The Royal Burgh of Selkirk and District Community Council

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The Royal Burgh of Selkirk and District Community Council

The Royal Burgh of Selkirk and District Community Council

Chairman Graham Easton 31 High Street, Selkirk, TD7 4BZ 01750 722744 Vice-chairman Dr. Lindsay Neil 46 Hillside Terrace, Selkirk, TD7 4ND 01750 720841 Hon. Secretary Alistair Pattullo 12 Victoria Crescent, Selkirk, TD7 5DE 01750 721697 Hon. Tom Combe 68 Back Row, Selkirk, TD7 4AG 01750 720921 Treasurer

The Royal Burgh of Selkirk and District Community Council

Minute of Meeting held in the Main Hall, Victoria Halls, Selkirk On Monday 8th October, 2012, at 7pm

1) Present: Community Councillors Graham Easton (chair), Tommy Combe, Bob Kerr, Ian King, Caroline Cruikshank and Wilma Gunn. SBC Councillors Michelle Ballantyne and Gordon Edgar.

Apologies: Alistair Pattullo, David Bethune, John Munro, Jim Gibson, Lindsay Neil and SBC Councillor Vicky Davidson

[Also in attendance: 5 members of the public, 1 member of press]

Chairman Graham Easton welcomed the public, and reminded those present that all comments should be addressed through the Chair, and that all recording devices should be switched off.

2) The minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2012 were approved (proposed: T Combe)

3) Matters arising from the minute not otherwise included on agenda

The Chairman explained the issues that had been raised at the September meeting and what actions, if any, had been taken: a) Town Centre parking – Letter had gone to Police HQ outlining nature of parking complaints within the Town Centre and other areas of Selkirk. Traffic Warden had visited Selkirk during his tour of duty this week; however no figures or information was available at the time of the meeting. Councillor Gunn stated that the parking problem was just as bad and asked about the possibility of the Community Council hiring its own traffic warden to deal with this on-going problem. Councillor Edgar suggested that de-criminalised parking should be left for the Police to deal with for the time being at least. b) Vehicle speeding – PC Roy Brown informed the meeting that acting on the Community Council’s request to monitor speeding the Police had carried out speed checks on the A7 in the general area of the High School. Of the 229 vehicles monitored 2 had exceeded the 30mph speed limit in the area; this included both southbound and northbound vehicles. The Chairman thanked Lothian and Borders Police for their response in attending to these concerns and asked if regular monitoring could be kept up where possible c) Overgrown shrubbery – Councillor Edgar reported that all shrubbery was being cut back where possible d) Contact number for elected councillors – Councillor Edgar confirmed that the contact number available for members of the public who required to speak to elected members was 03001000220 – if this number is called information on how to reach any councillor will be given. e) Future meetings on Skype – The Chairman stated that this option would not be considered f) Scanning for Smart phones – The Chairman commented that no progress had been made on this to date

4) Declarations of interest - none

5) (a) Lothian and Borders Police – As circulated

All communications should be addressed to the secretary at the above address (b) SB Wardens – No report

6) Planning – Application Action / comments (a) 12/01203/PPP: agreed to recommend approval in principle to this Erection of 3 dwelling houses: Land application, subject to future submission of detailed south West of Ladywood Greenhill, proposals and compliance with SBC policies and relevant Selkirk design guidance.

(b) 12/01177/PPP: Erection of Dwelling agreed to recommend approval in principle to this House: Plot 1 and application, subject to future submission of detailed 12/01178/PPP: Erection of Dwelling proposals and compliance with SBC policies and relevant House: Plot 2 design guidance. - lying west of Bannerfield House, Selkirk

b) Other planning matters: i) Councilor King updated the meeting on progress regarding the ‘No Ball Games’ signs ii) Councilor King made the meeting aware of planning enforcement issues that had arisen on the current housing development site at Goslawdales; these are subject to ongoing investigation by SBC Planning and Enforcement officers. 7) OPEN FORUM (taken at 7.34pm) a) C Henderson – Brought to notice (for the benefit of those attending) that the September minutes were seconded by a Community Councillor who had not been present at the September meeting. The Chairman accepted this error and apologised for any confusion caused J Emond – I) Commented that there was still speeding traffic entering Selkirk from the North – Police to continue to monitor the situation and BEAR Scotland to be approached regarding provision of traffic monitoring cameras. II) Requested information from Councillor Ian King on how long planning applications normally lie in abeyance – Cllr King stated that once an application is correctly lodged, Planning Officers follow a procedure of 2 way consultation and assessment which may take a variable length of time, depending on how quickly responses are received. b) D Purves – i) Commented on the minutes of the last meeting which did not accurately record his concerns over the stonework on the Stey Brae, the earth paths in the area of the riverside and the state of the stone steps leading from the A7 onto the Scarrings. ii) Asked if there was something that could be done in relation to householders parking on the grass in front of the houses on Linglie Road – Councillor Edgar replied that this area belongs to SBHA and there is unlikely to be finance available in the current climate to develop hard standing car parking. iii) Stated concerns over vehicle parking on Yarrow Terrace and could consideration perhaps be given to providing parking spaces on the other side of the road iv) Requested if Cllr Combe had any update on the proposal to purchase yew trees from the Duke of Buccleuch as previously discussed (Queens Diamond Jubilee) – Cllr Combe replied that although the funding application for said trees had not been submitted in time it was hoped that this might still be able to be resolved. v) Asked if there was any chance of having a pelican crossing somewhere on Tower Street as it was becoming increasingly difficult for people to cross the road safely – Councillor Edgar explained the restrictions on placing a pelican crossing in that area. c) J Beattie – i) Raised concerns with regard to the state of the hedges around the Pringle Park area – Councillor Edgar stated that as the park was Common Good property, both hedge cutting and drainage will be addressed in due course. ii) Asked if there was any news on the closing of the Post Office on Buccleuch Road – Confirmation that PO is closing and shop is up for sale

All communications should be addressed to the secretary at the above address 8) Reports from SBC Councillors: Councillor M Ballantyne reported on the following: (a) The latest residents meeting at Knowepark Primary School had been well attended and although there had been a drop in reported anti-social incidents in the Curror St area all efforts were being made to continue working to a resolution across the whole town area (b) The Common Good Fund had granted the Flodden 500 group permission to develop an area of the gardens within the Victoria Hall – Cllr Gunn questioned how the plots would be maintained – Cllr Edgar confirmed that the Flodden 500 committee would be responsible for the upkeep of the site for future years (c) The Pringle Park Playgroup open evening in Selkirk RFC had been very well attended and supported

Councillor G Edgar reported on the following: (a) The streetlights problem in Spion Kop had been due to a power cable fault and future works could cause road closure (b) The limitations on the winter road gritting services had now been finalised, although there were no major changes in the Selkirk town area some of the nearby minor roads including the St Boswells to Lilliesleaf road and The Greenhill road would not now be classed as priority routes - although they would still be on the plan of roads to be serviced during the winter (c) There had been a request from members of the public for more winter salt boxes to be made available – this was being actioned in time for this winter and further details would be issued in due course (d) A manufacturing company will be moving to Selkirk in the near future and will be located behind the current SBHA offices in existing industrial units. Approximately 20 new jobs would be created by this move – the Community Council welcomed this news

9) Common Good Fund: a) Cllr Gordon Edgar reported that an itemisation of costs incurred would be made available shortly 10) Correspondence - Community Paths project 11) Treasurers Report – No report 12) Reports from associated groups: Plattling Twinning Group – G Easton reported on the successful evening hosted by the Platting Twinning Group in the County Hotel on Sunday 30th September – it was hoped that the twinning group continued to flourish 13) Reports from other community organisations and outside bodies: - (a) Evening Study Classes: T Combe reported that the groups were going well including an upholstery course which was working in partnership with Haining House (b) A7 Action Group – Cllr King reported he had attended a recent group meeting which Included Michael Moore MP and the requirement for a Selkirk bypass had been endorsed again. In addition gully repair and cleaning had been completed. Cllr Combe commented on the lack of cat’s eyes and street lighting at Lindean junction – BEAR Scotland to be advised of this. (c) Selkirk Hill: I King reported that the new strimmer was now in use, winter preparations are underway, the rifle club season had finished and noted concerns that the rabbit population had increased. 14) Community Planting – G. Easton reported that contact would now be made with SBC re costings etc. as there appeared to be enough support within the town to look at progressing a planting plan

15) AOCB: There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8:22pm

Next scheduled meeting of the Royal Burgh of Selkirk and District Community Council will be held in the Victoria Hall on Monday 12th November. AGM at 7.00pm followed by the monthly meeting.

All communications should be addressed to the secretary at the above address

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