University of Pretoria International Consumer Law Conference 2016 #UPICLC2016 Draft Programme (subject to change)

EVENING BEFORE: Tuesday 20 September 2016

18:00 for 18:30 Opening function: . Official welcoming Prof André Boraine Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria Place: Law Auditorium (Law 1-54) . Cocktail function Place: Ground floor of Law Building

DAY 1: Wednesday 21 September 2016

07:00-08:00 Registration and refreshments 08:00-08:30 . Brief welcome Prof Monray Botha Head of Department, Mercantile Law, University of Pretoria . Logistical announcements Prof Corlia van Heerden Chair of organising committee Session 1 Chair: Prof Corlia van Heerden 08:30-09:00 Keynote Speaker 1 Prof Reinhard Steennot Professor, University of Ghent, Belgium 09:00-09:30 Keynote Speaker 2 Mrs Diane Terblanche Executive Chairperson, National Consumer Tribunal 09:30-10:00 Keynote Speaker 3 Mr Lesiba Mashapa National Credit Regulator 10:00-10:30 Question and discussion time 10:30-11:00 Morning tea and networking Session 2 Chair: Prof Corlia van Heerden 11:00-11:30 Keynote Speaker 4 Prof Michel Tison Professor, University of Ghent, Belgium “(Retail) investor protection in the post-financial crisis era. Towards a new regulatory paradigm?” 11:30-11:40 Question and discussion time Session 3: Break-away Theme Venue Chair Prof Tanya Woker Adv Sylvia Prof Philip Stoop Papadopoulos 11:40-12:00 Bertel de Grote Ms Sebo Tladi Dr Jessy Emaus “Maletic and EU- “The role of consumer “Facing the powerful jurisdiction rules for education in addressing non-state actor in consumer contracts” the challenges posed by consumer law: a (pending title) the lack of growth in e- multidisciplinary analysis commerce: A South of the legal responsibility African perspective” of financial service providers” 12:00-12:20 Ms Elizabeth de Stadler Adv Sylvia Prof Stefan Renke & Ms Liezl van Zyl Papadopoulos “An analysis of the “Plain language “A consumers case for National Credit Act 34 of contracts: challenges and regulating electronic 2005 as an instrument to opportunities” credit and debit transfers achieve the socio- (EFT’s) in South Africa” economic transformation of credit law in South Africa” 12:20-12:40 Prof Tracy Gutuza Adv Neville Melville Prof Charl Hugo “Lowest display price “Oops! I clicked it again” “Some troubling aspects binding?” of the Proposed Guidelines for the Interpretation and Application of Section 103(5) of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005” 12:40-13:00 Emmanuel Akhibge Ms Ihuoma Ilobinso Dr Reghard Brits “The power sector and “Maximising consumer “The reinstatement of consumer protection in protection in electronic credit agreements: fault Nigeria: Nigerian power commerce through lines revealed by the consumers, hitherto, in effective dispute Nkata saga” the midst of nowhere” resolution: aligning Africa with global best practices” 13:00-13:30 Question and discussion time 13:30-14:30 Lunch Session 4: Break-away Theme Venue Chair Dr Yeukai Adv Neville Melville Prof Nick Huls Mupangavanhu 14:30-14:50 Prof Mateja Durovic Mr Gyanendra Fulzalke Dr Hermie Coetzee & “Protection of & Dr Vilas More Ms Charlotte van Sittert consumers under EU law “E-consumers and “Recent developments in case of defective goods contract terms in the era regarding wage – current problems and of information garnishment in South controversies communication Africa” technology” 14:50-15:10 Prof Omphemetse Mr Muhammad Ms Candice Burt Sibanda Nuruddeen “When the spirit and the “What have they been “Electronic commerce letter of the law conflict: smoking? Critique of transactions and Going beyond tick-box WTO appellate body consumer protection in compliance in consumer finding on measures Nigeria: the missing link” disclosure in South affecting the production African financial services” and sale of clove cigarettes in the context of consumer protection” 15:10-15:30 Ms Sofie de Pourcq Guilherme Magalhães Prof Philip Stoop & Prof “The Directive on unfair Martins Michelle Kelly-Louw terms in consumer “Internet service “The duty to create contracts: a source of providers’ liability for financially literate inspiration for the B2B- personal damages on consumers” context?” social networking websites” 15:30-15:50 Prof Monray Botha & Mr Sershiv Reddy Dr Jacolien Barnard “The right of consumers “The rights and duties of to complain online – fair trade unions as the or foul?” suppliers of consumer goods and services in South Africa” 15:50-16:30 Question and discussion Question and discussion Question and discussion time time time

CONFERENCE DINNER: Wednesday evening

DAY 2: Thursday 22 September 2016

07:30-08:15 Registration and refreshments Session 5 Chair: Prof Corlia van Heerden 08:30-09:00 Keynote Speaker 7 Prof Evelyne Terryn Professor, University of Leuven, Belgium “Two decades of unfair contract terms in Europe: time for reform?” 09:00-09:30 Keynote Speaker 8 Mr Ebrahim Mohamed Commissioner, National Consumer Commission 09:30-10:00 Keynote Speaker 6 Prof Gert Straetmans

“Disinformation of consumers and the unfair commercial practices directive” 10:00-10:30 Question and discussion time 11:00-11:30 Morning tea and networking Session 6: Break-away Theme Venue Chair Dr Jacolien Barnard Dr Mark Tait Dr Jessy Emaus 11:30-11:50 Dr Jan Trzaskowski Dr Sushila Maruf Adeniyi Nasir “Vulnerable consumers, “Impact of competition “Customers behavioural economics, and consumer laws upon confidentiality: threat to and paternalism” consumer welfare: a anti-corruption strategies critical study of the in developing countries” interface”

11:50-12:20 Prof Jacques du Plessis Ms Jacqueline Church Dunia Zongwe “Rethinking rules on the “Cartels: enforcement “The original sin: The moment of notification” and the protection of the subprime credit consumer consumer” and the prevention of the next global crisis” 12:20-12:40 Dr Joke Goddaer Johanes Widijantoro Prof Corlia van Heerden “Private law sanctions “Mapping of Consumer “Protecting South- for unfair commercial Protection Problems as African consumers practices” the Fundamental of against ‘too big to fail’ Development on the financial institutions: Consumer Policy in designation of SIFI in Yogyakarta-Indonesia” terms of the envisaged Twin Peaks of Financial Regulation” 12:40-13:00 Prof Tjakie Naudé Ms Sanne Vandemaele Prof Nick Huls “Augmenting the list of “Commercial “Twin-Peaks in a flat prohibited contract terms guarantees” country. An assessment in the South African of the dual financial Consumer Protection Act, supervisory structure in 68 of 2008: A the Netherlands” comparative analysis” 13:00-13:30 Question and discussion Question and discussion Question and discussion time time time 13:30-14:30 Lunch Session 7: Break-away Theme Venue Chair Ms Hanri du Plessis Ms Sebo Tladi Prof Stefan Renke 14:30-14:50 Dr Yeukai Mr Stephen Newman Mr David Masilela Mupangavanhu “Does the CPA provide “An analysis of legal “An analysis of an accessible and protection of over- timeshare agreements in effective system of indebted and financially light of the relevant redress for consumers?” ailing consumers in the legislative instruments in market place: consumer South Africa” protection imperatives” 14:50-15:10 Dr Howard Chitimira Prof Anjanette Haller- Ms Helene Davidtsz “Towards the effective Barker “The over-indebted combating of illicit and “South African food law consumer: the struggle unwanted direct and consumer protection” continues…” marketing under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008” 15:10-15:30 Prof Tanya Woker “Evaluating the role of the National Consumer Commission in ensuring that consumers have access to redress” 15:30-15:50 15:50-16:20 Question and discussion Question and discussion Question and discussion time time time