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PURSUANT TO the LT Community Forest Agreement No. {Agreement} (the "Agreement"), this Cutting Permit is issued to: {Agreement Holder} (the "Agreement Holder")

1.0 PERMIT AREA AND TERM 1.1 Subject to the Agreement and the Forestry Legislation, the Agreement Holder is authorized to cut and Remove timber from the areas of lands within the Agreement Area that are designated on the map attached as Exhibit "A" to this Cutting Permit. 1.2 Subject to the Agreement, the term of this Cutting Permit {# of Years} years, {# of months and # of days- if applicable} beginning {Date (with 4 digit year)}. 1.03 Subject to the Agreement the District Manager, in a notice given to the Agreement Holder, may (a) extend the term of this Cutting Permit if the term of the Cutting Permit, including extensions, does not exceed 4 years, and (b) if he or she does so, amend this Cutting Permit to the extent necessary to ensure that it is consistent with the Management Plan in effect at the time this Cutting Permit is extended.

2.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 2.1 The Agreement Holder must comply with the conditions and requirements set out in Schedule "A" to this Cutting Permit.

3.00 TIMBER REMOVED AND WASTE ASSESSMENT 3.01 The timber described in Schedule “B” is specified as reserved timber and the Agreement Holder must not fell standing timber, and must not buck or Remove felled or dead and down timber, as the case may be, of the species and description set out in Schedule “B”.

Long Term CFA CP - Version 2.02.doc Page 1 of 9 Dated December 4, 2009 3.02 Notwithstanding the Cut Control Specifications set out in the Agreement, the Cut Control Specifications for this Cutting Permit will be as described in Schedule “C” to this Cutting Permit.

4.0 TIMBER MARKS 4.01 The timber mark(s) for timber Removed from land identified as Schedule B Land in the Agreement under this Cutting Permit is/are: {Timber Mark(s)} 4.02 The timber mark for timber Removed from land identified as Schedule A Land in the Agreement under this Cutting Permit is/are: {Timber Mark(s)} 4.03 If directed to do so by the District Manager, the Agreement Holder must erect signs at all exits from the areas of land referred to in paragraph 1.01, clearly showing the timber mark(s) referred to in paragraphs 4.01 and 4.02. OPTION #1


5.1 The Agreement Holder must ensure that

(a) all timber Removed from the areas of land referred to in paragraph 1.01 is scaled, and

(b) the scale of the timber is conducted properly in accordance with the requirements of the Forest Act and the regulations made under that Act.

5.02 For the purpose of determining the amount of stumpage payable in respect of timber Removed from the areas of Schedule B Land in the Agreement, authorized for cutting and Removal under this Cutting Permit, the volume or quantity of timber Removed will be determined using information provided in a scale of the timber.



5.01 For the purpose of determining the amount of stumpage payable in respect of timber Removed from the areas of land referred to in paragraph 1.01, the volume or quantity of timber Removed will be determined using information provided by a cruise of the timber conducted in accordance with the Cruising Manual before the timber is cut.

Long Term CFA CP - Version 2.02.doc Page 1 of 9 Dated December 4, 2009 5.02 Within seven days after the last day of each month during the term of this Cutting Permit, the Agreement Holder must submit a report, in a form acceptable to the District Manager, including the information required by the District Manager regarding the area on which the cutting and Removal of timber is complete under this Cutting Permit from areas of land referred to in paragraph 1.01

(a) during that month, and

(b) during the term of this Cutting Permit up to the end of that month.

6.00 ROADS Subject to the Agreement and the Forestry Legislation, the Agreement Holder may construct or modify roads under the authority of this Cutting Permit on areas of land identified as Schedule B Land in the Agreement authorized for the Agreement Holder’s operations under this Cutting Permit if the roads are identified on this Cutting Permit.


( ) The Agreement Holder must ensure that (a) all phases of timber cutting and Removal and related operations under or associated with this Cutting Permit are synchronized, and (b) all operations on one area designated for cutting and Removal of timber under this Cutting Permit is completed to the satisfaction of the District Manager before operations are commenced on another area.

( ) This Cutting Permit only authorizes the cutting and Removal of {fire- killed, beetle-killed, diseased} timber or any other timber designated by the District Manager.

( ) The Agreement Holder must, concurrently with its operations, leave all areas in an orderly and sanitary condition.

( ) The Agreement Holder must not erect or operate a sawmill or wood processing plant on an area of land referred to in paragraph 1.01 of this Cutting Permit.

Long Term CFA CP - Version 2.02.doc Page 2 of 9 Dated December 4, 2009 ( ) The rights granted under this Cutting Permit are subject to other rights of use and occupation, and the Agreement Holder must not interfere with the exercise of those rights.

( ) The rights of use and occupation referred to in paragraph ( ) include the following: Registered trapline(s)/Guiding Agreement(s) Mineral Claim(s) {add others if applicable}

( ) The Agreement Holder must not allow the manufacture of special forest products on the area of land described in paragraph 1.01 of this Cutting Permit, unless authorized to do so by the District Manager.

(#.01) The dangerous tree felling area surrounding the cutblock boundary(s) identified on the attached map as Exhibit "A", is exempted from the requirements for a forest stewardship plan as provided under Section 4(1) of the Forest and Range Practices Acts, for the purposes of tree felling to eliminate a safety hazard. (#.02) The dangerous tree felling area extends {metres/2 tree lengths} beyond the boundary of the cut block. (#.03) The Agreement Holder may fell trees outside of the cutblock boundary(s) but within the area described in paragraph #.01 if the person conducting tree felling or rigging tail hold/anchor trees determines that the tree represents a safety hazard according to Workers Compensation Act, regulations and standards. (#.04) The Agreement Holder must Remove a tree felled under Paragraph #.03 unless directed otherwise by the District Manager. (#.05) The dangerous tree(s) under Paragraph #.03 shall be cut and Removed according to the Cut Control Specifications included in the Agreement.

( ) All trees must be felled so that they fall within the area of land referred to in this Cutting Permit, and any slash must not be left or allowed to accumulate within twenty (20) meters of any boundaries of areas on which cutting is authorized.

MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 The Schedules and Exhibit “A” to this Cutting Permit are deemed to be part of this Cutting Permit.

Long Term CFA CP - Version 2.02.doc Page 3 of 9 Dated December 4, 2009 8.2 As provided in the Agreement, this Cutting Permit is deemed to be part of the Agreement. 8.3 The Agreement governs the interpretation of this Cutting Permit.

Dated {Date}, {Year with 4 digits}………… District Manager…………………......

Long Term CFA CP - Version 2.02.doc Page 4 of 9 Dated December 4, 2009 EXHIBIT "A"


Long Term CFA CP - Version 2.02.doc Page 5 of 9 Dated December 4, 2009 SCHEDULE "A"


Long Term CFA CP - Version 2.02.doc Page 6 of 9 Dated December 4, 2009 SCHEDULE "B"


The following timber is specified as reserved timber: (a) {Type} marked by {marking} or otherwise designated by the Agreement Holder, approved by the District Manager. () {Type} marked by {marking} or otherwise designated by the District Manager. ( ) {Wildlife tree stubs - number} wildlife tree stubs per hectare exhibiting old basal damage and a minimum diameter of {diameter} cm. outside bark measured {height measured} metres from the ground. () All live {species/type} trees {above/below} {diameter} cm in diameter, measured outside bark at a point thirty (30) cm from the ground. ( ) The following timber is specified as reserved timber: (a) All {species/type} trees.

The following is reserved timber under this Cutting Permit:

Species Description (size, etc.)

Long Term CFA CP - Version 2.02.doc Page 7 of 9 Dated December 4, 2009

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