Burwood Public School P&C Association

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Burwood Public School P&C Association

Burwood Public School P&C Association Minutes of the General Meeting Wednesday 21 September 2011, School Library

Attendance: Mark Burfield (Chair), Troy King (Relieving Principal), Fatma Akyol, Kutlay Ensari, Ruby Gunawan, Rachel Millard, Meghan Brazier (part) Apologies: Janet Huang, Amanda Ng The meeting commenced at 3:05pm. Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of the previous Meeting of 23 August 2011 were accepted as a true and accurate record. Business Arising from Previous Minutes

Treat Day It was decided not to hold a Treat Day in Term 4 due to focussing on preparations for the Burwood School Festival. Canteen There has been a smooth transition to Arathi Elamurugan becoming full-time Canteen Manager since the sudden resignation of Sakuntala Reddy in August. A volunteer (Amy) is being trained (with no pay at this stage) to eventually become available “on call” as a casual employee who can fill in for Arathi if she is unavailable for whatever reason. Debbie Cameron is to process Amy’s Tax File Number, etc. It was clarified that Debbie is to transfer her bookkeeping responsibilities to Ann Ho, as decided and directed at the end of last year, by the end of this year. Further to queries from Paul Bates, it was clarified that any Canteen Manager job description will include a requirement for regular (annual) review. Also a mark-up ledger is available if required for any canteen ‘audit’. It was clarified that staff and volunteers sign in for their service at the canteen. Staff and volunteers should all each complete a Prohibited Employment (Volunteer/ Student) Declaration Form. Mark expressed that it has been difficult to send a “thank you” to Sakuntala for her long service at the canteen due to the issue of the communications book that went missing when she resigned. OC Class Paul Bates had indicated that he could provide data as requested by Charles Casuscelli’s office so he can represent our request for an OC class as Burwood Public School to the appropriate government authorities. Anecdotal evidence is also required to support the case.

Road Safety Troy recently met with the Council’s Road Safety Officer (Janet) and expressed concerns about traffic safety in Oxford Street. However, the gate into the school from Oxford Street is currently locked due to an issue regarding asbestos found on site in the Lower Stanley Street playground (see below in General Business). Therefore she is happy to conduct an audit of the traffic flow in Oxford Street will be conducted when the gate is reopened. It was reminded that the main P&C concern is with the corner of Stanley Street and Hornsey Street. Interview Training Mark indicated that a person needs to be trained who could represent the predominant community group at the school (Chinese) as the previous person, Debbie Cameron, is no longer a parent of a child at the school. Fatma expressed her concern that such a person was required. Air Conditioning There is still a need to upgrade the ceiling fans (etc.) given that there is insufficient power to run extra air conditioning units for the kindergarten block. School & Sports Uniform There was brief discussion regarding school uniform pants and the idea of a button-up rather than polo shirt. It is recognised that any uniform change will be a long-term process. Social Activities for Parents These have been happening through this Term at the Pancakes & Coffee Morning, School Disco and School Performance Nights. P&C Funds Assistance – Burwood RSL Mark, Rachel and Janet are to meet regarding a grant application for smart boards, utilising the letter drafted by Bruno Diodati to Andrew Anderson, General Manager of Burwood RSL. School Disco This was held successfully on Thursday 25 August in the school hall, with 2 sessions (K-2 and 3-6). There were some debriefing comments:  A few teachers were concerned that they were required to help with this function on the understanding that this was a “P&C Disco”. However, Mark explained that the Disco was a joint venture. Concern was expressed with the idea of parents supervising the disco rather than teachers.  The collection of children after the first disco session was not handled well.  It was hot inside the hall, and as students were not allowed outside, there should be water available inside at a designated “wet area”.  There should be a different colour wristband for each session so participants do not “double dip” on the pizza and poppas.  It was considered that in future, money should be collected at the door rather than in the classrooms, and to use stamps (different colour for each session) instead of wristbands. Approximate numbers can be ascertained before the event. In any case, several people indicated their desire to attend right up to the event despite the cut off date two days before, and also there was a surplus of pizza for this disco.  The arrangement for refreshments to be available from the canteen and parents to socialise under the COLA during the disco sessions worked well. Thanks to the Burwood RSL for providing tea, coffee, biscuits.  Glow sticks and glow rings sold well outside the hall prior to disco entry. Burwood School Festival Janet (Fundraising Convenor) was an apology for this meeting, so detailed planning for the Burwood School Festival will proceed from the first week of Term 4. The Festival is to be on Friday 25 November (3.15-7pm) and will include cultural performances/student talent, food stalls, white elephant stall, carnival rides, other stalls and activities. Mark expressed the need for coordination of the food stalls (previously done by Anita Goswami). Rachel suggested that Arathi at the canteen could be approached to help with this. There was also a query on the extent of our Public Liability insurance…this will need to be checked. Father’s Day Stall The Father’s Day Stall went well on 29 and 30 August in the school hall. There was an initial issue when the roster was for classes from 9am-3pm. This was quickly changed to 9-11am on both days. The stall was also open for parents from 2.30—3.15pm on 30 August under the COLA. . Ethics Class Rachel indicated that her husband Bill is prepared to be trained as a volunteer for Ethnic Classes. Troy asked for Rachel to arrange that Bill email his details.

The P&C Association have underwritten the purchase of 8 boxes of books (and trolleys) for the students in the non- scripture classes, with the books purchased from the Children’s Bookshop (who provided for the Book Fair). Badges The badges for Fatma Akyol, and Janet Huang have been issued (though unfortunately with wrong spelling for Janet’s surname, as ‘Hwang’). Shoe Man Anne Ho, Ruby, Troy and others have checked the brochures from the Shoe Man and have agreed that he can present his products for sale at the Kindergarten Orientation Days. Parent Handbook The idea of putting the Parent Handbook on the school website, and revising it on the website, is still to be pursued. Signage at Gates and outside the Toilets Troy has contacted two companies for quotes on the cost of signage for the school gates (“No Pedestrian Access”). This can be extended to include toilet signage. Currently the perspex panel on the noticeboard at the front of the school is being replaced. The noticeboard itself may need to be repositioned as it is somewhat obscured by the security fencing. Tea & Coffee for School Performance Nights The P&C Association provided tea and coffee to parents from the canteen on 13 and 14 September, prior to the “Let’s Celebrate” Performance Nights (K-2and, 3-6 respectively), and this went well. There was concern about parents who took videos and photos of the performances, blocking the view of others…a perennial problem for this type of event. Amanda Ng had suggested that a professional DVD of the performances be made, but other expressed concern on issues of permission for children to be included in such DVDs. Parents could of course take photos of their children in costume after the performances. Development on Oxford St/ Railway Pde The P&C Association did not ultimately make a response to Council on this matter. President’s Report: Term 3 Mark commented that Term 3 had been an unusually busy month for the P&C Association with running or involvements in the Pancakes & Coffee Morning, Book Fair, School Disco, Father’s Day Stall, and Performance Nights. Kindergarten Orientation This will be on Tuesdays 18 October, 1 and 15 November. Ms Brazier is to let Mark know when the P&C Association will be required to make a presentation, including to demonstrate and sell the school uniform. Secretary’s Report: No report Treasurer’s Report: The balance of accounts at 31/8/11 were: General: $ 4,655.06 Canteen: $ 49,034.23 Uniform Shop: $ 45,803.81 Principal’s Report: Troy gave a verbal report that included:  Tournament of the Minds – 1 BPS team (maths engineering group) got honours  Brendon Zhang (BPS Vice Captain) received a runner-up Citizenship Award presented at Wests Leagues Club, Ashfield. This included a $1,000 prize to the school, and $500 to a charity of Brendan’s choosing – Brendan chose the Westmead Children’s Hospital.  Staffing: Ms Ashton (Relieving Co-Deputy Principal) went on maternity leave earlier than expected, so the four Assistant Principals have been filling in: Kim Dobbs (Monday), Ruth Harris (Tuesday), Meghan Brazier (Wednesday), Lisa Clarke (Thursday), Kim Forward (Friday). Next Term, Kim Bannerman is returning and will be the Relieving Principal. Troy will resume as the Relieving Deputy Principal. Mrs Assariotakis will be returning from her long service leave.  Troy outlined the “Local Schools, Local Decisions” program that will give more power regarding decision making to Principals.  There will be a formal Opening Ceremony for the new school hall constructed with BER funding, on Friday 18 November at 10am. Federal Minister, and Member for Watson, Tony Burke, is not available, so a representative will be sent from his office. State Member for Strathfield, Charles Casuscelli, will attend.  Troy acknowledged the good work of Mrs Forward to organise the two week Intensive Swimming Classes for the Years 2-6 students.  The Year 6 Farewell will be on Tuesday 6 December at the Burwood RSL. (The P&C Association will provide support for this event – decorations, cake, DJ) General Business: Asbestos Evidence of asbestos fibres has been found in building material buried years ago near the big tree in the Lower Stanley Street playground. Parents have been informed about this. The area has been isolated and Troy is following all regulations to rectify this matter until resolved and the area is safe. This had also been an issue in 2005 and at the time, there had been some removal and covering over of the building material. However, it appears this was not adequate (deep concern was expressed on this point), and subsequent weathering over the years has once again exposed the material. A recent attempt to cover the material again was not successful, so a more substantial and final solution is required. This may involve the digging of the whole of the Lower Stanley Street playground area and putting in new topsoil. Rachel asked about the possibility of soft fall or an adaptive surface in his area. Troy is dealing with the site manager of the company currently working (hopefully including over the school holidays) on rectifying the problem, and also with the School Education Director and the Asset Management Unit of the Department of Education and Community. Kutlay (who is a Construction Engineer) offered to seek some independent advice on this matter. Next Meeting: Wednesday 19th October, 3:00pm in the School Library.

The meeting closed at 4.50pm

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