Research study

Periodontal aspects in orthodontics


Abstract Results Introduction Porphyromonas g i n g i v a l i s , annerella forsythia,Treponema denticola, Conclusion , Tannerella forsythia

manuscript. nal fi Introduction Advantages of OT given to periodontal patients Alignment and levelling Materials and methods

the approved and read as well as manuscript, the of on Tooth crown clinical extension

none declared. ict of interests: fl

rules of disclosure. (AME) ethical Ethics Medical on for Progressive with horizontal bone reabsorption

none declared. Con ng interests: Lauritano D, Caccianiga G.

Compe prepara and design, on, concept the to contributed authors All Associa the by abide authors All

Research study

Protesic and implanting molar uprighting et al. et al. Porphyromonas gin-

manuscript. nal givalis (P. gingivalis), Prevotella fi intermedia (P. intermedia)/P. nigres- Periodontal remodelling during OT cens, T. forsythia Fusobacterium et al. Enterobacter cloa- cae (E. cloacae), Klebsiella oxytoca (K. oxytoca), Klebsiella pneumoniae Orthodontic therapy and (K. pnemoniae)Serratia marces- periodontal disease cens (S. marcescens) et al. et al the approved and read as well as manuscript, the of on (T. forsythia), Treponema denticola (T. denticola) Prevotella nigrescens (P. nigrescens) none declared. ict of interests:

fl et al. rules of disclosure. (AME) ethical Ethics Medical on for

et al. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) Lactobacillus sp.Candida albicans

none declared. Con ng interests: Lauritano D, Caccianiga G.

Compe prepara and design, on, concept the to contributed authors All Associa the by abide authors All

Research study

S. mutans lactobacilli S. mutans e lactobacilli. manuscript. nal fi et al Oral microlora and orthodontic the approved and read as well as manuscript, the of on P. interme- dia none declared. ict of interests:

fl rules of disclosure. (AME) ethical Ethics Medical on for

none declared. Con ng interests: Lauritano D, Caccianiga G.

Compe prepara and design, on, concept the to contributed authors All Associa the by abide authors All

Research study

Red complex Table 1 Characteris cs of the study sample Orthodon c Aggregatibacter Sample characteris cs Total Control group actinomycetemcomitans pa ents T. forsythia Number of par cipants 146 74 72 P. gingivalis T. denticola Male 63 31 32 Female 83 42 41 Age (mean years ± SD) 27.03

manuscript. nal fi

Material and methods Figure 1: P. gingivalis, T. forsythia T. denticola

the approved and read as well as manuscript, the of on RT-PCR none declared. ict of interests: fl P. gingivalis, T. forsythiaT. denti- cola, rules of disclosure. (AME) ethical Ethics Medical on for

none declared. Con ng interests: Lauritano D, Caccianiga G.

Compe prepara and design, on, concept the to contributed authors All Associa the by abide authors All

Research study

Results P. gingivalis, T. forsythia T. denticola. P. gingivalis, T. forsythia T. denticola

manuscript. nal fi (P. gingi- (T. forsythia) valis,T. forsythia, (T. denticola) T. denticola, the approved and read as well as manuscript, the of on Discussion Statistical analysis none declared. ict of interests:

fl rules of disclosure. (AME) ethical Ethics Medical on for

P. gingivalis, T. forsythia T. denticola

none declared. Con ng interests: Lauritano D, Caccianiga G.

Compe prepara and design, on, concept the to contributed authors All Associa the by abide authors All

Research study

Clinical relevance of the Conclusion microbiological test in OT (LABtest, LAB® s.r.l, Ferrara, Italy) Acknowledgement References manuscript. nal fi the approved and read as well as manuscript, the of on none declared. ict of interests:

fl rules of disclosure. (AME) ethical Ethics Medical on for

none declared. Con ng interests: Lauritano D, Caccianiga G.

Compe prepara and design, on, concept the to contributed authors All Associa the by abide authors All

Research study

manuscript. nal fi the approved and read as well as manuscript, the of on none declared. ict of interests: fl rules of disclosure. (AME) ethical Ethics Medical on for

none declared. Con ng interests: Lauritano D, Caccianiga G.

Compe prepara and design, on, concept the to contributed authors All Associa the by abide authors All