St Ann S College of Engineering & Technology: Chirala

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St Ann S College of Engineering & Technology: Chirala


1. Explain any eight common tags in HTML with an example. 2. What are empty elements in HTML? 3. Create a simple HTML page which demonstrates the use of the various types of lists. Try adding a definition list which uses an unordered list to define terms. 4. Explain how would you create an Ordered list. 5. Explain table tag in HTML with an example program. Is it possible to nest tables within tables and how? 6. Create a HTML table with columns for a country-name, national sport, national flower, national animal and national tree. There must be at least five states as rows in the table 7. Explain the image tag with example and also explain the concept of image hotspot. 8. How to use forms in HTML? Explain all form components in detail. 9. Create a form for the super market bill which includes controls like checkboxes, radio buttons, border, submit button and reset button. 10. What is a frameset?

CSS 11. What is CSS? Explain the following with an example i) Inline style sheets ii) External style sheets iii) Embedded style sheets 12. Explain how to include the external style sheets and internal style sheets Set an image as the background of a page. Write an external style sheet to Set the font of a text. 13. Explain the following terms related to CSS: i) Font size ii) Font weight iii) Font stretch iv) Text decoration v) Text transformation vi) Text alignment vii) Padding viii) Border style. 14. What is a stylesheet class? What are the benefits of using styles compared with placing formatting directly into the text of the Web page? 15. Explain the various ways you can reference a color in CSS? Discuss the advantages of CSS. 16. Define Dynamic HTML. Elaborate in what way is Dynamic HTML different from HTML.


17. Write the properties and methods of the following java script objects and Write a HTML code for the following. i) Document ii) Forms iii) Window iV) TextBoxes V) Buttons 18. Describe the primitive data type in javascript. 19. Write HTML and java script code to verify the user entry of user id and pass word fields of the login HTML page 20. Write the java script function that returns today date and time. Write any four functions of Window Object in Java Script. Write a java script function which will convert an array to a string. Add this function to a HTML page and should be executed in button click event. 21. Write the java script to generate random numbers. What does "1"+2+4 evaluate to in java script? 22. Write a JavaScript to validate a form consisting of a username.Also navigate to another web page after validation. 23. Explain how a switch-case statement is used in JavaScript with an example. Describe the scoping rules for the JavaScript with examples. 24. JavaScript is referred to as Object based programming language”-support the statement with relevant examples. 25. Write a script which simulates the String method indexOf and use it in a script. Write a JavaScript that reads an integer and determines and displays whether it is an odd or even number.

26. Write the script function which will find the L.C.M. and G.C.D. of two numbers? Write a java script function that Returns the length of a string. What does is NaN function do?

27. Write a javascript which must have a paragraph of at least 10 lines of text that describes your college. The paragraph must be centered on the page and have only 20 characters per line. A light gray image of your college must be superimposed over the center of the text as a nested element.

Describe the major differences between Java and JavaScript. Compare and Contrast HTML and DHTML.

UNIT 3 XML 1. What is a namespace? Describe how a namespace is created with a relevant example. 2. Define an XML schema. Show how an XML schema can be created. Give the advantages and disadvantages of XML schemas. 3. Explain the working of XML processors in detail. Also mention the purpose of XML processors. 4. Explain how XLST works with neat illustrations. 5. Explain the various types of XML schema data types use 6. Explain the following terms related to Document Type Definition: i. elements ii. attributes & entities iii. internal & external entities. 7. Create a DTD for a catalog of four-stroke motorbikes, where each motorbike has the following child elements-make, model, year, color, engine, chasis number and accessories. The engine element has the child elements engine number, number of cylinders, type of fuel. The accessories element has the attributes like disc brake, auto − start & radio, each of which is required and has the possible values yes and no. Entities must be declared for the names of the popular motorbike makes. 8. Explain the usage of the following XSL elements: i. apply-templates ii. Attribute iii. Evaliv. Template v. value-of vi. choose. 9. Explain the following terms related to XML: i. XML parsing ii. XML browsers iii. XML editors iv. XML validators. 10. Show how SAX is an alternative method for parsing XML documents. Also give the advantages of SAX.


1. What is a Bean development kit? Also explain the use of JAR files in relation with java beans. 2. Explain the design patterns for the bean events. 3. Take the TickTock Bean available in BDK, build an application which controls the Colors Bean. Develop the necessary code to exhibit the bound properties of java beans with the above mentioned beans. 4. What is a Java bean? “Java bean is a reusable platform-neutral software component”-justify this statement. 5. Explain the highlighting features of java bean. 6. Explain the significance of the bound property in Java beans.3 7. With an example try to explain the bound properties related to Java beans. 8. Explain the following given interfaces and their usage: i. AppletInitializer ii. BeanInfo iii. Customizer iv. DesignMode. 9. Explain the significance of Enterprise Java Beans in the present day ‘backend business code’. 10. Write about the following: (a) Bean methods (b) Bean properties (c) Bean events. 11. Write about the following beans: (a) TickTock Bean (b) Juggler Bean (c) ChangeReporter Bean (d) JellyBean Bean (e) Voter Bean (f ) Molecule Bean. 12. Explain EJBs and their types.

UNIT-5 Web Servers and Servlets 1. Explain the functionality of javax.servlet.http package by discussing about the methods and interfaces of this package. 2. What is a servlet? Explain lifecycle of a servlet. Illustrate with an example program. 3. Write a program to demonstrate URL redirecting. 4. Explain session tracking using Http Session. 5. Create a HTML form with three input fields first name, last name and e-mail. Pass these values to a servlet. In the servlet, verify all input fields are not null and display them back to client. 6. Give the signature of a method which in used to read bytes from the stream for a servlet. Explain its usage. 7. Create a Servlet that displays the current date and time. 8. Make a Comparison of JSDK and Apache Tomcat. 9. What is a Cookie? Give the information that is saved for each cookie on the user’s machine. 10. Explain HttpSession Interface.

UNIT-6 Introduction to JSP: 1. Give a note on fixed- template data. 2. Describe Model-View-Controller setup. 3. Write about javax.servlet.jsp.tagext package. 4. Write about the JSP processing. 5. Explain the components of JSP. 6. What are the limitations of Servlets? How JSP over comes these Problems. 7. Discuss about Tomcat Server. 8. Write a note on Custom-tag libraries. 9. Discuss about usage of JavaBean Component in JSP. 10. Differentiate between servlets and JSPs. 11. Write a JSP expression to insert current date and time in to a web page. JSP Application Development: 1. Develop a JSP with a Bean in the application scope. 2. What is a scriplet? Write about scriplet elements 3. Discuss about Dynamic content. 4. List the methods in Request object. 5. Write a JSP that handles empty form values. 6. Give a detail note on JSP action used for Java Bean manipulation. 7. Which is the biggest scope provided by JSP? Explain it. 8. Develop a JSP which uses two Beans in different scopes 9. Write a detail note on JSP escape sequences 10. Discuss about of session scope- manually and automatically with suitable examples.

UNIT-7 Database Acess: 1. Develop a JSP to act as a simple search engine with the support of necessary database. Web page will accept the topic name and JSP will be activated by a “submit” button click. JSP will open relevant page with a set of relevant URLs for that topic. 2. Write a program to update the salaryRs.6000/- for an employee name like “P. Ramu” using prepared statement. 3. Write JDBC program to display the result of any query on a student table in a JTable component. 4. Discuss about prepared statements. 5. Write a note on java.sql.Driver class. 6. Explain the process of getting/accessing metadata for a resultset. 7. Explain how JDBC performs mapping between JAVA and SQL data types 8. Write short notes on following: (a) Pure Java driver (b) Driver Manager (c) SQL query (d) Order by clause. 9. Write short notes on: (a) Connection Interface (b) Statement Object (c) Inner join (d) Execute Query Method.

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