Prehistoric Or Pre-European Archaeology in Maine

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Prehistoric Or Pre-European Archaeology in Maine


compiled by Arthur Spiess

The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin last printed a bibliography of published articles containing information on Maine prehistoric archaeology in 1983 (23:2:37-51). There was an update in 1985 (25:2:55). Herein we bring the bibliography current through 2010.

Allison, Roland 1951 Digging and searching the shell heaps of Maine, Algonquin Culture, Eggemoggin Reach, Hancock County, Maine. Ohio Archaeologist 1(1):16 1952 A days dig in a Maine shell heap. Ohio Archaeologist 2(2):7-8 1953 Shell heap digging in Maine. Ohio Archaeologist 3(4):27-29 1972 More about the shell heaps. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 12(2):1-3. Anderson, Walter A. and J. Kelly, thers 1984 Crustal Warping in Coastal Maine. Geology 12:677-680 Anonymous 1912 Investigations of Maine shell-heaps. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 59(11): 46-48 Anonymous 1976 Introduction to Artifact Photographs. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 16(2):32-42 Ashley, Asch-Sidell, Nancy 2002 Paleoethnobotanical Indicators of Subsistence and Settlement Change in the Northeast. John Hart and Christina Rieth, editors. Northeast Subsistence - Settlement Change A.D.700-1300, NY State Museum Bulletin 496:241-263. Backman, Dave 1996 The Lady Slipper Midden Site (14.31). Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 36:1:1-16. Bailey, Alfred G. 1937 The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures. New Brunswick Museum Monograph Series: 2 St. John Bailey, L. W. 1887 On relics of the stone age in New Brunswick. Bulletin Natural History Society of New Brunswick, 6 Baker, Emerson W. 1983 The Clarke and Lake Site, 1654-1676: A Place of Trading As Well As Planting. Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology 4. Augusta, Maine. Baker, Thomas R. 1989 Phase I Archaeological Investigations Conducted Along the Proposed CMP Transmission Tie to the Hydro-Quebec Corridor. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 29:1:13-20. Barber, Russel J. 1988 The Use of Land Snails from Prehistoric Sites for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction. in George P. Nicholas, ed. Holocene Human Ecology in Northeastern North America, pp. 11-28. Plenum Press, NY. Barbian, Lenore and Ann Magennis 1994 Variability in Late Archaic Burials at Turner Farm, Maine. Northeast Anthropology 47:119. Barton, George H. 1963 Unique Artifacts from Maine. MassachusettsArchaeologicalSocietyBulletin34(2):25-30 Bartone, Robert N. and Ellen Cowie 2007 The Late Paleoindian Beaver Pond Site, 35.19 ME. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 47:1:43-48. Bartone, Robert N. and David Putnam, and James B. Petersen 1988 Archaeological Investigations at the Brockway Site, Central Maine. Current Research in the Pleistocene 5:1-3 Belcher, William R. 1989 Prehistoric Fish Exploitation on East Penobscot Bay, Maine: The Knox Site and Sea-level Rise. Archaeology of Eastern North America 17: 175-191. 1989 The Archaeology of the Knox Site, East Penobscot Bay, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 29:1:33-46. 1994 A Regional Approach to Fish Remains and Seasonality in East Penobscot Bay, Maine. Fish Exploitation in the Past. 7th ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group. Van Neer W.(ed). Annales du Musee Royal de 1'Afrique Centrale, Sciences. Belcher, William R. and David Sanger, Bruce Bourque 1994 The Bradley Cemetery: A Moorehead Burial Tradition Site in Maine. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 18:3-28. Bennett, Thomas C. and Nathan D. Hamilton 2010 An 1868 Lecture on the Shell Midden on Goose Island, Casco Bay, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 50(1):9-22 Bonnichsen, Robson and David Sanger 1977 Integrating faunal analysis. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 1:109-135 Bonnichsen, Robson, George L. Jackson, Jr, and others 1985 The Environmental Setting of Human Colonization of Northern New England and Adjacent Canada in Late Pleistocene Times. Geological Society of America: Special Paper #197 Bonnichsen, Robson 1988 The coming of the fluted-point People. Habitat 5:1:34-36. (Maine Audubon Society). Bonnichsen, Robson and Richard T. Will 1999 Radiocarbon Chronology of Northeastern Paleoamerican Sites: Discriminating Natural and Human Burn Features. ed. Bonnichsen, Robsen and Karen L. Turnmire, Ice Age People of North America: Environments and Adaptation. Corvallis, Oregon. Borstel, Christopher L. 1982 Archaeological Investigations at the Young Site, Alton, Maine. Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology 2. Augusta. Bourque, Bruce J. 1973 Aboriginal Settlement and Subsistence on the Maine Coast. Man in the Northeast. 6:3-20 1975 Comments on the Late Archaic population of Central Maine: the view from the Turner Farm. Arctic Anthropology 12:2:35-45 1976 The Turner Farm Site: A Preliminary Report. Man in The Northeast 11:21-30 1977 Fishing in the Gulf of Maine: A 5000 Year History. In: G. Lawless (ed) The Gulf of Maine. Blackberry Press, Brunswick, Maine. 1995 Diversity and Complexity in Prehistoric Maritime Societies: a Gulf of Maine Perspective. Plenum Press, NY. 1994 Evidence for Prehistoric Exchange on the Maritimes Peninsula. in Prehistoric Exchange Systems in North America. Plenum Press. 1996 On Misguided Methodology: A Response to Dincauze. The Review of Archaeology 17:1:50-53. (published fall 1997) 2001 Twelve Thousand Years: American Indians in Maine. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. Bourque, Bruce J. Kenneth Morris, and Arthur Spiess 1978 Determining the season of death of teeth from archaeological sites: a new sectioning technique. Science 199:530-31 Bourque, Bruce J. and Steven L. Cox 1981 Maine State Museum Investigation of the Goddard Site, 1979. Man in The Northeast 22:3-27 Bourque, Bruce J., Steven L. Cox and Robert A. Lewis 2006 The Archaic Period of the Merrymeeting Bay Region, South Central Maine. In The Archaic of the the Far Northeast, edited by David Sanger and M. A. P. Renouf, pp. 307-340. University of Maine Press, Orono. Bourque, Bruce J. and Robert Doyle, and Steve White 1984 The Archaeological Distribution of Banded Spherulitic Rhyolite in Maine. Man in the Northeast 28:111-119. Bradley, W. 1957 Radiocarbon age of the Damariscotta shell heaps. American Antiquity 22(3):296 Bradstreet, Theodore E. and Ronald B. Davis 1975 Mid-Postglacial environments in New England with emphasis on Maine. Arctic Anthropology 12:2:7-22 Braun, David P. 1974 Explanatory models for the evolution of coastal adaptation in Prehistoric New England. American Antiquity 39:582-596. Brigham, Michael 1996 The Chandler Collection. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 36:1:17 Brigham, Michael, Robert N. Bartone, Jessica A. Reed, and Ellen Cowie 2001 Introduction to the Archaeological Phase III Excavations at Ntolonapemk, the Eastern Surplus Superfund Site. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 41:2:27-39. Brockman, Mark E. and Jeffrey Georgiady 2005 Prehistoric Lithic Resources of the Coastal Volcanic Belt, Washington Co., Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 45:1:5-24. Brown, Harold E. 1982 Animal Remains from the Basin Site. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 22:1:25-27 Bruce, Walter G. 1964 A Preliminary Report of Four Season's Work at Swans Island, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 1:5-6. 1965 Long Cove, A Maine Shell-Deposit Site. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin 27:1:8-12. Bunker, Victoria 1992 Stratified Components of the Gulf of Maine Archaic Tradition at the Eddy Site, Amoskeag Falls. in Early Holocene Occupation in Northern New England, edited by Brian Robinson et al. Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology, Number 9. Burke, Adrian L. 2006 Stone Tool Raw Materials and Sources of the Archaic Period in the Northeast. In The Archaic of the the Far Northeast, edited by David Sanger and M. A. P. Renouf, pp. 409-436. University of Maine Press, Orono. Burns, Robert L. 1971 Mid-Coast Washington County. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 11:1-5. Byers, Douglas S. 1953 Red Paint Tombs in Maine. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin 15(1):2-8. Byers, Douglas S. and Wendell S. Hadlock 1955 Carbon-14 dates from Ellsworth Falls, Maine. Science 121:735-736 Byers, Douglas S. 1962 New England and the Arctic. In J. M.Campbell (ed). Cultural Relationships between the Arctic and Temperate Zones of North America. Arctic Institute of North America Technical Paper 11 Byers, Douglas S. 1939 Warren King Moorehead 1866-1939. American Anthropologist 41:286-294 1959 The Eastern Archaic: some problems and hypotheses. American Antiquity. 24:233-256 1979 The Nevin Shellheap. Andover: Phillips Academy Callum, Kathleen 1995 Archaeology in a Region of Spodosols, Part 2. Pedological Perspectives in Archaeological Research, SSSA Special Publication 44. Chadbourne, P. 1850 Oyster shell deposit in Damariscotta. Maine Historical Society of Portland Collections 6:345-351 Clark, James and Richard T. Will 2006 Intersite Comparisons of Archaic Period Stone Artifacts: The Clark I Site and the Gulf of Maine Archaic Tradition.In The Archaic of the the Far Northeast, edited by David Sanger and M. A. P. Renouf, pp. 285-306. University of Maine Press, Orono. Coffin, Claude C. 1941 Red Paint Graves. Archaeological Society of Connecticut Bulletin. 12:3-7 Cole-Will, Rebecca and Richard Will 1996 A Probable Middle Archaic Cemetery: The Richmond-Castle Site in Surry, Maine. Archaeology of Eastern North America 24:95-148. Cook, David S. 1984 Birch Bark Canoes and Munsungan Chert. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 24:2:33-39. Cook, David S. and Arthur Spiess 1981 Archaeology of the Piscataquis Ahwagan: Preliminary Results. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 21(1)29-38 Cowie, Ellen R. 1990 Recent Archaeological Investigations on the Southern Androscoggin River valley, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 30(1)1-14 Cowie, Ellen R. and James Petersen 2002 From Hunter-Gatherer Camp to Horticultural Village: Late Prehistoric Indigenous Subsistence and Settlement. John Hart and Christina Rieth, editors. Northeast Subsistence-Settlement Change A.D.700-1300. NY State Museum Bulletin 496:265-287. Cox, Belinda and James B. Petersen 1997 The Varney Farm (36-57 Me): a Late Paleoindian Encampment in Western Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 37:2:25-48. Cox, Steven L. 1987 Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 61.20 Jonesport, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 27:2:16-35 1991 Site 95.20 and the Vergennes Phase in Maine. Archaeology of Eastern North America 19:135-162 1983 The Blue Hill Bay Survey. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 23(2)21-30 2000 An Early Contact Site on the Upper St. Croix River. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 40(2)1-10. 2009 Archaeological Investigations at the Scott’s Midden Site, Deer Isle. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 49:2:5-16. Cox, Steven L. and Gary Lawless 1994 The Indian Shell Heap: Archaeology of the Ruth Moore Site. Blackberry Books Nobleboro, ME. Cox, Steven L. and Deborah Wilson 1991 4500 Years on the Lower Androscoggin: Archaeological Investigation of the Rosie-Mugford Site Complex. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 31(1):15-40. Cox, Steven L. and Diane Kopec 1988 An Archaeological Investigation of the Watson site, Frenchman Bay. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 28(1):39-45. Cranmer, Leon E. 1991 Blockhouses and Cellars: The 1989 and 1990 Archaeological Work at Fort Halifax. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 31(2):1-26. Crisell, Rob 1998 A Northern Exposure: New Acquisition. American Archaeology 2:4:34 Cross, John R. 1993 Craft Specialization in Nonstratified Societies. Research in Economic Anthropology 14:61-84. Cross, John R. 2008 The Simpson-Stewart Site in East Brunswick, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 48:1:1-18. Curran, Mary Lou 1996 Paleoindians in the Northeast: The Problem of Dating Fluted Point Sites. The Review of Archaeology 17:1:2-10. (published fall 1997) Crane, Pamela and Anne Wilder 2002 A Farm for the Support of the Poor : Historical Archaeology at the Scarborough Town Farm, 1865-1953. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 42:17-30. Darrah, William Culp 1951 Powell of the Colorado (Especially Chapter 23: Haven). Princeton University Press, Princeton Davis, Stephen A. 1992 Two Concentrations of Paleo-Indian Occupation in the Far Northeast. Revista de Archeologia Americana 3: 31-56 Descarte, Rene M. 1974 The Cabot Site: A Ceramic Period Occupation on North Haven Island. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 14(2):6-19. Dincauze, Dena F. 1981 Book Review of Dean R. Snow. The Archaeology of New England. Science 212:1140-1141. 1988 Tundra and enlightenment: landscapes for Northeastern Paleoindians. Quarterly Review of Archaeology 9:2:5-8. 1993 Antecedents and Ancestors, At Last. (Review of Robinson et al. eds.). The Review of Archaeology 14:2:12-22. 1993 Pioneering in the Late Pleistocene: Larger Paleoindian Sites in the Northeast. Archaeology of Eastern North America: Papers in Honor of Stephen Williams. Edited by James B. Stoltman. Mississippi. Mississippi Dept. of Archives and History, Jackson, Archaeological Report No 25. 1993 Fluted Points in the Eastern Forests. in From Kostenki to Clovis, edited by Olga Soffer. Academic Press. 1996 Deconstructing Shell Middens in New England. The Review of Archaeology17:1:45-49. (published fall 1997) Dow, Robert L. 1971 Some Characteristics of Maine Coastal Kitchen Middens. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 1:6-14 1964 Fossils, Middens and Sea Water Temperatures Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 3:6-8 Doyle, Richard and Ellen Cowie 2007 In Memoriam: Dr James B. Petersen 1954-2005. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 47:1:1-2. Doyle, Richard and Nathan D. Hamilton, James Petersen 1982 Early Woodland Ceramics and Associated Perishable Industries from Southwestern Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 22(2):4-21. Doyle, Richard , James B. Petersen, and Nathan Hamilton 1985 A Late Archaic Shell Midden on Great Moshier Island, Casco Bay, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 25(1):41-50. Doyle, Robert G. 2008 Identification of Lithic Artifacts from Central Coastal Maine Archaeological Sites: a Case Study in Regional Lithic Acquisition Strategies. Flying Passage Press, Gardiner, ME. Dubrule, Deborah 1997 Silent Sites. Island Journal 14:80-83. Dunn, Gerald C. 1950 An Indian campsite on Cobbosseecontee Stream. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin 12(1):1-8. 1954 A workshop at Lake Tacoma. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin 15(3):57 1960 The Eel Bridge Site and Its Relationship to the Sebasticook River Route. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin 21(3-4):33-38. And Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 8:2-7. 1964 An Interesting Maine Indian Site as Reported by George Lacome to Gerald C. Dunn Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 1:7-10. 1977 Some facts about Kineo felsite. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 17(2):23 Eldridge, Stuart A. 2007 Archaeology at the Stanley Site, Monhegan Island, Maine: Implications for Modeling Late Archaic Coastal Adaptations. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 47:2:1-20. Farmer, Bert E. 1978 Were the English the First to Discover America? Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 18(1): 41-47. Feher, Steve 1972 An Iroquois-Mohawk type pot from Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 12(2):4-6 1974 A Site on Big Lake. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 14(1.):1-4 1975 Some Hoe-Like Implements, Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 15(1):19-20 1970 A Preliminary Report on Big Lake Pottery, Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 10:2223. 1976 Some Big Lake Pottery, Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 16(2):7-10 1971 Some Interesting Problematicals, Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 11(2):1-2 1975 A Scarcity of Drills and Drilling Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 15(2):27-31 Fiedel, Stuart 1987 Algonquian Origins: A Problem in Archaeological-Linguistic Correlation. Archaeology of Eastern North America 15:1-11 Fowler, William S. 1961 Movement of prehistoric peoples in the northeast. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin. 22(3-4):62-65 1971 Some sources of New England flints. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin. 32(3-4):23-28. 1972 Maine Archaic Complex Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin. 33(3-4):10-15. Fox, John W. 1972 Dating kaolin tobacco pipes of Indian Island. Man in the Northeast. 3:20-35 Funk, Robert E. 1988 The Cremation Concept: A Review Archaeology of Eastern North America 16:1-42 Georgiady, Jeff and Mark Brockman 1999 Lithic Resources in the Jim Pond Formation, Franklin County, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 39:1:9-12. Goldthwaite, Richard P. 1935 The Damariscotta shell heaps and coastal stability. American Journal of Science. Series 5Vol. 30. pp 1-13 Gramly, R. Michael 1984 Kill sites, killing ground and fluted points at the Vail site. Archaeology of Eastern North America 12:110-21 1988 The Adkins Site: A Paleo-Indian Habitation and Associated Stone Structure. Persimmon Press, Buffalo, N.Y. 1985 Recherches archeologiques au site paleoindien de Vail, dans le nord-ouest du Maine, 1980-1983 Recherches Amerindiennes au Quebec 15:1-2: 1981 Eleven Thousand Years in Maine. Archaeology 34:6:32-39 1982 The Vail Site: A Palaeo-Indian Encampment in Maine. Buffalo Museum of Science. 1988 Excavations at the Ken Wing site, an isolated ceramic period encampment in the Stratton Highlands, NW Maine. Man in the Northeast 36:89-99 1995 Perspective on Maine Archaeology. The Amateur Archaeologist 1(2):39-45. 1995 A Quartz Crystal Fluted Point from Maine. The Amateur Archaeologist 1(2):65-69. 1995 The Vail Paleo-Indian Site: Fifteen Years after the Excavation. The Amateur Archaeologist 1(2):46-64. 2005 The Upper/Lower Wheeler Dam Sites: Clovis in the Upper Magalloway River Valley, NW Maine. The Amateur Archaeologist 11:25-46. 2005 Recent Archaeological Fieldwork at the Vail Clovis Habitation and Kill Site. The Amateur Archaeologist 11:2:19-37. 2005 Paleo-American Small-scale Sites in the Magalloway Valley, Northwestern Highlands, Maine.The Amateur Archaeologist 11:2:67-79. Gramly, R. Michael and Kerry Rutledge 1981 A New Paleo-Indian Site in the State of Maine. American Antiquity 46:354-360. Gramly, R. Michael, D. C. Waldorf, and Val Waldorf 2005 Fluted Drills and Recycled Fluted Points at the Vail Clovis Site. The Amateur Archaeologist 11:47-71. Grumet, Robert 1995 Historic Contact: Indian People and Colonists in Today's Northeastern United States. University of Oaklahoma Press. Hadlock, Wendell S. 1939 The Taft's Point Shellmound at West Gouldsboro, Maine. Robert Abbe Museum Bulletin 5 1941 Three shell heaps on Frenchman's Bay. Robert Abbe Museum Bulletin 6 1941 Observations concerning the 'Red Paint Culture'. American Antiquity 7:156-61 Hadlock, Wendell S. and D.S. Byers 1956 Radiocarbon Dates from Ellsworth Falls, Maine. American Antiquity 21:419-20. 1943 Bone implements from shell heaps around Frenchman's Bay, Maine. American Antiquity 8:341-53 Hadlock, Wendell S. and T. Stern 1948 Passadumkeag, a Red Paint Cemetery, Thirty-Five Years after Moorehead. American Antiquity 14:98-103. Hamilton, Nathan D. and John Mosher 1994 The Boothby Gravel Pit (ME 7.39), East Limington, York County. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 34:21-10. Hamilton, Nathan D. and David K. Yesner 1985 Early, Middle and Late Woodland Ceramic Assemblages from Great Diamond Island, Casco Bay, Maine. In Peterson, J. B. Editor, Ceramic Analysis in the Northeast. Occasional Publications in Northeastern Anthropology Hamilton, Nathan D. 1990 Test Excavation of the Walker Site, Presumpscot River Drainage, Falmouth. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 30:1-24 Hardy, Manly, 1880 A shell heap near the south end of Great Deer Isle, Penobscot Bay: A letter to Professor F.W. Putnam. Reports of the Peabody Museum 2:197-98 Haugen, Einar 1972 The Rune Stones of Spirit Pond, Maine. Man in the Northeast 4:62-79 Haviland, William 2005 A Safe Passage to the Sea: An Ancient Canoe Route at Deer Isle, Maine.Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 45:1:25- Hedden, Mark H. 1984 The Form of the Cosmos in the Body of the Shaman. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 21:1:ii-iv. 1986 The Rate of Sea Level Rise and Prehistoric Petroglyphs at Machias Bay, Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 26:2 p3-4 1985 Sexuality in Maine Petroglyphs: Comments on the Cover Design, Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 25(1):3-9. 1987 Petroglyphs on Hog Island, Machias Bay. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 27:1:3-9. 1988 Prehistoric Maine Petroglyphs (A Videoscript) Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 28(1):3-27 1989 A New Group of Early Petroglyphs for Machias Bay. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 29:2:17-36. 1989 Petroglyph evidence for a possible 19th century survival of Algonkian (Passamaquoddy) shamanism in eastern Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 29:1:21-30. 1991 A Winged Figure Incised on a Slate Pebble. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 31(1):41 2002 Contact Period Petroglyphs in Machias Bay, Maine. Archaeology of Eastern North America 30:1-20 2004 Passamaquoddy Shamanism and Rock-Art in Machias Bay, Maine. In The Rock Art of Eastern North America: Capturing Images and Insight, pp. 319-343, edited by Carol Diaz-Granados, and James R. Duncan. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa. Hoffman, Curtiss 1998 Pottery and Steatite in the Northeast: A reconsideration of Origins. Northeast Anthropology 56:43-68. Holmes, Raynold 1994 Gerald Hall Site: A single Component Susquehanna Site. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 34 (1). Howes, William J. 1977 Maine Coast Pottery Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin 212(3-4):54-56. Hyatt, Stephen 1957 Red Paint Spears. Ohio Archaeologist 7:104-105 Johnson, Frederick 1937 Problems surrounding the classification of certain culture complexes in New England. American Antiquity 2:161-165 Kelley, Alice R. and David Sanger 2003 Postglacial Development of the Penobscot River Valley: Implications for Geoarchaeology. In Geoarchaeology of Landscapes in the Glaciated Northeast, edited by David L.Cremeens and John P. Hart. New York State Museum Bulletin 497:119-133. Kellogg, Douglas 1987 Statistical Relevance and Site Locational Data American Antiquity 52:143-150 1995 How Has Coastal Erosion Affected the Prehistoric Settlement Pattern of the Boothbay Region of Maine? Geoarchaeolgy 10:65-83. 1994 Why Did They Choose to Live Here? Ceramic Period Settlement in the Boothbay, Maine Region. Northeast Anthropology 48:25-60. Kingsbury, I.W. and W. S.Hadlock 1951 An early occupation site, Eastport, Maine. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin 12:22-26 Also Robert Abbe Museum, Notes #5 Konrad, V.A. and R. Bonnichsen, others 1983 Soil chemical identification of 10,000 years of prehistoric human activity at the Munsungen Lake Thoroughfare, Maine. Journal of Archaeological Science. 10(1):13-28 Kopec, Diane 1987 The Abbe Museum's Frenchman Bay Survey--An Historic Perspective. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 27:1:10-30 1985 The Eddie Brown Collection of the West Grand Lake Area, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 25(2):3-37. Lahti, Eric 1976 Oil Rubbings of Petroglyphs, Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 16(1):30-31 1976 The Machias Petroglyphs Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 16(2) 3-6 2001 Goodwill-Hinckley Archaeological Survey 1996. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 41:1 25-34. Lahti, Eric, Arthur Spiess, Mark Hedden, Robert Bradley, and Alaric Faulkner 1981 Test Excavations at the Hodgdon Site. Man in the Northeast 21:19-36 Leadbeater, Helen M. 1978 Iroquoianesque Pottery at Pequawket. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 18(1):25-41 Lenik, Edward J. 1975 Excavations at Spirit Pond. Man in the Northeast 9:54-60 1977 The Spirit Pond Shellheap. Archaeology of Eastern North America 5:94-107 2002 Picture Rocks: American Indian Rock Art in the Northeast Woodlands. University Press of New England, Hanover and London. Leonard, Kevin 1995 Woodland or Ceramic Period: A Theoretical Problem. Northeast Anthropology 50:19-30. Little, Elizabeth 1993 Radiocarbon Age Calibration at Archaeological Sites of Coastal Massachusetts and Vicinity. Journal of Archaeological Science 20:457-471. Loewen, Brad, Claude Chapdelaine, and Pierre J. H. Richard 2005 Holocene Shoreline Occupations and Water-level Changes at Lac Megantic, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 29:165-233. Loomis, F. B. and D. B.Young 1912 Shell Heaps of Maine. American Journal of Science. Fourth Series, Vol.34:17-41 Loring, Stephen 2002 And They Took Away the Stones from Ramah: Lithic Raw Material Sourcing and Eastern Arctic Archaeology. In Honoring our Elders, edited by William Fitzhugh, Stephen Loring, and Dan Odess. Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution. MacDonald, George F. 1971 A review of research on Paleo-Indians in Eastern North America 1960-1970. Arctic Anthropology 8(2):32-41 MacKay, Robert G. 1979 White Island, ME 30-46 Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 19(2):10-11. Mack, Karen, Oliver Kelly, and Richard T. Will 2001 The Bombazee West Site (52.10), A Small Ceramic Period Site on the Kennebec River. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 41:1: 1-24 Matson, Don and Arthur Spiess 1994 The Yindra-Barus Site: An Archaic Indian Camp on Androscoggin Lake. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 34:211-24. Maymon, Jeffrey H. and Charles E. Bolian 1992 The Wadleigh Falls Site: An Early and Middle Archaic Period Site in Southeastern New Hampshire. in Early Holocene Occupation in Northern New England. Eds. Brian Robinson et al. Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology, Augusta. Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology, Number 9. McDonald, Jerry N. and Susan L. Woodward 1987 Indian Mounds of the Atlantic Coast. McDonald and Woodward Publishing, Newark, Ohio. McGovern, Thomas H 1981 The Vinland Adventure: A North Atlantic Perspective. North American Archaeologist 2:4:285-308 McGuire, J. D. 1908 Ethnological and archaeological notes on Moosehead Lake, Maine. American Anthropologist 10:549-557 McManamon, Francis P. 1985 Book Review: Kidder Point and Sears Island in Prehistory. Man in the Northeast 29:113-118 Mellgren, Guy 1960 The Bradley site on the Penobscot. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin. 21(3-4):43-45. 1965 The Goddard Site. Eastern States Archaeology Federation Bulletin. 24():13 Mellgren, Guy and Edward Runge 1958 Goddard's. Massachusetts Archaeological Society Bulletin 19:41-43. Mercer, Henry C. 1897 An exploration of aboriginal shell heaps revealing traces of cannibalism on the York River, Maine. Publications of University of Pennsylvania, Series in Philology, Literature and Archaeology. 6:111-137 Mitchell, C. 1938 Maine Shellheaps. National Archaeological News. 2(2):54-59 Mitchell, Harbour III 1992 A Salvage Effort on the Coast of Maine: The Lehmann Site (40-3), Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 32:2:1-14 1995 Paleo-environmental Reconstruction Using Early Holocene Faunal Assemblages and Biological Parameters of Species Therein. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 35:1:1-12. 1997 1000 B.P. in West Penobscot Bay: 41.68 & 41.68A. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 37:1:23 1993 The Carr Site (41.66): a Middle Ceramic Period site in Northport, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 33(2):33 Mitchell, Harbour III, and Arthur Spiess 2002 Early Bifurcate Base Point Occupation in the St. George River Valley. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 42:1:15-34. Moore, Christine 1983 Replicating Indian Pots. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin Moore, Clarence B. 1914 The Red Paint People of Maine. American Anthropologist 16():137-138 1915 The Red Paint People of Maine II. American Anthropologist 17():207-209 Moore, Edward and Richard Will 1998 Initial Investigation of the Janet Cormier Paleoindian Site (23.25). Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin, 38:1:23- . Moorehead, Warren K. 1913 Indian Remains in Maine. Science 38:326-327 1913 Red Paint People of Maine American Anthropologist 15:33-47 1914 '...a reply', American Anthropologist 16:358-361 1916 The problem of the Red Paint People. Holmes Anniversary Volume pp359-365 1917 Prehistoric Cultures in the State of Maine. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Americanists. 48-51. 1917 The Stone Ornaments used by Indians in the United States and Canada. Andover Press, Massachusetts. 488 pp plus illustrations. 1922 A Report on the Archaeology of Maine, 1912-1920. Andover Press, Andover. 272pp. 1923 Primitive Cultures in the State of Maine. The Archaeological Report: (pp)3-4 1924 The Ancient Remains at Pemaquid, Maine. Old-Time New England. 14:132-141. 1928 Abbe Memorial Museum at Bar Harbor. Science. 68:396-397. 1929 Archaeological Fieldwork in North America during 1928 Maine. American Anthropologist. 348. Morse, Edward Sylvester 1868 Evidences of great antiquity in the shell heaps at Goose Island. Boston Society of Natural History Proceedings. 11:301-302. Moses, T. F. 1878 Shell Heaps of Maine. Proceedings, Central Ohio Scientific Assoc. 1:70-76. Urbana, OH. Mosher, John P. and Arthur Spiess 2002 Archeological Testing for Fish Weir Construction in East Machias. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 42:1:1-16. 2004 A Late Ceramic Period Occupation at Site 7.58, West Buxton, Maine. Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 44:1:21-29. Munn, Henry 1956 The shell heaps of Casco Bay. Maine Field Naturalist 12:34-40. Nicholas, George P. 1986 The Archaeology of the Upper St. John River: Overview and Interpretation. in Contributions to The Quaternary Geology of Northern Maine And Adjacent Canada, edited.. by J. Steven Kite, Thomas V. Lowell and Woodrow B. Thompson. 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