Anatomy & Physiology s2
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------Anatomy & Physiology Course Syllabus & Policies
email: [email protected] ------
Textbooks: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology by Gerard J. Tortora and Bryan Derrickson (11th edition) & Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology by Connie Allen and Valerie Harper (2nd edition)
Course Description This course is designed to help the student understand the complexities of the human body - structures and functions and the interrelationships between organ systems. The main unifying theme throughout the course will be the concept of homeostasis. The student will review biological concepts and scientific principles necessary for a deeper understanding of the workings of the human body.
Class Expectations The expectations are outlined below: 1. Come to class, come on time and come prepared. 2. Bring all necessary materials to class: Composition Notebook (stitched together), Loose-leaf paper, Pencil with eraser. Pen (blue or black ink and red ink), Colored pencils (will need at home or can also bring to class). 3. Participate in all activities during class and complete all homework assignments. 4. Conduct yourself in a respectful manner to all individuals and equipment in the class.
Please note that we will be conducting a variety of lab activities throughout the year. For the class to run smoothly, it is imperative that you clean up after labs. Keep in mind that the bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher does. Points will be deducted from groups that don’t clean up.
Grades Grades are determined using a point system. Each activity or assignment is given a certain number of possible points. Points accumulate throughout the quarter. Grades are determined by dividing a student’s point total by the total number of possible points. The overall average is converted to a letter grade according the MDCPS grading scale (90-100%=A; 80-89%=B; 70-79%=C; 60-69%=D; below 69%=F).
Assignments take a number of different forms, including but not limited to: classwork, labs, quizzes, tests, homework, essay assignments, group projects, reading questions, reports, research papers, and a final exam. Each is assigned an appropriate point value, which is determined by the amount of time and work required to complete the assignment. You must always put your full name, date, and class period on all assignments if you wish to receive credit. When working with group members, all full names must be included in addition to a group number/station number, if applicable.
Make-up Work/Missing Assignments It is extremely important to promptly make up work that is missed due to absences. If you are absent, you must find out what classwork, quizzes or tests you have missed and make arrangements with me to make up the work immediately (that means upon your return to school, even if I do not have you in class that day). I am always available during homeroom. You will normally need to make up missed assignments in the same number of days that you were absent. Remember that it is your responsibility to make sure you are always caught up. Assignments missed due to unexcused absences will not be graded and a Z will appear in the gradebook.
1 Late Work Each student will receive two late homework passes, per quarter, for work that is not reviewed in class the same day that it is due. I will allow up to 1 week for you to turn in the late work with a late pass. Once you have used these passes, late homework will not be accepted for credit. Remember that when you miss an assignment, you are still responsible for learning the material.
Absences It is extremely important to be in class on time. Even when you make up work missed as a result of an absence, you do not get the full benefit of the work that was done in class. You may not be able to make up some of the labs/activities at home. Unexcused absences are very serious and work missed on those days will not be graded, as stated earlier. Your conduct grade will be lowered by a letter grade after 2 unexcused absences.
Tardies You must be in your seat when the bell begins to ring to avoid a tardy. After your first 2 tardies, every tardy will impaet your conduct grade.
Cheating Don’t do it! Honesty and integrity are perhaps the most important things to learn as students. Students found cheating will not receive credit for the assignment/quiz/test in question. A grade of Z will appear in the gradebook along with a note in the gradebook for you and your parents to see. All students are expected to adhere to the guidelines outlined below under TERRA High School’s Academic Honesty Policy.
Cell Phones, iPods, and Electronic Devices Any electronic device should be off and away during class. If you can use your electronic device to enhance your learning of the material being discussed or wish to take notes during class with your device, you must obtain the teacher’s permission before using it. Phones in use, without teacher’s permission, will be confiscated and returned when you see me at the end of the day. Your parents will be notified then.
Extra Help I feel my most important job as a teacher is to ensure that all students understand the material taught. I am readily, and happily, available for extra help to make sure this happens. Make it a point to schedule time with me whenever you are unclear about classwork!
2 TERRA Academic Honesty Policy
All students are expected to sign a contract agreeing to abide by the rules stated in TERRA’s Academic Honesty Policy. The policy is listed below:
TERRA High School staff is committed to encouraging students to: Experience the joy of accomplishment in school and in their personal lives Discover their full potential Value an atmosphere of trust and respect Assume responsibility for their own ethical behavior Foster ethical behavior in others
In pursuit of this idea, this Academic Honesty Policy has been developed reflecting this commitment. TERRA acknowledges that: Academic honesty is a shared responsibility among students, parents and school staff. The many students who do not cheat are adversely affected by those who do. Students who cheat rob themselves of both valuable learning opportunities and self-esteem. High school students are under more pressure than ever to achieve high grades. Teachers must create conditions that encourage ethical behavior. Students need to experience rewards for good ethics and consequences for poor decisions. High school students often have difficulty reconciling their desire to be loyal with a sense of honesty and fairness when a friend cheats.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following: Claiming credit for work that is not your own (e.g. copying homework, assignments, quiz/test answers, or downloading work from the Internet).
3 Allowing others to claim credit for your work (e.g. allowing others to view or copy homework, assignments, quiz/test answers, etc.). Using, or having in view, notes or other unauthorized material, including technology, during a qui/test or other assessment. Being involved in unauthorized communication during a quiz/test or other assessment. Plagiarism: Copying published works or ideas of others without proper source attribution, including downloading of computer files, either directly or with only minor editing Unauthorized submission of work for one class that has already been accepted for credit in another class or school. Accessing or providing unauthorized material prior to assessment, including revealing quiz/test information. Submitting work substantially done by someone else (parent, tutor, sibling, etc.). Forgery
Note: As stated earlier, students found cheating will not receive credit for the assignment/quiz/test in question. A grade of Z will appear in the gradebook along with a note in the gradebook for you and your parents to see. A second offense will result in a referral and parent conference with an administrator.
------Anatomy & Physiology Course Syllabus & Policies
email: [email protected] ------
I understand and abide by the Academic Policy described and will follow the rules given by Mrs. Landa in the Course Syllabus.
______Print Name of Student Date
______Signature of Student
4 ______Print Name of Parent/Guardian Date
______Signature of Parent
Parent/Guardian 1 Email Address: ______
Phone #: ______
Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address: ______
Phone #: ______