Louisiana State University Section of Emergency Medicine Disaster Plan

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Louisiana State University Section of Emergency Medicine Disaster Plan

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Section of Emergency Medicine Hurricane Contingency Plan ______

Date: July 24, 2006

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide a personnel deployment plan in the event that a tropical cyclone approaches the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan Area.

Scope: This document applies to the full and part-time faculty of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Section of Emergency Medicine. This plan is for the 2006 Hurricane Season.

Related Documents: Hospital Code Grey Policy New Orleans City Assisted Evacuation Plan (as of this date, in draft stages) State of Louisiana Assisted Evacuation Plan (as of this date, has not been produced) Memorandum of Understanding between MCLNO Director of Medical Services, and Director of New Orleans EMS

Signatures: ______Keith Van Meter, MD Chief, Section of Emergency Medicine

______Peter DeBlieux, MD Director, Emergency Services Unit

______Jim Aiken, MD Co- Director, Trauma Services Unit

______Trevor Mills, MD Director, Residency Training Program Co- Director, Trauma Services Unit ______

Section I: Personnel Assets

Emergency Medicine Faculty: Full Time: James Aiken, MD (TSU Co-Director)+ Jeffrey Baker, MD Peter DeBlieux, MD (ESU Director)+ Lala Dunbar, MD+ Ed Halton, MD* Terry Hauver, MD*

Page 1 of 6 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Section of Emergency Medicine Hurricane Contingency Plan ______Micelle Haydel, MD* Kathleen Hubbell, MD* Tracy LeGros, MD+ Eduardo Marvez, MD* Lisa Mills, MD+ Trevor Mills, MD (TSU Co-Director)+ Heather Murphy-Lavoie MD+ Robert Sigillito, MD+ Ellen Slaven, MD+ Jeff St. Clair, MD* Victor Tuckler, MD+ Keith Van Meter, MD (Section Chief)+

Part Time: Parveen Anand, MD # Jennifer Avegno, MD (full-time at Tulane) Nicole Bergeron, MD (part-time at Ochsner, EJ) John Couk, MD # Kirby Green, MD # Joey Hauth, MD (full-time at EJGH)* Steve Lesser, MD # Ujwal Meka, MD Michael Odinet, MD (full time at Lafayette) Vanessa Piazza, MD Theo Stafford, MD (full-time at Slidell Memorial) Carl Walker, MD Laura Waltrip, MD #

Hyperbarics: Paul Harch, MD Marcus Clayton, MD Greg Fernandez, MD

Fellows: Rene Morrisey, MD David Ulich, MD Augie Berner, MD Prateek Adhikari, MD Derek Wierzbicki, MD Sean Hardy, MD Brett Wilson, MD

+ Faculty who have agreed to work during Code Grey Activation * Faculty who are not available during Code Grey Activation # Faculty who are living outside of Southeast LA during the hurricane season () Faculty who are full-time at other institutions, and are likely to be required at those facilities

Page 2 of 6 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Section of Emergency Medicine Hurricane Contingency Plan ______Note: It is presumed that 1-2 faculty members who are listed as available assets will be unavailable due to travel, meetings, vacation, etc, but that some part-time and/or hyperbarics faculty will be available for duty.

Emergency Medicine Residents: HO4/5: 16 HO3: 11 HO2: 14 HO1: 10

Section II: Requirements

Section IIa: EM Faculty Manpower Obligations

At all centers, 12 hour shifts are implemented at the onset of Code Grey Watch.

LSU Trauma Services Unit, Elmwood Campus (TSU) Code Grey Watch through Warning: 4 faculty (2 per shift) Code Grey Activation: 3 faculty (1 per shift, 1 float) Code Grey Evacuation: 2 faculty (1 per shift) LSU Emergency Services Unit, New Orleans Center Campus (ESU) Code Grey Watch through Warning: 4 faculty Code Grey Activation, Evacuation: facility closes Morial Convention Center (MCC) 50 through 6 hours before Tropical Force Winds: 4 faculty Union Passenger Terminal (UPT) 50 through 12 hours before Tropical Force Winds: 4 faculty

It is anticipated that the closure of ESU will precede the opening of MCC and UPT.

Section IIb: Medical Equipment and Supplies: The responsibility for provision of medical supplies at MCC and UPT is by agreement between the MCLNO Director of Medical Services and the Director of New Orleans EMS. It is anticipated that the agreement will be formalized in Memorandum of Understanding between the MCLNO Director of Medical Services and the Director of New Orleans EMS. In brief, MCLNO has agreed to supply medical supply carts, code blue carts, basic pharmacy supplies, disposable linen, and portable oxygen tanks at each location.

Provision of supplies listed above is the responsibility of the Director of Materials Management.

Transportation of supplies listed above, to and from UPT and MCC, is the responsibility of the Director of Facilities Management.

Page 3 of 6 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Section of Emergency Medicine Hurricane Contingency Plan ______

Section IIc: Nursing and Ancillary Personnel: It is the responsibility of the MCLNO Director of Nursing Services to assign Nursing and Respiratory Therapy personnel to MCC and UPT.

Section IId: Police & Security: Security functions are the responsibility of the Orleans Parish Civil Sherriff at UPT, and of New Orleans Police Department at MCC.

Section IIe: Communications: Delivery of radios for communications between medical personnel at MCLNO, UPT, and MCC is the responsibility of MCLNO Hospital Police.

Section IIf: Patient Transportation: Patients with medical conditions that cannot be treated at UPT and MCC and preclude evacuation via the City/State assisted evacuation transports, will be transported to local emergency departments via staged ambulances, or via New Orleans EMS 911 system. These transports are not considered interfacility transfers.

Section III: Section of Emergency Medicine Telephone Activation Tree

The purpose of the notification is to allow flow of information from the Section Chief to all members of the section. The tree will be activated at the onset of Code Grey Watch, and at least every 12 hours thereafter, until termination of the Code Grey, or termination of recovery. It is the responsibility of every faculty member to provide the Section Chief with 2 reliable telephone numbers, and 1 email address.

As a communication backup, Dr. Haydel will serve as EM section communication officer during code grey activations. It is anticipated that she will evacuate at the onset of code grey activation, and establish a location from which she can act as a central point of contact.

Van Meter Haydel LeGros (3) (3) Murphy Marvez DeBlieux L. Mills Avegno (3) (2) Odinet T. Mills Chief Residents (4) Slaven Couk Tuckler St. Clair Sigillito Hubbell Stafford (3) Halton Bergeron Aiken Dunbar Piazza (3) Baker

Page 4 of 6 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Section of Emergency Medicine Hurricane Contingency Plan ______Hauver

Section IV: Action Plan

Because of the limited number of faculty available to meet manpower requirements, the Section of Emergency Medicine will likely initiate preparations before initiation of the hospital wide code grey plan. The Section Chief will activate the notification tree, based upon the anticipated time required for faculty members to secure their homes and initiate their personal hurricane plans. This will under no circumstances be later than initiation of the hospital wide plan.

The distribution of residents will be at the discretion of the residency director, who will determine the point at which residents are relieved from duties specified under various contracts with local hospitals.

Code Grey Watch: (Landfall minus 96 hours) The following personnel are released from duty to attend to personal affairs, and return within 18 hours:

Van Meter, Sigillito, Aiken, LeGros, DeBlieux, Halton, Haydel, Tuckler

The following faculty report for duty:

TSU: Slaven, Dunbar, Murphy, St. Clair ESU: L. Mills, T. Mills, Hubbell, Hauver, Baker

Code Grey Warning: (Landfall minus 72 hours) The following faculty report for duty:

TSU: Van Meter, Aiken, Haydel, Tuckler ESU: Sigillito, DeBlieux, Halton, LeGros

Other faculty are released to attend to personal affairs, and prepare for the possible implementation of City Assisted Evacuation Plan.

Code Grey Activation: (Landfall minus 48-24 hours) ESU Closes. (City Assisted Evacuation Plan implemented for Category 3 or greater storms)

Faculty shift facilities as follows: TSU: Van Meter, Sigillito, DeBlieux Evacuate to establish off-site functions: Aiken (EM Section Liaison, likely to Baton Rouge) Haydel (EM Section communications) Halton (EM Section logistics coordination)

Page 5 of 6 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Section of Emergency Medicine Hurricane Contingency Plan ______MCC: T. Mills, L. Mills, Hauver, Murphy, LeGros UPT: Slaven, Hubbell, Dunbar, Tuckler, Baker

Faculty arriving at MCC and UPT should report to the site commander for assignment in a role of medical support. It is anticipated that UPT will close 12 hours before tropical force winds, and MCC will close 6 hours before tropical force winds. Upon closure, faculty are released to evacuate themselves. The options available include: 1. Evacuate by private vehicle 2. Evacuate with the population by bus or government supplied vehicle 3. Shelter in place at the MCC with the first responder force. If this option is chosen, each faculty member should ring personal supplies including food, water, bedding, and clothing for 10-14 days.

Code Grey Evacuation: (Landfall minus 48-24 hours, major category storm) As outlined above under Code Grey Activation. Additionally, TSU may be completely evacuated. Hospital CEO will designate whether any faculty shelter in place at TSU, to resume operations after the storm has passed the area.

Code Grey Recovery: Many variables will determine the distribution of faculty after a storm. Assuming that ESU and TSU resume operations immediately, and that the City Assisted Evacuation Plan was not activated, the following faculty will report for duty: TSU: Slaven, Murphy, Dunbar, St. Clair ESU: L. Mills, T. Mills, Hubbell, Hauver, Baker If the city and TSU were evacuated, then return of faculty will be coordinated through the off site team (Aiken, Haydel, Halton) based upon faculty availability and medical facility opening.

Section V: Advance Personal Preparation Each Faculty member is urged to formulate a personal hurricane preparation plan. This should include: -A list of critical actions that must be accomplished during the short time available before the storm, such as securing pets, evacuation of family, securing the home. -A list of items needed in the event that it is required to shelter in place at the MCC or TSU, including 10-14 days of clothing, food, water, bedding. -A list of items that should be purchased in advance, such as rechargeable lights and batteries, a power inverter for your car (to recharge cell phones, lights, radios when the electricity fails), toiletries. -A list of items needed to return to work during recovery, assuming that the city will be without power and water at the time return to work is required.

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