The Colwell Circuit

Map OS Explorer 115 – Exmouth & Sidmouth. 1:25000. Time: About 3 hours. 5.8 miles Grade: This has to be one of the best woodland lane walks out there, circling around a wonderful valley. Ancient moss-covered trees, ferns, flowers and birdsong! Mostly easy walking, passing along the Offwell Brook. One very short steep section through the trees near the end and a return on quiet lanes through Offwell village. Shame no liquid refreshment here but Honiton town is just down the road….

Take the A35 Axminster road out of Honiton and in just over two miles, on a nasty left hand curve (take care) turn right on to the Offwell road. (There is a small road sign indicating the turning). Almost immediately bear right on a narrow lane beside a pink cottage. Follow this lane, which gradually deteriorates into a somewhat rougher (but driveable) lane and follow it to its end in front of the gated Colwell Woods.

Follow the signed bridleway through the most incredible woods taking time to look down to immense patches of Bluebells ( in season) ,and around at the ferns, ancient trees. This little paradise meanders on for almost a mile. Eventually, some 200m before a road and some buildings look for a public footpath leading off right and into the woods. The path crosses first an attractive little stone bridge over the Offwell Brook and then, following the Public Footpath sign, over a little wooden bridge. Note the Offwell Forestry Sign. You are moving uphill along a narrow, vegetated path over wet ground. Fear not! You step along a series of wooden walkways and arrive at the top with dry feet! At the concrete roadway move left and follow the road, passing Hoopers Farm to meet the highway on a very sharp and steep corner.

Cross with some care into the wide drive of Bagwells Cottage (sounds like something from Watership Down) also signed as a Public Footpath. Move left round the house dropping down to a well vegetated but wonderful little track – fine little lake to your right – eventually passing through Bethlehem Farm. You will soon come to a rather fine thatched cottage and see a Public Footpath off to you left and one off to your right. Take the right hand path up a few steps and over a stile. It had to come – the short steep bit! Up through the woods to arrive at a stile leading to open pasture. Straight across this field towards the trees to a stile and gate and four-way Public Footpath sign.

Left here, down a good stony track to Townshayne Farm and the road. Wander down the road, over the Offwell Brook that flows under the road (probably over the road in bad weather!) and up the hill into what is known as Slade on the map consisting of a few houses. Follow the Widworthy road for a few yards and then, opposite a barn, take the rocky track off to you left. This is yet another magic little green lane – this is a walk of wonderful tracks – extending for over half a mile to a point where it curves left, merging into more of a minor road. There is a footpath going more or less straight on at this point but don’t follow this. You are now on Rock Lane and very shortly you will drop down into Colwell Barton. Straight across here and potter slowly for about a mile, along the minor road into Offwell, having passed the few houses of West Colwell. There is an attractive little Church here with a very handy porch for those wanting to have a breather. There is also a rather unusual fence made of brass crosses.

Onwards and just above the Church bear left through this quite built-up village to soon arrive at the main road junction which you will probably recognise as the point where you left the main Axminster road earlier in the day. Left beside that pink – maybe lilac – cottage and take the last few steps down the lane and back to the car.

Chris Harwood May 2017