, and the music of Crowder and Rend Collective. The Justice Network’s vision is to serve the discovery of ideas, celebrate the beauty of justice, and foster a community of people who live justice together. Now--more than ever--people of faith need to come together to wrestle with the injustice in the world. See the bulletin board in the Narthex hallway for more details and the insert in today’s bulletin. You don’t want to miss it!! ATTENTION! Justice Conference Prayer Meeting! Wednesday, June 3, 7:30 PM, at Cedar Hill CRC. Please plan to attend and join others in prayer for the Conference on Saturday, June 6. REMINDER: There will be a Council meeting on Monday, June 1, at 8 PM. DEACON REMINDER: Food Drive to benefit Madison Avenue Crossroads! Our Food Drive ends June 1st. Please place your non-perishable food items in the area next to the Deacon’s Room. Thank you for your generous and faithful support to help our neighbors in Paterson! Advanced notice: our Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 15, and the installation of new elders and deacons is scheduled for Sunday, June 28. Please mark your calendars so that you can participate in these special events of our church family. YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS
Go MAD Challenge Friday, June 5th from 7-10pm at Faith Community Church in the Barn. Join us for some crazy challenges and a wonderful night of fun. LinC Olympics will take place on Sunday, June 7 from 5:30-9 PM. We will meet at the barn and then we will be going to Denise’s house for the Olympics this year. Bring a bathing suit and towel, comfortable shoes and a sweatshirt in case it gets chilly. If you need to come late, you can, just let Denise know. Questions? Go to THE BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG! From Mother’s Day through Father’s Day our church will be supporting Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center through its Baby Bottle Boomerang. Located in Hawthorne and Hackensack, Lighthouse provides free, confidential services to lovingly guide and support women, men and teens facing unplanned pregnancies and related concerns toward life-enhancing choices. Their services include ultrasound confirmation of pregnancy, parenting support, sexual integrity counseling, and post-abortion recovery support. This year’s Baby Bottle Boomerang will help Lighthouse to open the Paterson Partners for Life Center this summer. For confidential help or more information about Lighthouse, please call (973) 238-9045, email [email protected] or visit We encourage you to take a baby bottle home with you today. The bottles are located in the Narthex along with a box to put them in when you return them. Please fill your bottle with coins, cash or a check payable to Lighthouse PRC, and return it to our church on or before Father’s Day. Save part of the attached wrapper as a prayer reminder. Thank you for your support! Your participation saves and changes lives! The Newsletter Committee is working on their summer issue. Please let us know if you are having a special birthday (80 and above in 5 year increments) or anniversary (50 and above in 5 year increments), engagements, marriages, sports achievements, or any articles of interest to our congregation. Also in this issue we will include college graduates or any other post high degrees or accomplishments. All other graduates will be recognized in our fall issue. Digital pictures can be used with your articles. You can place your information in the Newsletter box or call any member of the committee. Deadline to submit an article is June 10 th . MPCRC Men’s Softball Schedule - All games begin at 6:30 PM Date: Location: Opponent:
Thursday, June 4, 2015 Goffle Brook 1 Faith/Hill Thursday, June 11, 2015 Goffle Brook 2 Pompton Plains Friday, June 19, 2015 Lincoln School (Wyckoff) Heritage Monday, June 22, 2015 Hillview Elem (Pequannock) Unity CRC #1 Wednesday, July 1, 2015 Goffle Brook 1 St. Pauls Friday, July 3, 2015 Goffle Brook 2 Preakness Monday July 6, 2015 Hillview Elem (Pequannock) Living Word (6th)
POWERPOINT: THIS WEEK: BUILD – Kyle Streelman. PROJECT - Saskia Trommelen. NEXT WEEK: BUILD – Kyle Streelman. PROJECT - Aaron De Rosa. DEACONS’ OFFERING PRAYER: TODAY: John King, Sr. NEXT WEEK: Mike Holmes. CHILDREN’S WORSHIP – TODAY: Teacher –Alissa Leegwater. Helper - Tara Leegwater. NEXT WEEK: Teacher - Alissa Leegwater. Helper - Tara Leegwater. USHERS: TODAY: Bernie Kuipers, Jerry Bandstra, Al Laauwe. (Alternate: Keith Spoelstra). NEXT WEEK: Ken Malefyt, Frank Spoelstra, Kevin Shea. (Alternate: Roger Spoelstra) SUNDAY REFRESHMENTS: TODAY: Pat Hoogmoed. NEXT WEEK: Star Stokes. C HILDREN’S MESSAGE: THIS WEEK: Pastor Rod. NEXT WEEK: Communion. CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER: TODAY: Pastor Rod. NEXT WEEK: Frank Spoelstra. SCRIPTURE READER: TODAY: Michele Vriesema. NEXT WEEK: Lorraine Steen. NURSERY ATTENDANTS: TODAY: Joan & Christian Haak, Katie Hefty. NEXT WEEK: Jayne Spoelstra, Daisy Klein. GREETERS: TODAY: Harold Van Goor(North), Eunice Broersma & Brian Schaaf(Center), Rich & Lois Leentjes(South). NEXT WEEK: Bill Douma(North), Al & Jan Laauwe(Center), Georgia Wiegers & Susan Laauwe(South).
Sunday 9:30 AM – Morning Worship Service 11:10 AM - Children’s Sunday School, Catechism & Adult Education 5:00 PM - Psalmfest Hymn Sing at Ridgewood Christian Reformed Church
Monday 8:00 PM - Council Meeting
Wednesday 6:00 PM - Heirborne 8th Grade Dinner 7:30 PM - Justice Conference Prayer Meeting at Cedar Hill CRC
Thursday 8:00 AM - Quilters
Friday 7:00 PM - Go MAD @ Faith Community CRC
Saturday 4:30 PM - Cadet Outing at High Point, NJ
We Focus Our Hearts …“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
Call to Worship
*Opening Songs of Praise How Great Is Our God 10,000 Reasons
*The Lord Greets Us~~We Greet Each Other
Prayer of Confession (in unison) Dear Holy Father, You're rich in love, and you're slow to anger. Your name is great, and your heart is kind. In your presence we bow our heads in shame where we have failed others, failed ourselves, and failed you. Touch us with the tenderness of your forgiveness. Thank you for the gift of complete reconciliation purchased by the sacrifice of your precious son, Jesus. Amen
Assurance of Pardon from Isaiah 57: 15 “For this is what the high and exalted One says— He who lives forever, whose name is Holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit.’”
Children's Message (Children are then dismissed for Children’s Worship)
Prayer for the Spirit’s Leading Scripture Reading: Revelation 4
*Song of Preparation Revelation Song/Holy, Holy, Holy
Sermon: A Glimpse of Glory
*Song of Response You Are Holy
Congregational Prayer
Offering 1st Offering—General Ministries of MPCRC 2nd Offering—Good Shepherd Mission (While the offering is received, please sign the maroon fellowship booklet)
Offertory I See the Lord Offertory Prayer
*Closing Song How Great Is Our God (chorus and bridge)