World History Syllabus s1

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World History Syllabus s1


Supplies 1. Three-ring notebook 2. Notebook paper 3. Twelve dividers with tabs (optional) 4. Highlighters 5. Pens and pencils 6. ______

Classroom Instructions All students are expected to abide by the policies of the Midway student handbook regarding tardies, food/beverages in the classroom, late work, makeup work, courtesy to students and teachers, dress code, academic dishonesty (cheating), etc. 1. Be prepared and on time each day. 2. Be respectful, responsible, and reasonable. 3. Be positive.

Tutorials Monday – Friday 7:35-8:10, 3:40-4:10 PM (Except Fridays), or by appointment.

Departmental Grading Policy

Practice 30%  Minimum of 3 practice grades per six weeks Application 30%  Minimum of 3 practice grades per six weeks Evaluation 40%  Minimum of 2 evaluation grades per six weeks  Retests are available up to a 70.

Late Work / Zeros: The teacher is not required to accept late work more than one day after the due date. There will be a 30 point deduction for work turned in late.

Extra Credit  No extra credit assignments will be offered by the Social Studies Department. Makeup Work Because of Absence: A student will be responsible for obtaining and completing the makeup work in a satisfactory manner and within the time specified by the teacher. A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.

A student involved in an extracurricular activity must notify his or her teachers ahead of time about any absences.

Students have three days after any absence to make up work missed during the absence. If parents and students feel that extenuating circumstances will not allow the work to be made up in that amount of time, it is their responsibility to contact the teacher and make arrangements for extending the make up deadline.

Makeup Work for Long Term Projects after Absences: Sometimes, teachers assign projects that take a number of days to complete. A project that is due three or more school days after it is assigned is considered a long-term project. Students who are absent on the date that a long-term project is due will be expected to turn in the completed project when they return to school. No extra time will be given unless students bring the portion of the project that has been completed to school on the same day they return and can show that they have done a reasonable amount of work on the project, taking into account the reason for their absence. The purpose of this policy is to discourage students from procrastinating on projects.

World History Course Outline

First Semester Unit 1 Prehistory, River Valley Civilizations, Migrations and Empires Unit 2 Classical Greece, Rome, India, and China Unit 3 Islamic Empire, Byzantine Empire and Empires of Asia Unit 4 Middle Ages Unit 5 Renaissance and Reformation

Second Semester

Unit 6 Africa and the Americas Before Europeans, Exploration, Absolute Monarchs, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment Unit 7 Revolutions and Nationalism Unit 8 Industrial Revolution, Age of Democracy, Imperialism Unit 9 The World Wars Unit 10 Perspectives on the Present 1945-Present

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