The Medinah Park District, Dupage County, Illinois
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The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Medinah Park District, DuPage County, Illinois was held on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at the Park District’s Connolly Recreation Center located at 22W130 Thorndale Avenue, Medinah, Illinois.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Lance Murphy Call to Order
Roll Call was taken showing the following members present: Roll Call
Commissioners Lance Murphy, President; Jessica Meyers, Vice-President; Present: Maryann Grygiel, Treasurer; Commissioners Absent: Jean Ott, Commissioner; Hank Miller, Commissioner
Also Present: Bruce Baum, Executive Director/Secretary Vince DeGrado, Superintendent of Parks Joe Donaldson, Superintendent of Recreation Mark Goode, Safety Coordinator Maria Piworski, Business Manager
Guests: Wayne Meyers, Dale Ott, Mark Layne, Larry Brady, Jackie Tithoff -Steere
Mr. Murphy recognized a quorum.
Mr. Murphy led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Murphy asked if there were any additions, corrections or deletions to the Agenda. Mr. Approval of Agenda Baum stated there was no need to go in Executive Session and the agenda could be amended to show such. It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Jessica Meyers to approve the Agenda as amended. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Lance Murphy, Jessica Meyers, Maryann Grygiel, Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried.
It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Maryann Grygiel to approve/accept the Approval of Regular Regular Meeting Minutes of August 17, 2016 as presented. Mr. Murphy asked for Meeting Minutes discussion. There was none. August 17, 2016
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Jessica Meyers, Maryann Grygiel, Lance Murphy Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried. Minutes 09/21/16 Page 2
Written /Verbal There was none Correspondence
Approval of Past Bills - It was moved by Maryann Grygiel and seconded by Lance Murphy to approve the August 23, 2016 payment of bills dated August 23, 2016 of $10,935.88. Mr. Murphy asked for any questions. There was none.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Maryann Grygiel, Lance Murphy, Jessica Meyers Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried. Approval of Past Bills - It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Jessica Meyer to approve the payment of August 29, 2016 past bills dated August 29, 2016 totaling $11,870.00. Mr. Murphy asked for any questions. There was none.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Lance Murphy, Jessica Meyers, Maryann Grygiel Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried. Approval Past Bills - It was moved by Jessica Meyers and seconded by Maryann Grygiel to approve the September 13, 2016 payment of past bills dated September 13, 2016 totaling $9,728.74. Mr. Murphy asked for any questions. There was none.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Jessica Meyers, Maryann Grygiel, Lance Murphy Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried. Approval of Future It was moved by Maryann Grygiel and seconded by Lance Murphy to approve the Bills - September payment of bills dated September 21, 2016 totaling $46,574.62. Mr. Murphy asked for 21, 2016 any questions. There was none.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Maryann Grygiel, Lance Murphy, Jessica Meyers Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried.
Approval of Future It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Jessica Meyers to approve the payment Bills - September 21, of bills dated September 21, 2016 of $1,671.59. Mr. Murphy asked for any questions. 2016 There was none.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Minutes 09/21/16 Page 3 Aye: Lance Murphy, Jessica Meyers, Maryann Grygiel Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried. Approval of Treasurer’s It was moved by Jessica Meyers and seconded by Lance Murphy to approve the Report August 31, 2016 Treasurer’s Report for the month of August 31, 2016 as presented. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Jessica Meyers, Maryann Grygiel, Lance Murphy Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried
Comments /Questions Mr. Murphy asked if there were any comments or questions from the audience. Mr. Layne From the Audience asked about the DNR OSLAD Grant at Riha Park. Mr. Baum went through an exhaustive, entire timeline for the audience related to the IDNR OSLAD grant situation at Riha Park and the reasons behind the District’s reasonings that required us to walk away from the grant process. Mr. Layne asked the question of why the District didn’t wait to see what was going to happen? Mr. Baum again referenced the requirements tied to the IDNR grant process and how the District’s hands were tied to that language. Attorney Mraz discussed the issues surrounding arbitrage rules related to bond issue dollars. Staff Reports- Parks/Maintenance Mr. DeGrado said the ballfields are in good shape this fall after restoration by adding sand Report clay and turning over the fields with the rotary harrow. Crews filled in low spots in the turf on the soccer fields and added grass seed. Manary Park’s new trees are doing well and all the enhancements in the park looks complete. Safety bollards have been purchased.
Recreation Report Mr. Donaldson expressed this time of year is very busy with the Fall programs getting underway, staff working on the Winter/Spring brochure preparation and Preschool has started. This year we have started a Club Kindergarten for children in the School District’s morning Kindergarten class. They are bused from school to the Park District. The School District provides the bus transportation. The attendance is going very well. The Family Fest was a success. Attendance was a little smaller but the people who came had a great time and we received many good remarks. It went very well this year. Safety/Risk Mark Goode is still waiting for the Lula (elevator) re-inspection to be scheduled and make Management Report the necessary changes to pass. The Family Fest had no issues from a safety stand point. Mark thanked the staff for knowing what is necessary to minimize our risks to keep it a safe event. Business/Finance Maria Piworski said she secured a $1,000 sponsorship from Flood Brothers Disposal. Report In addition to the sponsorship, we will be changing disposal services from Groot to Flood Brothers starting in November for an annual savings of $470.52. On Wednesday, September 14 she attended a Business Managers meeting in Villa Park. The topic of discussion was the Local Government Expense Control Act and implementation of FLSA’s new overtime standards. Park Ranger Report The Park Rangers were not in attendance. Bruce Baum reported the only issue at this time is the monitoring of the Metra station house, platforms and parking areas due to issues with homeless persons spending a lot of time in the area. We continue to monitor in Minutes 09/21/16 Page 4 cooperation with DuPage Co. Sheriff and Metra Police.
Attorney’s Report Mr. Mraz said there was nothing to discuss. There are matters that will be discussed in New Business.
Director’s Notes – NEDSRA Mr. Baum said the 25th Annual Larry Roesch Golf Outing Fundraiser was a success on September 14 with over 187 golfers attending. The ongoing Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Days fundraiser provides a portion of the proceeds to NEDSRA programs.
Construction Project Mr. Baum referenced the progress of the two construction projects currently ready to get Update underway at Riha Park and North Thorndale. Goodenough Park’s last inspection was on September 13. The Manary Park project has been completed by the contractor, minus some park cleanup. October Meeting items There will be a number of items to prepare for with the upcoming October 19, 2016 Board Meeting to include 3rd quarter parking report, Board Elections & Annual Appointments, Disposal of Surplus Equipment (district property), Semi-annual review of Ex. Session minutes/tape and the estimated levy for 2017. Item For Discussion 2017 Agency Goals- Mr. Baum said the staff has prepared a draft of Agency goals for 2017. Maryann Grygiel Setting Workshop asked how often we have to update Active Net. Mr. Donaldson explained Active-Net updates periodically. As part of budgeted replacement of front desk computers, we will install updated Active Net hardware/software and upgrade training of the staff in order to enhance registration. 2016-17 Health Mr. Baum updated the Board on our health insurance renewal with United Healthcare. Insurance costs Staff included updated health insurance premium costs from our insurance services company, Mesirow Financial, for the new contract year beginning October 1, 2016. The premium increases for 2017 are 2.46% for those staff who use the plan. Staff who are presently not taking the District’s health insurance always have the opportunity to come on board at a later time. Ex. Director Baum will budget within the guidelines set by the board related to this percentage increase. All other insurance premiums (dental, vision, EAP, life) will not be increasing in 2017. Commissioners’ Comments/Concerns There was none.
Old Business There was none. New Business: Payout #3-Manary Park It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Jessica Meyers to approve Payout#3 in the amount of $23,818.15 to E. Hoffman, Inc. for work accomplished as of August 16, 2016 on the Manary Park project, subject to attorney’s approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Maryann Grygiel, Lance Murphy, Jessica Meyers Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried. Minutes 09/21/16 Page 5
Resolution 16-13: It was moved by Jessica Meyers and seconded by Maryann Grygiel to approve Resolution North Thorndale Park 16-13, a resolution approving a change order agreement between the Medinah Park Construction Change District and Evans & Sons Blacktop, Inc. in the amount of $8,655.00 for work to be Order #1 accomplished as part of the North Thorndale Park construction project, subject to attorney’s final approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Lance Murphy, Jessica Meyers, Maryann Grygiel Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried
Resolution 16-14 Policy It was moved by Jessica Meyers and seconded by Lance Murphy to approve Resolution Update – Land 16-14, a resolution approving a Land Acquisition Policy for the Medinah Park District, Acquisition Policy subject to attorney’s final approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Jessica Meyers, Maryann Grygiel, Lance Murphy Nay: None Absent: Hank Miller, Jean Ott Abstain: None Motion Carried
Adjournment It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Jessica Meyers to adjourn the regular meeting of September 21, 2016 at 8:30pm. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
All in favor: Aye Opposed: Nay Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
______Bruce E. Baum Secretary
Date: ______
______Lance Murphy, President of the Board of Commissioners Minutes 09/21/16 Page 6