Christian D. Cruz

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Christian D. Cruz


Department of Plant Pathology 4024 Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506-5502, USA Office: 785-532-1368 Cell: 330-465-6341 Email: [email protected]


Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Plant Pathology. Leadership roles in different areas of the Blast Integrated Project (BIP), which is focused on pre- emptively preparing for and preventing establishment of the emerging wheat blast disease in the U.S. Research focuses on integration of Magnaporthe oryzae Triticum (MoT) biology, ecology, and epidemiology, and identification of new sources of genetic resistance to wheat blast (2013-Present)

Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Ph.D. Department of Plant Pathology. Thesis: Wheat blast: quantitative pathway analyses for the Triticum pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae and phenotypic reaction of U.S. wheat cultivars. (2009-2013)

The Ohio State University Columbus, OH M.S. Department of Plant Pathology. Thesis: Impact of foliar diseases on soybean in Ohio: Septoria Brown Spot and Frogeye Leaf Spot. (2006-2008)

Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural School Fco. Morazán, Honduras B.S. in Agriculture, Department of Agronomy. Thesis: Effect of storage dehydration and Gibberelic Acid on the germination of Mamey Sapote (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore and Stearn) seeds. (2002)

Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural School Fco. Morazán, Honduras Agronomist. (1998-2000)

1 Christian D. Cruz, Curriculum vitae EXPERIENCE


Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Plant Pathology. USDA-NIFA Plant Biosecurity Program. Advisors: William Bockus and Barbara Valent (September 2013-present) Conducting and coordinating interdisciplinary research performed by multiple collaborating institutions, including Kansas State University, The Ohio State University, USDA-ARS, International Center for Wheat and Maize Improvement (CIMMYT), the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation EMBRAPA, the Bolivian Technological Center on Agriculture (CETABOL), and the Bolivian Association of Oilseed and Wheat Producers ANAPO. Experiments include: i. Integration of pathogen biology, ecology, and epidemiology to develop wheat blast control strategies. Experiments have focused on the source of primary inoculum, importance of the seedborne phase, and longevity of fungal propagules under different environmental conditions. Currently involved in a collaborative research to determine the genetic structure of MoT populations from Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. ii. Identification of new sources of genetic resistance to wheat blast. Experiments are aimed to characterize elite germplasm, landraces, and genetic resources, and to conduct association mapping on selected germplasm to obtain useful genetic markers iii. Identification of fungicides effective for the control of the wheat blast disease in Bolivia and Brazil

Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Graduate Student, Department of Plant Pathology. USDA-NIFA Plant Biosecurity Program Advisors: James Stack and William Bockus (2009-2013) i. Developed quantitative pathway models to estimate the risk of MoT entry and establishment and wheat blast outbreak in the U.S ii. Established and maintained collaborations to study MoT in Bolivia and Brazil iii. Implemented protocols to test U.S. wheat in tropical environments iv. Identified winter wheat cultivars and wild wheat accessions resistant to MoT under Biosafety Level-3 laboratory conditions v. Helped to develop the biosecurity plan for research with MoT at Kansas State University’s Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI).

2 The Ohio State University Wooster, Ohio Research Assistant, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences Advisor: David Francis 2009 Practical training in the area of molecular-marker assisted selection for disease resistance. Training covered methods used for the discovery, analysis and practical use of DNA-based markers

The Ohio State University Wooster, Ohio Graduate Student, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Department of Plant Pathology Advisor: Anne Dorrance 2006-2008 i. Determined the cause of the increase in prevalence of Cercospora sojina in Ohio ii. Monitored samples from soybean sentinel plots to track the spread of the emerging soybean rust disease in the U.S. Updated information that was used on the online Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (PIPE) iii. Determined the yield loss associated with Septoria glycines on soybean iv. Evaluated the effects of foliar fungicides on soybeans in on-farm trials

The Ohio State University Wooster, Ohio Research Aide, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Department of Entomology Advisor: Luis Cañas 2005-2006 i. Managed pesticide efficacy trials ii. Managed and maintained insect colonies


Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Plant Biosecurity in Theory and Practice (2015) Enrollment: 34. Experience as a co-instructor for hands-on biocontainment training. Students entered a fully operational biocontainment laboratory and learned associated biocontainment protocols and research procedures.

Universidad Gabriel René Moreno Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

3 Christian D. Cruz, Curriculum vitae Instituto de Investigaciones Agrícolas El Vallecito (2014) Guest Lecturer: Scientific Research of Emerging Plant Diseases Kansas State University Manhattan, KS PLPTH 750 Plant Diseases in the Field- Plant Biosecurity and International Plant Pathology. Summer semester (2014) Enrollment: 6. Experience as a co-instructor for hands-on biocontainment training. Students entered a fully operational biocontainment laboratory and learned associated biocontainment protocols and research procedures.

Kansas State University Manhattan, KS American Phytopathological Society North Central Meeting: Training and Tour of Biosecurity Research Institute (2013) Enrollment: 6. Experience as a co-instructor for hands-on biocontainment training. Attendees entered a fully operational biocontainment laboratory and learned associated biocontainment protocols and research procedures.

Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Experimental Design and Data Analysis (2012-2013) Planning Committee. Committee prepared course material, selected and evaluated specific topics for inclusion in this course

Kansas State University Manhattan, KS PLPTH 500 – Principles of Plant Pathology (Laboratory). Spring semester (2011) Enrollment: 26. Experience as a teaching assistant. Responsible for presenting a 20- minute pre-lab lecture, giving a brief demonstration of the lab procedures to the students, and answering questions during the lab period. Experience using K-State online for class management

Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Basic Language Training Program – Spanish I. Fall semester (2010) Enrollment: 13. Experience preparing and lecturing course material as a basic language-training instructor


Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Currently supervising graduate student Giovana Cruppe, postdoctoral researchers Ely Oliveira-Garcia, Shefali Dobhal, and visiting professor João Maciel to perform critical wheat blast research at the Biosecurity Research Institute at Kansas State University. (August 2015-Present)

Bolivian Technological Center on Agriculture Okinawa, Bolivia Kansas State University Manhattan, KS Mentored Bolivian collaborator Javier Kiyuna in wheat blast field research activities in Bolivian and laboratory techniques in the U.S. (2013-2015)

4 Bolivian Association of Oilseed and Wheat Producers Santa Cruz, Bolivia Mentored undergraduate student Santiago Rivera, Universidad Gabriel René Moreno, Bolivia, in wheat blast research activities (February-August 2014)

The Ohio State University Wooster, Ohio Mentored visiting scholar Henry Paz (Zamorano Pan-American School of Agriculture, Honduras), and intern student Arsheen Ehtesham (The Ohio State University) in research activities (2006)


Corporación Custer – INTEROC S. A. Machala, Ecuador Technical Sales Representative (Agro-chemical) (2002 – 2005) Responsibilities included: i. Reach desired sales results set by regional sales manager ($1,000,000 per year) ii. Forecast sales budget, plan strategies, and develop expense budget iii. Build relationships with customers and deliver sales growth for product families under the curriculum division iv. Coordinate with the Business Manager to organize quotes and contracts v. Set up and attend company exhibits vi. Promote fungicides to control the devastating Black Sigatoka disease (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) and plan educational activities for their proper use


Strong leadership and managerial skills. Experience supervising technical teams in Ecuador, Bolivia, and the U.S. Currently involved in leadership roles in different areas of the Blast Integrated Project (BIP)


MOLECULAR PCR, DNA-based markers, marker-assisted selection

APPLIED PLANT Establishment of greenhouse and field experiments related to PATHOLOGY plant disease epidemiology, phenotyping wheat for reaction to diseases, and fungicide efficacy.

STATISTICS Experience with practical statistic and experimental design for Plant Pathology and Crop Science: ANOVA, regression and

5 Christian D. Cruz, Curriculum vitae correlation analysis, completely randomized design, randomized complete blocks, and split plot design. Statistical and scientific graphing software packages: SAS, SigmaPlot

RISK ANALYSIS Experience with probabilistic theory, probability distributions, Monte Carlo simulation, and sensitivity analysis, @Risk for Excel platform, and NCSU/APHIS Plant Pest Forecast (NAPPFAST) System

OTHER SKILLS Commitment to work with underrepresented/underserved students or other audiences. Positive interpersonal skills and willingness to share knowledge with others

PUBLICATIONS (including accepted and in preparation) PEER REVIEWED

Cruz, C. D., Paul, P., Salgado, J., Mills, K., P., Kiyuna, J., Bockus, W. W., Baldelomar, D. F., Todd, T. C., and Valent, B. Mechanism of autoinfection in the wheat blast pathosystem. In preparation for submission to Phytopathology

Cruz, C D., Stack, J., Magarey, R., Fowler, G., Christie, D., and Valent, B. Quantitative pathway analyses to estimate the probability of Magnaporthe oryzae (Triticum pathotype) entry into the U.S. In preparation for submission to Risk Analysis

Cruz, C. D., Santana, F. Kiyuna, J., Baldelomar, D., Torres, G., Lau, D., Maciel, J., Seixas, C., Goulart, A., Sussel, A., Schipanski, A., Coelho, M., Dellanora, T., Utiamada, C., Custódio, A., Bockus, W. W., Todd, T. C., Stack, and Valent, B. International Fungicide Efficacy Trials for the Management of Wheat Head Blast. In preparation for submission to Plant Pathology

Cruz, C. D., Stack, J. P., Fowler, G. A., Christie, D., and Magarey, R. D. Climate suitability for pathogen establishment and wheat blast outbreak in the United States. Submitted to Plant Disease

Cruz, C. D., Baldelomar, D. F., Bockus, W. W., Dubcovsky, J., Kankanala, P., Peterson, G. L., Stack, J. P., and Valent, B. 2015. The 2NS translocation from Aegilops ventricosa confers resistance to the Triticum Pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae. Crop Science. Accepted for publication

Cruz, C. D., Kiyuna, J., Bockus, W. W., Baldelomar, D. F., Todd, T. C., Stack, J. P., and Valent, B. 2015. Magnaporthe oryzae conidia on basal wheat leaves as a potential source of wheat blast inoculum. Plant Pathology Doi:

6 10.1111/ppa.12414

Cruz, C. D., Bockus, W. W., Stack, J. P., Tang, X., Valent, B., Pedley, K. F., and Peterson, G. L. 2012. Preliminary assessment of resistance among U.S. wheat cultivars to the Triticum pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae. Plant Dis. 96:1501-1505.

Cruz, C.D., Mills, D., Paul, P., and Dorrance, A.E. 2010. Impact of brown spot caused by Septoria glycines on soybeans in Ohio. Plant Dis. 94:820-826

Dorrance, A.E., Cruz, C., Mills, D., Bender, R., Koenig, M., LaBarge, G., Leeds, R., Mangione, D., McCluer, G., Ruhl, S., Siegrist, H., Sundermeier, A., Sonnenberg, D., Yost, J., Watters, H., Wilson, G., and Hammond, R. 2010. Effects of foliar fungicide and insecticide applications on soybean in Ohio. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2010-0122-01-RS

Cruz, C. D., and Dorrance, A. E. 2009. Characterization and survival of Cercospora sojina in Ohio. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2009- 0512-03-RS


Bockus, W. W., Cruz, C. D., Stack, J. P., and Valent, B. 2015. Effect of seed-treatment fungicides on sporulation of Magnaporthe oryzae from wheat seed, 2014. Plant Disease Management Reports 9:ST004.

Cruz, C. D., 2015. Piricularia del Trigo. En: Manual de Recomendaciones Técnicas - Cultivo de Trigo - 2015. Asociación de Productores de Oleaginosas y Trigo, Bolivia

Valent, B., Bockus, W., Cruz, C., Stack, J., Farman, M., Hershman, D., Paul, P., Peterson, G., Pedley, K., and Magarey, R. 2013. Recovery Plan for Wheat Blast Caused by Magnaporthe oryzae Triticum pathotype. Available online: at%20Blast%20Recovery%20Plan%20Final.pdf

Bockus, W. W., Cruz, C.D., Kalia, B., Gill, B. S., Stack, J. P., Pedley, K. F., Peterson, G. L., and Valent, B. 2012. Reaction of selected accessions of Aegilops tauschii to wheat blast, 2011. Plant Disease Management Reports 6:CF005. DOI:10.1094/PDMR06. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.


Cruz, C., Peterson, G., Bockus, W., Farman, M., Pedley, K., Stack, J., Magarey, R., 7 Christian D. Cruz, Curriculum vitae Fowler, G., Tang, X., Valent, B. 2012. Wheat blast: An emerging threat. Phytopathology 102:S5.

Cruz, C. D., Bockus, W. W., Pedley, K., Peterson, G., Stack, J., Tang, X., and Valent, B. 2011. Standardization of protocols to test wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for reaction to blast in a biocontainment laboratory. Phytopathology 101:S40.

Cruz, C. D., Bockus, W., Pedley, K., Peterson, G., Stack, J., Tang, X., and Valent, B. 2011 Resistance among U.S. wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars to the wheat pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae. Phytopathology 101:S220.

Peterson, G., Pedley, K., Bockus, W., Stack, J., Cruz, C., and Valent, B. 2011. Susceptibility of select US winter wheat cultivars to wheat blast (Magnaporthe oryzae). 101:S141

RESEARCH AND EXTENSION PRESENTATIONS (15 National and 6 International**) 2016 ** Wheat Blast: Ecology, Epidemiology and Management. 2nd International Workshop on Wheat Blast. EMBRAPA Wheat – Kansas State University, Florianópolis, Brazil. Keynote presenter.

What is known and not known about management of the emerging Wheat Blast disease. 36th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. Galveston, TX. Invited Speaker 2015 ** Wheat blast: Progress in elucidating pathogen genetics, ecology and epidemiology, and identifying sources of resistance, CIMMYT, El Batán, Mexico. Invited Speaker.

What it takes to do biocontainment research? King Saud University New Faculty Training Program. Manhattan, KS. Invited Speaker International Fungicide Efficacy Trials for the Management of Wheat Head Blast. Wheat Blast Workshop. St. Louis, MO. Invited Speaker

2014 Insights of wheat blast biology gained in Bolivia, Field tests and fungicide trials. Wheat and Rice Blast Integrated Project. Minneapolis, MN. Invited Speaker

8 Potential risk of wheat blast occurrence in the U.S. 35th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting - Special Symposium: Blast control - a moving target. New Orleans, LA. Invited Speaker

** Wheat Blast Workshop: Biology, identification, and control. Bolivian Association of Oilseed and Wheat Producers ANAPO. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Organizer and Speaker.

** Wheat Blast Field Day: Biology, identification, and control. COPERAGRO – Asociación de Productores de Oleaginosas y Trigo. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Invited Speaker

Paraguay Minister of Agriculture Visit: Wheat Blast Research Project Update. Kansas State University. Manhattan, Kansas. Presentation

Wheat Blast: Progress in Elucidating its Epidemiology and Developing Strategies for Control. Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. Seminar

2013 Success: Rice Blast Research Reveals Details on How a Fungus Invades Plants / Study Advances Understanding of Wheat Blast. Kansas State University Research and Extension – Congressional Assistants Tour. Manhattan, KS. Invited Speaker

** Update on Wheat Blast Research. Bolivian Association of Oilseed and Wheat Producers, ANAPO. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Invited Speaker

Wheat blast: quantitative pathway analyses for the Triticum pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae and phenotypic reaction of U.S. wheat cultivars. Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. Exit seminar

2012 Wheat Blast: An Emerging Threat. American Phytopathological Society North Central Meeting. Wooster, OH. Invited Speaker

Wheat Blast Biosecurity. Wheat Blast Stakeholders Meeting. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. Invited Speaker

Probability of Entry and Establishment of Magnaporthe oryzae

9 Christian D. Cruz, Curriculum vitae (Triticum pathotype) into the United States: A Quantitative Pathway Analysis. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. Providence, RI. Poster Presentation

2011 ** Wheat Blast Pathway Risk Analysis. Agriculture and Food Safety Risk Analysis Course. Epix Analytics – University of London. London, UK. Presentation

Resistance among U.S. wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars to the wheat pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. Invited Symposium Speaker

2010 Resistance among U.S. wheat cultivars to Magnaporhte oryzae (wheat pathotype) and risk analysis of the wheat blast disease. USDA Center for Plant Health Science and Technology. Raleigh, NC. Invited Speaker

2008 Prevalence of Frogeye Leaf Spot caused by Cercospora sojina in Ohio. American Phytopathological Society. Minneapolis, MN. Poster Presentation

2007 Soybean yield loss caused by Septoria glycines causal agent of Septoria brown spot. American Phytopathological Society Norh Central Division Meeting. Lafayette, IN. Poster Presentation


2015 International Wheat and Maize Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Advance Wheat Improvement - Biotechnology Module. The module covered (1) Overview of molecular breeding; (2) Application of molecular markers for gene identification and introgression; (3) Molecular markers, genotyping systems, genetic maps, and mapping populations; (4) Molecular data analysis, dealing with different types of data, data storage, management of data as valuable resources; and (5) Gene introgression using molecular markers

2011 USDA Center for Plant Health Science and Technology APHIS- PPQ-CPHST. Raleigh, NC. Learned the most scientifically viable and practical methodologies used for regulatory and policy decisions for pest exclusion and detection (i.e. quantitative risk analysis and climate suitability risk analysis)

10 Epix Analytics – University of London. London, UK. Introduction to risk analysis, software, stochastic processes and their modeling. Learned basic principles of risk assessment and where it fits into the risk analysis process. Examined resources, strategy and communication issues in risk assessment, and modeling principles. Learned hands-on skills to effectively use a risk modeling software environment.

GRANTS AND AWARDS 2015 – 2017 Biotrigo Genética Wheat Blast Grant ($80,000)

2013 – 2014 Rotary International Ambassadorial Grant ($30,000)

2012 Tillman Family Agriculture Graduate Student Award ($6,000)

Kansas State University Student Council Travel Grant ($300)

2009 Kansas State University Bluemont Grant ($2,000)

2000 Ecuadorian Ministry of Agriculture Scholarship ($5,000)

1998 – 2000 Pan American College of Agriculture Scholarship ($9,000)

1994 – 2000 Alfons-Goppel-Foundation Scholarship ($10,000)


2015 Third Symposium of Zamoranos – U.S. Chapter. Organized by the Zamorano Alumni Association at Kansas State University. Logistics Committee

Journal of Plant Breeding. Manuscript reviewer

2014-Present Served as reviewer for the USDA APHIS New Pest Response Guideline (NPRG) for wheat blast

2014 Journal of Plant Disease. Manuscript reviewer

11 Christian D. Cruz, Curriculum vitae New Pest Response Guidelines (NPRG) – Wheat Blast. Invited to review document produced by the United States Department of Agriculture - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Plant Protection and Quarantine.

Wheat & Rice Blast Integrated Project. Helped with English, Spanish, and Portuguese versions of the video Wheat Blast: An Emerging Threat to Wheat Production.

2013 American Phytopathological Society North Central Meeting. Manhattan, KS. Symposium arrangement committee.

Journal of Plant Disease. Manuscript reviewer

Wheat Blast Recovery Plan Committee. Invited to review document produced as part of the National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS) called for in Homeland Security Presidential Directive Number 9 (HSPD-9).

2012 Ecuadorian Government Official Mission to Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. Collaborated to the Mission’s purpose with discussions for potential future collaboration.

2009 – Present Biosecurity lab tour guide. Tours offered to invited speakers and scientists including Dr. Andreas Von Tiedemann (University of Göttingen, Germany), Dr. Ethyene Duveiller (CIMMYT, Mexico), Dr. Anne Dorrance (The Ohio State University, USA), Dr. Gary Peterson and Dr. Kerry Pedley (USDA-ARS, USA), Dr. Simon McKirdy (CRC Plant Biosecurity, Australia), and Dr. Muricio Fernandes (EMBRAPA, Brazil), Dr. Jordan Bailey and Dr. Brendan Radoni (CRC Plant Biosecurity, Australia).

ELECTED AND APPOINTMENT OFFICES 2011 – 2012 President, Zamorano Alumni at Kansas State University

2010 – 2011 Treasurer, Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association

12 (GSA). Kansas State University.

2010 Mentor Award Committee, Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association (GSA). Kansas State University.

PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND WORKING GROUPS 2009-Present Wheat Blast Project (Kansas State University in partnership with Asociación de Productores de Oleaginosas y Trigo ANAPO, Fundación CETABOL, USDA-ARS, and EMBRAPA-Brazil)

2007-Present American Phytopathological Society (APS)

2008 APS-Tropical Plant Pathology Committee

13 Christian D. Cruz, Curriculum vitae

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