State Board of Social Services s1

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State Board of Social Services s1


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Symbol Key Roman type indicates existing text of regulations. Italic type indicates proposed new text. Language which has been stricken indicates proposed text for deletion. STATE BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES of any localities and types of businesses or other entities particularly affected, the projected number of persons and Title of Regulation: 22 VAC 40-790-10 et seq. Minimum employment positions to be affected, the projected costs to Standards for Local Agency Operated Volunteer Respite affected businesses or entities to implement or comply with Child Care Programs (REPEALING). the regulation, and the impact on the use and value of private Statutory Authority: §§ 63.1-25 and 63.1-55 of the Code of property. The analysis presented below represents DPB’s Virginia. best estimate of these economic impacts. Public Hearing Date: N/A--Public comments may be Summary of the proposed regulation. The State Board of submitted until August 3, 2001. Social Services proposes to repeal this regulation. There has (See Calendar of Events section been no childcare program operating under this regulation, for additional information) and no program is expected to operate under it in the future. Agency Contact: Sonia Rivero, Commissioner, Department of Estimated economic impact. This regulation established Social Services, 730 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219, certain care, volunteer, and physical environment standards telephone (804) 692-1900. for a particular type of childcare program. It was adopted in anticipation that some local agencies might choose to operate Basis: Section 63.1-25 of the Code of Virginia provides the their programs as volunteer respite childcare programs. Board of Social Services with the authority to promulgate However, the Department of Social Services indicates that regulations that are necessary to carry out the purpose and they have not received any requests from the local agencies intent of Title 63.1. Section 63.1-55 of the Code of Virginia wanting to operate under this type of program and do not authorizes the local boards of social services, as may be expect to receive any requests going forward. provided by regulations of the State Board of Social Services, to provide rehabilitation and other services to help individuals Given the fact that this regulation had no economic effect on attain or retain self-care or self-support and such services as any entity in the past since no programs operated under it and are likely to prevent or reduce dependency and, in the case of the fact that no programs are expected to operate under it in dependent children, to maintain and strengthen family life. the future, repeal of this regulation should produce no economic impact. Purpose: This regulation, which became effective in 1988, establishes minimum standards that local departments of Businesses and entities affected. Repeal of this regulation is social services must meet when operating volunteer respite not expected to affect any businesses or entities. care programs for children. The regulation sets forth Localities particularly affected. No particular locality will be requirements in the areas of staffing, standards for care, affected. physical environment, and compliance. Projected impact on employment. No projected impact on The purpose of this regulatory action is to repeal the employment is expected. regulation because there are no existing programs operating under this regulation. This regulation is not essential to Effects on the use and value of private property. Repeal of protect the health, safety, or welfare of the public. this regulation should not affect the use and value of private property. Substance: This regulation is being repealed because no local department of social services has chosen to implement Agency's Response to the Department of Planning and this program since the regulation became effective in 1988. Budget's Economic Impact Analysis: The Department of Social Services concurs with the economic impact analysis Issues: There are no issues associated with this repeal. conducted by the Department of Planning and Budget. However, repealing this regulation should help to eliminate any confusion that might occur for individuals researching this Summary: area in the Virginia Administrative Code. The proposed repeal of this regulation will eliminate Department of Planning and Budget's Economic Impact regulations that were originally promulgated to provide Analysis: The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) has standards for local departments of social services that analyzed the economic impact of this proposed regulation in chose to operate volunteer respite child care programs. accordance with § 9-6.14:7.1 G of the Administrative Process The Department of Social Services has not received any Act and Executive Order Number 25 (98). Section 9-6.14:7.1 requests to operate this type of program since the G requires that such economic impact analyses include, but regulation became effective in 1988 and does not need not be limited to, the projected number of businesses or anticipate receiving any such requests in the future. other entities to whom the regulation would apply, the identity VA.R. Doc. No. R00-62; Filed May 3, 2001, 10:33 a.m.

Volume 17, Issue 19 Virginia Register of Regulations Monday, June 4, 2001 1

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