One to One Assignment
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One to One Assignment Page 1 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
Student Biography...... 2 Writing Sample...... 3 5Reading Text...... 4 Questions...... 5 Transcript...... 7 Error Analysis...... 11 Grammatical and Lexical...... 11 10 Pronunciation...... 13 Skills Assessment...... 15 Lesson Plan...... 17 Lesson Reflection...... 20 General Program of Study...... 22 15 One to One Assignment Page 2 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
Student Biography
My one-to-one student is Laura Gonzalez. She was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain and she is 38 years old. Laura’s father comes from Vigo in Golicia and her mother is 20from El Pret del Llebregat in Catalunya. Now she lives with her parents in Barcelona and she has a nineteen-year-old daughter named Silvia with big green eyes. Silvia has a cat named Lolo. Laura has one older sister named Anna. Anna is forty two years old and single but she has a dog named Cloe. She also lives in Barcelona and she works in the tourist office. Laura’s boyfriend, Javier, is a forty-one year old doctor in Madrid and 25the distance puts a strain on their relationship.
In school, when she was younger, Laura’s favorite courses were ceramics, literature and mathematics. Today, she has abandoned ceramics in favor of painting; she does not hold a regular job but when she is not taking classes, she likes to paint. This work is 30relatively sporadic, but some of her works hang in restaurants scattered throughout Barcelona. These pictures are generally of land or seascapes, often containing birds. She likes listening to music and her favorite types include jazz and seventies. Laura also enjoys reading, dancing and meeting new people.
35Laura has studied English for five years, but I do not know how regularly she has attended class during this period; she feels most comfortable with speaking and this is what she wants to focus on. Her main goal in learning English is to help her with her travels and to aid her in meeting new people in other countries. She would like to do some traveling in northern Europe although she does not enjoy the cold weather. She 40has lived in Barcelona all her life and has traveled inside of Spain, but she has not been to Italy or France. She has, however, been to Denmark, but would like to get to Finland and The Netherlands. She dreams of visiting the Caribbean, but does not seem to feel such a trip is likely. 5One to One Assignment Page 3 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
Writing Sample One to One Assignment Page 4 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
45 Reading Text
My mother is Shelley. She turned fifty-nine last week. My father is Martin and he
is a computer programmer. My sister, Hillary, lives in Virginia, in the United
States. She lives with her husband, Bruce and her two children, Lindsey and
50Daria. Lindsey is eight years old. Daria has bright red hair. My other sister,
Jessica, is living in Italy with her husband, Matt, and their two children, Samantha
and Jacob. Samantha wears eyeglasses and Jacob likes to play with trucks. One to One Assignment Page 5 5/8/2018 10 Micah Gideon Modell
55 1. What is your full name?
2. Where do you live?
3. Where are you from originally? 60 4. What do you do? / Where do you work? / What is your job?
5. How long have you studied English?
65 6. Where did you learn English?
7. Why are you studying English?
8. Do you find it easier to speak, read or write in English? 70 9. What parts of the English language do you most want to work on?
10. Where did you attend (/go to) school?
75 11. What did you study?
12. Who was one of your favorite teachers, and why?
13. Where are you and your family from originally? 80 14. What do you like to do in your free time?
15. What kinds of music do you enjoy listening to?
85 16. Which sports do you enjoy?
17. What kinds of food do you like?
18. Who are some people that you admire? 90 19. Do you like to travel? If so, where have you been? What are your favorite places? One to One Assignment Page 6 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
1. How old is my mother? ______2. Who is my dad?
95 One to One Assignment Page 7 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
Micah: OK, what is your full name? Laura: My full - full name is Laura… Laura Gonzalez ______100Micah: Laura Laura: OK Micah: And where – where do you live? Laura: In Barcelona. Micah: In Barcelona – where in Barcelona? 105Laura: I live in Barcelona Micah: Where in Barcelona? Laura: Where in Barcelona. Micah: Right, where? Laura: Where. 110Micah: Barcelona’s a…
130Micah: So you want to take another Laura: Yes Micah: Are you a student? Are you a student now? Laura: N- Now? Micah: Yeah? 135Laura: Only here Micah: Only here. And so – again, I’m sorry, why are you studying English? What do you want to do with it? Laura: I… like travel on… Micah: Travel… 140Laura: Yes, speak on other persons - on other countries Micah: Do you travel a lot? Laura: I like travel Micah: Where have you been?
Laura: No teach. No teach (?) 165Micah: Um, what kind of music do you listen to? Laura: I don’t… I don’t… I like the music, but I no… Micah: You don’t know names, or… Laura: No, I like music but, jazz and seventeen and… Micah: Seventeen or seventies?
Laura: This morning I go to the house of my family and this and… from other - no… from… going to the class in this – this… 200Micah: And after this class, what will you do? Laura: From house of my family Micah: OK, do you like to read? Do you read? Yes? Laura: Yes, I like. Micah: What do you like to read? 205Laura: Very difficult – different books Micah: OK, can you give me examples - some of your favorites? Laura: The Doctor – I don’t remember the ____. I don’t… Micah: Not thinking of any… Laura: No. One to One Assignment Page 11 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
210 Error Analysis
Grammatical and Lexical 1. Line 24 “I have studied five years” Error: Grammatical Correction: I have studied for five years Explanation: Reason: Possibly L1 Interference
2. Line 44 “speak on other persons” Error: Grammatical Correction: speak to other persons Explanation: Reason: Possibly L1 Interference
3. Line 44 “other persons” Error: Grammatical Correction: other people Explanation: Incorrect plural form Reason: Overgeneralization of the plural rule subject + s 215 4. Line 44 “on other countries” Error: Lexical Correction: to other countries Explanation: Use of the word on instead of to. Reason: Possibly L1 Interference.
5. Line 68 “No, I like music but, jazz and seventeen and…” Error: Lexical Correction: No, I like music but, jazz and seventies and… Explanation: S does not know the higher numbers. Reason: I would have considered this a perception/auditory problem except that later, in the reading comprehension, she misunderstood fifty-nine to be thirty-nine.
6. Line 101 “I go to the house of my family” Error: Grammatical Correction: I will go to or: I am going to Explanation: S used the present simple instead of future simple Reason: Possibly L1 Interference. Spanish uses a pure future tense.
7. Line 101 “I go to the house of my family” Error: Grammatical Correction: I will go to or: I am going to Explanation: S used the present simple instead of future simple Reason: Possibly L1 Interference. Spanish uses a pure future tense. 220 One to One Assignment Page 12 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
8. Line 63 “the other things – other things?” Error: Lexical Correction: the other days – other days? Explanation: Further questioning and context indicates that S intended to use the word days Reason: Either she forgot the word days under the stress of the situation or she never knew it.
9. Line 108 “Very difficult – different books” Error: Lexical Correction: Many difficult – different books. Explanation: It is grammatically correct to say ‘very difficult/different books,’ but the question does not ask about the books’ complexity level or their diversity. Reason: Possibly L1 Interference as I believe mucho would be used in this case and is generally translated to very. 25One to One Assignment Page 13 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
10. Line 108 “Very difficult – different books” Error: Lexical Correction: Very difficult – different books. Explanation: Either possibility is grammatically correct, but the question does not refer to complexity level and the second word is more appropriate. Reason: S is obviously familiar with both words and probably confused them momentarily under the stress of the moment.
11. Line 47 “I travel for Denmark” Error: Grammatical Correction: I travel to Denmark. Explanation: Reason: 225 12. Line 67 “No teach. No teach.” Error: Lexical & Grammatical Correction: No class. Explanation: No teach is grammatically incorrect because a noun must follow no. However, the context implies that the S was trying to indicate there was no class on certain days. Reason: S may not know the word class but that seems unlikely since it must be used regularly during classes, so I am convinced this was a mistake under pressure.
Pronunciation 13. Line 47 “I don’t work” Student: “I don’t (/dʌn/) work” Correction: I don’t (/dəʊnt?) work
14. Line 67 “No teach” Student: “No teach (/ʈʊʈʃ/)” Correction: No teach (/ti:tʃ?)
15. Line 69 “I like the music” Student: “I like the music (/mʊ:zik/)” Correction: I like the music (/mjʊ:zik/) 230
16. Line 71 “I like music, but jazz and seventeen and…” Student: “I like music, but jazz (/ʤez/) and seventeen and…” Correction: I like music, but jazz (/ʤæ/) and seventeen and…” One to One Assignment Page 14 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
17. Line 65 “In this” Student: “In this (/dɪs/)” Correction: In this (/ƾɪs/)
18. Line 65 “Where do you like? Hmm… the ___ Finland in the Finland, ____ in the…” Student: “Where do you like? Hmm… the ___ Finland (/fɪnlændi:ʌ/) in the Finland, ____ in the…” Correction: “Where do you like? Hmm… the ___ Finland (/fɪnlænd/) in the Finland, ____ in the…”
19. Line 65 “In Barcelona” Student: “In Barcelona (/ba:θələʊnʌ/)” Correction: In Barcelona (/ba:sələʊnʌ/)
20. Line 65 “Now?” Student: “Now (/nəʊ/)?” Correction: Now (/naʊ/)? One to One Assignment Page 15 5/8/2018 30 Micah Gideon Modell
235 Skills Assessment
Although not reflected in the recording, I noticed that, even though I was speaking slowly and enunciating, she was still not picking up the words I used and I augmented with gestures frequently as a result. The student appears to have the 240ability to distinguish between the various English phonemes and words when she hears them. Towards the end of the assessment I began to be aware of this and tried to rephrase. However, she still had a tough time mixing up the word food with the word fruit as well as distinguishing the difference between seventeen and seventies. 245 When reading, the student seemed confident, but it was clear afterwards that she did not understand the material. She correctly answered to some of the easier questions; she correctly placed my sister in Italy and understood the gist of the first sentence even if she made a lexical error when she confused fifty nine with thirty 250nine. However, identifying my father and my nieces and nephew caused difficulty and she was only able to do so through guesswork. I feel that she could have answered more of the questions correctly though, if I had built up her confidence by more gradually graded up the questions.
255The writing sample provided was of a suitable length and communicated her message effectively. I learned a great deal more about the student from this task than from the spoken portion. The language was simple, but effective and her errors were glaring because she made them consistently. I did not notice any lexical errors and, in fact, very few spelling errors, but her language was not very adventurous as 260she used the same tense and forms repeatedly (and not always correctly). Her major error was overgeneralization of your and have.
I had a difficult time finding the requisite pronunciation errors for a few reasons. Her pronunciation is, although hesitant, not poor. When she speaks confidently, I have 265no difficulty with understanding her. However, she does not seem to be very confident, so she does not experiment much, preferring to stick with what she knows and is comfortable with. Those pronunciation errors I found seem attributable mostly (if not entirely) to L1 Interference.
270As I have previously observed, the student is not particularly adventurous with her language, so her lexical errors were few, but grammatical errors were common. Her One to One Assignment Page 16 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
lexicon is quite limited; she does not appear to know the higher numbers. Grammatically, she appears to stick with the couple of rules she knows and then extends them to cover all situations. This seems like a decent foundation to me and I 275feel that experience will go a long way towards remedying these overgeneralizations.
The student indicates that she has been studying English for many years, but she is still at a low beginner level. I believe this is largely because she lacks confidence in her speaking ability so she does not often practice and therefore she misses out on 280valuable practice opportunities. However, she did improve as the interview progressed. I intend to exploit this knowledge by focusing on speaking in our lesson. One to One Assignment Page 17 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
Lesson Plan
Level: Intermediate Name: Micah
Main Skill: Speaking Date: 6, May 2004 # of Learners:3 - 10 290 Lesson Aim: For s to learn to navigate in an English-speaking country. To practice asking for and giving directions to various locations. To practice ordering food and paying the required amount. To practice asking for the restroom/toilet/bathroom. Personal Aim: Practice teaching on an individual basis. Effective use of classroom aids. Ss’ Assumed Numbers, directions. Knowledge: Language Focus: Requesting information. Listening and Responding.
Anticipated Are my time estimates correct? - clock within Problems: reach/view Too few activities – tasks are repeatable. Classroom Aids: Packet of Travel Materials including: - Map - Money Whiteboard/markers
Part of Time Teacher Activity + Instructions Student Activity Lesson + Objective
Pre-Task 3/5 Hello, how are you? Introduce topic Today, we are going to go to and engage the Montego Bay. Do you know s with the where Montego Bay is? language focus. What language do they speak -Restricted there? I’ve prepared this travel packet to help you – why don’t you take a look and tell me what you’ve got. Accept materials Give the student the packet of ‘travel materials’ 35One to One Assignment Page 18 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
Pre-Task 5/10 Introduce Where is ___, Turn left Practice the words. Raise on ___, Turn right on ___, awareness of numbers 10 – 100, vocabulary. Restroom/bathroom/toilet, I would like, How much is that? - Clarification Practice new 20/40 -Go on the trip Practice material -Elicit directions responding to Give an -Role play situations: situations opportunity to Now you are hungry – I am practice the selling ____, ____ and ____. new material What do you want?
- Restricted You just drank a lot, now you need the_____? Ask where it is.
- Repeat above Review 5/7 -Point to different items and elicit Respond Review the responses. material from the class.
- Clarification One to One Assignment Page 19 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell One to One Assignment Page 20 5/8/2018 40 Micah Gideon Modell
Lesson Reflection 295 The lesson I presented for my student was effective, but it only loosely follows the lesson plan I authored for the task. I focused heavily on speaking because she indicated a desire to travel as her main impetus to learn English. Also, I noted that she was timid when it came to experimenting with the language and new words, so I 300wanted to give her experience with this in a low pressure situation. The activities I employed were effective and appropriate, but I may have covered too much material and my time estimates were completely off target as this was my first experience with a true beginner student. She seemed responsive to the low pressure, nurturing environment, but it wasn’t until midway through the lesson that her voice hit a 305conversational volume level and it never stayed there.
The pre-task clarification period ran much longer than I estimated and took, by far, the greater portion of the lesson at around thirty-five minutes. I used a great deal of eliciting. Before starting the lesson, I gave her the materials I had prepared which 310included US dollar bills and a map. I did this because I thought we would move on to the next activity quickly and this would tie things together, but in the future, I would wait until the beginning of the activity it relates directly to. I began by presenting geography and locating Jamaica (the destination) in relation to the Americas and Spain. At this point, I realized I was starting at too high a level and with extraneous 315material and decided, internally, to start again.
I began again by raising awareness of higher numbers. From our initial meeting, I knew this would be a confidence building review of material that she had previous exposure to but had not quite mastered. This segued nicely into pricing because of 320the strong relationship with numbers, and from there I introduced items she might purchase later in the lesson. I spent a great deal of time eliciting and I think it was worthwhile because she came up with good material and this built up her confidence. She was more forthcoming as the lesson progressed. I made sure to return to previous material to reinforce it even after we had moved on (even the geography); I 325tried to return to easy as well as difficult words though to keep her confidence up.
When I finally moved on to the final activity, I began by orienting her on the map by relating the print version to a simplified version on the portable whiteboard in the classroom. I asked her to direct me from the airport to the first point of interest (of 330her choosing) where she wanted to start. This worked well, but we ran into difficulty One to One Assignment Page 21 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
when I told her she was hungry in an effort to steer her towards the market – she did not know the meaning of ´hungry´ and kept going to the hospital. It required considerable effort to convey this concept and I was unprepared for it. However, she proved that she grasped the concept by ultimately directing us to the market and 335interacting with the vendor (played by me) to purchase chicken. We touched on a few more points of interest and then wrapped up for the morning having exceeded the allotted hour by roughly twenty minutes.
Although I accurately gauged my student’s ability, I wasn’t quite sure how it should 340impact my lesson and this was an excellent learning experience. I pushed her pretty hard because of my optimism and she rose to the challenge without showing signs of frustration (for more than a second or two), but in the future, I know I will likely be working with tighter schedules and the extra time may not be available. This lesson plan was quite ambitious for a student at this level and in the future I would cut the 345material down. One to One Assignment Page 22 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
General Program of Study
I would like to meet with this student for an hour and a half at least twice a week for the next two months because at this time I am confident that these lessons will be the 350only opportunity she takes to practice her usage. I would focus this student’s course on her speaking and listening skills while incorporating reading and writing activities initially only to support this goal if applicable. I intend to encourage her to speak with other English speakers outside of class and my first personal goal will be for her to do so in some concrete, if limited, form. It is important that I avoid training her to 355understand me specifically and therefore I would make extensive use of recorded materials. Also, since she does not work, I would encourage her to continue attending ITC classes.
In the first few lessons, I would introduce new vocabulary and conversational phrases 360and incorporate role play exercises involving everyday activities to build up her confidence level. Some example role-play situations might include listening to and understanding the monologue of a tour guide, directing taxis, navigating public transportation systems and repeated purchasing exercises in different settings (clothing store, restaurant, souvenir shop). Each of these role plays will be carefully 365constructed not only to make use of the new material but also to serve as review of the previous lessons in an effor to reinforce.
After two weeks I will assign her a task of conducting a purchase entirely in English and report back to me on what she said. For this task, I would try to work something 370out with local shop owners that speak competent English (possibly I would ask her to purchase lunch from someone like Luis upstairs or another English teacher) under my supervision. Such tasks would continue with as many different English speakers and tasks as I am able to arrange.
375In the second month, I would introduce more reading materials. Some tasks might include reading English travel pamphlets for comprehension, but the main focus would remain on listening and speaking. At this point, if she has not done so on her own, I would extend the tasks to include unsupervised activities.
380After five to six months of intensive classes with me, combined with the free ITC courses and the outside, I believe that my student would feel comfortable traveling to 45One to One Assignment Page 23 5/8/2018 Micah Gideon Modell
and navigating within English speaking countries. At this point, I would work with her to review and update her goals.