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Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church s1

1 TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 2 Fifth Street NW + Pulaski, VA 24301 + 540/980-3624 [email protected] + The Rev. Terrie Sternberg, Pastor OUR CONGREGATION’S 2014 ANNUAL REPORT

Table of Contents


Dedication i Officers and Council Members ii Specially-Called Congregational Meeting Minutes, May 4, 2014 ii Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes, November 16, 2014 iii Vice-President’s Report iv Pastor’s Report v Congregational Statistics v

Reports of Committees and Organizations

We WORSHIP: Worship and Music Ministry, Altar Guild C1 We LEARN: Youth and Learning Ministry, Youth Ministry Fund C2-3 We SHARE / We PRAY / We WELCOME: Witness Ministry C4 We SHARE: Stewardship Ministry C5 We SERVE: Service & Fellowship Ministry C6 We LEARN / We SERVE: Lutheran Men in Mission, Women of the ELCA C7-8 We SHARE: Women of the ELCA Financial Report C9 We SHARE / We SERVE: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans C10-11 We LOVE / We FORGIVE: Trinity Lutheran Church - Together Living Christ C11

Financial Reports

2014 General Fund Summary F1 2014 Budgeted Disbursement Summary F2-3 Summary of Operating and Endowment/Scholarship Funds F3 2015 Approved Budget & Ministry Plan F4 Abiding Memorial Fund F5 Parish Hall FundF5 John D. King Memorial Fund F5 Willie Mae Miller Memorial Fund F6 Lena Dix Memorial Fund F6 Lucille Warden Rhudy Campership Fund F6 Alice B. Paulson-Amos Family Medical Scholarship Fund F7 Cecile D. Kirchner Fund F7 Paulson Property Fund F7 Capital Reserve Fund F8 Aust Family Memorial Fund F8 Nancie D. Horton Fund F8 -i-

Dedication The 2014 Annual Report of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is dedicated to the Glory of God who equips us for mission and in loving memory of our departed brothers and sisters in Christ.

Annie Ruth Hixson Hayter December 16, 1923 – January 18, 2014 Garry Franklin Frazier July 30, 1946 – March 12, 2014 Mary Lee Hudson Duncan May 10, 1918 – May 30, 2014 Mark Anthony Burton February 6, 1974 – October 6, 2014 -ii-

Specially-Called Congregational Meeting Minutes May 4, 2014

A Congregational Meeting was held on May 4, 2014, to discuss funding to install drainage system under parking lot nearest the sacristy and concrete steps with hand rails to be added leading from lower parking lot to front sidewalk. It was recommended by Council and the Finance Committee that we approve this water abatement project at an estimated cost of $7,000.00 to be drawn from 3 sources: the Abiding Memorial Fund ($2,500), the Capital Reserve Fund ($2,500) and the remaining $2,000 from member support. Pastor asked for vote of approval and opened the floor for discussion. A presentation was made by Jeff Bain with a comprehensive drawing of work to be done. Jeff noted that the cost will actually be closer to $9,000.00 considering all the drainage pipes that need to be laid in the ground going toward Fifth Street.

A motion was made by Gary Hall and seconded by Charlie Wade to increase amount of funding from $7000.00 to $9000.00 to cover the repair as needed after Jim Casteele, Jeff Bain, and the Contractor have an agreement as to final cost of repairs without involving some of the work be done by members of the congregation. Pastor called for a voice vote and motion was passed by majority (1 no vote)

Respectfully submitted, Carol Wade, Secretary -iii-

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes November 16, 2014

Pastor Terrie Sternberg called the meeting to order and opened with a prayer.

First Order of Business Ratification of Constitutional Amendments C12.01 & C12.02. Pastor Terrie commented that these amendments were approved in February 2014 and needed to be ratified. Gary Hall made a motion to vote on the ratification and Denise Huff seconded. The motion on the ratification of the above mentioned amendments passed unanimously. Second Order of Business Election of 2015-16 Council Members. Michelle Goff of the Nominating Committee presented the slate for the new council members: Lloyd Broadstreet, Sherry Casteele, Emmy Lou Frazier for 2015-2016 with Kris Frazier for 2015 for the youth. There were no nominations from the floor. Betty Bowers made a motion to close the nominations and Kathy Sealander seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Third Order of Business Review of 2015 Ministry Spending Plan. Gary Hall presented the 2015 budget, noting changes. Pastor Terrie commented that she is compensated nicely and that she tries to be a good steward. She thanked the congregation. Mark Barnett thanked the budget committee. Jim Casteele motioned and Joanne Habrecht seconded to approve the 2015 Ministry Spending Plan as presented. The motion passed unanimously. Fourth Order of Business Recommendation of Council to adopt an alternative “Narrative Lectionary” for 2015 and evaluate before 2016. Pastor Terrie presented the Narrative Lectionary. She commented that the Narrative Lectionary is a single preaching text; that the congregation will learn more of the Bible; that it makes us more of a listening congregation. The Narrative Lectionary will begin in January 2015. The Adult Sunday School class has been using it currently, and Mary Jayne Hall added that it being well received. Barbara Wingo stated that it seems a logical thing to do. Emmy Lou Frazier was concerned about the hymns and prayers and Pastor Terrie reassured her that we will have resources to assist in these matters. Fifth Order of Business Constitutional Amendment for C10.03 on timeframe for calling a congregational meeting (amended to allow for calling an emergency meeting). The amendment was discussed. Pastor Terrie commented that it gives the council more flexibility if needed. Jim Casteele made motion to vote and Joanne Habrecht seconded. The vote was unanimous; constitutional amendment for C10.03 was passed. This amendment will need to be ratified at our February, 2015 semi-annual congregational meeting. Sixth Order of Business Other Business from the Floor. 1. Possible Property Management Committee; 2. Bill Thompson suggested a need for a Fire Detection System and that it be presented to the council; members invited Bill to help us take a look at this; 3. The need to continue replenishing our Capital Reserve Fund; 4. Betty Bowers suggested a need for better lighting in the altar area; and 5. Meals for a Week in conjunction with another church to help the ministry to the homeless at Taking it to the Streets on Washington Avenue. Gary Hall made a motion to adjourn and Bill Thompson seconded; motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Frances Haga for Carol Wade, Secretary

-v- Pastor’s Report

Our Annual Report for 2014 is organized to reflect our mission statement. We are, with God’s help, continuing to discern and act on what it means to be “Together Living Christ.” The pages that follow are your voices and reflect your minds, hearts, hands, and spirit of which I am proud and privileged to be a part! Every function, gathering, project, process, conversation, effort that goes on at Trinity is one in which I am a grateful and glad participant. I wish every pastor were as blessed as I am! 2014 saw the generous gifting of the Paulson property on Washington Avenue to our congregation by Walter and Betty Paulson’s children, Mark and Dianne. Other highlights include those occasions when we tried to make the walls of our church more invisible so that people on the outside could sense what living together in Christ is all about. The new prayer box on the corner of 5 th Street is one of those ways we show we care about our neighbors’ concerns. Our presence at the Newbern Fall Festival and our float in the Pulaski Christmas parade put a real face and people to our church’s name. We seemed to actually “itch” to witness to the love of God in Jesus for those who may not know him. Our “God’s Work. Our Hands.” event in September was a valiant effort to work with other congregations to fill our food pantry in town. Our Sunday morning adult class this fall enjoyed an infusion of interest and joy in learning as we used the new Narrative Lectionary for our bible reading and sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed preparing and learning from the participants who came prepared to discuss and share! Come join us!! And, of course, love was very evident this year in the marriage of four young couples who are willing to risk loving in a covenantal way through the sacramental gift of marriage. Our prayers go with you, Brent and Laura, Kevin and Lauren, Ellen and Aaron, and Jessie and Alex, as you venture into the greatest calling we know. There are many other highlights, of course, and you can find them in this report. We try to allow our leaders to rotate on and off of ministry teams, but we also like it when they “stick around” awhile! I am sure we can all agree that we owe Erin Bain Hagar a huge debt of gratitude for serving as our Youth Director from 2000-2014, leading, encouraging, organizing, facilitating, and managing so many aspects of our youth ministry. She has gathered many of us in the calling we have to nurture our children and youth so that they may know the love of Jesus. She has made a valuable contribution to the faith of many of our members, and we are so thankful. Finally, I am grateful to each one among you – you are a valued and vital disciple of Jesus with many spiritual gifts, and you are generous in your sharing. I celebrate how freely you share your energy and passion for ministry. You bring your own “lamp” to worship and fill our sanctuary with light! I especially thank you, God, for our talented and devoted staff: Jane MacAdoo, Charlee Saul, Ray and Donald Tabor, and Karen Taylor. We couldn’t do it without you! Mission On!

In Christ and in dedication to our members who died in 2014: Ruth, Garry, Mary Lee, Mark Pastor Terrie Sternberg


Baptized Membership: 202 Confirmed Membership: 164 Average Worship Attendance: 51 Members Received: +2 Average Lent/Holy Week: 25  By Baptism: 1 Members Confirmed in 2014: 0 Sunday School Participants: 22 Brigham Adam Brockmeyer Women of the ELCA: 18 Confirmed who Communed: 107 Men in Mission: 9  By transfer: ELCA Cong 1 Mid-Week Bible Study: 8 Denise Peery Huff Unconfirmed who Communed: 8 Funerals 5 Members Removed: -4 Dylan Conner, Nick Conner, Maggie Weddings 4  By Death: Dalton, Kris Frazier, Henry Fink, Alex Ruth Hayter, Garry Frazier, Roope, Alex Sealander, Ethan Sealander Mary Lee Duncan, Mark Burton

WORSHIP & MUSIC MINISTRY Our Worship and Music Committee at Trinity meets to give guidance to the worship leaders by listening to plans for services and by suggesting music, settings, communion practices, and any other concerns that pertain to our worship life. Feedback is always welcome from congregational members, as we all work together to participate in the liturgy, which is the “work of the people.” We give thanks for the sharing of talents by our organist, Jane MacAdoo, as she plays for services as her schedule allows and for the time she spends recording worship service and hymn music for playback on the MIDI device; for our choir director, Charlee Saul, and our dedicated choir whose music enhances our worship; for the work of those who operate the MIDI – Erin Bain, Kimmy Faller, and Todd Conner; for the worship leadership of Pastor Terrie; for Emmy Lou Frazier, who helps with hymn selection; and for all our committee members who give of their time to make worship meaningful here at Trinity. We enjoyed many weddings in 2014 – May 3: Brent & Laura (Steger) Casteele; June 14: Kevin and Lauren (Serreno) Faller; June 21: Ellen Bain and Aaron Gunter; October 18: Jessie Poore and Alex Trusko. We pray God’s good graces and rich blessings on these couples as they live as one in the covenant of marriage. We received the Council’s recommendation at the November annual meeting to adopt an alternative “narrative” lectionary for 2015. The lessons reflect a continuous reading through the scriptures, in concert with the church year. There will be one preaching text each Sunday as the focus. We also give thanks for all those who participate in the life of our congregation by playing instruments, singing in the choir, serving as lay readers, ushers, acolytes, crucifers, greeters, communion presenters and assistants. We give thanks for your faithfulness and your willingness to serve! Respectfully submitted - Lavelva Stevens, Worship Chair

ALTAR GUILD Trinity’s Altar Guild is perpetually busy, yet probably functions with as little formal planning as any organized group within the congregation. It provides an opportunity for many who like to contribute to our worship life, yet allows for different talents, available timeframes, and types of service. Throughout the year, it is amazing to observe all the willing hands who work. Thank you to all, and we invite anyone who would be interested in learning more about us to call Susan Bain (980-1013). Training and mentoring will gladly be offered! We are thankful for: all the bread makers, all who set up communion and clean afterwards, all who contribute cut flowers for the altar, all who donate poinsettias for Christmas or lilies for Easter, all who change paraments for the seasons and festivals of the Church Year, all who change the seasonal banners, all who change altar and candelabra candles, all who launder and iron linens, all who set up and clean for special services, all who keep the pews and worship spaces clean and in order, all who clean and polish the silver and brass, all who make repairs to items used for worship or to our worship spaces, all who make schedules to keep our worship orderly, all who assist with serving Communion, all those outside our congregation who help provide our needs (including our newest florist in the area, James Porter, of Draper Blooms), all those who make donations of communion supplies. Pastor Terrie is always planning, guiding, ordering supplies, and overseeing our worship, and we appreciate her knowledge, creativity, and involvement in this ministry. Thanks are offered to our secretary, Karen Taylor, who is always helping “behind the scenes.” The following words remind us of why we serve on the Altar Guild (taken from “Recognition of Ministries in the Congregation,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship Occasional Services for the Assembly): “United with all the baptized in the one body of Christ, anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are joined in God’s mission for the life of the world. We are called to that mission in our daily lives and in the ministries we share as the church of God.” Susan Bain, Altar Guild Chairperson The Learning & Youth Ministry Team has remained committed to nurturing faith by providing opportunities for Christian education and fellowship for all age groups. We have been blessed with the gifts of Sherry Casteele, Sunday School Superintendent, and Erin Bain, Youth Director, as well as a variety of learning ministry leaders as noted below.

Sunday School Classes * Pre-School Class - This class is in its second year, led by Sandy Conner. This group uses interactive learning experiences to discover God as our creator and saving, loving God and learning about Jesus. * 4rd - 6th Grade Class - This class used “Spark,” an Augsburg-Fortress lectionary-based curriculum; teachers are Jim and Sherry Casteele, Kimmy Faller, and Kathy Faller. * High School: The winter/spring term met with high school and Pastor Terrie for exploring bible and faith. The fall term saw the youth joining in the parlor with adults to begin our walk through the Old Testament stories in the Narrative Lectionary. * Adult Class: This class met in the parlor for study of books of the bible and learning about bible times, places and people with videos. Greg Hagar, Susan Bain and Gary and Mary Jayne Hall helped coordinate lessons. In the fall, we began following the Narrative Lectionary for our bible content with Pastor Terrie joining the class. By the end of the year our class size had grown to 8-10 on average.

Cradle Roll – “Splash” was mailed to our 0-3 year old children: – Adina Goff, Brigham Brockmeyer, Cole Goff

Children & Youth Sunday School Special Activities * Easter Egg Hunt - we enjoyed a combined hunt with our friends at First Christian Church. * Palm Sunday Procession participation * Rally Day - we made stepping stones of faith which are along our sidewalks and flower beds. * Christmas Parade, Chrismon Tree Open House & Craft Fair, and Christmas Play “The Three Trees” made for a rich and memorable Advent and Christmas season

Adult Bible Study Classes meet on Wednesdays at 12:30pm; participants study the next Sunday’s lectionary readings. We are blessed to have an average of 6-7 people attend each week year round.

Community Vacation Bible School This annual event was held at First United Methodist Church, July 14-16, 5-8pm with the theme, “Workshop of Wonders.” Several youth from Trinity participated; Erin Hagar, Sandy Conner, and Pastor Terrie helped with planning and leading crafts. The attendance was very good.

Youth Ministry The Youth Ministry had another good year of faith formation and fellowship with great participation from our elementary through high school youth!  In January, Kris Frazier attended Winter Celebration, the Virginia Synod youth event for high school students.  In February, the youth enjoyed an evening of faith development and fellowship during an overnight lock-in at Trinity.  In March, several youth and adult leaders traveled to West Virginia to enjoy a fun day of snowtubing. Maggie Dalton, Ethan Sealander, and Kathy Sealander attended the Virginia Synod youth event, 7th Day, at Eagle Eyrie in Lynchburg.  In April, the youth hosted the annual Sunrise Breakfast for the congregation on Easter Sunday.  In June, Kris Frazier and Alex Roope attended Kairos, the Virginia Synod’s week-long high school youth event at Roanoke College. Youth Ministry, continued

 In September, Henry Fink, Kris Frazier, and Alex Roope began making plans for attending the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit.  In October, several youth attended our annual youth retreat at the Haller Cabin on Claytor Lake. Youth attending the Detroit Gathering also sold concessions at the outdoor movie night to raise money for the Gathering.  In November, youth attending the Detroit Gathering spent many weekends raising money for their trip by raking members’ yards.  December was quite a busy month for Trinity’s youth! Youth of all ages worked each week to make crafts for our very first youth-sponsored craft fair which was held at the same time as a Chrismon Open House. The youth also sponsored a gumbo dinner and movie night to raise money for the Detroit Gathering. The week before Christmas, several youth and adults went Christmas caroling, followed by a Christmas party at Pastor Terrie’s house.

We would especially like to thank the Frazier family for Garry’s exceptionally generous donation of $2,500 in memory of his mother, Helen Frazier, who died in 2014. Garry donated this money shortly before his death with the hope that it will enable all youth of Trinity to attend Synod youth events. Garry had one stipulation for the gift: have a party on March 15 in honor of his mother’s birthday! The Youth Group and Youth Ministry Committee thank the congregation for their unwavering love and support. In 2015, we welcome Jessie and Adam Brockmeyer as the new co-chairs of the Youth Ministry team, and we look forward to another wonderful year together!

Respectfully submitted, Erin Hagar, Youth Ministry Chair


Opening Balance, January 1, 2014 $ 556.19

Income: Youth Ministry Fundraisers & Designated Gifts 3063.00 Youth Gathering Fundraisers & Designated Gifts 936 .00 Total Income + $ 3,999.00

Expenditures: Youth Ministry Program Expenses 221.70 Synod Youth Event registration fees 990.00 2015 Youth Gathering Registration (deposit) 600 .00 Total Expenditures - $ 1,811 .70

Ending Balance, December 31, 2014 $ 2,753 .49 WITNESS MINISTRY It is with great appreciation for the support of this congregation that the Witness Team give thanks. We met eleven times with an average attendance of ten people, and the meetings were opened with invocation for God's help, guidance and congregational concern. We meet monthly on the 1 st Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the parlor, and anyone with an interest in our outreach ministry is welcome to join us!

2014Highlights  Community Prayer Box: Installed in August at the sidewalk for all to use. We had a prayer request the first week it went up and the leaflets that tell of our church and mission have been refilled, as well. The prayer requests are prayed over on Wednesday by the mid-week Bible Study group and are incorporated into our Sunday prayers if requested. We hope that this silent witness will touch lives that we could not otherwise encounter.

 Tea Time Social: We held one after worship which was well attended. We would like to do this at least quarterly for fellowship and gather input from the congregation.

 Car wash/Lunch: We as a congregation met in June to offer a free car wash and a hot dog, as well as a Bible or prayer. For the second year, many of our members participated in this outreach event. This event reminds us of the servant nature of our Lord.

 Newbern Fall Festival: We had a booth at this October festival; it was an easy and fun way to represent our church. We gave out tea, lemonade, cookies, Bibles, and church literature until it was gone.

 Christmas Parade: The team made plans early in the year to have a greater presence at the Christmas parade. So in addition to the hot cocoa station, we created and entered a float in the parade. I truly believe the fun and fellowship outweighed the work. It is with great hope that we will continue to engage our neighbors during the Christmas season with the message of Christ’s birth. IT IS OUR TIME!

Once again, I wish to thank all who have given so freely of their time and talents. May the grace and love of God be with each of you.

On behalf of the Witness Team, Mark Barnett, Chair Team members in 2014: Susan Bain, Alicia Barnett, Donna Broadstreet, Jim Casteele, Gary and Mary Jayne Hall, Gayle Long, Iris Miller, Barbara Wingo STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY

STEWARDSHIP is everything I do after saying “I Believe.” In 2014 we began the year with a stewardship of life program called "Changing the World - One Step/Pound at a Time." The goal was to create a small group program for people wanting to reclaim better health through diet and exercise while benefiting the World Hunger Program. The timetable was the season of Lent and donors/sponsors linked up with participants and rewarded progress toward either increased exercise or decreased weight with a donation to World Hunger. This program was well received by the participants and created an offering of approximately $100 for World Hunger!

In October, we decided on a financial stewardship program called "Freely We Receive ... Freely Give." There was a harvest theme as well in our weekly bulletin articles, and our Consecration Sunday on October 26 saw the church decorated with fall harvest cornucopia, fruit and foliage. Our worship service also reflected our gifts from God and our calling to use them well in the hymns we sang and in the scriptures readings and sermon. Everyone had a commitment card for 2015 Mission Support intentions and they brought them to the altar to be consecrated during the offering.

The Stewardship Committee wishes to thank everyone for being such a vital part of this body of Christ at Trinity Lutheran! Once again you have shown the generosity and commitment of your discipleship through our fall stewardship campaign. We have received first-time pledges for 2015 from a few members, and most of our estimates of giving reflect an increase in 2015. Thank you!! We are looking toward 2015 with a solid financial picture, thanks to you! We value your partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

We have contracted with Vanco Services to provide on-line giving which will commence in 2015. This will allow members as well as friends of Trinity to make donations (one time or recurring) through automatic bank drafts as the giver wishes. This will operate through the Trinity website:

The Stewardship Committee would like to thank each of you for the gifts of your time and talent this past year and look forward to you sharing these gifts in the year to come. These gifts shine brightly for all to see and truly give glory to our Father in heaven.

Blessings, Jim Casteele, Stewardship Chair Stewardship Team Members: Donna Broadstreet, Michelle Goff, Ellen Bain Gunter, Greg Hagar, Denise Huff, Gayle Long, Iris Miller, Bill Thompson.

“God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” - 2 Corinthians 9:8 SERVICE MINISTRY & FELLOWSHIP The Service Ministry of Trinity enables tangible outreach to neighbors in need through financial assistance. This committee oversees the World Hunger Appeal efforts of our congregation and coordinates major fellowship events in the life of the congregation. Much of our service ministry is led or supplemented by auxiliary groups at Trinity such as the Women of the ELCA, Lutheran Men in Mission, and Thrivent. You will see detailed listing of service projects in their reports. Below are the highlights of our year. World Hunger Appeal Special emphasis in November: we stressed a 40 day hunger appeal for all members which resulted in a special offering of over $550. In 2014, together we gave a total of $1,099.66 to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. We encourage all to make this an ongoing project throughout the year. Lutheran Disaster Response and Lutheran World Relief Lutheran World Relief is where we send our quilts for further distribution around the world. Our quilting ministry continued in 2014. We try to meet the third Monday of every month. Anyone is welcome to come and see what our quilting group is about. Quilting Ministry Meets the Veterans Administration In conjunction with UAW Local at Volvo, we donated a dozen quilts to benefits residents of the V.A.’s long-term health care facility in Salem. Barbara Wingo and Pastor Terrie attended a luncheon and presented the quilts as a way for us to honor and give thanks for our veterans of all ages. God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday In September we experienced our second annual ELCA-wide service project day. The project this year was to facilitate a community Food Drive to benefit the “Feed My Lambs” backpack food program for elementary age children and the food pantry at New River Community Action. We learned from this event that many congregations in our town and county have a strong food ministry in place. Recycling We thank all who have participated in our successful recycling program which has been in place for several years, and we invite you to continue your commitment to recycling, both here at Church and at home. Bins for plastic, aluminum, glass and newspaper are in the education building kitchen and fellowship hall kitchen. Caring for Neighbors, Offering our Facilities Financial Assistance to individuals and families in need, support of the community food pantry, our Lenten Evening Prayer offerings, and a portion of our budgeted funds supported the Pulaski County Emergency Needs Task Force. Cub Scout packs also met in our building in 2014. Fellowship / Bereavement Meals We enjoyed a few fellowship events such as lemonade and cookies after worship one Sunday during the summer (sponsored by the Witness Team), a wonderful “Thanksgiving” theme dinner sponsored by Thrivent, and a stewardship-related luncheon to celebrate the season of harvest. Bereavement meals were graciously provided for the Frazier and Duncan families

A very heartfelt thank you to all of you who have supported and continue to support the service ministry through your regular offerings, special Lenten offerings, designated gifts, and in-kind offerings, and particularly, for your time and talent.

SERVICE MINISTRY FUND Opening Balance, January 1, 2014: $ 19.95 Income: 0.00 Expenditures: 10.00 Balance, December 31, 2014: $ 9 .95 LUTHERAN MEN in MISSION The Lutheran Men in Mission is a ministry with and to men in our church and beyond. We work to strengthen Christian faith, relationships, witness and service in our homes, congregation and community. Our vision is for every man to become bold, daring followers of Jesus Christ. We meet each third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 for a meal and program or a service project. We were very active in 2014 and listed below are just a few of our activities: 1. Hosted a speaker from Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Pulaski 2. Mulched the flowerbeds around the church 3. Hosted the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper 4. Built at wheelchair ramp at the Steven’s residence 5. Volunteered at Daily Bread 6. Cleaned up the fence line between the church and Paulson property 7. Mowed and maintained the church grounds throughout the year We also have prayer, bible study and faith based programs after each meal. All men and boys in our congregation are invited to attend our monthly meetings. It’s simple to get started: just show up for a meal and fellowship on the third Tuesday of each month.

Yours in Christ, Jim Casteele, President

TRINITY WOMEN of the ELCA Officers for 2014-2015: President – Barbara Wingo; Secretary - Betty Bowers; Treasurer - Joanne Habrecht; Christian Education – Lavelva Stevens; Christian Service - Emmy Lou Frazier; Von Bora Circle Chairperson – Joanne Habrecht; Circle of Ruth Chairperson – Linda Hawks.

Trinity Women of the ELCA are active within our congregation, community (Church Women United), Area (New River Conference Gatherings), State (Virginia Synodical Convention), and Nation (Triennial Gathering). The Bon Bora Circle meets one Sunday afternoon each month. The Circle of Ruth meets one Saturday morning each month. Our meetings consist of Bible study, prayer, faith sharing, service projects, support of each other, and good food. We strive to uphold our mission statement, “As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world”.

Our projects in 2014 included: * Quilting, to benefit Lutheran World Relief; three women shelters; Fairview Home; and the Veterans Home in Salem. * Sending care packages to our college students twice annually * Collecting greeting cards for prison ministry * Collecting magazines and DVDs for Fairview Home * Collecting socks to take to the Triennial Gathering for those in need in the Charlotte area * Make a quilt for display at the Triennial Gathering with the theme “of many generations” and included photos of hands of three generation of Trinity women * Preparing shoe boxes for children at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation * Collecting school supplies for students in the Pulaski schools * Coordinating purchase of Easter Lilies and Christmas Poinsettias * Coordinating collection and purchase of food, preparation and distribution of Christmas food baskets for those in need * Preparing bags of Christmas gifts for five residents of Highland Ridge Nursing Home

TRINITY WOMEN of the ELCA, continued Our activities in 2014 included: * Prepared and served breakfast for the Men in Mission and those mulching and sprucing up the landscape and the Sanctuary in April * Furnished refreshments for Community Vacation Church School * Spring Banquet held May 4 * Eleven members attended the Triennial Gathering July 24-27 in Charlotte. Lavelva Stevens served as delegate from Virginia at the Convention. Our sale of cookbooks and income from the February Silent Auction/Bingo Party helped finance the expenses of those attending. * WELCA and Men in Mission had our annual picnic on August 11. * Five members attended the Virginia Synodical Convention August 15 & 16 at the Muhlenberg Lutheran Church in Harrisonburg. Betty Bowers was our delegate and Lavelva Stevens and Linda Hawks served as song leader and musician. We took 136 pillowcase dresses made by our members to be sent to Africa. There were over 2,600 dresses collected by the women throughout the State. * The New River Fall Gathering was held October 26 at the Shiloh Lutheran Church and was attended by several of our members. * Our annual business meeting was held October 12 to make plans for the remaining of 2014 and 2015. * Our Thank Offering Service held November 19 with Jody Smiley form Blacksburg presenting our message. Our Thankoffering was quite generous ($380). The Service was followed by an early Thanksgiving dinner sponsored by our Thrivent members. * Our Christmas meeting was held December 14. We exchanged gifts with our prayer sisters and obtained names of prayer sisters for 2015. We brought gifts for Fairview Home residents. Lavelva Stevens presented a Christmas theme program. * Work has begun on drawstring bags to be taken to the 2015 Virginia Synodical Convention to be distributed to children in the Foster Care program in Virginia.

Circles have continued to play a vital part in our congregation for many years. If you are not an active member, we invite you to join us.

Respectfully submitted, Barbara L. Wingo, President

TRINITY WOMEN OF THE ELCA – 2015 Approved Budget

VSWO Offering ($115 per quarter) 460.00 VA United Lutheran Appeal 50.00 Women of the ELCA Thankoffering 100.00 LTSS Auxiliary 40.00 VSWO Convention Expenses 150.00 Fairview Home for Adults 20.00 Fair Share Travel (Convention) 25.00 Subscriptions, Gather magazine 50.00 Memorials 20.00 Pulaski County Humane Society 25.00 Trinity Youth Ministry 20.00 Postage for college/military boxes 75.00 Pulaski Daily Bread 25.00 Special items (gifts, projects, etc.) 100.00 Pulaski Church Women United 25.00 VSWO Love Offering 100.00 Emergency Needs Task Force 40.00 Honorariums (4 x $25 ) 100.00 Jordan’s Chapel Backpack Ministry 25.00 Christ Lutheran Church, Wise, VA 25.00 Katie’s Fund 40.00 Lutheran Men in Mission 100+ Club 50.00 Total Budget: $ 1,565.00 TRINITY WOMEN OF THE ELCA Financial Report

Balance as of January 1, 2014 $ 1,548.64 Income: Regular/Thankoffering/Love Offerings 1,968.00 Auction/Bingo (Triennial Fundraiser) 1,067.50 Cookbooks (45) 450.00 Easter Lilies (21) 320.00 Christmas Food Baskets 80.00 Poinsettias (23) 375.00 Total Income: + 4,260.50

Disbursements: Triennial Communion Set (Susan Bain) 100.00 VSWO ($115/quarter: $460; Travel Fund: $25) 485.00 Abiding Memorial Fund – Garry Frazier Memorial Gift 10.00 College Boxes Mailing (Barbara Wingo) 22.05 Northside Florist - Easter Lilies/Spring Flowers 315.00 Spring Banquet Guest Speak Honorarium (Robin Holmesley) 50.00 Abiding Memorial Fund – Mary Lee Duncan Memorial Gift 10.00 Triennial Financial Aid for 10 members @ $200 each 2,000.00 Women of the ELCA Triennial Offering 100.00 Abiding Memorial Fund – Jeanette Yarus Memorial Gift 10.00 VSWO Convention Delegate Fee (Betty Bowers) 85.00 Abiding Memorial Fund – Alma Simmons Memorial Gift 10.00 Trinity Youth Ministry 20.00 Pulaski Daily Bread 25.00 Pulaski Church Women United 25.00 Pulaski County Emergency Needs Task Force 40.00 Jordan’s Chapel Backpack Ministry 25.00 Virginia Synod United Lutheran Appeal 50.00 Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Auxiliary 40.00 Fairview Home for Adults 20.00 Pulaski County Humane Society 25.00 VA Synod Lutheran Men in Mission 100+ Club (matching fund) 50.00 Christ Lutheran Church, Wise, Virginia 25.00 Women of the ELCA Thankoffering 380.00 College and Military Care Packages - postage reimbursement 65.15 Good Gifts Donation (Linda Hawks) 30.00 Christmas Food Baskets (Emmy Lou Frazier) 80.00 Poinsettias - Vaughn’s Nursery 405.00* Total Disbursements: - $ 4,502.20

Balance as of December 31, 2014 $ 1,306 .94

*Check #1067 did not clear as of 12/30/14 THRIVENT FINANCIAL FOR LUTHERANS

Care Abounds in Communities program provides funds to help Thrivent members meet the needs of individuals, families, local communities and organizations. Our Trinity Thrivent members completed the following projects under this program: *New River Community Action/Emergency Task Force. Offerings taken at our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Lenten Services totaled $410. Thrivent contributed an additional $200 to these offerings. *Big Brother/Big Sister Program. Thrivent members attended the Men in Mission meeting to hear a speaker explaining the program. Thrivent purchased ten $20 gas gift cards and prepared gift bags for volunteers from local universities helping to give children skills that increase their chances of staying in school. *Highland Ridge Rehab/Nursing Home. Purchased Halloween costumes for residents, attended their Halloween party, and served as judges for the event. *Pulaski Cancer Center. Purchased three iPods, two stereo headphones and downloaded relaxation music for cancer patients and or family members to listen to during their treatments. *Christmas Food Baskets. Purchased $200 of food to be included in the Christmas food baskets.

Choice Dollars program enables Thrivent members to direct dollars to thousands of Lutheran organizations including Lutheran congregations. Several of our local members (as well as some attending other congregations) chose to direct their dollars to support projects within our congregation and community. Choice Dollars were used for the following projects: *Supported three congregation budgeted items: Weekday Religious Education - $300; Youth Ministry - $400; Sunday School - $400. *Love gift of $250 to the Kenny Slaughter family during Kenny’s illness. *Fatz gift card of $50 to the Matt Conner family for Valentine’s Day. *Provided labor along with Men in Mission and Women of the ELCA and purchased $195 of mulch for the Church landscaping. *Sponsored a reception and provided gifts for graduates - $150. *Purchased $200 of staples to help stock the Community Pantry. *Contributed $100 to the Pulaski Elementary School “Children in Crisis” program in memory of Darin Conner. *Purchased materials for the Men in Mission to build a ramp for Jim Stevens - $118.81. *Provided and prepared turkey and side dishes, along with those prepared by congregation members for an early Thanksgiving Dinner following our Women of the ELCA’s Thankoffering Service - $175. *Bought Christmas gifts for the “Adopt-a-Resident” program at Highland Ridge Nursing Home - $25.

Thrivent Action Teams is a new Thrivent program to help bring people together to be wise with money and live generously, and impact their local community. The team helps increase local awareness of Thrivent so more people get to know us as a membership of Christians who are committed to offering their time, treasures, and talents. This program was initiated late in 2014 and provided $250 for each project. Our team members have worked diligently to complete a number of projects. The projects below are listed by name only and do not include a description of the work involved: 1. Detroit Youth Gathering travel and other expenses 2. Angel tree 3. Pulaski Humane Society 4. Daily Bread (2) Continued on C11 THRIVENT FINANCIAL FOR LUTHERANS, continued

5. Pulaski Library Children’s Program (2) 6. Pulaski Health Care Center 7. Fairview Home (2) 8. Emergency Task Force (2) 9. Rock Youth Center 10. Christmas Store (2) 11. Christmas food baskets 12. Women’s Resource Center (2) 13. Project Horizon 14. New Hope Nazarene Church programs

With the financial support from Thrivent in the amount of $9,263.81 and the numerous volunteer hours of our Trinity Thrivent members, we have helped make a difference in our community, church property and complete the Mission of Thrivent Financial: “Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a faith-based membership organization called to improve the quality of life of its members, their families, and their communities by providing unparalleled solutions that focus on financial security, wellness and caring for others”.

Respectfully submitted, Barbara L. Wingo, Lead Congregation Advocate

This congregation’s annual report for 2014 reflects the reality that every member of this congregation is committed to “Together Living Christ,” that is, being a people of God who embrace love and forgiveness. Since we are but human, we are able to empathize and relate to people within and outside of our congregation with the spirit of love that Jesus puts in our hearts and wills. And, since are but human, there are always going to be occasions to forgive and the need to ask for forgiveness – within our church body and outside of the church in our personal lives. Our mission statement consists of these two essential aspects of Living Christ Together – in our worship, in our praying, in our learning, in our sharing, in our welcoming, and in our serving we are always engaged in Christ-like love and forgiveness (2 sides of the same coin!). Every page that leads to this last one bears witness that we truly live only when we live Christ – together!

Jesus, we pray that you will continue to fill the hearts of your people with your Spirit and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.


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