Agenda for Joint of Directors of Jefferson Academy

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Agenda for Joint of Directors of Jefferson Academy

Minutes for the Joint Board of Directors of Jefferson Academy, A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation October 23, 2012 6:00 PM Elementary Library

I. Preliminary A., B., C., D., E., F. Mr. Langer called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were present: Ms. Atencio, Ms. Clark, Ms. Graziano, Mr. Haynes, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Moss, Mr. Vierra and Mr. Langer. The following ex-officio Board members were present: Mr. Nolan and Ms. Stringari. Mr. Moss led the guests and the Board of Directors in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Langer presented the agenda. Mr. Haynes requested that item B. 2012-2103 Budget Approvals be tabled. Ms. Clark requested item I. Unified Improvement Plan reflect Elementary. Mr. Haynes requested that under Financials and Budget, CF be replaced with JH. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

Ms. Clark explained the procedures to parents for Public Comment, pointing out that parents cannot expect questions to be answered. However, parents may address a Board member(s) outside the meetings or request for an item to be placed on the agenda.

The following guests spoke during Public Comment.

Genny Smith introduced herself as a JA parent and volunteer. Ms. Smith stated that she is frustrated with the Board’s lack of willingness to listen to parents during the meeting. She mentioned that the Board members are rude to parents and to each other. Ms. Smith stated that a Board member’s season should not last 10 years and friendships should not influence decisions. Ms. Smith encouraged the Board going forward to be transparent.

Aaron Abrams introduced himself as a new JA parent and that this was the first meeting he had attended. Mr. Abrams mentioned that he had been hearing discontent from parents. Mr. Abrams stated that he believes in JA, the administration, and for the most part the direction that the school is headed.

Tiffany Kramer stated that this was her first meeting and thanked the Board members for their time and hard work. Ms. Kramer stated that she felt that there are more than a ‘handful’ of parents concerned with issues.

Chandra Magallanes stated that she was appalled with the Board members conduct at the last meeting. Ms. Magallanes suggested that the members listen and show respect, and to respond with honesty and integrity. Ms. Magallanes stated that she had sent an email to the Board last month and had not received a response. Ms. Clark stated that they had received her letter and she would be responding.

Jim Magallanes spoke about his concerns regarding the last meeting and the combative tone of the Board members. Mr. Magallanes suggested that the Board consider an open election for the Board position. Mr. Magallanes urged the Board to listen with an open mind and have greater transparency in making decisions for the school.

1 Christine LaBerge stated that the Board could benefit from having a non-parent on the Board for the expertise that person possesses. Ms. Laberge stated that she currently is a member of a Board and would not consider running for this Board, as she would not be able to separate herself as a parent. Ms. LaBerge suggested that a change in the bylaws be considered and warrants further discussion with parents.

Jacqueline Sinclair declined comment.

Lauren Runyon introduced herself as a parent of four children, two that are of school age and attend JA. Ms. Runyon spoke highly of the education at JA and that with the continued employment of outstanding teachers, JA can’t go wrong. Ms. Runyon felt compelled to speak about the tight-knit feel of JA and that growing pains are difficult. Ms. Runyon suggested that the Board re-establish trust with more transparency and detail.

II. General Agenda A. October 1 Count Mr. Nolan reported that the elementary has a count of 650 students. The FTE is 603.8, as the state provides .58 percent funding for Kindergarten. Mr. Nolan also mentioned that we may have an opportunity to count one Kindergarten student as fulltime, as this student has been retained and has IEP.

Ms. Stringari reported that the secondary has a count of 605.5 and her budget is based on 602.

B. PTO/Boosters Ms. Graziano reported that the PTO supported stranger awareness programs were well attended, and thanked Officer DePalma and Lynette Craig for putting these together. Ms. Graziano reported that the Scrip fundraiser had a profit so far of $5,600, the Book Fair went well and the fall fundraiser had a profit of $26,000. Also, the next Qdoba fundraiser will go from lunch to closing.

Ms. Lewis stated that she was not able to attend the Boosters’ meeting.

C. Traffic Report Mr. Nolan reported that he met with Mr. Generose, Gregg Moss, traffic engineers and the Jeffco Sheriff’s department. Mr. Nolan stated that an email will go out to the community tomorrow via School Messenger. The message will state that beginning on Monday, October, 29th everyone must exit on 99th Avenue only during drop off and pick up times. Traffic may not exit on 99th Place during these times. This is to allow emergency vehicles access. Also, vehicles may not park along 99th Place. Mr. Nolan stated that a request for a right-turn only sign be posted on 99th Ave and Old Wadsworth during drop off and pick up times. Parents will be requested to voluntarily turn right starting on Monday. Mr. Nolan noted that he has seven teachers assisting with traffic in the morning and afternoon, and that he and Mr. Generose spend an hour a day on traffic, not including meetings about traffic. Mr. Nolan mentioned that more parent volunteers are needed.

Mr. Moss complimented the staff on their time and effort, and thanked the traffic engineers and Jeffco Sheriff Department for their assistance. Mr. Moss mentioned that

2 the number one priority is keeping 99th Place accessible for emergency vehicles and recommending that parents be patient.

Ms. Graziano suggested that we assist our community with this change in traffic flow and possibly pay for at least a week of off-duty police assistance.

D. Updated Alternate List This list was reviewed. Ms. Atencio reported that the digital monument sign is now included.

E. New Building Financials Mr. Haynes provided the documents as requested. Mr. Haynes reported that the project is about 71% complete. It was mentioned that any funds not used on items will go back into the FF & E. It was mentioned that there is a drainage hole along the gravel walkway that will need to be filled. The City of Broomfield will address this issue. However, JA may be liable to pay an amount of this repair. Mr. Haynes encouraged Board members to email him with any questions.

F. Charter School Risk Management Packet Mr. Nolan had emailed this document to Board members and this was reviewed.

G. Elementary Unified Improvement Plan Mr. Nolan spoke about the goals in the plan. Mr. Nolan reported that he has reviewed data with his staff concentrating on specific needs of the population addressing academic growth. Mr. Nolan referred to students that are not proficient or advanced as ‘catch-up’ kids. Mr. Nolan and his staff will observe these students’ bench marks and make sure they receive the support they need. Mr. Nolan noted that they will focus on math facts, addressing this with Top Jag, and also the Write Tools’ strategies. The Board inquired about receiving monthly feedback on students’ progress. Mr. Nolan encouraged Board members to visit website and the three components used to assess schools: academic achievement, academic growth and academic growth gaps. Mr. Nolan responded to the question regarding high academic students, stating that they are being challenged through enrichment and their ALP, as appropriate. Mr. Nolan noted that the fifth and sixth grade math series aligns with the 7-12 grade curriculum. Mr. Nolan may be interested in updating the fourth grade curriculum in the future. Board members were requested to send any revisions to Mr. Nolan. Mr. Nolan will share the action plans with his teachers for final approval. This plan is due to the district in December.

H. May General Meeting Agenda Items: Bylaw Changes Ms. Atencio reviewed this document. Discussion ensued with the process involved in changing bylaws.

Ms. Atencio made a motion that the agenda for the regular annual membership meeting of the corporation, in May 2013, include a yes or no vote to change Article II, Section 2.1, Section 2.5, Section 2.6, and Section 2.7 (Members) and Article III, Section 3.4 (Vacancies). The policy and governance committee shall prepare the arguments for and against (with input from interested community members) and shall compose the final wording for the ballots. The membership shall be informed of the pros and cons to each proposed change via messenger and web posting at least three weeks before the annual membership meeting in May 2013. The Board will have final approval for all 3 communications to the members of the corporation and the ballots. Ms. Clark seconded the motion.

Ms. Clark suggested that this motion be in two parts.

Ms. Clark made a motion that the agenda for the regular annual membership meeting of the corporation in May 2013 include a yes or no vote regarding specific language to allow JA staff that do not have students at school to be a member of the corporation and to vote, and any necessary corresponding changes to Article II, Section 2.1, Section 2.5, Section 2.6, and Section 2.7. The policy and governance committee shall prepare the arguments for and against (with input from interested community members), and shall compose the final wording for the ballots. The membership shall be informed of the pros and cons to each proposed change via messenger and web posting at least three weeks before the annual membership meeting in May 2013. The Board will have final approval for all communications to the members of the corporation and the ballots. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. The sub motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Clark made a motion that the policy and governance committee review and make recommendations to the Board regarding Board structure and composition, requirements for holding the position, Board election policies and process, and Board vacancy policies, and if recommended, make a proposal for language for a special election. Ms. Graziano seconded the motion. The sub motion passed unanimously.

Establishing a goal date to have these reviewed was discussed. It was determined that staff voting would be on the January agenda, and a progress report on the second motion.

I. Appointment: Board Member Liaison to Accountability Committee Mr. Langer provided an explanation of the chair position for this committee and that it must be a parent. Mr. Langer has a list of parents that participated last year. Ms. Lewis volunteered to be the liaison Board member. It was noted that there could be two members from the community on this committee.

J. Future Committee Meetings Ms. Atencio stated that she will have a list of meetings on the agenda next month. Ms. Lewis suggested that a letter be sent out to the community listing the committees that have openings.

III. First Reading A. None

IV. Second Reading A. Policy 2.11(i) Ms. Graziano distributed this policy. Ms. Graziano discussed the purpose of the committee and identified ways in improving communication, and pointed out that this is a standing committee. The revisions from the first reading were reviewed and further revisions made. Ms. Graziano moved that the Board approve Policy 2.11(i) on Second Reading as amended. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

V. Reports A. K-12 Financials and Budget 4 The combined budget was reviewed. It was mentioned that Ms. Askelson will not be able to meet until mid November. Mr. Haynes mentioned that the amount of the percentages spent are inline with the budget. It was noted that instructional services is at 85%, as these items are purchased before the start of school. Discussion ensued with money that may be spent for repurposing and funds that are not needed for the new building. It was suggested that the Board have a discussion on how this money will be spent.

B. Principals’ Reports Mr. Nolan reviewed his report and stated that Parent/Teacher conferences were well attended. Mr. Nolan reported that the cost of being an Official Core Knowledge school would be approximately $50,000. Mr. Nolan stated that it would be helpful in curriculum mapping and professional development. It was noted that we could still market JA as a Core Knowledge school. Mr. Nolan stated that Woodrow Wilson and Lincoln Academy will not be seeking an Official status. Mr. Nolan mentioned that he would be speaking to his staff about mapping and getting their input.

Ms. Stringari explained that the secondary will host a mock election on Election Day. Students will be educated on the ballot issues as well. Ms. Stringari reviewed the PBS program where secondary teachers earn ‘tickets’ for various items such as getting out of duty.

VI. Miscellaneous Board Items A. Approval of Minutes September 18, 2012 and October 3, 2012 Mr. Langer presented the Minutes, September 18, 2012. Revisions were made. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the Minutes of September 18, 2012 as amended. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Mr. Langer presented the Minutes of October 3, 2012. Revisions were made. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the Minutes of October 3, 2012 as amended. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

B. Debriefing of Board Agenda and Action Items These items were reviewed and revised.

VII. Adjournment Mr. Langer moved that the Board adjourn at 8:34 p.m. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Watanabe, Clerk Jefferson Academy Board of Directors.


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