Provisional Programme for Day One: Thursday 5 July 2012

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Provisional Programme for Day One: Thursday 5 July 2012

In partnership with Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education conference 2012

Provisional programme for day one: Thursday 5 July 2012

10.30-11.30 Registration and refreshments

11.30-11.40 Welcome, introductions and housekeeping

11.40–12.10 Plenary 1: Shaping the Future of Languages in Higher Education Professor Jim Coleman, Open University

12.15-13.15 Paper session 1

Jane Vinther Gary Quinn Andrea Dlaska Liz Andersen & Nick Johnston, Giacomo Pierini Language education at the British Sign Language From institution-wide University of Newcastle, Chiaro!: il nuovo corso di Alma centre of liberal education Interpreters don’t grow on language programme to Routes North East Edizioni: apprendere l'italiano trees! institution-wide provision in attraverso una progressione internationalisation lenta e graduale Sponsored by European Schoolbooks, Alma Edizioni Dr Catherine Chabert and Rita McDade Tricia Coverdale-Jones Sarah Schechter, Anglia Ruskin Nuria Lopez Helga Eckart ‘Learning & Teaching, the Internationalisation of Higher University, A case study: writing a Spanish Language provision for non- Interconnectness of Education in Japan and the UK Routes East and dictionary as a collaborative specialists in HE: Are we Communication and - similarities and contrasts Mary Brittain, Nottingham task among beginner students. getting it right? Language: An exploration of Trent, Routes East Midlands teaching methodologies used in BSL class, early learning experiences of BSL users and the influence on BSL learners today’.

13.15–14.15 Lunch

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14.15-15.00 Plenary 2: Professor Rosamond Mitchell, University of Southampton

15.00-16.00 Paper session 2

Jaine Beswick Julia Kelly Kate Borthwick and Alison Sponsored session Enza Siciliano Verruccio, A ‘REALIE’ useful experience: Working towards theory: the Dickens Alison Fenner and Alison extending the employabliity accelerated ab initio language Coming in from the cold: Nadar benefits of work and study learning experience in Spanish recognition and reward for teachOn!: New Words for abroad for students of modern and Portuguese at the part-time language tutors New Worlds languages University of Southampton through participation in the FAVOR project

Rosie Ter-Beek Ulrike Bavendiek Uwe Baumann and Elodie Sponsored session Teresa Mackinnon Languages in action: Motivational Processes and Vialleton Using the virtual now to translation in the European Practices in Accelerated Ab Academic mobility within a develop real language and Commission initio Language Learning department: what happens communication skills for when French and German the future. specialists work on an Italian distance course

16.00-16.30 Tea

16.30–17.30 Paper session 3

Dr Ruth Whittle and Dr Sonia Kuei-Hsun Teng Flora Philippe Liria Cristina Ros i Solé Beverly-Anne Carter Gallucci An Action Research of Aula, communicating to learn Language Pedagogy for Global Challenging the stereotypes: Year Abroad Matters: Change Applying Real-time Video Co- a language, learning a Citizenship making a case for non- Management for students teaching with Cooperative language to communicate specialist language learning in going to a European country Learning Strategy in Business Caribbean HE and to a country with a non- English Curriculum Roman script Sponsored by European Schoolbooks, DIFUSION Sponsored by In partnership with

Dr Patricia Romero de Mills, Catherine Girodet Ann Carlisle Dr Jean-Christophe Penet and Jonathan Lippman Professor Ros Mitchell and Dr Facilitating international Putting languages to work – Dr Sandra Salin Flagging up success: Language Nicole Tracy-Ventura mobility in the language class are degree programmes really Internationalising Language electives named on degree Language Assistantships and delivering on employability? Teaching and Learning with titles – the Exeter model. Student Exchange: a the help of the Erasmus comparison of students’ Community to Increase linguistic development during Employability - Results Carterf different residence abroad Sponsored by Editions Didier a Pilot Study. programmes

17.30-18.15 Plenary 3: Language Policy in Scotland Ms Sarah Breslin, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT)

19.00–19.30 Drinks reception

19.30 Conference dinner

Provisional programme for day two: Friday 6 July 2012

07.00-08.30 Breakfast for overnight delegates

09.00-09.30 Registration for day 2 delegates

09.30-10.30 Paper session 4

Chelo Martínez de Andrés Franck Michel Marta Crosby Juliet Solheim and Heidi María Fernandez-Toro and A Journey to the Heart of the Supporting the Development Teaching learning strategies, Solheim Elena Polisca Digilab: impact of 21st Century and Learning of Modern does it work? A case study: No guru, no method, no Evaluating assignment e- Technology Enhanced Languages students via the stages 3 and 4 students at the teacher: Learner approaches to feedback in Higher Language Learning in student ePortfolio University extended reading in an Education and staff undergraduate French language unit

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Benoît Guilbaud John Morley Carmen Usategui and Susan Elisabeth Wielander Bettina Hermoso-Gómez A review of staff engagement A lexical spreadsheet for Beigel Presentation: Integrating Enhancing feedback with digital technologies on an learners of Arabic Facilitating autonomous Content and Language: An through screen capture undergraduate language learning at levels 4 & 5: some alternative approach to programme pedagogical approaches undergraduate language teaching and learning

10.30 –11.15 Plenary 4: Making the Case for Languages in Higher Education Professor Colin Riordan, University of Essex

11.15-11.45 Morning coffee

11.45 – 12.45 Paper session 5

Anne Van Marsenille Marion Sadoux Josef Mueller Philippe Liria Wenli Tsou Informal language learning in Managing Transitions for The challenge of assessing Pourquoi Pas! and Version An exploratory study on Higher Education in Brussels: Languages in Higher reflective writing Originale, two textbooks for one undergraduates’ attitudes students’ perceptions Education: "Leading from the new approach: approche toward English in Taiwan: Future as it emerges" actionnelle Standard English vs. Local Sponsored by European Variety Schoolbooks, DIFUSION Lianyi Song, Lik Suen and Liang Barbara Unterberger John Christopher Wade Jasmina Nikolic and Jelena Anne-Marie Graham Wang English-taught degree Metaphor and language of Gledic European Benchmarking programmes in business Education Employers’ Take on Language Chinese Language: education: programme design, Skills: A Case Study opportunities and challenges implementation strategies and factors of success

12.45-14.00 Lunch and exhibition

13.30-14.00 Session sponsored by Rosetta Stone

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14.00–14.45 Plenary 5 Professor James Foreman-Peck, Cardiff University

14.45–15.45 Paper session 6

Claudia Gremler Maria de Lurdes Correia Angela Uribe-de-Kellett and Dr Cathy Hampton and David Lees Tim Lewis The Benefits of Video Martins, Gillian Grace Owen Sandra Salin Telling Stories: Using Virtual The INTENT Project: Production Tasks as Language Moreira and The Impact of Real Translation Learning Spaces to Enhance the Integrating Learning Activities António Moreira and Group Tasks on Language Year Abroad Experience Telecollaborative Networks Web 2.0 enhanced English Students’ Learning Experience into Foreign Language language learning under Higher Education Bologna Mariví Rodríguez Quiñones Miranda Van Rossum and Elaine Eszter Tarsoly and Riitta-Liisa Billy Brick Thomas Jochum-Critchley Welcome the Error!! Drama Riordan Valijärvi What are the strengths and Back to the Future: techniques in Language JOYN 2.0: Tutor expectations Translating Google Translate to weaknesses of the language Autonomous Language Learning and experiences of facilitating the Language Classroom: learning social networking site Learning Reloaded language learning in social Pitfalls and Possibilities (SNS) networking sites (SNSs)

15.45–16.15 Closing thoughts

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