Draft Record of Discussions
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1. The Fifth Meeting of the Air Traffic Management and Flight Operations Component of the North Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (NARAST) was attended by the nominated representatives from the Civil Aviation Authorities and Airlines of the participating Member States, representative(s) from ICAO, FAA, Eurocontrol, Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, IATA, and AAPA. There were a total of 37 participants. The list of participants is attached at Annexure 1.
2. The Meeting was held from 25 - 26 May 2006 at the Boeing China Training Center, Beijing China.
Welcome Address (Opening Remarks)
3. Mr. David Wang, President Boeing China, welcomed the participants on behalf of Boeing. He extended a warm welcome to all the delegates and representatives for coming to Beijing to participate in the Fifth Meeting of the North Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (NARAST). He highlighted the importance of the NARAST in improving safety and the high importance Boeing assigns to safety improvements.
4. The Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) of the Cooperative Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness Programme – North Asia (COSCAP-NA) thanked the Boeing Company for providing the facilities and the excellent arrangements made in hosting the Meeting.
Proceedings of the Meeting
5. The Meeting progressed in accordance with the Agenda. A copy of the Agenda (Programme) is placed at Annexure II.
6. The participants at the Meeting introduced themselves.
7. An ICAO Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Seminar had been conducted just prior to the NARAST Meeting during the period of 22-24 May 2006. The Seminar was attended by almost all NARAST members and afforded an opportunity for participants to received detailed information on Performance Based Navigation requirements.
8. Performance Based Navigation (RNAV and RNP) – Mr. Erwin Lassooij, ICAO Technical Officer provided a presentation to the meeting on the need for Performance Based Navigation (PBN) and the work being conducted by ICAO to harmonize these requirements.
25th – 26th May 2006 5th NARAST Meeting 1 He informed the meeting on the status of RNAV and RNP concepts in relation to PBN and the outputs to be provided by ICAO in the near future.
NARAST Review and Discussion of the COSCAP-NA Steering Committee Conclusions Concerning 4 th NARAST Meeting
9. CTA briefly highlighting the background, objectives of the NARAST. NARAST has been constituted by and under the Steering Committee to work under the larger umbrella of the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP), which encourages States to establish Regional Safety Teams. Highlighting the objectives, he stated that the Team Members would review safety interventions developed by existing safety groups, identifying issues unique to the Region and working closely with stakeholders to ensure that efforts are coordinated. He highlighted the primary objective of the NARAST is to review the analysis of accident data and make recommendations to the next Steering Committee Meeting on remedial action which would reduce the accident rate in the region.
10. The CTA highlighted that the Steering Committee has assigned a high priority to this activity. He indicated that improvements to aviation safety can best be achieved when regulators, air operators and manufactures work together in partnership and that the NARAST meeting would serve an important role in this regard.
Review of Implementation of COSCAP-NA Steering Committee Conclusions Concerning NARAST
11. CTA highlighted the need to track and report to the COSCAP-NA Steering Committee Meeting on the implementation of recommendations from NARAST that are subsequently approved by the Steering Committee Meeting. He provided a briefing on the Implementation Status Report of NARAST Recommendations and Steering Committee Conclusions provided to participants. He highlighted that while updates had been received from most participants, addition updates were still required. He indicated that an updated Implementation Status report would be provided as an attachment to the Record of Discussions after each NARAST Meeting. An update Implementation Status Report is place as Annexure III.
12. Work completed by NARAST Team Members to implement conclusions of the 4th NARAST Meeting as approved by the 4th COSCAP-NA SC Meeting was reviewed and discussed. The Implementation Status Report contains information concerning the Recommendations/Conclusions from the first four NARAST Meetings. Based on these discussions and review of some new material the following Recommendations from the 5th NARAST Meeting were developed for review by the 6th COSCAP-NA Steering Committee Meeting. The numbering reflects those that were used when these items were initially reviewed by NARAST Team Members.
33. SE-3 CFIT/ AP 1.03 - Precision-Like Approach Implementation (“21st Century Instrument Approaches”) (Vertical Angles – PAI 1-7, 11),
Discussion: It is a well known fact that the accident rate for Non-precision Approaches is fives time greater than for Precision Approaches. As a result of previous NARAST Meeting recommendations COSCAP-NA developed Advisory Circular – AC 008 Guidance for Operators for Conducting Constant Decent Final Approach (CDFA) for Non-precision Approaches. However, some non-precision approaches, mainly those in difficult terrain, will require the use of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) – RNAV and RNP.
25th – 26th May 2006 5th NARAST Meeting 2 The Performance Based Navigation Seminar (RNAV and RNP) and subsequent discussions at the 5th NARAST Meeting has provided an opportunity for NARAST Members to be aware of ICAO developments in support of PBN. In addition, the expertise provided by Navigation Specialist from ICAO, FAA, and Eurocontrol who attended the NARAST meeting, enabled participants to focus in on areas where COSCAP-NA could assist Member States implementation of PBN. It was also identified that the implementation of VNAV may require further review by the NARAST as the application of APV (Approach with Vertical Guidance) may provide an alternative means of conducting CDFA. The following recommendations were made by the meeting:
33.7B ICAO kindly requested to contact Jeppesen to seek data on approach designs in North Asia that do not presently support Constant Decent Final Approach (CDFA).
33.7C COSCAP-NA to review the implementation of CDFA with Member States.
33.7D COSCAP-NA, in coordination with ICAO to examine the application of APV (Approach with Vertical guidance) and the aspect of Obstacle Clearance Panel review of utilization of VNAV during NPA and report back to the next meeting.
33.8H COSCAP-NA with the support of ICAO to review the PBN Manual and determine what additional policy and procedures would be required to assist Member States with the implementation of PBN concepts.
33.8I FAA and Eurocontrol to provide relevant information (or link to this information) in support of the implementation of PBN that is or will not be contained in the ICAO PBN Manual or in any associated ICAO provisions.
33.8J Based on the review of the information contained in 33.8H and 33.8I, COSCAP-NA, with the support of ICAO, to prepare a DP to enable the 6th NARAST Meeting to determine the material that would need to be developed by COSCAP-NA.
33.8K To assist Member States with the implementation of PBN, COSCAP-NA with the support of ICAO to assist Member States who have yet to do so, to conduct a review on needs for PBN implementation for Member States.
33.9L ICAO kindly requested to provide the train the trainer programme related to PBN Manual, to the Asia Pacific region in early 2007.
9 – 2 SE-13 ATC Training - CFIT Prevention
Discussion: At the 4th NARAST meeting FAA provided copies of training material that has been developed to reinforce the need for Air Traffic Controllers to issue timely Safety Alerts to flight crew. In addition FAA had developed a bulletin to highlight this aspect of the documents presently in place. COSCAP-NA was requested to develop an Advisory Bulletin for Member States to review. A draft Advisory Bulletin was developed and provided to the 5th NARAST Meeting for review. The following recommendation was made by the meeting:
9.2.3C Member States to review the draft Advisory Bulletin 013 – Issuance of Safety Alert/Warning and provide further comments by 31 August 2006 after which it will be finalized by COSCAP-NA.
25th – 26th May 2006 5th NARAST Meeting 3 9-3 SE 46,47 Runway Incursion - Air Traffic Control Training
Discussion: At the 4th NARAST Meeting participants were advised that in addition to the Runway Safety Tool Kit, ICAO was developing a Runway Incursion Prevention Manual. At the 5th Meeting participants were advised that the Manual had been completed and could be downloaded from the ICAO Website at http://www.icao.int/fsix/library1.cfm.
The CTA highlighted the draft Advisory Bulletin titled Enhancing Situational Awareness in the Control Tower that has been developed to provide information to ATM service providers to assist with the prevent of runway incursions. No comments were provided during the meeting but Member States were kindly requested to request further review by their specialists and advise COSCAP-NA of any comments. The following recommendation was made by the meeting:
9.3.3D Member States to review the draft Advisory Bulletin 015, Enhancing Situational Awareness in the Control Tower and provide further comments by 31 August 2006, after which it will be finalized by COSCAP-NA.
Discussion: CTA has contacted ICAO who provided information on Eurocontrol Human Factors Programme. While considerable material appears to be available on the Eurocontrol website it is difficult to determine what material could be of use to Member States. Training material is also not available on the website. The following recommendation was made by the meeting:
9.3.7B FAA to request to kindly liaise with Eurocontrol and if possible to provide Human Factors training and other pertinent material to COSCAP-NA for distribution to Member States.
9 – 4 SE49, 50, 51 ,52 Runway Incursion Standard Operating Procedures – Runway Incursion Prevention
Discussion: The AAPA representative advised the meeting that he had contacted the Flight Safety Foundation and they had agreed to provide a Ground Operations Safety Workshop in the Asia Pacific Region. The COSCAP-Southeast Asia and South Asia, Chief Technical Advisors were also in attendance at the NARAST meeting, and they indicated support for such a Workshop. It was suggested that the first quarter of 2007 may be appropriate timing for such a Workshop. The following recommendation was made by the meeting:
9.4.3 AAPA in cooperation with COSCAP Programmes to organize and support a Ground Operations Safety Seminar with the support of the FSF.
Discussion: At the 4th NARAST Meeting COSCAP-NA was requested to develop an Advisory Circular for single pilot operations, similar to that for multi-crew aircraft, that could be utilized to prevent runway incursions. Member States indicated that other than a few airports where basic training was being conducted, there are virtually no single pilot operations in the region. It was decided not to move forward with this AC as there remained many other issues of greater risk to safety that needed to be addressed.
25th – 26th May 2006 5th NARAST Meeting 4 9 - 6 SE-60 Runway Incursion - Pilot Training
Discussion: COSCAP-NA prepared AC 009, Flight Crew Procedures During Taxi Operations and the AC was deemed to provide appropriate guidance for taxi operations. However, it was felt that the AC could be expanded to included training aspects to avoid a second AC being required. The following recommendation was made by the meeting:
9.6.5A Boeing with the support of Airbus to incorporate aspects of LOFT, and Runway incursion training into an Advisory Circular COSCAP-NA 009, Flight Crew Procedures During Taxi Operations (to be revised to Flight Crew Procedures and Training for Taxi Operations.
9.6.5B FAA (Kyle Olsen) to review the data related to actual runway incursions which could be utilized as LOFT training material and provide related information to Boeing.
Discussion: The FAA representative (Andy Edwards) has kindly prepared a draft Advisory Bulletin for COSCAP-NA, aspects of which could be incorporated into Private and Commercial pilot licensing training and testing requirements to help prevent runway incursion. Prior to presenting the draft Advisory Bulletin to the NARAST, CTA was requested to review the document and provide a revised draft for review of the 6th NARAST Meeting. The following recommendation was made by the meeting:
9.6.10B COSCAP-NA to review the draft Advisory Circular (runway incursion ab- initio) provided by FAA and provide a final draft for review of the 6th NARAST Meeting.
Review of additional CAST/JSSI items 13. Mr. Kyle Olsen provided an update to the meeting on the status of two Safety Enhancements nearing completion by the CAST that could be reviewed by the meeting. 13.1 SE – 78 Cabin Injury Reduction During Turbulence Discussion: The FAA representative provided a presentation to participants highlighting the steady increase in Cabin Injuries to Cabin Crew and passengers as a result of turbulence. He outlined best practices being utilized by many air operators and also provided a summary of the information available to assist air operators in reducing the probability of such incidents. There was some questions as to the requirement for air operators to provide reports on significant turbulence events and whether the manufactures have developed procedures either operational or maintenance related, once these reports had been received. The following recommendations were made by the meeting:
13.1.2 COSCAP-NA to develop a draft Advisory Circular on Cabin Injury Reduction During Turbulence for review of participants at the 6th NARAST Meeting.
13.1.3 Airbus, Boeing, and FAA to gather information on both operations and maintenance issues/procedures related to reporting significant turbulence events.
13.1.3 AAPA to gather information on best practices utilized by their Member Airlines.
25th – 26th May 2006 5th NARAST Meeting 5 13.2 SE – 120 Map Shift Detection/Prevention, GPS Installation & TAWs Safety Enhancement Discussion: Mr. Kyle Olsen of the FAA provided a presentation to participants highlighting some technical aspects of TAWS equipment that may reduce the effectiveness of this safety enhancement. The accuracy of the TAWs equipment is greatly enhance in aircraft that are equipped with GPS expecially in areas with limited navaid coverage. It was not clear however how many aircraft in the North Asia Region would be equipped with GPS. In addition the issue of map shift and its impact on TAWs accuracy required additional information. Asiana advised the meeting that they had encountered some difficulties in this regard and had developed SOPs related to the use of TAWs. The following recommendations were made by the meeting: 13.2.1 CAST representative to provide further information to the 6th NARAST Meeting related to SE120 - Output 1 (SOPs), Output 4 (TAWs databases), Output 5 (alerting algorithms) and Output 6 (Optional TAWs features).
13.2.2 Member States to conduct a survey on airlines in their State to determine how many aircraft have GPS equipment that provides input into TAWs.
13.2.3 Asiana to provide a presentation to the 6th NARAST on SOPs related to the use of TAWs, difficulties that have been encountered with the use of TAWs equipment and the solutions that have been implemented by Asiana to resolve these concerns.
14. Additional CAST Issues to be reviewed by NARAST
Discussion: Mr. Kyle Olsen suggested that NARAST should review SE31 (Loss of Control) which was related to Advanced Maneuver Training. This SE had been reviewed by NARAST at an earlier meeting but further work related to this SE was delayed as Airbus and Boeing were in the process of amending the training aid and policy on upset recovery as a result of the American Airlines accident in New York. The following recommendations were made by the meeting:
14.1 Advance maneuver training to be reviewed by NARAST at the next meeting.
14.2 Airbus to provide copies of the latest Upset Recovery Training CD.
15. CTA highlighted that the Implementation Status Report of NARAST Recommendations and Steering Committee Conclusions would be updated after the NARAST Meeting and attached to the Record of Discussions. He requested Member States who have not provided a recent update to do so as soon as possible. The following recommendation was made by the meeting:
15.1 Member States who have yet to do so provide an update on implementation status of NARAST recommendations / Steering Committee conclusions.
16. Safety Management System Update
16.1 CTA updated the meeting concerning the ICAO SMS requirements which have been finalized and will be issued shortly with revisions to Annex 6 - Aircraft Operations, Annex 11 – Air Traffic Services and Annex 14 - Aerodrome Operations. The ICAO Safety Management
25th – 26th May 2006 5th NARAST Meeting 6 Manual has been finalized and can be downloaded from the ICAO website at the following link - http://www.icao.int/fsix/library1.cfm. ICAO will also provide two Safety Management System Courses (train the trainer) in Bangkok during the period of 4 -15 September 2006. CTAs would attend in order that they could then provide the programme to each Member State. In the future, NARAST will need to focus some efforts concerning implementation of Safety Management Systems.
17. North Asia Regional Flight Safety Issues
17.1 Participants were kindly requested to identify Regional Aviation Safety Issues that could be examined by the NARAST. Recognizing that there were many issues to be examined/resolved from the CAST process, it was decided that there were no regional issues to be pursued at this time.
18. 6 th NARAST Meeting – Date / Venue
18.1 CTA provided participants with suggested dates that would permit the NARAST meeting to be conducted consecutively with the SEARAST and SARAST meeting. Coordination of meeting dates between the Asia Pacific safety teams will facilitate the participation of donors who must travel some distance at considerable expense. Based on the workload to be completed by COSCAP-NA and a review of holidays in the region it was suggested that the 5th NARAST Meeting could be held at a suitable date sometime during the week of 15th January 2007 with venue to be determined at a later date.
19. Conclusion / Closing of Meeting
19.1 CTA COSCAP-NA recapitulated the proceedings of the past two days and highlighted the salient points from various presentations. The Recommendations arrived at on various Safety Enhancements/Action Plans were reviewed and further inputs solicited. All Recommendations were accepted and the NARAST Team requested that they be presented to the Steering Committee at its 6th Meeting.
25th – 26th May 2006 5th NARAST Meeting 7