Summary of Tentative Agreements for 2017-18
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Summary of Tentative Agreements for 2017-18
TA #1 (10 February) – Existing language in Article 19 states that faculty may request a post- retirement contract that, if granted, pays the retired professor at their full-time base rate instead of at the adjunct/overload rate for up to three years. Such a contract may not exceed 10 LHE per year under the TA – this is up from 9 LHE in the existing contract.
TA #2 (3 March) – The Student Complaint Form (Appendix J) is to be used when a department chair or manager takes a student complaint. The existing form has been updated and clarified along with a requirement that the student sign the form. While students may occasionally informally gripe about their professors, a “student complaint” is formal, written, signed, and requires the department chair / manager to take action.
TA #3 (3 March) – Experience teaching continuing education courses will be counted towards step placement on the faculty salary schedule.
TA #4 (17 March) – As part of the intersession schedule planning process, each department is empowered to recommend to their division dean the variety of class sections, including the number of days per week and the time of day to be offered, taking into account student needs, pedagogical needs, and working conditions specific to the department.
TA #5 (24 March) – The District had proposed removing the 67% cap on intersessions. We noted that the cap could be waived with VP approval under the existing contract and after discussion both sides agreed that no change to Article 10.A.4. was necessary.
TA #6 (24 March) – This TA significantly revises Article 21 – Disputes. Disputes are a request by a faculty member for a mediated discussion in hopes of resolving a conflict that is neither contractual nor legal. The first step is a meeting of both parties along with a District and a FA conciliator. If this discussion does not resolve the dispute, the two conciliators will suggest a resolution. If the suggestion is not accepted by both sides, the parties and their FA representatives will meet with the VPHR or designee to discuss what options remain.
TA #7 (7 April) – The Salary and Leaves Committee will no longer make available a list of pre- approved courses that may be used for column crossover credit. Instead, they will post the college and title of approved courses on their Committee’s website each semester so as to guide faculty with regard to the type of courses that are finding approval. Such posting is not a guarantee of approval.
TA #8 (28 April) – Grammatical changes were made to the Grievance process. (continues on next page)
TA #9 (5 May) – The duration of the contract will change from a three year to a two year period. Salary, benefits, and mutually agreed to items will be the only reopener items next year.
TA #10 (5 May) – The division will inform the department members of the current Chair’s eligibility status to run for another term. Although this is the existing practice for most divisions, some had interpreted this section as meaning that the numerical rating (1 – 4) needed to be announced.
TA #11 (5 May) – Clarifies that when full-time non-credit professor teach overload, they are paid at the non-credit rate.
TA #12 (5 May) – Changes the deadline to submit the form to bank leave from the second week of the term to two weeks before the term begins, unless there is a change to the professor’s load after the deadline. Payroll deadlines did not allow for the previous timeline, which created multiple situations where faculty had a large payroll deduction to correct for a first month’s overpayment.
TA #13 (11 May) – Eliminates the four-year review of lab parity for courses that have lab parity but which did not undergo significant revision. The courses must still be submitted for review for paperwork reasons, but continued approval of lab parity will be automatic.
TA #14 (19 May) – Corrects nearly 100 typographical errors in the contract.
TA #15 (19 May) – Improves the Health and Safety article to include hygienic and sanitary conditions. Also empowers professors to use their best judgment to mitigate unsafe or unhealthful conditions, provided that the professor informs the District of their actions. This places into contractual language Labor Code sections 6310 and 6311 and parts of the CalOSHA regulations (Title 8, Sections 3360-3368).
TA #16 (26 May) – Due to Education Code changes, the use of sick leave for parental leave has been changed from “30 days” to “12 workweeks.”
TA #17 (26 May) – Adds the notice from the District that “[a]ny additional assignments not related to the sabbatical are discouraged by the District, will not be compensated, and must not interfere with the sabbatical’s requirements.”
TA #18 (2 June) – Creates a new Article 29 on Dual Enrollment. This article states that dual enrollment assignments are voluntary and meet the same contractual requirements (e.g.: class size) as other courses. The article also mandates a paid orientation meeting and clarifies that the professor is an employee of the District who should follow the District’s rules and regulations. This new article is intended to protect our members who might choose to teach a Dual Enrollment course. However, this article (and indeed the entire contract) only applies if the professor is our employee. Professors hired under Instructional Service Agreements have no contractual rights except those permitted by law or the Instructional Service Agreement.
(continues on next page) TA #19 (2 June) – Significantly modifies the rehire rights section to comply with State law so that adjunct professors with rehire rights are to be assigned priority of one class section by initial date of hire, then if a tie by the number of sections previously taught at Mt. SAC, then if a tie by the most recent classroom evaluation scores, and then if a tie by lottery. It also notes that the District shall strive to assign a professor with rehire rights at least the same load they enjoyed in the same semester the previous year, provided that adequate sections are available within one’s stated availability.
TA #20 (9 June) – Faculty Expectancies adds faculty expectancies specific to Instructional Specialists changes language from “to cultivate a supportive environment” to “to cultivate a supportive inclusive environment that promotes the success of a diverse student body”
The District also wanted to make the work needed to accomplish student learning outcomes an explicit faculty expectancy, but this was not agreed to as the existing contractual language already requires professors “to cooperate with the department and colleagues in planning and implementing curricular and other educational projects.” Full-time faculty are already expected to take on a share of the work of their department.
TA #21 (9 June) – Adds an assistant Cheer/Spirit Coach to Appendix D. It also increases the stipend of the Dance Director to align with the other performing arts coaches and increases the stipend of all thirty-four assistant athletic coaches by $850 per year.
TA #22-24 (9 June) – An omnibus package to close negotiations. It includes the following items: A 2% increase to salary, full-time benefits, and appendices except for assistant athletic coaches (see TA #21 above) The District’s version of the 2018-19 academic calendar, which includes a Thursday start to summer session similar to that in 2017 and 2018 An additional funded theater production each year, with stipends paid to the technical director and to the costume, lighting, and scenic design coordinators. LHE increases to the following reassignments o Radio Station Coordinator – from 6 LHE to 9 LHE o Psych. Tech Clinical Coordinator – from 0 LHE to 6 LHE o Rad. Tech Clinical Coordinator – from 6 LHE to 9 LHE o Psych. Tech Director – from 6 LHE to 9 LHE o FAA Aircraft Dispatcher Coordinator – from 0 LHE to 2 LHE o Registered Vet Tech Director – from 9 LHE to 15 LHE LHE decreases to the following reassignments o Real Estate Program Coordinator – from 6 LHE to 4 LHE o Paramedic Program Director – from 16 LHE to 3 LHE (due to new managers) o Paramedic Clinical Coordinator – from 8 LHE to 0 LHE (due to new managers) o Fire Technology Director – from 30 LHE to 0 LHE (due to new managers) The postponement of Article 13 (Distance Learning) and Adjunct Professional Growth Increment to next year as mutually agreed-to reopener topics. (Distance Learning will continue with no changes save that the pilot has completed.) All other items under consideration were closed without amendment to the contract. The exact changes are available in the “Documents” section of the FA website: