Project: Group Housing Project, Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana)

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Project: Group Housing Project, Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana)

Project: Group Housing, Paras Irene”, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 2 of 21


Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance for Group Housing project 27.4713 Acres at sector 70A Village Palra, Distt - Gurgaon Haryana.


S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No. 1 “Consent For Establishment” shall be obtained from Consent to establishment issued by HSPCB. ) Haryana State Pollution Control Board under Air and . Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Haryana before start of any construction work at site. 2 A First aid room as proposed in the project report First aid provisions provided ) shall be provided in both during construction and operational phase of the project. 3 Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities Adequate drinking water & sanitary facilities ) should be provided for construction workers at the provided for construction workers at the site. Provision should be made for mobile toilets. site. The workers are from the nearby areas Open defecation by the laboures is strictly prohibited. therefore the waste water and solid waste The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generation is negligible in quantity. Solid generated during the construction phase should be waste generated during the construction ensured. phase is disposed off safely. 4 All the top soil excavated during construction Top soil is used in horticulture/landscape ) activities should be stored for use in development. horticulture/landscape development within the project site. 5 The project proponent should ensure that the Noted. Complied. ) building material used in the construction phase should be stored within the project area and disposal of construction waste should not create any adverse effect on the neighboring and should be disposed of after taking necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of the people, only in the approved sites with the approval of competent authority. 6 Construction spoils, including bituminous materials Construction spoils are stored in a dedicated ) and other hazardous materials must not be allowed area duly bounded to avoid contamination to to contamination watercourses and the dump site for the environment in proximity. Storage area such materials must be secured so that they should is covered to prevent contamination from not leak into groundwater and any hazardous waste hazardous materials like fuel of DG sets. generated during construction phase should be Waste oil of the DG Set is disposed of disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with through authorized vendors. necessary approval of Haryana State Pollution Control Board. 7 The diesel generator sets to be used during Silent DG sets are used at the project site ) construction phase should be of ultra low sulphur during construction stage, with maintained diesel type and should conform to Environment noise and emission within the permissible (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise limits. emission standard. 8 The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be The diesel will be stored in dug and pits ) stored in underground tanks if required, clearance covered with metal sheet/asbestos sheets, If from Chief Controller of Explosive shall be taken. quantity of diesel stored is more than 2500 litres, approval of chief controller of Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 3 of 21 explosives will be obtained. 9 Ambient noise levels should conform to the Ambient air & noise monitoring had been ) residential standards both during day and night. conducted at project site and the results Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and showed that the noise levels were within the noise quality should be closely monitored during prescribed limits. Lab report attached in construction phase. Adequate measures should be Annexure-1 taken to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to confirm stipulated residential standards. 1 Fly ash should be used as building materials in the Fly ash is used in construction activities. 0 construction as per the provision of Fly Ash ) Notification of September 1999 and amendment as on 27th August 2003. 1 Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and The recharge structures for storm water 1 BIS standard for various applications should be control as well as rain water harvesting are ) ensured. proposed for recharging of ground water.

1 Water demand during construction phase should be Premix concrete and curing agent is used to 2 reduced by uses of pre-mixed concrete, curing agent save water. ) and other best practices.

1 In view of severe constrains in water supply STP Treated water provided by HUDA is 3 augmentation in the region and sustainability of being used for construction purpose. This ) water resources, the developers will submit the NOC water is further treated by a Tertiary from CGWA specifying water extraction quantities Treatment Plant. and assurance from HUDA/ utility provider indicating source of water supply and quantity of water with details of intended use of water –potable and non potable. Assurance is required for both construction and operation stages separately. It shall be submitted to the SEIAA/R.O. MoEF, Chandigarh before start of construction. 1 Roof should meet prescribed requirements as per Thermal insulation of roofs shall be done at 4 Energy Conservation Building Code by using the required areas. ) appropriate thermal insulation material.

1 Opaque wall should meet prescribed requirements as This being non air conditioned building 5 per energy conservation building code which is thermal insulation planned for roof only. ) proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is desirable for non air conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation to fulfill the requirement. 1 The approval of competent authority shall be The approval for structural safety has been 6 obtained for structural safety of the building due to obtained. There is no involvement of forest ) earthquake, adequacy in firefighting equipment etc as land, clearance from forest department is per National Building Code including protection obtained. measures for light etc. If any forest land is involved in the proposed site, clearance under Forest Conservation Act shall be obtained from competent Authority. 1 Overexploited ground water and impending severe Dual plumbing will be adopted for 7 shortage of water supply in the region requires the conservation of water. ) developers to redraw the water and energy conservation plan. Developer shall reduce the overall footprint of the proposed development. Project proponent shall incorporate water efficiency /saving measures as well as water reuse /recycling within 3 Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 4 of 21 months and before start of construction to the SEIAA, Haryana and R.O. MoEF, GOI, Chandigarh. 1 The project proponent as stated in the proposal shall 08 number of RWH pits will be constructed 8 construct 22 rainwater harvesting pits for recharging in due course of time. All necessary ) the ground water with in project premises. Rain measures as per your requirement shall be water harvesting pits shall be designed to make complied. provision for silting chamber and removal of floating matter before entering harvesting pit. Maintenance budget and person responsible for maintenance must be provided. Care shall also be taken that contaminated water do not enter any RHW pit. 1 The project proponent shall provide for adequate fire Adequate fire safety measures and 9 safety measures and equipments as required by equipment as required by Haryana Fire ) Haryana Fire Service Act, 2009 and instructions Service Act 2009 and as per instructions of issued by the local Authority/Directorate of fire from local concerned departments and authorities time to time. Further the project proponent shall take shall be complied. Provisional Fire NOCs necessary permission regarding fire safety obtained. scheme/NOC from competent Authority as required. 2 The project proponent shall submit assurance from The project will operate after obtaining 0 the DHBVN for supply of 9302 KW of power supply connection of DHBVN power supply. The ) before the start of construction. In no case project project will not be operational solely on will be operational solely on generators without any generators without any power supply from power supply from any external power utility. any external power utility. 2 Detail calculation of power load and ultimate power All necessary provisions for electrical 1 load of the project shall be submitted to DHBVN infrastructure are being made in the project ) under intimation to SEIAA Haryana before the start of area. the construction. Provisions shall be made for electrical infrastructure in the project area. 2 The project proponent shall not raise any It is complied. 2 construction in the natural land depression/ Nallah/ ) Water course and shall ensure that the natural flow from the Nallah/ Water course is not obstructed. 2 The Project Proponent shall keep the plinth level of It is complied. 3 the building blocks sufficiently above the level of the ) approach road to the Project as per prescribed by- laws. Levels of the other areas in the Projects shall also be kept suitably so as to avoid flooding. 2 Construction shall be carried out so that the density All norms as prescribed by DG, TCP in the 4 of population does not exceed norms approved by the LOI, License, Zoning Plan and other relevant ) Director General Town and Country Department documents shall be taken into consideration Haryana. and strictly followed. 2 The project proponent shall submit an affidavit with Same has already been submitted. 5 the declaration that ground water will not be used for ) construction and only the treated water should be used for construction. 2 The project proponent shall not cut any existing tree Trees are not cut. 6 in the project area and project landscaping plan ) should be modified to include those trees in the green area. 2 The project proponent shall provide 3 meter high The necessary measures are undertaken 7 barricade around the project area, dust screen for currently. ) every floor above the ground, proper sprinkling and covering of stored material to restrict dust and air pollution during construction. 2 The project proponent shall construct a A sedimentation basin shall be constructed 8 sedimentation basin in the lower level of the project to trap the pollutants and other wastes. site to trap pollutant and other wastes during rains. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 5 of 21

2 The project proponent shall provide Rasta of proper There is a rasta provided of adequate width 9 width and proper strength for each project before the and strength for this project. ) start of construction.

3 The project proponent shall provide all the safety Adhered to. 0 measures for the workers during construction of high ) rise building.

3 The project proponent shall ensure that the U-value All norms of ECBC shall be complied. 1 of the glass is less than 3.177 and maximum solar ) heat gain co-efficient is 0.25 for vertical fenestration.

3 The project proponent shall ensure structural Agreed. Shall be complied during 2 integrity of high rise building during any seismic construction. ) activity.

3 The project proponent shall adequately control All necessary measures are complied during 3 construction dusts like silica dust, non-silica dust, the construction of this project. ) wood dust. Such dusts shall not spread outside the project premises. The project proponent shall provide respiratory protective equipments to all construction workers. 3 The project proponent shall develop complete civic All necessary civic shall be developed in due 4 infrastructure of the Group Housing colony including course of time but before the possession of ) internal roads, green belt development, sewerage plots and flats. line, Rain water recharge arrangement, Storms water drainage system, solid waste management site and provision for treatment of bio-degradable waste. STP, water supply line, dual plumbing line electric supply lines etc. and shall offer possession of the units/flats thereafter. 3 The project proponent shall provide one refuse area Agreed. 5 till 24 meter and one till 39 meter and one after every ) 15 meter as per National Building Code.

3 The project proponent shall provide fire control room Agreed. Same shall be provided during the 6 and fire officer for building above 30 meter as per operation phase. ) National Building Code.

3 The project proponent shall obtain permission of Agreed. A short term permit for excavation 7 Mines and Geology Department for excavation of soil was obtained before carrying out excavation ) before the start of construction. of soil.

3 The project proponent shall provide helipad facility Agreed. Same shall be provided during the 8 as required under NBC norms and shall seek operation phase. ) permission of helipad from AAI accordingly.

3 The project proponent provide E-waste collection Agreed. Same shall be provided during the 9 centre in the building. operation phase. )

4 The project proponent shall ensure regular Agreed. Same shall be provided during the 0 monitoring of electrical points and shall appoint operation phase. ) expert electrician for fire prevention. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 6 of 21 4 The project proponent shall ensure that fire staircase Agreed. Same shall be provided during the 1 shall be kept pressurized by mumty installed operation phase. ) pressurization fans and dedicated ventilation shafts adhering fire fighting norms. 4 The project proponent shall provide stage pumping Agreed. Same shall be provided during the 2 (Different Levels) for lifting water to rooftop. operation phase. )

4 The project proponent shall ensure structural Agreed. 3 stability to withstand earthquake of even Richter ) Scale 8.2 or more.

4 The project proponent shall not raise any Agreed. 4 construction activity in the ROW reserved/acquired ) for High Tension Wire passing through the project area and shall maintain horizontal and vertical ROW as required under Indian Electricity Rules, 1956/DHBVN latest instructions. 4 The project proponent shall submit NOC from the Agreed. Obtained NOC from DFO. 5 DFO concerned regarding non-involvement of forest ) land before the start of construction.

4 The site for solid waste management plant be Same has already been submitted to SEIAA 6 earmarked on the layout plan and the detailed project during appraisal meetings. ) for setting up the solid waste management plant shall be submitted to the Authority within one month. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 7 of 21

II. Operation Phase

S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No. a) “ Consent to Operate” shall be obtained from Haryana CTO shall be applied and obtained before the State Pollution Control Board under Air and Water act operation phase. and a copy shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Haryana. b) The Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) should be installed STP of adequate capacity will be installed and for the treatment to the prescribed standards including treated effluent will be recycled to achieve zero odour and treated effluent shall be recycled. The discharge during operational phase. installation of STP should be certified by an independent expert and a report in this regard should be submitted to SEIAA, Haryana before the project is commissioned for operation. Tertiary treatment of waste water is mandatory. Discharge of treated sewage shall conform to the norms and standards of HSPCB, Panchkula. Project Proponent shall implement such STP technology which does not require filter backwash. c) Separation of black and grey water should be done by Same shall be compiled with during the use of dual plumbing line. Treatment of 100% grey operation phase. water by decentralized treatment should be done ensuring that the re-circulated water should have BOD level less than 10 mg/litre and the recycled water will be used for flushing, gardening and DG set cooling etc to achieve zero exit discharge. d) For disinfections of treated waste water ultra-violet Same shall be compiled with during the radiation or ozonization process should be used. operation phase.

e) The solid waste generated should be properly collected This waste will be properly segregated and and segregated. Bio-degradable waste will be disposed off as per standard practice. decomposed at site and dry/inert solid waste should be disposed off to approved sites for land filling after recovering recyclable material. Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of Same shall be compiled with during the f) backup power for lifts, common areas illumination and operation phase. for domestic use should be of enclosed type and conform to the rule made under Environment Protection Act, 1986. The location of DG sets should be in the basement as promised by the project proponent with appropriate stack height i.e above the roof level as per Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 8 of 21 S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No. the CPCB norms. The diesel used for DG should be ultra low sulphur content (maximum 0.05% sulphur), instead of low sulphur diesel. g) Ambient Noise level should be controlled to ensure that Same shall be compiled with during the it does not exceed the prescribed standards both within operation phase. and at the boundary of Proposed Residential Complex. h) The project proponent as stated in the proposal shall Same shall be compiled with during the maintain at least 30% as green cover area for tree operation phase. plantation especially all around the periphery of the project and on the road sides preferably with local species which can provide protection against suspended particulates matter and noise. The open spaces inside the project should be preferably landscaped and covered with vegetation/grass. herbs & shrubs. Only locally available plant species shall be used. i) The project proponent shall strive to minimize water in Same shall be compiled with during the irrigation by minimizing the grass area, using native operation phase. verity, xcriscaping and mulching, utilizing efficient irrigation system, scheduling irrigation only after checking evapo-transpiration data. j) Rain water harvesting for runoff and surface runoff, as All measures for rain water harvesting will be per plan submitted should be implemented. Before implemented during the operation phase. recharging the surface runoff, pretreatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and greases. The bore well for rain water recharging should be kept at least 5 mts. above the highest ground water table. Care shall be taken that contaminated water do not entry any RWH pit. The project proponed shall avoid Rain Water Harvesting of first 10 minutes of rain fall. Roof top of the building shall be without any toxic materials or paints which can contaminate rain water. Wire mess and filter should be used wherever required. k) The ground water level and its quality should be Same shall be compiled with during the monitored regularly in consultation with Central Ground operation phase. Water Authority. l) There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and There will be no traffic congestion near the exit point from the roads adjoining the proposed project entry and exit points due to separate entry and site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public exit points, Wide roads will be developed as to space should be utilized. avoid congestion in traffic. Parking will be fully internalized. The adequate space has been given for fulfill the parking needs. m) A report on energy conservation measures conforming We shall provide as per ECBC norms. to energy conservations norms finalize by bureau of energy efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, “R & U factors etc” and submit to IA division of environment and forest department, Haryana in three months time. n) Energy conservation measures like installation of LED The LED will be used for lightening purposes at for the lighting the area outside the building should be common areas. The used CFLs and TFLs will be integral part of the projects design and should be in handed over to authorized vendors for the place before project commissioning. Use of solar panels proper disposal. must be adapted to the maximum energy conversion. o) The project proponent shall use zero ozone depleting Same shall be compiled with. potential material in the insulation, refrigeration, air- Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 9 of 21 S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No. conditioning and adhesive. The project proponent shall also provide Halon free fire suppression system. p) The solid waste generated should be properly collected Same shall be compiled with. and segregated as per requirements of MSW rules, 2000 and as amended from time to time. The bio-degradable waste should be treated by appropriate technology at the site ear marked with in the project area and dry/inert solid waste should be disposed off to the approved sites for land filling after recovering recyclable materials.

q) The provision of the solar water heating system shall be Same shall be provided during the operation as per the norms specified by HAREDA and shall be phase. Provisions for the same shall be made made operational in each building block. during the construction phase itself. r) The traffic plan and the parking plan proposed by the PP The traffic and parking plan has been proposed should be adhered to meticulously with further scope of as per the bylaws of the region. MoEF norms, additional parking for future requirement. There should norms of National Building Code and TCP, be no traffic congestion near the entry and exit points Haryana laws have been strictly adhered to from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. while preparation of the plans. Same shall be Parking should be fully internalized and no public space implemented during the operation phase. should be used. s) The project shall be operationalized only when Agreed. HUDA/local authority will provide domestic water supply system in the area. t) Operation and maintenance of STP, solid waste Same shall be complied with and adhered to. management and electrical Infrastructure, pollution control measures shall be ensured even after the completion of sale. u) Different type of wastes should be disposed off as per Same shall be compiled with during the provisions of municipal solid waste, biomedical waste, operation phase. hazardous waste, e waste, batteries & plastic rules made under Environment Protection Act, 1986, Particularly E waste and battery waste shall be disposed off as per existing E waste Management rules 2011 and batteries management rules 2001. The project proponent should maintain a collection center for E-waste and it should be disposed of to only registered and authorized dismantler/recycler. v) Standards for discharge of environmental pollutants as Same shall be compiled with during the enshrined in various schedules of rule 3 of operation phase. Environmental Protection Rule 1986 shall be strictly complied with. w) Water supply shall be metered among different users of Same shall be compiled with during the utilities. operation phase. x) The project proponent shall ensure that the stack height Adequate stack height will be provided as per of DG sets is as per the CPCB guide lines and also ensure CPCB guidelines and norms. Regular that emission standards of noise and air are within the monitoring and measures shall be undertaken CPCB prescribed limits. Noise and Emission level of DG to ensure that the emission levels are below sets are greater than 800 KVA shall be as per the CPCB the prescribed limits. latest standards for high capacity DG sets. y) All electric supply exceeds 100 amp, 3 phase shall Same shall be compiled with during the maintain the power factor between 0.98 lag to 1 at the operation phase. point of connection. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 10 of 21 S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No. z) The project proponent shall use only treated water Same shall be compiled with during the instead of fresh water for DG cooling. The project operation phase. proponent shall also use evaporating cooling technology and double stage cooling system for HVAC in order to reduce water consumption. Further temperature, relative humidity during summer and winter season should be kept at optimal level. Variable speed drive, best co-efficient of performance, as well as optimal integrated point load value and minimum outside fresh air supply may be resorted for conservation of water and power. Coil type cooling DG sets shall be used for saving cooling water consumption for water cooled DG Sets. aa) The project proponent shall ensure that the transformer Same shall be compiled with during the is constructed with high quality grain oriented, low loss operation phase. silicon steel and virgin electrolyte grade copper. The project proponent shall obtain manufacturer’s certificate also for that. ab) The project proponent shall ensure that exit velocity Same shall be compiled with during the from the stack should be sufficiently high. Stack shall be operation phase. designed in such a way that there is no stack down- water under any metrological condition. ac) The project proponent shall provide water sprinkling Same shall be compiled with during the system in the project area to the suppress the dust in operation phase. addition to the already suggested mitigation measures in the Air Environment Chapter of EMP. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 11 of 21


S. No. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance I. The project proponent shall ensure the Environmental Safeguards as prescribed by the commitments made in Form-1, Form-1A, ministry of environment and forests in the EIA/EMP and other documents submitted to clearance document shall be implemented in the SEIAA for the protection of environment true spirit both during the construction and and proposed environmental safeguards are operation phase. compiled with in letter and spirit. In case of contradiction between two or more documents or any point, the most environmentally friendly commitment shall be taken as commitment by the project proponent. II. Six monthly compliance reports should be We will regularly submit six monthly submitted to the HSPCB and regional office. monitoring reports to the SEIAA and the MoEF. GOI, Northern region, Chandigarh and a regional office, MoEF. GOI, Northern region copy to SEIAA, Haryana. Chandigarh. III. STP outlet after stabilization and stack emission Agreed. shall be monitored monthly. Other environmental parameters and green belt shall be monitored on quarterly basis. After every 3 months, the project proponent shall conduct environmental audit, and shall take corrective measures, If required, without any delay. IV. The SEIAA, Haryana and reserve the right to Agreed add additional safeguards measures subsequently, If found necessary. Environmental clearance granted will be revoked if it is found that false information has been given for getting approval of this project. SEIAA reserves the right to revoke the clearance if conditions stipulated are not implemented to the satisfaction of SEIAA / MoEF. V. The Project proponent shall not violate any Agreed. We shall respect and not to violate any judicial orders /pronouncements issued by judicial orders/ pronouncements issued by the court/Tribunal. Court / Tribunal. VI. All other statutory clearance such as approval Agreed. for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department ,Forest Conservation Act,1980, and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, Forest Act, 1927, PLPA 1900, etc. shall be obtained, as applicable by project proponent from the respective authorities prior to construction of the project. VII. The project proponent should inform the public The same has been informed. that the project has been in accorded Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 12 of 21 S. No. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance Environmental clearance by SEIAA and copies of the clearance letter are available with the State Pollution Control Board & SEIAA. This should be advertised within 7 days from date of issue of clearance letter at least in two local newspapers that are widely circulated in the region and copy of the same should be forwarded to SEIAA Haryana. A copy of environmental clearance conditions shall also be put on the project proponent’s web site for public awareness. VIII. Under the provision of Environment Noted. Agreed. (Protection) Act, 1986, legal action shall be initiated against the project proponents if it was found that construction of the projects has been started before obtaining prior Environmental Clearance. IX. Any appeal against this Environmental Agreed Clearance shall lie with the National Green Tribunal, If preferred with in a period of 30 days as prescribed under section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. X. The project proponent shall put in place Noted. Agreed. corporate environment policy as mentioned in MoEF, GOI OM No. J-11013/41/2006-IA II (I) dated 26.4.2012 within 3 months period. Latest Corporate Environment policy should be submitted to SEIAA within 3 months of issuance of this letter. XI. The fund ear-marked for environment Agreed protection measures should be kept in separate account and should not be diverted for other purposes and year wise expenditure report should be submitted to the SEIAA/RO MoEF, Gol under rules prescribed for Environmental Audit. XII. The project proponent shall ensure the Agreed compliance of Forest Department, Haryana Notification no. S.O.121/PA2/1900/S.4/97 dated 28.11.1997. XIII. The project proponent shall ensure that no Agreed & Same will follow in construction as vehicles during construction/ operation phase well as in operational phase. enter the project premises without valid ‘Pollution Under Control’ certificate from competent Authority. XIV. The project proponent is responsible for Agreed & Noted. compliance of all conditions in Environment Condition letter and project proponent can not absolve himself/herself of the responsibility by shifting it to any contractor engaged by the project proponent. XV. The project proponent shall seek fresh Agreed Environment Clearance if at any stage there is change in the planning of the project proposed. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 13 of 21


Details of Environmental Monitoring


M/s Haamid Real Estates Pvt. Ltd. was granted its Environmental Clearance on SEIAA/HR/2013/627 dated 04.09.2013, for Group Housing Project, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon, Haryana.


2.1.1 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station

Ambient air quality monitoring has been carried out to assess the ambient air quality of the project site. This will enable to have understanding about air quality and the changes in the air environment in the study area with respect to the condition prevailing. The location of the ambient air quality monitoring station is given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station

S. No. Location Location Name/ Description

1. AAQ Near Main Gate Area

AAQ1-: Near Main Gate Area The sampler was placed near main gate of building and was free from any obstructions. Surroundings of the sampling site represent residential environmental setting.

2.1.2 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Methodology

Monitoring was conducted in respect of the following parameters:  Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM 2.5)  Particulate Matter 10 (PM 10)

 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)  Carbon Monoxide (CO)

The duration of sampling of PM 2.5, PM10, SO2 and NOx were 24 hourly continuous monitoring this is to allow a comparison with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. This is to allow a comparison with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 14 of 21

The air samples were analyzed as per standard methods specified by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and IS: 5182. The techniques used for ambient air quality monitoring and minimum detectable levels are given in Table 2.2.

Fine Particulate Sampler instruments have been used for monitoring Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5 i.e. <2.5 microns), and Respirable Dust Sampler was used for sampling Respirable fraction (<10 microns), gaseous pollutants like SO2, and NOx. Bladder and Aspirator bags were used for collection Carbon monoxide samples. Gas Chromatography techniques have been used for the estimation of CO.

Table 2.2 Techniques used for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

S. No. Parameter Technique Technical Protocol

1 Particulate Matter 2.5 Fine Particulate Sampler, Gravimetric Method Manufacturer Specifications 2 Particulate Matter 10 Respirable Dust Sampler, with cyclone separator, IS-5182 (Part-23) Gravimetric Method

3 Sulphur dioxide Modified West and Gaeke IS-5182 (Part- II)

4 Oxides of Nitrogen Jacob & Hochheiser IS-5182 (Part-VI)

5 Carbon Monoxide Gas Chromatography IS-5182 (Part-X)

2.1.3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 15 of 21

The detailed on-site monitoring results of PM 2.5, PM 10, SO2, NOx and CO are presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results

Test Result Test Method NAAQS* S. No. Parameter AAQ

Particulate Matter (PM ), 1. 2.5 PM sampler (Gravimetric) 60 mg/m3 51.90 2.5 3 2. Particulate Matter (PM10), mg/m 90.63 IS: 5182 (P-23), 2006 100 3 3. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), mg/m 11.69 IS: 5182 (P-2), 2001 80 IS: 5182 (P-6), 1975 4. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO ), mg/m3 80 2 29.04 Reffirmed-1998 IS-5182 (Part-X) 5. Carban Monoxide (CO) 0.60 4.0

Figure 2.1 Pictorial Results of Ambient Air Quality

2.1.4 Discussion on Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area

3 3 PM10 and PM 2.5 levels at the project site are within the permissible limit of 100 μg/m and 60 μg/m respectively (for residential, rural and other areas as stipulated in the National Ambient Air Quality

Standards). SO2, NO2 and CO was observed within the corresponding stipulated limits (Limit for SO 2 and 3 3 NO2: 80 g/m and limit for CO: 4.0 mg/m ) at all monitoring location. Ambient air quality parameters has been pictorially shown in Figure 2.1.


2.2.1 Ambient Noise Monitoring Location

The main objective of noise monitoring in the study area is to assess the present ambient noise levels in near main gate due to various construction allied activities and increased vehicular movement. A preliminary reconnaissance survey has been undertaken to identify the major noise generating sources in the area. Ambient noise monitoring was conducted at 1 locations at the boundary of the project near main gate as given in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Details of Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 16 of 21 S. No. Location Location Name/ Description Present Land use Code 1. N Near Main Gate Residential

2.2.2 Methodology of Noise Monitoring

Noise levels were measured using sound level meter.

Noise level monitoring was carried out continuously for 24-hours with one hour interval starting at 06:00 hrs to 06:00 hrs next day.. During each hour Leq were directly computed by the instrument based on the sound pressure levels. Monitoring was carried out at ‘A’ response and fast mode. 2.2.3 Ambient Noise Monitoring Results

The ambient noise monitoring results is summarized in Table 2.5. The noise levels are graphically presented in Figure 2.2.

Table 2.5 Ambient Noise Monitoring Results

S. No. Parameters Test Result dB (A)

Day Time Night Time (6:00 am to 10:00 pm) (10:00 pm to 06:00 am)

1. Leq 53.74 43.26

2. Lmin 49.50 36.40

3. Lmax 57.60 50.10

CPCB Limits in dB(A) Leq ( Residential area) During Day Time During Night Time (6:00 am to 10:00 pm) (10:00 pm to 06:00 am) 55.00 45.00

Figure 2.2 Ambient Noise Levels

2.2.4 Discussion on Ambient Noise Levels in the Study Area

Day Time Noise Levels (Lday): The day time noise level were found to within limits prescribed for residential area i.e. 55 dB (A).

Night Time Noise Levels (Lnight): The night time noise level found to within limit prescribed for residential area i.e. 45 dB (A). Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 17 of 21


2.3.1 Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Locations

Keeping in view the importance of groundwater as an important source of drinking water to the local population, sample of ground water was collected from the project site for the assessment of impacts of the project on the drinking water quality.

Water sample was collected from the project site. The sample was analyzed for various parameters to compare with the standards for drinking water as per IS: 10500 for drinking water sources. The details of water sampling locations are given in Table 2.6.

Table2.6 Details of Water Quality Monitoring Station

S. No. Location Location Name/ Description Code 1. DW Near Project Site

2.3.2 Methodology of Drinking Water Quality Monitoring

Sampling of drinking water was carried out. Samples were collected as grab sample and sampling forms are filled in as per the sampling plan. The preservative sample were properly added to preserve as per standard operating procedures (SOP) and stored immediately in ice boxes, which were ensured for appropriate temperatures. Sample for chemical analysis was collected in polyethylene carboys.

Sample collected for metal content were acidified to <2 pH with 1 ml HNO3. A sample for bacteriological analysis was collected in sterilized glass bottles.

Soon after the completion of sampling, chain of custody sheets for the samples are filled in and then they were transported by road to Lab, for further analysis. Proper care was taken during packing and transportation of samples. All the samples reached the central laboratory within the holding times for different parameters. After ensuring the same the samples were forwarded immediately for analysis.

The samples were analyzed as per the standard procedures specified in 'Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater' published by American Public Health Association (APHA) and CPCB. The analytical techniques and the test methods adopted for testing of ground water are given in Table 2.7. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 18 of 21

2.3.3 Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Results

Requirement Permissible Limit Method of Test, Ref. to Part of S. No. Parameter Result Unit (Acceptable Limits) (In the absence of IS:3025 Alternate Source)

1. pH 7.22 ------6.5 to 8.5 No relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 4500-H* B

2 Colour BDL (DL 5 Hazen) Hazen 5 15 APHA 22nd Edition, 2120 B

3. Turbidity BDL( DL 1 NTU ) NTU 1 5 APHA 22nd Edition, 2130 B

4. Odour Agreeable ------Agreeable Agreeable APHA 22nd Edition, 2150 B

5 Taste Agreeable ------Agreeable Agreeable APHA 22nd Edition, 2160 B

200 600 nd 6 Total Hardness as CaCO3 68.05 mg/l APHA 22 Edition, 2340 C

7. Calcium (as Ca) 18.16 mg/l 75 200 APHA 22nd Edition, 3500 Ca B

nd 8 Alkanility as CaCO3 70.03 mg/l 200 600 APHA 22 Edition, 2320 B

9 Chlorides(as CL) 21.77 mg/l 250 1000 APHA 22nd Edition, 4500-Cl B

10 Cyanide as CN BDL( DL 0.02 mg/l) mg/l 0.05 No Relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 4500-CN- D

11. Magnesium as Mg 5.53 mg/l 30 100 APHA 22nd Edition, 2340 B

12 Total Dissolved Solids 126.00 mg/l 500 2000 APHA 22nd Edition, 2540 C

nd 13 Sulphate as SO4 2.06 mg/l 200 400 APHA 22 Edition, 4500 E

14. Fluorides as F 0.11 mg/l 1.0 1.5 APHA 22nd Edition, 4500 –F-D

15 Nitrate as NO3 0.37 mg/l 45 NO Relaxation IS 3025 (P-34) 1988 Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 19 of 21

16. Iron as Fe 0.14 mg/l 0.3 No Relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 3500-Fe-B

17 Aluminium as Al BDL( DL 0.03 mg/l) mg/l 0.03 0.2 APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

18 Boron BDl( DL 0.1 mg/l) mg/l 0.5 1 APHA 22nd Edition, 4500B C

19 Chromium as Cr BDl( DL 0.01 mg/l) mg/l 0.05 No Relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

20 Phenolic Compounds BDl( DL 0.001 mg/l) mg/l 0.001 0.002 APHA 22nd Edition, 5530 C

21 Mineral Oil BDl( DL 0.01 mg/l) mg/l 0.5 No Clause 6 of IS:3025 (Part-39)

22 Anionic Detergents as MBAS BDl( DL 0.02 mg/l) mg/l 0.2 1.0 APHA 22nd Edition, 5540 C

23 Zinc as Zn BDl( DL 0.02 mg/l) mg/l 5 15 APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

24 Copper as CU BDl( DL 0.02 mg/l) mg/l 0.05 1.5 APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

25. Manganese as Mn BDl( DL 0.10 mg/l) mg/l 0.1 0.1 APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

26 Cadmium as Cd BDl( DL 0.001 mg/l) mg/l 0.003 No Relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

27 Lead as Pb BDl( DL 0.01 mg/l) mg/l 0.01 No Relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

28 Selenium as Se BDl( DL 0.01 mg/l) mg/l 0.01 No Relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

29 Arsenic as As BDl( DL 0.01 mg/l) mg/l 0.01 No Relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

30 Mercury as Hg BDl( DL 0.001 mg/l) mg/l 0.001 No Relaxation APHA 22nd Edition, 3111 B

MPN/ ------31. Total Coliform (MPN/100 ml) NIL 10 IS:1622, 1981 (Reaffirmed 2003) 100ml

MPN/ Absent 32. E. Coli Absent Absent :1622, 1981 (Reaffirmed 2003) 100ml

2.3.4 Discussion on Drinking Water Quality in the Study Area The Drinking water quality in the project area is observed. Total dissolved solids in the Drinking water is 126 mg/L which is lower than prescribed limit of 500 mg/L. However, remaining parameters are within the CPCB prescribed limits Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 20 of 21


2.4.1 Soil Monitoring Locations

The objective of the soil monitoring is to identify the impacts of ongoing project activities on soil quality and also predict impacts, which have arisen due to execution of various constructions allied activities. Accordingly, a study of assessment of the soil quality has been carried out To assess impacts of ongoing project activities on the soil in the area, the physico-chemical characteristics of soils were examined by obtaining soil samples from selected points and analysis of the same. single sample of soil was collected from the project site for studying soil characteristics, the location of which is listed in Table 2.8. Table 2.8 Details of Soil Quality Monitoring Location

S. No. Location Code Location Name/ Description 1. S Project Site

2.4.2 Methodology of Soil Monitoring

The sampling has been done in line with IS: 2720 & Methods of Soil Analysis, Part-1, 2nd edition, 1986 of American Society for Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America. The homogenized samples were analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics (physical, chemical and heavy metal concentrations).

The samples have been analyzed as per the established scientific methods for physico-chemical parameters. The heavy metals have been analyzed by using Atomic Absorption Spectro-photometer and Inductive Coupled Plasma Analyzer.

2.4.3 Soil Monitoring Results Single sample of soil is collected from the site to check the quality of soil of the study area .The physico-chemical characteristics of the soil, as obtained from the analysis of the soil sample, are presented in Table 2.9. Project: Group Housing Project, “Paras Irene, Village- Palra, Sector-70A, Gurgaon (Haryana) Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC (Ref. No. – SEIAA/HR/2013/627 at dated 04th Sep, 2013) Conditions Page 21 of 21

Table 2.9 Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Soil in the Study Area

S. No. Parameter Unit Protocol Result 1 pH (at 250C) IS:2720 (P-26,1987) 7.63 ------

IS:14767-2000 Reaffirmed 2 Conductive 0.454 mS/cm 2006

3 Soil Texture USDA Method, 1968 Sandy ------Brownish 4 Colour USDA Method, 1968 ------White 5 Water Holding Capacity USDA Method, 1968 42.63 %

6 Bulk Density USDA Method, 1968 1.58 Gm/cc

7 Chloride as Cl USDA Method, 1968 30.60 mg/100gm

8 Calcium as Ca USDA Method, 1968 46.36 mg/100gm

9 Sodium as Na USDA Method, 1968 33.60 mg/100gm

10 Potassium as K USDA Method, 1968 85.50 Kg/hec.

11 Organic Matter IS:2720 (P-22,1972) 0.42 %

12 Magnesium as Mg USDA Method, 1968 21.33 mg/100gm

13 Available Nitrogen as N IS:14684, 1999 184.50 Kg/hec.

14 Available Phosphorus USDA, APHA-4500 PC 58.96 Kg/hec.

15 Zinc as Zn APHA 3030D, APHA-3111B 2.56 mg/100gm

16 Manganese as Mn APHA 3030D, APHA-3111B 0.80 mg/100gm

17 Chromium as Cr APHA 3030D, APHA-3111B 1.35 mg/100gm

18 Lead as Pb APHA 3030D, APHA-3111B 0.78 mg/100gm

19 Cadmium as Cd APHA 3030D, APHA-3111B 0.56 mg/100gm

20 Copper as Cu APHA 3030D, APHA-3111B 3.15 mg/100gm

2.4.4 Discussion on Soil Characteristics in the Study Area

The soil in study area is characterized by moderate organic content. The soil quality in the project area has not been affected by the project activities.

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