The Cypresswood Community Association, Inc

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The Cypresswood Community Association, Inc


A meeting of The Cypresswood Community Association, Inc. (“Master Association”) Board of Directors (“Board”) was held Monday, November 18, 2013 at the Cypresswood Golf & Country Club. The following Board and Officers were in attendance.

Member President Officers Sandhill Lane Mark Kluytenaar Enclave Kevin Regan Eagle Pond Condominium John G. Wood, Jr. Palma Ceia Peter VanRoo, VP Oakgrove Absent Greenfield Village Glen Phillips Garden Patio Frank McMillan Villas on the Green Absent Club Patio Gary Ciaffone Fairway Patio Tom Brett Plantations Paul Hisey Golf Villas Vikki Deedrick, VP Meadows Steve Roy Cypress Pond Jim Lammer

President Paul Hisey Vice President Bill Shira Treasurer George Haun Secretary Judith Haun


Landscape Committee Fred Wilson Landscape/Lawn Care Tom Grauer Drainage & Road Committee Mark Kluytenaar & Bill Shira Traffic Control Committee Fred Carl Oversight Committee George Haun Golf Course Committee Bert Whitten Cypresswood Golf & Country Club Bob Schade

CAM/Property Manager Anne Wood Property Manager Assistant Sue Smith Legal Counsel Christopher A. Desrochers

Paul Hisey, President, called the meeting to order at 6:05pm, Monday, November 18, 2013. Ten (10) Presidents and two (2) Vice Presidents were present, as listed above, establishing a quorum. Also attending was Chris Desrochers, the Master Association legal counsel. Page 2 Master Association Minutes November 18, 2013

Approval of October 21, 2013 Minutes

President Hisey requested approval of the October 21, 2013 minutes of the meeting of the Board, which were distributed earlier to the Board, and whether there were any additions or corrections. There were none. A motion was made by Gary Ciaffone (Club Patio) to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Tom Brett (Fairway Patio). The motion carried.

Approval of the Agenda

President Hisey asked if there were any additions to the agenda distributed earlier to the Board. There were none. Tom Brett (Fairway Patio) made the motion to accept the agenda as printed, seconded by Gary Ciaffone (Club Patio). The motion carried.

Treasurer/Oversight Committee Report

George Haun advised that nine month financials had been forwarded to the members of the Board. He pointed out that most categories are within budget. Drainage Herbiciding is a little over budget but, as Mark Kluytenaar pointed out, this additional spending was approved earlier this year by the Board. Mr. Haun said that there have been a couple of requests to increase the amounts originally approved for projects. Landscape had requested an increase of $950 for the front entrance landscaping and it was approved by the President and Treasurer. Mark Kluytenaar had informed the President and Treasurer that the project work at the end of Augusta would cost $4,000 to $5,000 more than originally bid.

Mr. Haun advised that the Drainage Committee had made a request earlier in the year to make an accounting change beginning in 2014. They would prefer to have any unused funds placed in a reserve account for future Drainage projects as opposed to labeling the funds as carryover and placing them in the operating cash account. A motion was made by John Wood, Jr. (Eagle Pond) to place any funds unused by Drainage at the end of the year in a reserve account and the motion was seconded by Mark Kluytenaar (Sandhill). Discussion followed. The concern seemed to be that once the funds go into a designated reserve account, they must remain there. President Hisey pointed out that this can be reviewed each year during the budget process. Mark Kluytenaar also pointed out that the amount in the reserve account, which is over and above the annual budget amount, could determine what projects Drainage can do. There was a vote on the motion and it carried.

Mr. Haun pointed out that December is critical in getting fiscal management transferred from the Wood organization over to Aegis.

Frank McMillan (Garden Patio) had some comments regarding the amount of cash on the financial statements and would like to see it handled differently. He also requested that detail on the Certificates of Deposit be made available, such as the interest rates and maturity dates. He suggested that the Board get advice from Aegis on investing these funds, which is part of the service they will provide. Mr. Haun said he would get this detail from Anne Wood and provide it to him. Page 3 Master Association Minutes November 18, 2013


Legal Counsel Committee

President Hisey asked Chris Desrochers to provide the highlights of the legislative changes in 2013, specifically as relates to HOAs and Florida Statutes, Chapter 720. Below is a summary of some of those changes.

Census – The Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes was commissioned to conduct a census in Florida. Specific information must be reported by November 22, 2013 and, more specifically, the income and expenses per the last budget of the HOA.

Officers and Directors – When elected, the officers and directors of the HOA must sign an affidavit swearing that they have read the governing documents of the HOA and will follow them or take a class providing an educational certificate in lieu of written certification. This must be done within a reasonable time after becoming an officer or director. He said several companies are offering good classes. He pointed out that requirements for HOAs are moving more toward those for condominiums. He made a suggestion that perhaps the Master Association could host one of these classes for the Cypresswood HOAs. Classes are usually a half to a full day in length. He also pointed out that the terms are most likely staggered for the HOA officers and directors but that everyone should sign an affidavit.

Insurance – Insurance or a bond is a must for anyone who touches money, such as check writing, even if that person is not on the Board (as a bookkeeper). They need to be under the umbrella.

Inspections and Copying Rules –Where official records are stored must now be within four miles of the association. Previously telephone numbers could not be given out as part of a request. That has changed and telephone numbers can be included but the parcel owner can opt out and request in writing that the telephone number not be made available. E-mail addresses cannot be given out.

Mr. Desrochers added that all these changes are available on and then look under Florida Statute 720.

CAM Committee

George Haun advised that he has nothing further to report.

Articles and By-Laws Committee

No report. Page 4 Master Association Minutes November 18, 2013

Drainage/Road Committee

Bill Shira reported that the project at the end of Augusta is almost complete but, adding to what George Haun reported earlier, the contractor ran into an unexpected problem and had to remove excess ground water before they installed the pipe, which added to the cost.

Storm Water Control/Pumps

Bill Shira reported that Mark Kluytenaar has received additional information and needs to meet with someone at the water management district.

Traffic Control Committee

Bill Shira reported that Fred Carl is out of town and there was nothing to report. He did add that Halloween went well and Fred said that the Traffic Control Center turned away as many at the front gate as they allowed into Cypresswood.

Landscape Committee

Fred Wilson reported that everything should be completed by the end of the year and within budget. As the Committee had advised the President and Treasurer earlier, with the help of Lew Smith’s (Palma Ceia) expertise in the landscaping layout at the front entrance, some changes were made and the extra cost was $950, which was approved.

George Haun asked that all bills for 2013 be presented as soon as possible so that they are paid in 2013, particularly since the changeover to Aegis is progressing.

Golf Course Committee

Bert Whitten reported for the Committee and said the golfers are enjoying the newly renovated 8 th fairway and the new black tees. The Committee is looking at new projects and should be ready in early 2014 to present them to the Board with a likely start date in May or June.

Master CC&Rs Committee

Chris Desrochers reported that there was a workshop meeting on the Master Association CC&Rs. There were several issues addressed at the workshop. One was how to deal with undesirable persons living in or visiting Cypresswood. The Committee is currently working on short term practical solutions but added that longer term there needs to be legislative solutions. Page 5 Master Association Minutes November 18, 2013

The Committee is working on some ideas and will present these to the Board at a later date. He said the Association may have to rethink how the front gate is policed and added that they feel the present Traffic Control Center does a great job. A suggestion was to change entrance requirements from midnight to perhaps 5:00am, which could include an off-duty policeman. It is felt that problem visitors are more of an issue and must be stopped at the front gate but that problem residents are a different issue.

Bill Shira added that the Association needs to do everything to make sure Cypresswood is a safe place, that there is adequate lighting and that residents feel comfortable walking at night.


Unrestricted Contingency Fund

George Haun pointed out that there is an amount of $951.45 identified on the financial statements as an Unrestricted Contingency Fund and has gone unused for several years. He recommended that the Board consider moving this amount to the general operating funds. President Hisey pointed out that Fred Carl is looking into the possible need for a new air conditioner at the Traffic Control Center and there was nothing appropriated for this in the 2014 budget. A motion was made by Frank McMillan (Garden Patio) to move this amount into the general operating funds, seconded by Mark Kluytenaar (Sandhill) and the motion carried.


Bob Schade set up and has maintained the Master Association website and the cost for this website is $100 annually and in the past it has been paid out of general operating funds. He asked for a motion to pay the $100 out of the general operating funds. Gary Ciaffone (Club Patio) made the motion, seconded by Frank McMillan (Garden Patio), and the motion carried.

Nominating Committee

President Hisey advised that Rock Davis (Oakgrove) had volunteered to chair the Master Association Nominating Committee earlier in 2013 but he has not attended the last several Master Association meetings. Accordingly, Gary Ciaffone (Club Patio) has been appointed to chair this committee and Gary asked for volunteers. Officers of the Master Association are elected at the January meeting.

President Hisey pointed out that according to current governing documents the President of the Master Association must be a President of one of the Cypresswood HOAs and he recommends that the Board give some thought to changing this requirement. Page 6 Master Association Minutes November 18, 2013

Bus Stops and Bus Traffic

President Hisey reported that school buses, in particular Lake Wales Charter Schools, have been using the roads in Plantations not to pick up students but only as a turn around. He called and requested they not use the Plantations roads as a turn around and he was told these routes are computer generated and they will look into it. As a result the transportation company stopped using Plantations as a turn round but also moved the stop at the Plantations 3-way stop and angered a couple of renters. President Hisey recommends trying to keep school bus traffic on the boulevard and suggests the Road Committee lead this charge. It was also pointed out that there are students who do not live in Cypresswood catching school buses in Cypresswood.

John Wood, Jr. (Eagle Pond) recommended that the Board get input from the children’s parents concerning bus stops. It is 1.8 miles from the front gate to the back of Cypresswood. Chris Desrochers added that Polk County is interested in consolidating bus stops for charter and magnet schools.

Open Floor

President Hisey said he feels the Board has done everything it needed to do this year and suggested skipping the Board meeting in December. Gary Ciaffone (Club Patio) made a motion to not have a Master Association meeting in December, seconded by Tom Brett (Fairway Patio), and the motion carried.

President Hisey said Plantations has received a quote from Aegis to act as their CAM and the annual cost per household would be $30 for fiscal management only and $60 for full service.

Jim Lammer (Cypress Pond) said he felt that the President of the Master Association should not be required to be a Cypresswood HOA President, too. President Hisey suggested that Gary Ciaffone (Club Patio) as Chairman of the Nominating Committee should have this issue placed on the January agenda.

A motion was made by Tom Brett (Fairway Patio), seconded by John Wood, Jr. (Eagle Pond) to adjourn at 7:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

______Judith Haun, Secretary

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