Spratton Parish Council
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Spratton Parish Council –Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th December 2009 Continued SPRATTON PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Mr Barry Frenchman Clerk: Mrs L Compton 12 Olde Forde Close Brixworth Northants NN6 9XF
Tel/Fax 01604-880727 Email: sprattonpc@tiscali co.uk Minutes of a meeting of Spratton Parish Council held on Tuesday 15th December 2009 in the Village Hall, School Road, Spratton at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllr B Frenchman, Cllr M Fletcher (Vice-Chairman), Cllr D Cooke, Cllr B Blowfield, Cllr G Smith, Cllr J Hunt, Cllr M Thornton, Cllr R McDonald-Walker In attendance: Lynne Compton, Clerk
Public Forum: There was one member of the public present:-
Broadband Speeds in Spratton Mr Benn reported that 12 responses had been received from residents in Spratton detailing their broadband speeds which were generally poor. Speeds varied and depended on independents facilities. Poor reception was attributed to the distance from the Chapel Brampton exchange. See also point 92.
Power Action 83. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Parish Council resolved to approve apologies for absence from Cllr L Tee and Cllr C Saul. 84. RESOLUTION TO SIGN AND APPROVE MINUTES OF MEETING dated 17th November 2009 (previously circulated) These were proposed by Cllr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr Frenchman and resolved to be accepted by Parish Council as an accurate record of the meeting. The minutes were subsequently signed by the Chairman. 85. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (for information only) Meal for those Spratton residents of pensionable age – It was reported that there had been a lot of interest for this event. (previously mentioned 17/11/09 Point 73 (Point 21 of Resources meeting held on 11/11/09)) 86. MEMBERS’ DECLARATION OF INTEREST for items on the agenda There were none. 87. RESOURCES a) Resolution to approve Bank Reconciliation to 30th November 2009 (circulated prior to meeting) Clerk Cllr Thornton proposed approval of the bank reconciliation to 30th November 2009, this was seconded by Cllr Frenchman and resolved to be approved by Parish Council. Note: Cllr Frenchman asked if the typeface for the receipts and payments ledger could be made larger for ease of reading. b) The following receipts were noted:- Co-Operative Funeral Care (May Cook) - £45 Hollowell and Son (Eva Wilson) - £240 c) Resolution to Approve Completed Precept Application Form for 2010 Parish Council unanimously resolved to approve the completed precept application form in the amount of £29,770. d) Recreation Field Committee – To discuss grant form (previously circulated) plus insurance. After some discussion it was unanimously proposed that the Recreation Field Committee should receive an annual grant (subject to review and completion of the grant application form) in the amount of £2000 made payable in 2 instalments. The grant would cover Parish Council run events eg Spratton Folk Festival. e) Resolution To Approve Payment Of Outstanding Accounts:- The following payments were proposed by Cllr Thornton, seconded by Cllr Frenchman and resolved to be approved by Parish Council:- 27 Spratton Parish Council –Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th December 2009 Continued Nat West Amount Chq No. Account VILLAGE HALL (Dec) £18 2088 Meetings LYNNE COMPTON (Clerk Nov 2089 10. Salary) £648.59 Salaries/Exp LYNNE COMPTON (Clerk Exp to 2089 11/11/09) £43.48 Salaries/Exp HMRC ONLY (Clerk PAYE) £84.12 2090 Salaries/Exp MR J PYE (Handyman November £516.40 2091 Greenworks/Maintenance payment) MRS J MILLER (delivery of £30 2092 Newsletter newsletter) E TEE (delivery of newsletter) £30 2093 Newsletter 7. EON (Street lighting maintenance for £224.20 2094 Streetlighting quarter ending Dec 09) REIDS PLAYGROUND 506.00 2095 Maintenance, Repair and 7. MAINTENANCE (Repairs to Renewal playground) (part to be reimbursed 3. by Rec Cttee) HOPSCOTCH PRE-SCHOOL (2009 £150 2096 Donations donation towards laptop agreed by 2. Parish Council) FRIENDS OF ST ANDREWS £150 2097 Donations CHURCH (2009 donation for new toilet– agreed by Parish Council) 2. TOTAL £2400.79 HSBC Amount Chq No Account G.ASHTON (sundry office items for £19.41 234 Youth SFF Youth) 9. G.ASHTON (Youth Sweatshirts with £259.21 234 Youth logo) TOTAL £278.62
88. PLANNING a) Planning applications update (if any) b) To consider new planning applications received (if any) DA/2009/0870 - Demolition of office and storage warehouse buildings. Construction of eleven dwellings (amended scheme): Ibex House, High Street, Spratton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8JB. Case officer. Chuong Phillips Respond by 16th December 2009
Parish Council resolved to make the following observations:-
1. There is no public pedestrian access through the site.
2. There now seems to be a lack of parking spaces. Most residents in rural locations are likely to have two cars. The new plans show the parking has been reduced by 4 spaces meaning less than 2 spaces per household.
3.We do not appear to have had the results of the Geodyne survey requested.
4.We do not appear to have received the results of the hydrological survey requested and we are concerned with the possible effect on the wells in the village as the aquifer passes under the site
DA/2009/0924 - Construction of new electrical station:Spratton Hall School , Smith Street, Spratton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8HP – Case Officer Fran Robinson Respond by 31 Dec 09 28 Spratton Parish Council –Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th December 2009 Continued
Parish Council resolved to make the following observations:-
1. We are concerned that the energy requirement is increasing when businesses should be finding ways of becoming more energy efficient. We would therefore request that a full energy audit is completed to assess need for the electrical sub-station.
2. We are concerned about disruption to the village when the underground cables are being laid.
DA/2009/0925 - Re-cladding, extension and development of existing Hunter Hall into performing arts facility.Spratton Hall School , Smith Street, Spratton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8HP Case Officer Fran Robinson Respond by 31 Dec 09
Parish Council resolved to make the following observations:-
1. We are concerned about sound leakage and would like confirmation that a high standard of sound- proofing will be used.
2. We are also concerned about added disruption to the village and parking issues with an increased number of events being held. Please confirm if additional on site parking will be provided.
Action: Clerk to send letters along these lines. c) To receive planning application decisions DA/2009/0786 (DA/2006/1015 re-application as planning permission lapsed) Description:Conversion and extension of barn to holiday let Location:New Lodge, Welford Road, Spratton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8HG Case Officer: M Baynham Parish Council resolved to make no observations DDC: Planning permission refused d) Rural Affordable Housing Clerk To receive report from Joanne Richardson (Northants Rural Housing Assoc) It was reported that Joanne Richardson was still investigating a couple of sites in Spratton. There would be no further updates until Joanne has returned from extended leave on 1 February 2010. Parish Council resolved to follow up in February. 89. FOLK FESTIVAL ADVISORY GROUP a) To receive draft budget and financial projections for SFF2010 7. Councillors had not yet seen the draft budget and financial projections for 2010. Action: Clerk to circulate for discussion at January meeting b) Resolution to approve minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 10th November 2009 (previously circulated) Parish Council resolved to accept the minutes. c) Update 1. Funding for 2010 event – the initial remit of the Folk Festival Advisory group was to repay the temporary loan from Spratton Parish Council. If the Folk Festival were to go ahead, it would be tailored to the money available to run it. 2. BOOST marketing had been employed on a no win no fee basis to obtain private funding for an event. 3. Fundraising events – several fundraising events had already been organised. 90. CHURCHYARD CEMETERIES AND OPEN SPACES (CCOS) a) Update on CCOS matters 29 Spratton Parish Council –Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th December 2009 Continued 1. Spratton Churchyard Wall – A letter had been received from the Peterborough Diocese (which had been circulated prior to the meeting) explaining that the Spratton Parochial Church Council had always had the right to recover the costs of maintenance of the Church yard from Council as people buried in the Churchyard did not have to be Church goers. After some discussion, Parish Council resolved that Cllr Hunt should draft a response to the letter as it was still felt that the Church was shirking its responsibilities. Action: Cllr Hunt to draft letter and circulate to Parish Cllr Hunt Council for approval. 2. Cemetery Hedge trimming – It was reported that this had not yet been finished. Action: Clerk to talk to Mr Pye. Clerk 3. Churchyard Path – It was reported that this had not been kept weed free. Action: Clerk to talk to Mr Pye. 4. Burial/Memorial Regulations – There had been no further progress on revising of the regulations/fees. Action: 1.Clerk to ask other Parishes for their burial fees as comparison. 2. Clerk Clerk to pass Burial regulations disk from the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium managers to Cllr Councillor Blowfield to review. 3. CCOS meeting to discuss fees to be organised for February. Blowfield Clerk b) To Report any new Burial/Memorial applications 1. Parish Council resolved to approve the following applications for burial in East View Cemetery:- M Cook B121 E Wilson C217 c) To consider pre-purchase of burial plot 1. Parish Council resolved to approve the following application for pre-purchase of a burial plot (subject Clerk to the Clerk making the usual checks):- C203 S Stewart d) Resolution to agree Handyman’s work for January 2010 Parish Council resolved not to include any additional work for Mr Pye in January. e) Village Tree Assessment and Quotations from Cutting Edge Clerk The quotations had not been received. Action: Clerk to obtain quotes from other tree surgeons. f) Overhanging bush on corner of Holdenby Road/Gorse Road 8. Clerk Parish Council resolved that the matter should be reported to Highways (STREETDOCTOR) in the first instance. 91. HIGHWAYS a) Update on Highways matters (if any) 1. Footpaths – to report that some residents were concerned about the possible introduction of a new footpath due to the criminal element in society and that instead of a footpath they would rather see a bridleway. To discuss and receive update. It was reported that the landowner had not approved of a bridleway across his land. It was also reported that an application for extinguishment of the rights to a footpath would cost £2050 and if there were any objections causing a Public Inquiry, the costs could escalate to £6,000 Parish Council resolved to contact the landowner and let him know the costs and explain that Parish Council could not accept the risk without being assured of the new footpath. The Landowner would have to apply and receive planning permission and underwrite his permission for a new footpath before Parish Council would consider applying for extinguishment of the rights to the shorter footpath. 2. Application from a local business for parking restrictions to be imposed on School Road due to inconsiderate parking. (letter and photos circulated prior to the meeting) To discuss and agree action. After some discussion Parish Council resolved to write a response to the local business along the lines “Parish Council support the more robust enforcement of parking restrictions although we would not wish to see yellow lines where requested as this would preclude clients from parking outside the shop.” 3. Tree Stump on Smith Street bank Footpath – trip hazard concern raised by resident. Cllr Cooke To discuss. Cllr Cooke reported that the stumps were stumps from elms killed by Dutch Elm disease many years ago and that the bank was the responsibility of Daventry District Council.Action: Cllr Cooke to draft a letter along these lines 4. Speedwatch to receive update if any. There was nothing further to report. Clerk 5. Road surfaces – to receive reports from Cllrs as to highways issues in allocated areas. 30 Spratton Parish Council –Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th December 2009 Continued Nothing had yet been received. Clerk to follow up. Clerk 6. Review of Traffic Calming Measures – to receive a report from Nick Gore (NCC Highways) It was reported that although no formal report had been received as yet, NCC agreed there were Clerk issues with the chicane. Action: Clerk to follow up 92. POOR BROADBAND SPEEDS IN SPRATTON To report that Daventry District Council sent a letter to BT concerning this issue. To receive update – See Public Forum. Parish Council agreed the following actions:- MrM 1.An electronic petition should be started – Mr M Benn agreed to do this. Benn 2.An article should be written for the next newsletter – Mr M Benn agreed to do this. 3.Friends and relatives should be encouraged to check their broadband speeds. 4.A letter should be sent to MP Phillip Hollobone – Mr M Benn to draft for Parish Council
93. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH To report that due to a change in circumstances, Darren Rolls has sadly stepped down from his role as co- Clerk ordinator. Mr Rolls has suggested that the scheme close due to lack of members. To agree action. Parish Council agreed that it would be a good idea to put an article in the next newsletter asking that anyone concerned with the level of crime in Spratton might wish to step forward and reform Spratton Neighbourhood Watch. 94. VANDALISM To report that a letter had been received about cruelty to animals and a transformer being stolen (which had been published in the recent newsletter). To discuss. It was reported that unfortunately Spratton Neighbourhood Watch had been disbanded due to lack of interest. Clerk Parish Council resolved to put an article in the next newsletter asking residents to reform Spratton NHW. It was also reported that the “camp” on Roly Banks had now gone. 95. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AND DISCUSSED (not already mentioned on the agenda)
a) Steve Shaw National Co- Empowering Parish and Town Councils by getting the general ordinator Local Works Sustainable Communities Act Amendment Bill adopted in Parliament - Draft letter attached to go to seven MP's Clerk had circulated to Parish Councillor b) DDC Recycling of Christmas Trees - to report that due to general operational and cost implications the scheduled collections had been reduced to 1 per village (not 3). Spratton's collection is on Tuesday 12th Jan 2010 poster to go on NB – This had been done. c) Northants 50+ Network Newsletter general d) NCALC Nov/Dec 09 UPDATE, details of 2010 Wildlife general Training workshops e) DACT DACT News plus Christmas Card general f) DDC Agenda for Parish and Town Council's meeting on 15th general Dec 2009 Clerk had sent in apologies as it clashed with SPCM. g) NCC Letter from Courtney Claunch to Highways Reps Highways regarding a small budget for improvement of road signs and markings and asking for Reps to do a survey of their parishes. This was in hand h) Residents Copy of letter to DDC concerning new Ibex House planning proposal i) NCALC Section 137 Limit for 2010/2011 is £6.15 per elector Resources Noted j) Victim Support Letter requesting donation plus annual report Resources k) Clerk Draft letter to Victim Support Resources
31 Spratton Parish Council –Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th December 2009 Continued Parish Council resolved to find out how many people in Spratton Victim support had aided. l) Mike Roberts (RBL) Letter thanking Parish Council for cheques and Resources confirming that the total for Spratton, Old and Cottesbroke totalled in excess of £2400 96. DATE OF NEXT MEETING –Tuesday 19th January 2010, 7.30 pm, Village Hall, School Road, Spratton
MEETING DATES FOR 2010 16th February 2010 16th March 2010 20th April 2010 18th May 2010 15th June 2010 Meeting closed at 9.30 pm
Chairman’s Acceptance Signature……………………………………………. Date: ……………………2010 Statutory Powers 1. Open Spaces Act 1906 ss9 and 10 etc. 2. Local Govt Mis Provisions Act 1976 s.19 3. Parish Councils Act 1957, s3; Highways Act 1980, s301 4. Local Govt and Rating Act 1997 s26-29 5. Lotteries and Amusement Act 1976, s.7 6. Local Govt and Rating Act 1997, s.31 7. Provision of entertainment and support of the arts – Local Govt Act 1972, s.145 8. Highways Act 1980, s.130 9. Public Health Act 1936, s.87 10. Local Govt Act 1972, s.133