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Work in Progress


WORK IN PROGRESS (Situation on 07.12.2017)

8th election period

Title Rapporteur Shadow rapporteurs Calendar Resp.


(Please see last page for abbreviations) Land transport Proposal for Eurovignette Directive amending REVAULT EPP: Bach PR: 22-23 Jan 18 Pilar/sbs Directive 1999/62/EC on road charging of D’ALLONNES ECR: Van Dalen AM: 21 Feb heavy good vehicles for the use of certain BONNEFOY ALDE: Riquet DD:15 May infrastructures - COM(2017)0275 - S&D GUE/NGL: Kyllönen PL: TRAN/8/10069 Greens/EFA: Cramer EFDD: Aiuto 2017/0114(COD) Road charging ENF: Proposal for a Directive amending Directive CLUNE S&D: TAPARDEL PR:22-23 Jan 18 Pilar/sf 1999/62/EC on the charging of heavy goods EPP ECR: Van Dalen AM: 21 Feb vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures, ALDE: Riquet DD: 15 May as regards certain provisions on vehicle GUE/NGL: Carthy PL: taxation - COM(2017)0276 - Greens/EFA: Cramer EFDD: Paksas TRAN/8/10067 ENF: Mayer 2017/0115(CNS) Road charging Proposal for a Regulation on minimum VAN DE S&D: De Monte PR:22-23 Jan 18 Kriskane/eb requirements on maximum daily and weekly CAMP ECR: Zile AM: 21 Feb driving times, rest periods and tachographs - EPP ALDE: Meissner DD: 15 May COM(2017)0277 - TRAN/8/10101 GUE/NGL: Kyllönen PL: Greens/EFA: Taylor 2017/0122(COD) social/market EFDD: Aiuto ENF: Proposal for a Directive of the Posting of KYLLÖNEN EPP:Deli PR:22-23 Jan 18 Pilar/kvb drivers in the road transport sector - GUE/NGL S&D: Ayala Sender AM: 21 Feb COM(2017)0278 - TRAN/8/10103 ECR: Zlotowski DD: 15 May ALDE: Bilbao PL: 2017/0121(COD) social/market Greens/EFA: Delli EFDD: D’Amato ENF: Arnautu

B-1047 BRUXELLES – TEL.: 32/ F-67000 STRASBOURG – TEL.: 33/ MAIL: [email protected] Proposal for a Directive on the interoperability SALINI S&D: Sehnalová PR: 22-23 Jan 18 Ramaekers- of electronic road toll systems and facilitating EPP ECR: Tošenovsky AM: 21 Feb Jorgensen/m cross-border exchange of information on the ALDE: Van Miltenburg DD:15 May s failure to pay road fees in the Union (recast) - GUE/NGL: Konecna PL: COM(2017)0280 Greens/EFA: Dalunde EFDD: Paksas TRAN/8/10071 ENF: 2017/0128(COD) Road charging Proposal for a Regulation amending Reg (EC) NILSSON EPP: Lukacijewska PR:22-23 Jan 18 Oren/mt 1071/2009 on access to ccupation and Reg S&D ECR: Zlotowski AM:21 Feb (EC) 1072/2009 on haulage market - ALDE: Telicka DD:15 May COM(2017)0281 - TRAN/8/10095 GUE/NGL: Kyllönen PL: Greens/EFA: Delli 2017/0123(COD) social/market EFDD: Lundgren ENF: Arnautu Proposal for a Directive on the use of vehicles MONTEIRO S&D: Anderson PR:22-23 Jan 18 Kriskane/sb hired without drivers for the carriage of goods DE AGUIAR ECR: Demesmaeker AM: 21 Feb s by road - COM(2017)0282 - TRAN/8/10094 EPP ALDE: Van Miltenburg DD: 15 may GUE/NGL: Vieu PL: 2017/0113(COD) social/market Greens/EFA: Dalunde EFDD: ENF: Proposal for a Regulation of the EP and of the Chairwoman EPP:Schmidt PR: 11 Jan 18 Ramaekers- Council on rail transport statistics (recast) - S&D: AM: 25 Jan Jorgensen/s COM(2017)0353 - TRAN/8/10402 ECR: Zile DD: 20 Feb bs GUE/NGL: PL: tbc 2017/0146(COD) EFDD: ENF: Proposal for a regulation of the EP and of the Liberadzki EPP: Muselier PR: 19-20 Mar 18 Ramaekers- Council on rail passengers’ rights and S&D ECR: Poreba AM: 28 Mar Jorgensen/C obligations (recast) - COM(2017)0548 - ALDE: Rohde DD: 7 June uisinier/sf TRAN/8/11122 GUE/NGL: González PL: Peñas 2017/0237(COD) Greens/EFA: Cramer EFDD: ENF: Proposal for Regulation amending Regulation EPP: PR: Valutyte (EC) No1073/2009 on common rules for ECR S&D: AM: /Ramaekers- access to the international market for coach ALDE: DD: Jorgensen/ and bus services - COM(2017)0647 GUE/NGL: PL: Greens/EFA: 2017/0288(COD) EFDD: ENF: Proposal for a Directive amending Directive AIUTO EPP: PR: Cuisinier/V 92/106/EEC on the establishment of common EFDD S&D: AM: alutyte/ rules for certain types of combined transport ALDE: DD: of goods between MS - COM(2017)0648 GUE/NGL: PL: Greens/EFA: 2017/0290(COD) ENF: Proposal for a Directive on driving licences LUNDGREN EPP: Lukaciejewska PR: 19-20 June Wojciechow and periodic training of drivers of certain road EFDD S&D: Grapini AM: 27 June ski/ vehicles ECR: Zlotowski DD: 12 Oct Kriskane eb COM(2017)0047 ALDE:Bilbao PL: Nov 2017/0015(COD) GUE/NGL:Kyllönen TRAN/8/09186 Greens/EFA: Dalunde Voted in cttee on ENF:Arnautu 12.10.2017 Maritime transport & Inland waterways

Air transport Proposal for a Regulation of the European MARINESCU S&D: Preuss PR: 23-24 May Ott/Skreikes Parliament and of the Council on common EPP ECR: Foster AM: 10 June /eb

2/15 rules in the field of civil aviation and ALDE: van Miltenburg DD: 10 Nov establishing a European Union Aviation GUE/NGL: Kyllonen PL: Safety Agency, and repealing Regulation (EC) Greens/EFA: Delli Voted in ctee on No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and EFDD: Aiuto 10.11.2016 of the Council (EASA) - COM(2015)0613 - ENF: Mayer TRAN/8/05273 2015/0277(COD) Proposal for a Regulation of the European DE GRANDES S&D: Grapini PR: 19-20 Mar 18 Wojciechow Parliament and of the Council establishing a PASCUAL ECR: Van Dalen AM: 17 April 18 ski/Skreikes Union certification system for aviation EPP ALDE: Telicka noon /sbs security screening equipment - GUE/NGL: Konečná DD: 19 June 18 COM(2016)0491 Greens/EFA: Dalunde pm 2016/0236(COD) EFDD: Aiuto PL: tbc ENF: Arnautu Rule 55 with IMCO CJ06/08/09907 Proposal for a Regulation amending TAPARDEL EPP: Gahler PR: 19 Feb 18 Skreikes/sbs Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 on common S&D ECR: Foster AM: rules for the operation of air services in the ALDE: Bilbao DD: Community GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: COM(2016)0818 Greens/EFA: Dalunde 2016/0411(COD) EFDD:Paksas TRAN/8/08880 ENF:Arnautu Proposal for a Regulation on competition in PIEPER S&D: Preuss PR: 11 Jan Wojciechow air transport, repealing Regulation (EC) No EPP ECR: Foster AM: 26 Jan ski/kvb 868/2004 - COM(2017)0289 - TRAN/8/10184 ALDE: Telicka DD: 5 Mar 2017/0116(COD) GUE/NGL: Pimenta PL: (tbc) Lopes Greens/EFA: Dalunde EFDD: Aiuto ENF: Arnautu Others

Proposal for a Regulation of the European ANDERSON EPP: Ferber PR: 3-4 May Oaida/Oren/ Parliament and of the Council on cross-border S&D ECR: Zlotowski AM: 16 May eb parcel delivery services COM(2016)0285 ALDE: Telička DD: 12 Oct 2016/0149(COD) GUE/NGL: Gonzalez PL: TRAN/8/06776 Penas Greens/EFA: Evans Voted in cttee on Rule 54 with IMCO EFDD: Aiuto 12.10.2017 ENF: Arnautu

Proposal for a Regulation of the EP and the EPP: Clune PR: 30 May Pilar/sbs Council repealing Council Regulation (EEC) Chairwoman S&D: Tapardel AM: 7 June No 1101/89, Regulation (EC) No 2888/2000 ECR: Demesmaeker DD: 20 June and (EC) No 685/2001 (inland waterways and ALDE: Riquet PL: Sept road transport) GUE/NGL: Kyllönen COM(2016)0745 Greens/EFA: Taylor 2016/0368(COD) EFDD: TRAN/8/08667 ENF:

Title Rapporteur Shadow rapporteurs Calendar Resp.


Land transport

Maritime transport & inland waterways

3/15 Air transport EPP: Salini EV: May 12 Pilar/ Common rules for the allocation of slots at RIQUET S&D: De Monte PR: July 12 EU airports (recast) - COM(2011)0827 - ALDE ECR: Foster AM: 12 Sept 2011/0391(COD) GUE/NGL: Konečná 12 Greens/EFA: Dalunde DD: 6 Nov 12 EFDD: Paksas Voted in committee on: 06.11.2012 Voted in plenary: 11.12.12 Proposal for a regulation amending EPP: Marinescu PR: 14 Nov 13 Skreikes/ Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 in the field of SASSOLI ECR: Foster AM: 26 Nov aerodromes, air traffic management and air S&D ALDE: Meissner CA: 17 Dec navigation services - COM(2013)0409 GUE/NGL: Konečná DD: 30 Jan 14 2013/0187(COD) Greens/EFA: Eickhout Voted in EFDD: Paksas committee on: 30.01.14 PL: Mar 14 It became obsolete by EASA Regulation Voted in COM(2015)0613 plenary: 12.03.14 S&D: Liberadzki PR: 14 Nov 13 Skreikes/ Proposal for a regulation on the MARINESCU ECR: Foster AM: 26 Nov implementation of the Single European Sky EPP ALDE: Meissner CA: 17 Dec (recast) - COM(2013)0410 GUE/NGL: Konečná DD: 30 Jan 14 2013/0186(COD) Greens/EFA: Eickhout Voted in A7-0095/2014 EFDD: Paksas committee on: 30.01.14 PL: Mar 14 Voted in plenary: 12.03.14 Proposal for a Regulation amending BACH S&D: Anderson PR: 16 Sept Ramaekers- Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing EPP ECR: Foster AM: 03 Oct Jorgensen/Pilar common rules on compensation and ALDE: Van Miltenburg CA :04 Nov / assistance to passengers in the event of GUE/NGL: Konečná DD: 17 Dec denied boarding and of cancellation or long Greens/EFA: Taylor Voted in delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No EFDD: Paksas committee on: 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of 17.12.13 the carriage of passengers and their baggage PL : Feb I by air Opinion: 2014 COM(2013)0130 IMCO Voted in 2013/0072(COD) plenary : 05.02.14

4/15 Title Rapporteur Shadow rapporteurs Calendar Resp.


Land transport

Maritime transport & inland waterways


5/15 Title Rapporteur Shadow rapporteurs Calendar Resp.


Land transport

Maritime transport

Air transport


Title Rapporteur Shadow rapporteurs Calendar Resp.


Air transport S&D: Anderson PR: Skreikes/ Recommendation for a Council Decision PROUST ECR: Tošenovsky AM: authorising the opening of negotiations on a EPP ALDE: Riquet DD: bilateral agreement between the European GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: Union and Japan on civil aviation safety Greens/EFA: Taylor (confidential) EFDD: Paksas ENF: POREBA EPP: Lukacijewska PR: Pilar/ Recommendation for a Council Decision ECR S&D: Ujhelyi AM: authorising the opening of negotiations on a ALDE: Bilbao DD: bilateral agreement between the European GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: Union and the Government of the People's Greens/EFA: Taylor Republic of China on civil aviation safety EFDD: Paksas (confidential) ENF: POREBA EPP: Lukacijewska PR: Pilar/ Recommendation for a Council Decision in ECR S&D: Ujhelyi AM: order to authorise the Commission to open ALDE: Bilbao DD: negotiations on a comprehensive air GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: transport agreement between the European Greens/EFA: Taylor Union and the People's Republic of China EFDD: Paksas (confidential) ENF:

POGLIESE S&D: Ertug PR: Skreikes/ Recommendation for a Council Decision in EPP ECR: Dalton AM: order to authorise the Commission to open ALDE: Van Miltenburg DD: negotiations on a comprehensive air GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: transport agreement between the European Greens/EFA: Taylor Union and the Republic of Turkey EFDD: Paksas (confidential) ENF: Arnautu

FOSTER EPP:Ferber PR: Ott/ Recommendation for a Council Decision in ECR S&D: Assis AM: order to authorise the Commission to open ALDE: Meissner DD: negotiations on a comprehensive air GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: transport agreement between the European Greens/EFA:Taylor Union and the United Mexican States EFDD: Paksas (confidential) ENF: Arnautu EPP: Van de Camp PR: Ott/sbs Recommendation for a Council Decision in DE MONTE ECR: Foster AM: order to authorise the Commission to open S&D ALDE: Bilbao DD: negotiations on comprehensive air GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: transport agreements between the Greens/EFA: Taylor European Union and the six Members EFDD: Paksas States of the Gulf Cooperation Council ENF:Arnautu (confidential)

KONECNA EPP: Clune PR: Skreikes/ Recommendation for a Council Decision in GUE/NGL S&D: Zemke AM: order to authorise the Commission to open ECR: Zlotowski DD: negotiations on a comprehensive air ALDE: Van Miltenburg PL: transport agreement between the European Greens/EFA: Taylor Union and the Republic of Armenia EFDD: PAKSAS (confidential) ENF: EPP: Virkkunen PR: Fuchs/ Recommendation for a Council Decision in TAPARDEL ECR: Zile AM: order to authorise the Commission to open S&D ALDE:Bilbao DD: GUE/NGL: Konečná PL:

7/15 Greens/EFA: Taylor negotiations on a comprehensive air EFDD: Paksas transport agreement between the European ENF: Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (confidential)

EPP: Koch PR: Agreement between the EC and Russia on VAN DALEN S&D: Liberadzki AM: Pilar/ the modernisation of the existing system of ECR ALDE: Telicka DD: utilisation of the Transsiberian routes - GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: COM(2007)0055 - Greens/EFA: Taylor TRAN/8/00011- 2007/0024(NLE) EFDD: Paksas ENF: Arnautu S&D: Ujhelyi PR: Skreikes/ Agreement on certain aspects of air KOCH ECR: Foster AM: services between the EU and the Republic EPP ALDE: Bilbao DD: of Peru - COM(2010)0264 - GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: 2010/0142(NLE) - TRAN/8/00051 Greens/EFA: Taylor EFDD:Paksas EPP: Koch PR: Skreikes/ Air Transport agreement and ancillary GRASWANDER- ECR: Foster AM: agreement between the USA and the EU HAINZ ALDE: Meissner DD: and Iceland and Norway - TRAN/8/00074 - S&D GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: COM(2011)0238 - 2011/0102(NLE) Greens/EFA: Taylor EFDD: Paksas ENF: Arnautu EPP: Koch PR: Skreikes/ Air Transport Agreement EC-Switzerland RADOS S&D: Graswander- AM: ALDE Hainz DD: ECR: Zile PL: GUE/NGL: Konečná Greens/EFA: Taylor EFDD: Paksas EPP: Koch PR: Pilar/ Agreement on air transport between the EU UJHELYI ECR: Foster AM: and Brazil - TRAN/8/00075 - S&D ALDE: Faria DD: COM(2011)0252 - 2011/0109(NLE) GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: Greens/EFA: Taylor EFDD: Paksas ENF: Arnautu EPP: Marinescu PR: 27/11/12 Skreikes/ Common Aviation Area with Moldova - ZILE S&D: Tapardel DD: TRAN/8/00104 ECR ALDE: Meissner PL: COM(2012)0020 - 2012/0006(NLE) GUE/NGL: Konečná Greens/EFA: Taylor EFDD:Paksas S&D: Ertug PR: Skreikes/ Air services agreement EU-Turkey - KOCH ECR: Foster DD: COM(2011)0414 - 2010/0225(NLE) EPP ALDE: Van Miltenburg PL: TRAN/8/00078 GUE/NGL: Konečná Greens/EFA: Taylor EFDD: Paksas ENF: Arnautu EPP: Koch PR: Skreikes/ Common Aviation Area with the Republic TAYLOR S&D: Fleckenstein AM: of Azerbaijan - COM(2011)0527 GREENS/EFA ECR: Foster DD: ALDE: Rados PL: GUE/NGL: Konečná EFDD: Paksas S&D:Liberadzki PR: Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement KOCH ECR: Foster AM: Skreikes/ between the EU and Israel EPP ALDE: Telicka DD: . COM(2012)0689 - TRAN/8/00147 GUE/NGL: Konečná PL:

8/15 2012/0324(NLE) Greens/EFA: Taylor EFDD: Paksas EPP: Šuica PR: Skreikes/sbs Agreement on Air Transport between ASSIS ECR: Foster AM: Canada and the European Community and S&D ALDE: Rados DD: its Member States, to take account of the GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: accession to the European Union of the Greens/EFA: Taylor Republic of Croatia - COM(2014)0047 EFDD: Paksas TRAN/8/00368 - 2014/0023(NLE)

S&D: Griffin PR: Skreikes/ Common Aviation Area Agreement PLURA ECR: Zile AM: between the European Union and its EPP ALDE: Telicka DD: Member States and Ukraine - GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: COM(2014)0017 Greens/EFA: Taylor TRAN/8/00443 - 2014/0007(NLE) EFDD: Paksas ENF: Arnautu Proposal for a Council Decision on the EPP: PR: Skreikes/ conclusion, on behalf of the European CRAMER S&D: AM: Union and its Member States, of a Protocol Greens/EFA ECR: Poreba DD: amending the Euro-Mediterranean Aviation ALDE: Telička PL: Agreement between the EU and its Member GUE/NGL: Konečná States, of the one part, and the Hashemite EFDD: Kingdom of Jordan, of the other part, to ENF: take account of the accession to the EU of the Republic of Croatia COM(2015)0003 - 2015/0003(NLE) TRAN/8/02706 Proposal for a Council Decision on the EPP: PR: conclusion, on behalf of the European CRAMER S&D: Zemke AM: Union and its member States, of a Protocol Greens/EFA ECR: Zile DD: amending the Common Aviation Area ALDE: Telicka PL: Agreement between the European Union GUE/NGL: Konečná and its Member States and the Republic of EFDD:Paksas Moldova, to take account of the accession to the European Union of the Republic of Croatia COM(2015)0060 TRAN/8/02875 - 2015/0035(NLE) Proposal for a Council Decision on the S&D: Preuss PR: Skreikes/ conclusion of an Agreement between the SCHMIDT ECR: Poreba AM: European Union and the Government of the EPP ALDE: Radoš DD: People's Republic of Bangladesh on certain GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: aspects of air services - COM(2015)0423 - Greens/EFA: Taylor TRAN/8/04432 EFDD: Paksas 2015/0188(NLE) EPP: Van de Camp PR: 09 Nov Skreikes/Pilar/ Amended proposal for a Council Decision GRIFFIN ECR: Foster AM: 21 Nov eb/sf on the conclusion of the Air transport S&D ALDE: Van Miltenberg 14:00 Agreement between the European GUE/NGL: Konečná DD:23 Nov Community and its Members States, of the Greens/EFA:Taylor 18 one part, and the United States of America, EFDD: Paksas PL: of the other part ENF: Arnautu COM(2015)0491 - Voted in 2006/0058(NLE) cttee on TRAN/8/09385 23.11.2017 Agreement between the US and the GRIFFIN EPP: Van de Camp PR: Skreikes/eb European Community on cooperation in the S&D ECR: Foster AM: regulation of civil aviation safety ALDE: Van Miltenberg DD: COM(2016)0694 - GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: 2016/0343(NLE) Greens/EFA:Taylor TRAN/8/08428 EFDD: Paksas ENF: Arnautu

9/15 Proposal for a Council decision on the RADOS EPP: Deli PR: Skreikes/sf conclusion of the agreement between the ALDE S&D: Assis AM: European Union and the Govnment of the ECR: Dalton DD: Republic of the Philippines on certain GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: aspects of air services - COM(2016)0303 Greens/EFA: Taylor TRAN/8/07011 - EFDD: Paksas 2016/0156(NLE) ENF: Arnautu Euro-Med Aviation Agreement between KONEČNÁ EPP: Adakutson PR: Skreikes/sbs EU Member States of the one part and the GUE/NGL S&D: Bayet AM: Republic of Tunisia of the other part ECR: Dalton DD: ALDE: Telicka PL: Greens/EFA: Dalunde EFDD: ENF: Proposal for a Council decision on the TAYLOR EPP: Deli PR: Blasco/ signing, on behalf of the EU, and Greens/EFA S&D: AM: provisional application of the Transport ECR: Demesmaeker DD: Community Treaty - COM(2017)0324 ALDE: PL: COM(2017)0324 EFDD: ENF: Maritime transport & Inland waterways EPP: Šuica PR: Skreikes/ Proposal for a Council Decision on the ASSIS ECR: Zile AM: conclusion of a Protocol amending the S&D ALDE: Rados DD: Agreement on Maritime Transport between GUE/NGL: Kouloglou PL: the European Community and its Member Greens/EFA: Taylor States, of the one part, and the Government EFDD: of the People's Republic of China, of the ENF: Arnautu other, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the EU - COM(2014)0692 - TRAN/8/02020 2014/0327(NLE)

10/15 Title Rapporteur Shadow rapporteurs Calendar Resp.


Land transport Odometer manipulation in motor vehicles: ERTUG EPP: Bach PR: 23 Jan 18 Pilar/sf revision of EU legal framework S&D ECR:Demesmaeker AM: 20 Feb ALDE: Riquet 18 Legislative INI Report GUE/NGL: Konečna DD: 21 June Greens/EFA: Cramer 18 TRAN/8/09920 EFDD: PL ENF: A European Strategy on Cooperative UJHELYI EPP: Virkunnen PR: 9 Nov 17 Skreikes/Rav Intelligent Transport Systems - S&D ECR:Zlotowski AM: 21 Nov era/sf COM(2016)0766 ALDE:Van Miltenberg 14:00 GUE/NGL: Kyllönen DD: 20 Feb Greens/EFA: Dalunde 2018 TRAN/8/09928 EFDD: PL: March ENF: 2018 (tbc) Europe on the Move: an agenda for the UJHELYI EPP: De Grandes PR: 19 Feb 18 Valutyte/sf future of mobility in the EU S&D Pascual AM: Mar (tbc) COM(2017)0283 ECR: Zile DD: 15 May 2017/2257(INI) ALDE: Van Miltenburg PL: tbc GUE/NGL: Tania González Peñas Greens/EFA: Dalunde EFDD: Paksas ENF: Maritime transport & Inland waterways

Air transport

Tourism Others A European Strategy for Low-Emission EICKHOUT EPP: Salini PR: 3-4 May Oaida/Oren/s Mobility - COM(2016)0501 Greens/EFA S&D: Graswander- AM: 22 May f TRAN/8/08794 Hainz DD: 12 Oct 2016/2327(INI) ECR: Zile PL: Dec ALDE: Van Miltenburg Strategic INI Report GUE/NGL: Kyllönen Voted in cttee Rule 54 with ENVI EFDD: Aiuto on 12.10.2017 ENF:


11/15 Title Draftsperson Shadow rapporteurs Calendar Main Resp. Tran Ctee

VII. OPINIONS Proposal for a AYALA SENDER EPP: Pieper PA:25 Jan BUDG- Fuchs/DRJ/sbs regulation as regards S&D ECR: Zile AM: 31 Jan ECON the extension of the ALDE: Riquet DD: 23 duration of the EFSI GUE/NGL: González March Vote 15 as well as the Peñas PL: 12 Dec May introduction of Greens/EFA: Eickhout technical EFDD: enhancements for ENF: Mayer Voted in that Fund and the cttee on European Investment 23.03.2017 Advisory Hub - COM(2016)0597 - Voted in TRAN/8/07821 plenary on 2016/0276(COD) Proposal for a VAN DE CAMP S&D:Ayala Sender PA: 27-28 BUDG- Fuchs/DRJ/tj Regulation on the EPP ECR: Zile Feb CONT financial rules ALDE: Riquet AM: 7 applicable to the GUE/NGL: Kyllönen March Vote 30 general budget of the Greens/EFA: Cramer DD: 4 May May Union EFDD: PL: tbc COM(2016)0605 - ENF:Arnautu Voted in TRAN/8/07925 cttee on 2016/0282 (COD) 04.05.2017

Cttee report tabled for plenary on 08.06.2017 Proposal for a BAS EICKHOUT EPP: Salini PA: 19-20 ITRE Oren/Oaida/kvb Directive of the Greens/EFA S&D: Revault June European Parliament D’Allonnes Bonnefoy AM: 27 Vote on and of the Council on ECR: Demesmaeker June 28 Nov. the promotion of the ALDE: Rados DD: 9.11 use of energy from GUE/NGL: Kyllönen PL: renewable sources EFDD: Aiuto Voted in (recast) - ENF: cttee on COM(2016)0767 09.11.2017 2016/0382(COD) TRAN/8/08712 Proposal for a MAYER EPP: Koch PA: 10-11 JURI Ravera/Marzullo/sf Regulation of the ENF S&D: July European Parliament ECR: Zile AM: 19 July and of the Council ALDE: Rados 14:00 adapting a number of GUE/NGL: Carthy DD: 25 Sept legal acts providing Greens/EFA: Dalunde PL: for the use of the EFDD: regulatory procedure Voted in with scrutiny to cttee on Articles 290 and 291 25.09.2017 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the Voted in European Union - plenary COM(2016)0799 2016/0400(COD) TRAN/8/08813 Budget 2018 TOŠENOVSKÝ EPP: Marinescu PA: 10-11 BUDG Ramaekers TRAN/8/09508 ECR S&D: Grapini July Jorgensen/Pilar/sf/mt/

12/15 2017/2044(BUD) ALDE: Telicka AM: 18 July sbs GUE/NGL: Konečná DD: 31 Greens/EFA: Eickhout August EFDD: PL: 25 ENF: October Opinion to BUDG MARINESCU S&D: Caputo PA: 11 Oct BUDG Fuchs/Ramaekers/Jorg INI Report on The EPP ECR:Zile AM: 17 Oct ensen/kvb next MFF: Preparing ALDE: Telicka DD: 23 Nov Feb 2018 the EP position on GUE/NGL: Pimenta PL: MFF post-2020 Lopes 2017/2052(INI) Greens/EFA: Eickhout Voted in TRAN/8/09708 EFDD: D’Amato cttee on ENF: 23.11.2017 Opinion to ITRE INI DE MONTE EPP:Clune PA: 25 Sept ITRE Ravera/Oren/kvb Report on S&D ECR: Tosenovsky AM: 4 Oct Accelerating Clean ALDE: Rados DD: 23 Nov 22-23 Jan Energy Innovation GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: tbc 2018 COM(2016)0763 Greens/EFA: Dalunde 2017/2084(INI) EFDD: Voted in TRAN/8/10146 ENF: cttee on 23.11.2017 Opinion to ENVI on MONTEIRO DE S&D: Rodust PA: 10/11 ENVI Kriskane/sf International ocean AGUIAR ECR:Demesmaeker July governance: an EPP ALDE: Meissner AM: 14 July Vote on agenda for the future GUE/NGL: Pimenta DD: 25 Sept 28 Sept of our oceans - Lopes PL: Oct II JOIN(2016)0049 Greens/EFA: Taylor 2017/2055(INI) EFDD: Voted in TRAN/8/09728 ENF: cttee on 25.09.2017 Opinion to ENVI on CAPUTO EPP: Virkkunen PA:11 Oct ENVI Oren/ms monitoring and S&D ECR: Tošenovsky AM:24 Oct reporting of CO² ALDE: Rados DD:4 Dec 11 Jan 18 emissions from and GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: fuel consumption of Greens/EFA: Eickhout new heavy-duty EFDD: Voted in vehicles ENF: Mayer cttee on COM(2017)0279 04.12.2017 TRAN/8/10098 Opinion to CONT on DE MONTE EPP: Marinescu PA: 23 Jan CONT Ramaekers- the Discharge of the S&D ECR: Zlotowski AM: 25 Jan Jrgensen/Pilar/sbs Commission 2016 ALDE: Telicka DD: 20 Feb COM(2017)0362 GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: 2017/2136(DEC) Greens/EFA: Eickhout TRAN/8/10619 EFDD: ENF: Discharge 2016 MEISSNER EPP: Vozemberg PA: 23 Jan CONT Valutyte/Ramaekers- -European Maritime ALDE S&D: Caputo AM: 25 Jan Jorgensen/sf Safety Agency ECR: Zlotowski DD: 20 Feb (EMSA) GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: COM(2017)0365 Greens/EFA: Dalunde TRAN/8/10795 EFDD: 2017/2157(DEC) ENF: Discharge 2016 - DALUNDE EPP: Proust PA: 23 Jan CONT Valutyte/Ramaekers- European Aviation Greens/EFA S&D: De Monte AM: 25 Jan Jorgensen/kvb Safety Agency ECR: Foster DD: 20 Feb (EASA) ALDE: Van Miltenburg PL: COM(2017)0365 GUE/NGL: Konečná TRAN/8/10797 EFDD: 2017/2158(DEC) ENF: Discharge 2016 - FERBER S&D: Grapini PA: 23 Jan CONT Ramaekers- European Railway EPP ECR: Zlotowski AM: 25 Jan Jorgensen/Valutyte/eb Agency (ERA) ALDE: Rohde DD: 20 Feb

13/15 COM(2017)0365 GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: TRAN/8/10805 Greens/EFA: Dalunde 2017/2162(DEC) EFDD: ENF: Discharge 2016 - DE MONTE EPP: Proust PA: 23 Jan CONT Valutyte/Ramaekers- Joint Undertaking - S&D ECR: Foster AM: 25 Jan Jorgensen/mt Safety of air ALDE: Van Miltenburg DD: 20 Feb navigation (SESAR) GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: COM(2017)0365 Greens/EFA: Dalunde TRAN/8/10865 EFDD: 2017/2181(DEC) ENF: Discharge 2016 - FERBER S&D: Grapini PA: 23 Jan CONT Ramaekers- Shift2Rail Joint EPP ECR: Tosenovsky AM: 25 Jan Jorgensen/Valutyte/eb Undertaking ALDE: Rohde DD: 20 Feb (SHIFT2RAIL) GUE/NGL: Konečná PL: COM(2017)0365 Greens/EFA: Dalunde TRAN/8/10880 EFDD: 2017/2186(DEC) ENF: Opinion to IMCO EPP: PA: IMCO Cuisinier/ INI Report on S&D ECR: AM: Building strong ALDE: DD: cybersecurity for the GUE/NGL: PL: EU Greens/EFA: EFDD: Pending ENF: authorisation

Opinion to REGI EPP: PA: REGI Fuchs/ Implementation ECR S&D: AM: report on Cohesion ALDE: DD: Policy and thematic GUE/NGL: PL: objective promoting Greens/EFA: sustainable EFDD: transport... ENF:

Pending authorisation Union’s integrated EPP: PA: ENVI Ramaekers-Jorgensen/ approach to reduce S&D ECR: AM: CO² emissions from ALDE: DD: light-duty vehicles GUE/NGL: PL: and amending Greens/EFA: Regulation (EC) No EFDD: 715/2007 (recast) ENF: COM(2017)0676

Promotion of clean S&D: PA: ENVI Ravera/ and energy-efficient EPP ECR: AM: road transport ALDE: DD: vehicles - GUE/NGL: PL: COM(2017)0653 Greens/EFA: EFDD: ENF:


I. Legislative proposals requiring EP's 1st reading 18 II. Proposals adopted by Parliament in 1st reading and waiting for Council's common 4 position III. Council positions arrived, 2nd reading in progress 0

14/15 IV. Legislative proposals adopted in 2nd reading by plenary but not yet by Council 0 V. Non legislative - Consent procedures 28 VI. Non legislative reports - Own-initiative reports and implementation reports 4 VII. Opinions 19

Total: 73




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