1. Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline Template Page 2

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1. Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline Template Page 2

2017 Assessment Planning Guide for Programs with Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)


1. Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline Template..………………………Page 2

2. Assessment Plan Template and Instructions……………………………...Page 5

3. Assessment Plan Template with Examples………………………………..Page 10


1. Refer to the Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline Template to review the planning expectations outlined by the Office of Accreditation and Assessment (OAA). Use this template to identify when your program anticipates completing the key phases of assessment for each SLO. This information will be used to complete a key component of assessment planning. This document will not be submitted to the OAA. It is designed to guide assessment planning in educational programs at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV).

2. Use the Assessment Plan Template to prepare the components of your program’s student learning outcomes assessment plan prior to the implementation of Tk20, UTRGV’s new Assessment Management System. This document will not be submitted to the OAA. It is designed to guide assessment planning in educational programs at UTRGV and includes the information needed to submit an assessment plan in Tk20.

3. **Assessment planning information will be due in Tk20 by May 1, 2017.** (The OAA will announce when and how to access the reporting system prior to this deadline.)

4. College Associate Deans for Assessment/Assessment Liaisons are encouraged to review the components of the assessment plans with the Program Coordinators, Assessment Coordinators, and other faculty leading program assessment efforts.

The college, through whatever process is deemed appropriate, should evaluate each program’s SLO assessment plan using the institutionally adopted rubric. Programs should use the feedback to make 1 of 14 revisions to their assessment plans. The OAA will conduct a 2nd level evaluation to ensure they meet SACS-COC expectations.

2 Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline Template for Programs with Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

The Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline serves as an assessment roadmap covering the four- year data collection period under the New Assessment Framework. It catalogues all program Student Learning Outcome (SLO) statements and associated timelines for when the program plans to engage in each assessment phase (Assess, Intervene, and Re-Assess/Close the Loop). The Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline is developed once and updated as needed.

Comprehensive Plan Requirements: 1. Include multiple SLOs (3-5) that will be assessed during the 4-year data collection period.

2. Plan to collect data on at least one (1) SLO annually.

3. Any SLO must be measured twice (2x) in 4 yrs.

4. Prepare to complete three assessment phases (I. Assess, II. Intervene, III. Close the Loop) for every SLO over the 4-year data collection period.

Description of Assessment Phases: I. Assess: List the semester/year when assessment activities will be collected and evaluated.

II. Intervene: List the semester/year for when the program anticipates using Phase I assessment results to maintain or improve student achievement of SLOs. The interventions/use of results should primarily focus on some aspect of the program such as course changes, personnel or resource allocation changes, and/or program policy changes.

III. Re-Assess/Close the Loop: List the semester/year when the program plans to collect and evaluate assessment activities again to examine the impact of Phase II interventions on student achievement.

Identify Program SLOs: Identify 3 to 5 operational (specific and measurable) statements of student learning outcomes. The SLOs should be reflective of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and/or behaviors students should be able to demonstrate through participation or completion of the program (majors, minors, certificate, etc.) or other experience (e.g., undergraduate research experience, service learning, workshops, training).

SLO Operational Statements of Student Learning Outcomes Number SLO (1)

SLO (2)

SLO (3)

SLO (4)

SLO (5)

3 of 14 4 Template: [Program Title Here] - Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline Directions. List program SLOs and identify the semesters/years when the program anticipates completing the following assessment phases: I. Assess, II. Intervene, III. Close the Loop. Year Program 1: Year 2: 2018-2019 Year 3: 2019-2020 Year 4: 2020-2021 SLOs 2017- 2018 Summe Summe Summe Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Summer r r r SLO (1)

SLO (2)

SLO (3)

SLO (4)

5 of 14 SLO (5)

Example: Example Program - Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline

Directions. List program SLOs and identify the semesters/years when the program anticipates completing the following assessment phases: I. Assess, II. Intervene, III. Close the Loop. Progra Year 1: 2017-2018 Year 2: 2018-2019 Year 3: 2019-2020 Year 4: 2020-2021 m SLOs Summe Summe Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Summer r r SLO (1) I. II. III. I. II. III. Close Assess Intervene Close Assess Interven the Loop the Loop e

SLO (2) I. II. III. Assess Interven Close e the Loop

SLO (3) I. II. II. III. Close Assess Interven Interven the Loop e e (Cont’d)

SLO (4) I. II. III. I. II. III. Close I. Assess II. III. I. II. III. Close Assess Intervene Close the Assess Interv the Loop Interven Close Assess Interven the Loop Loop ene e the Loop e

6 of 14 SLO (5) I. I. II. III. Assess Asses Interven Close s e the Loop

7 of 14 Assessment Plan Template for Programs with Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

I. Identify your program’s mission statement.

Mission Statement: When planning assessment of student learning outcomes, it is important to identify the purpose and mission of the program within the context of the college and/or university. This will assist faculty in identifying the essential knowledge, skills, and values that students are expected to learn as a result of completing your program.

Write your mission statement here:

II. Identify expected Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs).

Student Learning Outcome (SLOs) Titles: Create a short, descriptive title (3 to 4 words) for each program SLO. This should be a shorthand, easy to recognize name for the SLO.

Write your program Student Learning Outcome Titles in the table below.

SLO SLO Title Number SLO (1):

SLO (2)

SLO (3)

SLO (4)

SLO (5)

SLO [Include additional SLOs as needed.]

8 of 14 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): Identify 3 to 5 operational (specific and measurable) statements of expected student learning outcomes. The SLOs should be reflective of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and/or behaviors students should be able to demonstrate through participation or completion of the program (majors, minors, certificate, etc.) or other experience (e.g., undergraduate research experience, service learning, workshops, training). An operational statement of student learning describes something students will be able to do, learn, value with a high degree of specificity, using measureable action verbs (e.g., identify, define, explain, solve, apply, justify, create).

Write your program Student Learning Outcomes in the table below. If your program utilizes multiple measures for the same SLO, use the numbering convention to identify the distinct means of assessment associated with each SLO statement.

SLO Operational Statements of Student Learning Outcomes Numbe r

(1.1) SLO (1) (1.2)

(2.1) SLO (2) (2.2)

(3.1) SLO (3) (3.2)

(4.1) SLO (4) (4.2)

(5.1) SLO (5) (5.2)

SLO [Include additional SLOs as needed.]

9 of 14 III. Describe the assessment methodology used to evaluate student achievement for each SLO.

Measure Title for SLO (1.1): Create a short (3 to 4 words) title for the assessment activity that students will complete to demonstrate achievement of the SLO. This should be a shorthand, easy to recognize name for the measure.

Measure Description for SLO (1.1): Describe the direct measure or assessment activity (e.g., exams, assignments, performances) students will complete to demonstrate achievement of the SLO. Alternatively, describe the indirect measure or self-assessment activity (e.g., written reflections, survey responses, focus group discussion) students will complete to provide perceptions of their own learning.

*[Please attach a copy of the assessment activity when available.]

Select Measure Type for SLO (1.1): Identify whether the measure identified above is direct or indirect.

Assessment Activity Data Collection for SLO (1.1): Briefly describe the courses and/or learning experiences where data will be collected in the program. If applicable, identify the program stage when students will complete the assessment activity.

10 Benchmark for Success for SLO (1.1): State the target or minimum results needed to indicate program success on this outcome.

Alignment of Measure to SLO (1.1): Explain why the selected measure is appropriate for evaluating student achievement of the SLO.

Analysis and Evaluation Approach for SLO (1.1): Describe the process the program will use to evaluate the assessment activity, including how it be evaluated, by whom, when, which students will be included, etc. Describe how results of the evaluation will be analyzed to identify patterns of achievement including strengths and weaknesses.

*[When applicable, please attach scoring criteria, rubric or similar documents.]

Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline for SLO (1.1): To ensure that programs establish a mature assessment process, all three phases of assessment must be completed at least once over the four- year data collection period (2017-2018; 2018-2019; 2019-2020; 2020-2021) for each SLO. The three phases are: Phase I, Assess; Phase II, Intervene; and Phase III, Re-assess/Close the Loop. Identify and describe the year/semester/date (or other time period) your program anticipates completing each assessment phase during the four-year data collection period. The dates can be revised as necessary throughout the multi-year timeline.

Course/Learning Experiences for SLO (1.1): Briefly describe the courses and/or learning experiences designed to help students achieve this SLO.

11 of 14 *[When applicable, attach any supporting documentation (e.g., curriculum matrix or program assessment handbook).]

**Note: Complete the items in Section III above for subsequent SLOs and/or for additional measures utilized for the same SLO.

12 Assessment Plan Template with Examples for Programs with Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

I. Identify your program’s mission statement.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the B.S. in Psychology is to prepare our graduates with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for graduate programs in psychology or related fields.

II. Identify expected Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs).

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Titles:

SLO (1) Theories of Cognitive Psychology SLO (2) Clinical Assessment Skills SLO (3) History of Psychology SLO (4) Research Skills

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

(1.1) Students will be able to explain the theories of cognitive psychology (Capstone Exam). SLO (1) (1.2) Students will be able to explain the theories of cognitive psychology (Capstone Presentation). (2.1) Students will be able to assess the cognitive, neuropsychological, academic and social- SLO (2) emotional functioning needs of clients with disabilities (Clinical Practicum Case Study Report). (2.2) Students will be able to assess the cognitive, neuropsychological, academic and social- emotional functioning needs of clients with disabilities (Oral Interview and Comprehensive Exam). (3.1) Students will describe the history of psychology, by identifying and distinguishing SLO (3) between the major historical and conceptual divisions of psychology, the positions within those divisions, and major thinkers who contributed to those periods and specializations (Essay). (3.2) Students will describe the history of psychology, by identifying and distinguishing between the major historical and conceptual divisions of psychology, the positions within those divisions, and major thinkers who contributed to those periods and specializations (Final Exam).

SLO (4) (4.1) Students will be able to apply research and data analysis skills (Research Project).

13 of 14 III. Describe the assessment methodology used to evaluate student achievement for each SLO.

Measure Title for SLO:

SLO (1.1) Capstone Exam

Measure Description for SLO:

SLO (1.1) Students will complete a final exam for the Senior Capstone Course PSYC 4401. The exam includes 40 multiple-choice questions and 3 essay questions.

Select Measure Type for SLO:

SLO (1.1) Direct

Assessment Activity Data Collection for SLO:

SLO (1.1) Senior Capstone Course: PSYC 4401 is offered every spring semester. The faculty teaching the course will disseminate the capstone final exam at the end of every spring semester.

Benchmark for Success for SLO:

SLO (1.1) 75% of students will earn a score of 80% or higher on the relevant items of the final capstone course exam used to evaluate students’ cognitive knowledge.

Alignment of Measure to SLO:

SLO (1.1) The final exam for PSYC 4401 includes three essay questions designed by the program faculty. The essay questions to require students to describe key knowledge regarding theories of cognitive psychology.

Analysis and Evaluation Approach for SLO:

SLO (1.1) Course instructors from PSYC 4401 will evaluate the capstone exams submitted by students using their professional judgment to score exams on a scale of 0-100. They will identify students’ strengths and weaknesses on each exam. The Department Assessment Committee will analyze and disaggregate results. Analysis will compare overall scores with previous findings and highlight the main strengths/weaknesses described in the comments/feedback given to students.

14 Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline for SLO:

SLO (1.1) The theories of cognitive psychology SLO will be assessed spring 2018 and spring 2019. The results obtained in 2018 and 2019 will be used to develop interventions that will be implemented by spring 2020. To evaluate the impact of interventions, SLO (1.1) will be re-assessed (close the loop) spring 2021.

Example Program - Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline Directions. List program SLOs and identify the semesters/years when the program anticipates completing the following assessment phases: I. Assess, II. Intervene, III. Close the Loop. Program Year 1: 2017-2018 Year 3: 2019-2020 Year 4: 2020-2021 SLOs Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer SLO (1.1) I. Assess I. Assess II. Intervene III. Close the Loop

Course/Learning Experiences for SLO:

SLO (1.1) Capstone Exam All 2000- and 3000-level courses offered as part of the degree plan introduce and reinforce the seminal theories of cognitive psychology by assigning course texts that describe these theories. For these courses, faculty are expected to teach students about the importance of these theories for shaping the discipline and regularly assess students’ ability to learn these theories in multiple ways (quizzes, essays, exams, discussions, etc.). Therefore, students are expected to be successful on these learning outcomes by the time they reach 4000-level courses.

15 of 14 III. Describe the assessment methodology used to evaluate student achievement for each SLO.

Measure Title for SLO:

SLO (1.2) Capstone Presentation

Measure Description for SLO:

SLO (1.2) Students will develop and present a PowerPoint slide as part of the requirements for the Senior Capstone Course PSYC 4401. The presentation will include a description and comparison of two theories of cognitive psychology.

Select Measure Type for SLO:

SLO (1.2) Direct

Assessment Activity Data Collection for SLO:

SLO (1.2) Students enrolled in the Senior Capstone Course PSYC 4401 will be required to present the PowerPoint presentation during the final month of the spring semester. The presentation will be made for an audience of undergraduate psychology majors enrolled in 1XXX and 2XXX level psychology courses. The course instructor for PSYC 4401 will coordinate all meeting times and locations.

Benchmark for Success for SLO:

SLO (1.2) 90% of students will earn a score of 3 or higher on all items of the capstone presentation rubric.

Alignment of Measure to SLO:

SLO (1.2) The presentation prepared by students provides a direct way of assessing students’ knowledge of theories of cognitive psychology. It also provides a way of evaluating students’ understanding of the differences among major cognitive theorists. Throughout and following the presentation, faculty will ask questions requiring students to go beyond facts and rote details. This will provide additional opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge.

Analysis and Evaluation Approach for SLO:

SLO (1.2) Course instructors from PSYC 4401 will evaluate the capstone presentation using a faculty-developed rubric. They will identify students’ strengths and weaknesses on the overall presentation and on each rubric item. The Department Assessment Committee will analyze and disaggregate results. Analysis will compare overall scores with previous findings and highlight the main strengths/weaknesses described in the comments/feedback given to students.

16 of 14 Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline for SLO:

SLO (1.2) The theories of cognitive psychology SLO will be assessed spring 2018 and spring 2019. The results obtained in 2018 and 2019 will be used to develop interventions that will be implemented by spring 2020. To evaluate the impact of interventions, SLO (1.2) will be re-assessed (close the loop) spring 2021.

Example Program - Multi-Year Assessment Phase Timeline Directions. List program SLOs and identify the semesters/years when the program anticipates completing the following assessment phases: I. Assess, II. Intervene, III. Close the Loop. Program Year 1: 2017-2018 Year 3: 2019-2020 Year 4: 2020-2021 SLOs Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Summer SLO (1.2) I. Assess I. Assess II. Intervene III. Close the Loop

Course/Learning Experiences for SLO:

SLO (1.2) Capstone Presentation All 2000- and 3000-level courses offered as part of the degree plan introduce and reinforce the seminal theories of cognitive psychology by assigning course texts that describe these theories. For these courses, faculty are expected to teach students about the importance of these theories for shaping the discipline and regularly assess students’ ability to learn these theories in multiple ways (quizzes, essays, exams, discussions, etc.). Therefore, students are expected to be successful on these learning outcomes by the time they reach 4000-level courses.

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