Department of SEL and Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS)

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Department of SEL and Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS)

AISD Child Study System Department of SEL and Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) Pete Price, Director


This is a general guide that has been prepared to assist administrators and staff in planning for and managing a campus with counseling support during or following a school crisis.

Campus Goals 1. Strengthen Campus Counseling Support Team 2. Help return school campus to its normal routine 3. Assist individuals recovery from emotional impact of the crisis 4. Prevent escalation of crisis and any long-term effects

AISD Crisis Counseling Support Team AISD Crisis Counseling Support Team = 15 License Mental Health Professionals (LMHP) Coordinated by Dianna Groves

CRISIS TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES: > Assist campus counselors in the monitoring and counseling of students > Assist with campus follow-up and counseling & debriefing planning > Provides additional campus support for a LEVEL 3, 2, 1 Crisis > Follow-up by assisting families

The LMHP (License Mental Health Professionals) assigned to your campus, will work directly with the Principal & Counselor to determine the LEVEL of crisis and support needed.

1 DISTRICT CONTACTS 1. AISD POLICE DEPARTMENT……………………………………...... …………………………… 512-414-1703 AISD POLICE MENTAL HEALTH OFFICER COORDINATOR / WAYNE SNEED…………………….. 512-673-7414 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATORDistrict /MIKAYLA Level MYERS Contacts ……………………………...... 512- 414-9199 SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING DIRECTOR /PETE PRICE ………………………………………….. 512-657-6934 CHILD STUDY SYSTEM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR / JANE ROSS………………………………………….. 512-657-2042 ADM. SUPERVISOR OF COUNSELING & CRISIS / DIANNA GROVES ……………………………….… 512-560-1809 AND. SUPERVISOR OF COUNSELING & CRISIS/TWYLA WILLIAMS…………………………….… 713-542-1460 EAP COORDINATOR / MELODY CARLTON ……...……………………………………………………... 512-414-2282

* Department of SEL & Child Study System provides counseling support and does not narrow its function to any specific event. The department will be available for consultation at all times.

Campus Crisis Team Members Campus Crisis Team will plan for immediate and continued support for students, teachers and community.

 REQUIRED: Principal t/Counselor Hold Campus Crisis Team Planning meeting at the beginning of each school year.  Best Practice is for Campus Crisis Team to meet before school starts in order to be prepared on first day of school.  Team’s agenda : Review Quick Reference Guide which includes Suicide & NSSI Protocol, Complete the Recommended Check List , reference the Counselor CRISIS Handbook also found in  Principal designates member that will record meeting notes on Recommended Campus Crisis Plan (Check list)  The completed Recommended Campus Crisis Checklist will be electronically sent to Campus Team Members .

Campus: Name Cell Principal AP Counselor LMHP MTSS Coach Graduation Coach Nurse SRO Parent Support Spec Other members: School Mental Health Center CIS Campus social worker PTA representative Teacher Other:

2 ______has been designated as the member that will record meeting notes and record assignments on the Campus Crisis Recommended Checklist and electronically distribute to all Campus Crisis Team Members.


Principal Informed of a Crisis

Assistant Principal: All Counselors: Principal Informs Associate Follows Principals directives. Superintendent, AP’s, SRO. Coordinate with LMHP s & Notifies staff AISD Adm. Supervisor of Adm. to determine the Activates emergency phone Counseling & Crisis Level of Crisis and tree. additional support needed. Provides information control Activate Counselor Crisis and fields parent phone Plan. calls. Request Campus Crisis Counseling . Elementary Provides additional support Support Team Meeting ASAP Counselors: where needed. (including LMHP (License Mental Each campus has Health Professional) identified 3 elem. counselors Determine Level of Emergency from Consult with your LMHP or District’s their vertical Other: Adm. Supervisor of Counseling & team for Crisis to request additional support.  PSS, Nurse, CIS, counseling support from AISD CRISIS Elem. counselor will work MTSS Coach, with LMHP to determine if Graduation Coach Support Team. additional Activate the Campus Emergency support from Operation Plan AISD Contact AISD EAP Coordinator for Crisis Team staff support needed. Secondary Counselors: Coordinate communication with SRO: Work with your counseling Associate Superintendents and team  Contacts AISD Police District’s Communication & & LMHP to and request Community Engagement Office determineLicense Mental Health Professional (LMHP:) Additional emergency Provides teachers with prepared additional services if needed support statement to read to students  Provides additional  Consult needed. with Adm. support where needed Letter to parents Supervisor of Crisis Office staff with written statement to & Counseling respond to parents  Call for additional LMHPs as needed  Check for siblings in other schools  Notify . Principal/Counselor. LMHP of that school of siblings.  Notify LMHP of student’s previous school

3 LEVELS OF CRISIS AISD adheres to principles of the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS is a standard organizational model of response under the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The District has formerly adopted the NIMS.

CAMPUS LEVEL CRISIS Handled by Campus Staff Level (4 -5)

Involves personal tragedy or threatening incidents primarily affecting a student, teacher or administrator impacting a single campus. Ex: Death of Parent, Deportation of Parent, Incarceration of Parent, Child Abuse, Bullying, Fights, Suicide Outcry, Assault.

DISTRICT LEVEL CRISIS Need Additional Support from District LEVEL (3)

Constitutes a major personal crisis or threatening incident at a campus or major disaster elsewhere that indirectly impacts students and teachers with high emotional fall out.

(Ex: On or off campus death of staff or student, on campus suicide attempt, suicide completion, arson resulting in destruction involving emotional fall-out.)

COMMUNITY LEVEL CRISIS Community Involvement LEVEL (2 or 1)

Threatened disaster or catastrophe that directly or profoundly affects more than one campus. Coordination of services from campus, district and local community response agencies is warranted. However, schools must be prepared to rely on own resources until help arrives. (Ex: Shooting on campus, hostage & sniper gunfire, murder on campus, contagious disease, natural disaster, flooding, and cluster suicides, sever storm damages with injuries.)


ADMINISTRATOR’S GENERAL CHECKLIST  Verify incident.  Activate Campus Emergency Operation Plan  Notify SRO & Associate Superintendent’s Office or 911.  Inform faculty.  Initiate campus phone tree if incident happens outside of school day.  Contact your License Mental Health Professional and request LMHP to attend briefing & planning. (The LMHP is a trained member of the District’s Crisis Counseling Support Team.)  Assemble and brief Campus Support Team at onset of critical incident.  Clarify facts and activate the pre-planned campus crisis plan defining responsibilities.  Request mandatory staff meeting (before or after school)  For STAFF SUPPORT. Contact District’s EAP Coordinator, Melody Carlton 512-414-2282 .  Assess Level of Emergency & determine Level of response needed.  The License Mental Health Professional will assess and activate the number of additional district’s crisis counseling team members needed for additional counseling.  Confirm Lead Counselor has assembled: 1.) Campus Crisis Packet 2.) Teacher Packet  Designate rooms/space for: both individual & large group counseling & space for teachers & parents if needed.  Contact parents of the student of concern.  Inform student’s individual counselor and teachers privately before informing rest of staff.  Arrange for additional support staff parking.  Assess need for additional subs to cover for teachers (Identify AP who will be responsible for subs. AP arrange holding room for subs until subs are sent to class room. ) CAMPUS COMMUNICATION  Administrators determine what and how communication is shared.  Hold mandatory faculty meeting to provide facts as known.  Provide teachers with prepared statement to be read to students.  Prepare statement for media collaborating with Associate Superintendent &AISD Communication & Community Engagement Office  Send letter to parents. (Sample letters provided in Counselor CRISIS Handbook. Handbook located in Child Study System website: or Counselor CRISIS Manual  Limit classroom discussions to facts.  Direct teachers to send students to designated counseling area if student needs additional counseling support.  Provide office staff with a written statement to respond to parent inquiries, and any pertinent information.  Identify an office person to answer phone and disseminate facts from fact sheet and direct calls.  Arrange for high level of counseling calls to be routed to additional support counselor  Assess need for evening meeting with parents/ community.  Consult with your LMHP (License Mental Health Professional) if additional community resources are needed.  In case of death, student or teacher’s desk should NOT be removed immediately. Leaving it for a few days may help acknowledge / process the death.  Provide information about AISD’s EAP/Employee Assistance Program. Contact EAP Coordinator Melody Carlton or (Detailed EAP information can be found on AISD Web Site.)  At the end of day, schedule an operational debriefing with staff your campus crisis team after school to review events of the day.

5  CSS Multi-Tiered System of Support Coach will be assigned as “triage” in front office for Level 1, 2, 3 CRISIS. M-TSS Coach is available to assist AP’s with hall sweeps. COUNSELOR’S PROCEDURE CHECKLIST

 REQUIRED: Collaborate with Principal to Hold CRISIS Response Planning meeting at the beginning of each school year. Team: Administrators, Counselors, License Mental Health Professional, and SRO, Nurse. Include other support staff optional: CIS, Campus Social Worker, Family Resource Center, and Parent Support Specialist. Graduation Coach, Child Study System Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.  Document date of the Campus CRISIS Planning Meeting on the Principal/Counselor Agreement.  REQUIRED: CAMPUS Crisis Support Team Meeting at beginning of year to REVIEW: 1) Quick Reference Guide 2) Complete Recommended CRISIS Checklist & the Counseling Crisis Manual.  Designate roles & responsibilities for each Campus Crisis Support Team Member @ meeting.  Review Levels of Crisis located in this Quick Reference Guide with Administrator and team @ meeting.  Consult with principal to establish designated areas in building for individual/group counseling.  Campus Counselor creates a Crisis Packet for the additional support staff working on the campus.  Counselor Packet for Support Staff should include:  Map of the building & teacher roster with room numbers  Master schedule  Name tags for guest counselors stating. “GUEST COUNSELOR”  Copies of newspaper article describing incident  Fact Sheet of incident  Photo  Sign in sheet/log for students counseled (Sign in sheet to attendance clerk end each  Support personnel sign in sheet & assignment location  Campus staff contacts info (ex. Cell ph. # for campus counselor, administrator, SSS, CIS)  CARE KIT: Lead Counselor designates campus crisis team member to create CARE KIT:  Kleenex  Markers & Art Paper  Books  Stuffed animals  Other  Teacher Packet: Counselor & Principal Organizes Teacher Packet:  Memo to be read to students = Principal  Copy of the letter to be sent home (ready by noon) = Principal  Fact Sheet = Principal  Teacher handouts & activities (See CRISIS Notebook) = Counselor  List of counselors assigned to help in classrooms = Counselor  Copies of pictures, newspaper articles, fact sheet = Counselor  Schedule of events for the day or week = Principal & Counselor DAY OF THE EVENT :  Meet with LMHP & CRISIS support staff for planning and distribute Crisis Packet.  Be available to go into classes to facilitate class lesson.  If death, determine which counselor will follow student’s schedule.  After class discussions, meet with individual/groups that are referred.  Keep counselor log of students attending individual or group counseling.  Copy of attendance sign-in to attendance clerk at the end of the day.  Identify students who may be “at-risk”. Plan for their needs. Call parents if student may need additional support. FOLLOW UP:  Follow up visits and monitor “at risk” students. Document.  Organize student support groups if needed.  Collaborate with LMHP for additional outside resources  Collaborate with Principal for memorial and or recognition (plaque, tree planting, etc.)

6  EnsureSUICIDE student understanding ACTION PLAN: of plan andQuick how toReference seek help. Guide for Suicide Intervention

Counselors must complete 4 FORMS when working with Suicidal Students (All forms are found in CRISIS Notebook & CRISIS Red Folder, under Crisis.) 1. SAFETY CHECKLIST: YOUTH AT RISK FOR HARM (copies: counselor & principal) Pg. 98-99 2. INDIVIDUAL SAFETY AGREEMENT (copies: counselor & principal) Pg. 100-101 3. EMERGENCY PARENT NOTIFICATION FORM (copies: counselor & parent) Pg. 102-103 4. AISD CONSENT TO REQUEST STUDENT RECORS (copies: counselor, parent, physician) Pg. 04-105 *Inform parent that signing consent authorizes school to mail school records to physician and/or therapist. *Allows verbal communication between school and physician/therapist. (Does not apply to hospitals.) * If parent signs, parent can deliver CONSENT FORM to physician/therapist or the counselor can mail. * If parent chooses not to sign, counselor must document “parent chooses not to sign” and date on CONSENT FORM.

I. HIGH RISK - SPECIFIC PLAN or PREVIOUS SUICIDE ATTEMPT.  If student is presenting imminent danger to self or others, immediately contact SRO (School Resource Officer) Or 911. Inform SRO that a Mental Health Officer is needed.  Counselor completes Assessment and collaborates with SRO.  Student should be monitored at all times – do not leave alone, even for a minute  Ask BOTH the parent and the student if there is any family history of mental health on either genetic side (mother or father.)  Officer & counselor collaborate to determine if POED is required. (POED -Police Officer Emergency Detention.)  If POED is required, a Police Officer is the only authority who can declare the need for an involuntary detention.  SRO is required to notify parent and advise next steps.  SRO should ask for emergency meeting & arrange Emergency Assessment for immediate Psychological Evaluation. (Recommend counselor be part of parent outreach ).  NEW Law (SB 4064) requires completion of “EMERGENCY PARENT NOTIFICATION FORM” and provide a copy to parent to share with the physician/mental health professional. (CRISIS Notebook or  If medical emergency SUSPECTED, including a suspected drug overdose, call School Nurse, SRO, EMS & Dial 911.  If it is determined that the student is currently receiving mental health services, attempt to contact and involve the mental health physician/therapist in the crisis assessment.  Counselor should coordinate with SRO to contact hospital, obtain bed space and share the crisis assessment with hospital, prior to student leaving the campus.  MCOT (ATC Mobile Crisis Outreach Team) is available to provide additional emergency mental health assessment resources: Phone 512-472-HELP (4357) MCOT is extension of PES (Psychiatric Emergency Service.) If POED NOT recommended: counselor contacts parent & ask parent to report to school for emergency meeting & follow protocol process below:  If unable to contact parent, seek assistance from SRO.  Inform Campus Administrator if medical necessity exist and contact School Nurse of medical assistance.  Share your concern – communicate that you care and that you want him/her to be safe.  Obtain commitment from the child/student not to harm self by completing the INDIVIDUAL SAFETY AGREEMENT  Principal Notification: 1) verbal notification 2) give a copy of the SAFETY CHECKLIST: Youth at Risk for Harm  Do not release student from school. Student must be released to a parent or guardian! An INDIVIDUAL SAFETY AGREEMENT must be made with student, parent or guardian. Do NOT drive the student yourself.  MCOT (Mobil Crisis Outreach Team) is an additional crisis intervention resource available to provide assistance in school settings. MCOT is extension of PES (Psychiatric Emergency Service) 512-472-HELP (4357) FOLLOW UP FOR HIGH RISK:  Law requires a phone call home within 48 hrs. to confirm parent followed through for medical/mental health assistance. However, AISD request counselor contact parent the following day to discuss their plans to provide professional help.  NOTE: If counselor suspects parent did not follow through, by securing medical/mental health assistance within 48 hrs. , Counselor must report to Department of Family Services (CPS) 1-800-252-5400 or  If parent signed release, follow up by contacting physician or mental health provider.  Explain to parent, upon student’s return to school, a transition meeting is required between the student, parent, and counselor. Other staff might be included, at counselor discretion (i.e. LMHP (License Mental Health Professional) administrator, school nurse, and teacher). Develop the Individual Safety Agreement and The Positive Support Plan (CRISIS Notebook, p. V-11) Review and update, as appropriate to student’s needs.  Ensure student has understanding of Safety Agreement and how to seek help both at school and home & safe place to go when feelings of doom present themselves.  Refer student to Child Study Team.

7  Monitor student closely by checking in with student several times. If applicable, may ask NURSE to assist with check in.

II. MODERATE to LOW RISK: STUDENT EXPRESSED SUICIDAL THOUGHTS BUT HAS VAGUE OR NO PLAN. Student may exhibit feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and intense pain. He/she shows some willingness to accept help.  Immediately contact parents and request parent to come to school  NEW Law (SB 4064) requires completion of “EMERGENCY PARENT NOTIFICATION FORM” and provide a copy to parent to share with the physician/mental health professional. (CRISIS Notebook or  If unable to contact parent or guardian, notify SRO for assistance.  Do not release unaccompanied student from school. Student must be released to parent or guardian.  Complete INDIVIDUAL SAFETY AGREEMENT (CRISIS Notebook, p. V-11) & POSITIVE SUPPORT PLAN (P.V- 12b)  Inform SRO. NOTE: SRO is NOT required to initiate an assessment for moderate to low risk BUT SRO/ Mental Health Officer is available for consult. .  Ensure student has understanding of the Safety Agreement and how to seek help at school and home. Establish a safe place to go when feelings of doom present themselves.  Share your concern – communicate that you care and that you want him/her to be safe.  Explore problem solving strategies and alternatives for staying safe.  Increase counseling opportunity with focus on increasing coping skills, problem solving strategies, stress management.  Inform Principal –1) verbal notification 2) provide a copy of the SAFETY CHECKLIST: Youth at Risk for Harm (CRISIS Notebook, p. V-3). Inform the need for continued monitoring at home if he/she is released following evaluation. II. ASSISTING PARENT FOR HIGH, MODERATE, LOW:  Communicate the utmost seriousness of the situation and the need for an immediate suicide evaluation & support.  For imminent danger students, SRO will be working with parent and counselor, and if applicable, the student’s current therapist/physician to immediately admit student to Psychiatric Emergency Hospital.  If parent refuses to come to school, or if they come and refuse to cooperate and/or if their response could be harmful to their child, explain: Law requires the school MUST report Medical Neglect within 48 hours to CPS & document on Parent Emergency Notification Form.  If student already has a therapist, counselor or psychiatrist, immediately assist parent in contacting the mental health professional to schedule an appointment . Document the provider and appointment date.  If student NOT hospitalized, parent should supervise child until they are stabilized by a mental health professional.  Recommend the removal of any items that could potentially be used in a suicide attempt, or the method mentioned by the student in their plan (i.e. guns, knives, medications, items that could be used for hanging).  NEW Law (SB 4064) now requires completion of EMERGENCY PARENT NOTIFICATION FORM and provide a copy to parent to share with physician/mental health professional. (CRISIS Notebook or  Review with parent emergency & counseling resources found on the Emergency Parent Notification.  Families with private insurance can contact insurance company and request list of mental health providers.  Parents may also contact their primary care provider to seek recommendations for mental health providers.  Request that parent/guardian complete and sign AISD CONSENT TO REQUEST STUDENT RECORD (S) FORM* which will allow school to provide school records & communicate with physician and/or therapist. (Does not apply to hospitals)  If parent chooses not to sign, counselor must obtain a staff witness and document “parent chooses not to sign” and date on the “CONSENT FORM”.  PES serves families without private insurance @ 56 East Ave. (Holly Street & I-35); 512- 472-HELP (4357)  Other Emergency Psych. Hospitals: Seton Psych. Emergency@ Brackenridge, Austin Oaks, Cross Creek.  School Mental Health Centers: 18 AISD campuses: Austin, Anderson, Bedicheck, Bowie, Burnet, Crockett, Dobie, Eastside/International, Fulmore, Garcia, LBJ, LASA, Lanier, Martin, McCallum, Reagan, Travis, Sadler- Means.  May refer family to LMHP (License Mental Health Professional) to assist in connecting family to counseling . Follow Up:  Law requires phone call home within 24 - 48 hours to confirm parent followed through for mental health assistance.  However, AISD request counselor contact parent following day to discuss/review mental health support parent is providing.  Monitor student closely. Review Safety Plan and Positive Support Plan (CRISIS Notebook, p. V-11).  Continue to explore problem solving strategies and alternatives to staying safe.  Provide student with: Suicide Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Austin Hotline 512-472-HELP (4357) CRISIS Text: 741741 (Ask student to program cell phone with Suicide Lifeline)  Ensure student understanding of safety plan & positive support plan and how to seek help.

8  Monitor student and see as needed.  Refer to Child Study Team DEATH BY SUICIDE

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) & Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) created: (After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools) Free Kit:

Get The Facts:  Must work with AISD Police Department. If there is an ongoing investigation, check with AISD police before speaking about the death with students who may need to be interviewed by authorities.  If there is an ongoing investigation, schools should state that the cause of death is still being determined and additional information will be forthcoming once death is confirmed.  Acknowledge that there are rumors (which are often inaccurate). Remind students & staff that rumors can be deeply hurtful and unfair to the deceased person, their family and their friends.

Principal or designee contacts family:  Information about the cause of death should not be disclosed until the family has been consulted.  If death has been declared a suicide but the family does not want it disclosed, administrator needs to explain that students are already talking about the death amongst themselves, and that having adults in the school talk to the students about suicide and its causes can help keep students safe.

If Family Does Not Want the Cause of Death Disclosed:  Administrator communicates: “The family has requested that information about the cause of death not be shared at this time and it is very important to respect the family’s wishes.”

To minimize the risk of suicide contagion:  Principal may communicate: “We know there has been a lot of talk about whether this was a suicide death. Since the subject of suicide has been raised, we want to take this opportunity to give you accurate information about suicide in general, ways to prevent it, and how to get help if you or someone you know is feeling depressed or may be suicidal.”

Disclosure of information to students and staff:  Teacher or staff person who is familiar with students should read prepared announcements to small groups.  Make the announcement early in the school day (so students can be provided with support and structure.)  Do be honest and direct about what occurred without going into graphic detail.  Send letter home to parents (with students) so they will be aware of what is happening.  Provide information regarding funeral arrangements as soon as it is known.  Identify and monitoring at risk students. (Students with history of suicide ideation/attempt, close friends)

Memorial Services and Remembrances: Memorial service can be a highly emotional event that has the potential for increasing possibility of suicide contagion. Suicide contagion can occur when events (such as memorial services and media coverage) glorify or sensationalize the death. This increases the risk factors for youth who are depressed, troubled, or at increased risk for suicide. Media reports, as well as memorial services, are two of the biggest factors that contribute to suicide contagion.  Avoid any type of large-scale memorial service or remembrance that takes place at school /especially during school hrs.  Do not allow permanent plaques or dedications to the individual to be erected  Openly acknowledge and discuss the pain, and heartache the death has caused.  Encourage donations to suicide prevention efforts.

Special Considerations: Good rule of thumb before deciding on a permanent memorial (for any student or staff death). Think what it would be like to times it by 3-5 for future events. What may seem like a good idea at the time (planting a tree, erecting a park bench, etc.) may seem much less appropriate when applied in multiples. Consult with Associate Superintendent’s Office.  Allow students and faculty time away from school to attend memorial service.  Consider allowing attendance at service to be an excused absence. Check with Associate Superintendent’s Office.  Require a note from parents giving permission to attend.  Encourage parents to attend the service with their son/daughter or have them be accompanied by another parent.

9 Deportation, Incarceration or Sudden Death of Parent

(Steps to follow when a student remains at school after school hours and administrator has reason to believe deportation, incarceration or sudden death maybe the cause.)

 Administrator and Counselor verify by contacting the parent, guardian or other family members listed on the AISD emergency contact.  In the event administrator/counselor is not able to make contact and the student is left on campus, campus administrator would contact Austin ISD Police Department.  Austin ISD Police would use district student profile to attempt to locate a family member.  If Austin ISD Police could not locate a family member or individual listed as an emergency contact then AISD Police Department would contact Child Protective Services (CPS)  Campus counselor and AISD Police collaboratively support the student as they wait for CPS to arrive.  During this waiting time, Campus counselor provides one on one counseling and review stress/anxiety management steps with student.  Campus counselor can ask student if there are other willing adult supports that student can share the names of with the CPS counselor.

Support for Student When and/or If Student Returns to School

 Campus counselor provide individual or small group counseling and/or refer to other counseling support on campus (i.e. CIS)  Counselor completes the AISD Individual Safety Plan with the individual student.  Safety Plan defines an individual plan when and/or if the student begins to feel stress, anxiety while at school.  Safety Plan will identify at least 2 willing school support staff.  Safety Plan will identify at least 2 willing adult supports outside of school.  Safety Plan will list counseling support hotline number.  Obtain permission from student to share Individual Safety Plan with student’s teachers.

NOTE: The AISD Individual Safety Plan can be used for all types of student crisis. There is an Individual Safety Plan Document for both Elementary and Secondary.


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