Check to Make Sure That the Proposed Development
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Marina and Mooring Structure Development on the River Murray in South Australia - Site Suitability Checklist Department of Planning and Local Government, June 2011
Environmental Factors Check to make sure that the proposed development:
No Factor Examples On Off Comments (including but not limited to) site site
E1 Does not negatively impact on legally Matters of National Environmental protected native plants and animals or Significance (EPBC Act) Protected under legally protected habitats and the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 ecosystems in accordance with Native Vegetation (Native Vegetation Act legislation. 1991)
E2 Does not negatively impact on a Angas Bremer Prescribed Wells Area Prescribed Water Resource (including (PWA), Mallee PWA, Noora PWA, Peak surface water, groundwater or Roby Sherlock PWA, River Murray watercourse) in accordance with prescribed Watercourse, Marne Saunders legislation. Prescribed Water Resources Area (Natural Resource Management (NRM) Act 2004)
E3 Does not negatively impact on a Water Declared water protection areas under the Protection Area in accordance with Environment Protection Act 1993 legislation.
E4 Does not negatively impact on a River Declared River Murray Protection Areas Murray Protection Area in accordance under the River Murray Act 2003 with legislation.
1 Marina and Mooring Structure Development on the River Murray in South Australia - Site Suitability Checklist Department of Planning and Local Government, June 2011
E5 Does not negatively impact on water Compliance with the Environment quality in accordance with legislation. Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003 under the Environment Protection Act 1993
E6 Does not pollute the environment in Compliance with Environment accordance with legislation. Protection Act 1993
E7 Does not introduce, or facilitate an Natural Resource Management (NRM) increase in listed pest plants and Act 2004 animals or noxious species and exotic Fisheries Management Act 2007 organisms in accordance with legislation.
E8 Does not negatively impact on salinity Basin Salinity Management Strategy levels within the River Murray catchment 2001-2015 in accordance with legislation and River Murray Act 2003 Murray-Darling Basin Governmental Agreements.
E9 Is located in an area of suitable geology, soils and topography, avoiding unstable areas, acid sulfate soils and locations vulnerable to rapid change or erosion.
E10 Will be able to deal adequately with any Compliance with Environment Protection waste management requirements in Act 1993 and/or Public and accordance with legislation. Environmental Health Act 1987
2 Marina and Mooring Structure Development on the River Murray in South Australia - Site Suitability Checklist Department of Planning and Local Government, June 2011
E11 Will meet site contamination Compliance with Environment requirements in accordance with Protection Act 1993 legislation.
E12 Will not alter water flows or sediment Sediment accumulation and movement, movements resulting in environmental water flow patterns harm or the creation of hazards to other river users.
E13 Does not negatively impact on significant Significant wetlands along the river that wetlands. are not legally protected through listing
E14 Site has capacity for a constructed wetland.
E15 Is located on an appropriately sized area of floodplain to provide for off-floodplain housing.
3 Marina and Mooring Structure Development on the River Murray in South Australia - Site Suitability Checklist Department of Planning and Local Government, June 2011
Social Factors Check to make sure that the proposed development:
No Factor Examples On Off Comments (including but not limited to) site site
S1 Does not negatively impact on State government planning policy, local landscape amenity in accordance with council development plans and River planning policy. Murray Act 2003
S2 Does not negatively impact on cultural State Heritage register under the Heritage heritage in accordance with legislation. Places Act 1993 Shipwrecks under the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1981
S3 Does not negatively impact on Aboriginal Claims, titles, rights and sites under the heritage in accordance with legislation. Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth) and Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA)
S4 Does not negatively impact on sites of Sites of geological significance on the geological significance in accordance State Heritage register (Heritage Places with legislation. Act 1993)
S5 Does not have an overall negative Local council development plans impact on river access and access Licences and approvals under the Crown rights. Lands Act 1929
4 Marina and Mooring Structure Development on the River Murray in South Australia - Site Suitability Checklist Department of Planning and Local Government, June 2011
S6 Does not negatively impact on river Licences and approvals under the safety. Harbours and Navigation Act Ferry crossings, locks and river bends
S7 Is not located within 3 km upstream and SA Water off-take points for potable water 500 m downstream of an SA Water off- supply take point.
S8 Does not negatively impact on local Sites of local cultural significance cultural heritage not protected by law.
S9 Will have appropriate social services for Hospital, suitable township, etc increased population.
5 Marina and Mooring Structure Development on the River Murray in South Australia - Site Suitability Checklist Department of Planning and Local Government, June 2011
Economic Factors Check to make sure that the proposed development:
No Factor Examples On Off Comments (including but not limited to) site site
1 Does not negatively impact on primary Risk of damage to irrigation infrastructure production activities. including in-take points, pumps, channels, pipes, etc Water quality reduction around water in- take points
2 Does not negatively impact on Recreational fishing spots that also commercial or recreational fishing generate local tourism and other activity. commercial activity Commercial fisheries or other aquaculture industries Fisheries habitat that contributes to natural fish production
3 Has access to required infrastructure. Power, sewerage, transport, roads, etc
4 Complies with land tenure requirements. Crown lands, council development plans
5 Is located a suitable distance from any Close proximity of off-river marinas existing off-river marina. increases the risk of financial failure as a result of over supply and low demand