EQIP Ranking Criteria

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EQIP Ranking Criteria

Illinois Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

Confined Livestock & Manure Management December 11, 2013 Screening & Ranking Criteria

Screening Worksheet A Screening Worksheet must be completed for each eligible EQIP application.

Instructions: This screening worksheet must be completed for each eligible EQIP applicant applying for the EQIP Confined Livestock & Manure Management funding pool. The screening questions must be answered. Using the screening answers and the status of the CNMP review, a priority status is assigned to the application and also documented in ProTracts. High, Medium, and Low priority applications will be ranked. Applicant Information: Applicant Name: County: Application No: Field Office: Evaluator Name: Date: Screening Questions: 1. Does the applicant currently have livestock that are used for livestock production on the land  Yes where EQIP treatment is proposed or meet the exception in Attachment 1-A?  No 2. Is the planned project on an existing facility or exempt per Attachment 1-B? Note: The facility can be expanded and still be considered existing for purposes of the EQIP ranking, as long as:  Yes  The expansion is for the same livestock enterprise that is receiving EQIP dollars, AND  No  The planned project is located no farther than ¼ mile from the existing buildings of the facility, and/or will share a common waste storage and treatment facility. If “No”, the situation must be evaluated by the State Office. Priority Determination for ProTracts – Select One: High Priority Category: The application received “Yes” responses for all screening questions above, High AND Priority The “Documentation of NRCS CNMP Review” was completed prior to the funding cutoff date to Status in show all practices meet the current NRCS Standard, the CNMP has undergone a technical ProTracts review by NRCS, and corrections made by the TSP. (See Attachment 1-C for CNMP exceptions) Medium Priority Category: The application received “Yes” responses for all screening questions above, AND Medium Priority The “Documentation of NRCS CNMP Review” was completed in FY2013 and the CNMP had Status in undergone a technical review by NRCS and corrections were made by the TSP. ProTracts BUT the CNMP has not been updated to meet the Nutrient Management (590) Standard dated July 2013. Low Priority Category: The application received “Yes” responses for all screening questions above, Low Priority AND Status in The completed CNMP has NOT been fully reviewed by NRCS or corrections have not been ProTracts made to the CNMP prior to the funding cutoff date. None Category: - Applications with “None” Priority Status will not be ranked. None Status in All other applications ProTracts The priority determination of High, Medium or Low must be recorded in ProTracts for this applicant.

D.C. Approval: Date Approved:

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 1 National Issues: (reference “EQIP 2014 National Issues Definitions and Scoring” for more explanation) Ranking Questions Points 1. If the application is for development of a Conservation Activity Plan (CAP), the agency will assign significant ranking priority and conservation benefit by answering “Yes” to the following question. Answering “Yes” to question 1a will result in the application being awarded the maximum amount of points that can be earned for the national priority category. 1a. Is the program application to support the development of a Conservation Activity Plan (CAP)? If answer is “Yes”, do not answer any other national level Yes No 250 questions. If answer is “No”, proceed with evaluation to address the remaining questions in this section. 2. Clean and Abundant Water: Water Quality – Will the proposed project assist the producer to: 2a. Meet regulatory requirements relating to animal feeding operations, or Yes No 15 proactively avoid the need for regulatory measures? 2b. Reduce sediment, nutrients or pesticides from agricultural operations located within a field that adjoins a designated "impaired water body" (TMDL, Yes No 15 303d, etc.)? 2c. Reduce sediment, nutrients or pesticides from agricultural operations Yes No 5 located within a field that adjoins a "non-impaired water body"? 3. Clean and Abundant Water: Water Conservation – Will the proposed project assist the producer implement conservation practices which: 3a. Decrease aquifer overdraft? Yes No 15 3b. Conserve water from irrigation system improvements and saved water will Yes No 10 be available for other beneficial uses? 3c. Conserve water in an area where the applicant participates in a Yes No 5 geographically established or watershed-wide project? 4. Clean Air: Treatment of Air Quality from Agricultural Sources – Will the proposed project assist the producer implement practice(s) which: 4a. Meet on-farm regulatory requirements relating to air quality or proactively Yes No 15 avoid the need for regulatory measures? 4b. Reduce on-farm generated green house gases such as CO2 (Carbon Yes No 15 Dioxide), CH4 (Methane), and N2O (Nitrous Oxide)? 4c. Increase on-farm carbon sequestration? Yes No 5 5. Soil Health: Will the proposed project assist the producer to implement practice(s) which: 5a. Reduce erosion to tolerable limits (Soil “T”)? Yes No 15 5b. Improve soil tilth, organic matter, structure, health, etc.? Yes No 5 6. Healthy Plant and Animal Communities Wildlife Habitat Conservation – Will the proposed project assist the producer to implement practice(s) which: 6a. Benefit on-farm habitat associated with threatened and endangered, at- Yes No 15 risk, candidate, or species of concern as identified in a State wildlife plan? 6b. Help retain wildlife and plant habitat on land exiting the Conservation Yes No 10 Reserve Program (CRP)? 7. High Quality, Productive Soils, Healthy Plant and Animal Communities: Will the proposed project assist the producer implement practices which: 7a. Help manage or control noxious or invasive plant species on non-cropland? Yes No 10 7b. Increase, or improve habitat to benefit pollinator or other targeted wildlife Yes No 10 species? 7c. Properly dispose of livestock carcasses? Yes No 5 7d. Are identified in an Integrated Pest Management plan? Yes No 10 7e. Are identified in a Nutrient Management plan? Yes No 10 7f. Apply principles of adaptive nutrient management? Yes No 5 8. Energy Conservation - Will the proposed project assist the producer to implement practices which: 8a. Reduce energy consumption on the agricultural operations? Yes No 15 8b. Increase on-farm energy efficiency with practices and improvements Yes No 10 identified in an approved energy audit equivalent to criteria required in USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 2 AgEMP? 8c. Assist in implementing energy conservation measures that also reduce Yes No 10 greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants? 9. Business Lines - Conservation Implementation Additional Ranking Considerations - Will the proposed project result in: 9a. Implementation of all conservation practices scheduled in the contract on Yes No 10 the CPA-1155 within three years of date of obligation? 9b. Improvement of existing conservation practices or conservation systems Yes No 5 already in place at the time the application is accepted? 9c. Implementation of practice(s) which will complete an existing conservation Yes No 5 system or suite of practices?

State Issues: Ranking Questions Points 1. Was a CNMP completed by a qualified TSP prior to the ranking or re-ranking of Yes No 130 the EQIP application? 2. Will the planned conservation practices in the EQIP application fully implement Yes No 75 the CNMP? 3. Is a portion of the EQIP application area in a watershed with a stream or lake impaired by agricultural related sources as identified on Map #1 of the “EQIP FY Yes No 20 14 Map References”? 4. Is a portion of the EQIP application area in a watershed with an active locally-led committee that is in Phase 2 or 3 of the NRCS planning process as identified on Yes No 20 Map #2 of the “EQIP FY 14 Map References”? 5. Is the applicant a Certified Livestock Manager, according to Illinois Department Yes No 40 of Agriculture Specifications, at the time the EQIP application was submitted? 6. Will the EQIP application include an Animal Mortality Facility (316) to address a Yes No 40 mortality resource concern? 7. Is the livestock facility within 500 feet of a water body and contaminated runoff is not controlled but will be controlled with the practices in the EQIP application? Yes No 75 (See Attachment 1-D)

Local Issues: Ranking Questions Points 1. Does a soil erosion concern exist on land where manure will be applied and will the concern be addressed with one or more of the following practices using EQIP dollars? Yes No 50  Grassed Waterway (412)  Terrace (600)  Water and Sediment Control Basin (638) 2. Will the EQIP application include the Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment (380) Yes No 50 practice to improve air quality by reducing odors and/or provide a visual screen? 3. Will the EQIP application include Waste Facility Closure (360) to improve and Yes No 50 protect surface and ground water quality? 4. Will all contaminated surface runoff from the site be controlled using EQIP dollars to install practice(s) such as Diversion (362), Roof Runoff Structure (558), Roofs Yes No 50 and Covers (367), Vegetative Treatment Area (635), Waste Transfer (634), etc.? 5. Will the EQIP application include Nutrient Management (590) to apply manure on acres not already being applied to NRCS Nutrient Management standard and Yes No 50 specifications?

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3 Guidance for Confined Livestock & Manure Management Applications

1. Historically Underserved Producers Conservation practice payment rates for Historically Underserved (HU) producers are 15-20% above the traditional payment rate for all practices. The 2008 Farm Bill recognizes landowners and operators who are socially disadvantaged, have limited resources, or are beginning farmers as eligible for a higher Historically Underserved (HU) payment rate.

Definitions of Limited Resource Farmers, Beginning Farmers; or Socially Disadvantaged Farmers can be found at: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/people/outreach/slbfr/

The Limited Resource Farmer “Self-Determination Tool” is located at the following web address http://www.lrftool.sc.egov.usda.gov.

2. Management Practices An applicant can apply for management practices (including practice codes 340, and/or 590) and earn an EQIP financial assistance payment if the following is met:  A resource concern is addressed;  The management practice has not been previously implemented by the applicant on the land;  Implemented during one crop year;  The number of payments per contract is followed o Cover Crop (340) allows for up to three payments o Nutrient Management (590) has a one-time payment  The practice payment cap is not exceeded across all contracts for the applicant during the current fiscal year, and  The management practices can address a higher-level quality concern may be implemented again on the same land unit. Example: 590-Basic previously implemented, now applying for 590- Enhanced.

3. Grazing System to Supplement the CNMP EQIP dollars will be allowed on grazing practices such as Fence, Livestock Pipelines (for water), Forage and Biomass Planting, Heavy Use Area Protection, Pumping Plant (stockwatering pump), Animal Trails and Walkways, Pond, Spring Development and Water Wells for Confined Livestock contracts only when needed to implement a grazing system as a supplement to the CNMP. Examples of grazing systems as a supplement to the CNMP include:  Grass-based dairy operations, where animals are confined only during milking  Operations where grazed livestock are confined overnight for predator control (not feeding) When a grazing system is a supplement to the CNMP, the grazing plan must meet 528 NRCS standards and specifications and be finalized prior to construction of any livestock waste handling or storage facilities (same as with the CNMP). The grazing plan must be followed and ensure that livestock access to surface water is limited, even if no financial assistance is requested on the grazing portion of the operation. Supplemental feeding areas must be located and managed such that surface waters will not be negatively impacted or create a confinement situation. Supplemental feeding areas during winter months must be located centrally to pastures that are also grazed.

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 4 EQIP Conservation Practices for Confined Livestock & Manure Management

Practice Practice Payment Conservation Practice Lifespan Unit Payment Limits Code (years)1 Access Road 10 Ft. 560 $300,000 Anaerobic Digester 25 No. 366 per site3 Animal Mortality Facility 15 No. 316 Animal Trails and Walkways 10 Ft. 575 Composting Facility 15 No. 317 Conservation Cover 5 Ac. 327 Constructed Wetland 15 Ac. 656 Contour Buffer Strips 5 Ac. 332 $15,000 per Up to 3 payments Cover Crop 1 Ac. 340 year allowed Critical Area Planting 10 Ac. 342 Diversion 10 Ft. 362 Fence 20 Ft. 382 Field Border 10 Ac. 386 Forage and Biomass Planting 10 Ac. 512 Grade Stabilization Structure 15 No. 410 Grassed Waterway 10 Ac. 412 Heavy Use Area Protection 10 Ac. 561 Lined Waterway or Outlet 15 Ft. 468 Livestock Pipeline 20 Ft. 516 Mulching 1 Ac. 484 Nutrient Management 1 Ac. 590 $25,000 One-time payment Pond 20 No. 378 $20,000 Pond Sealing or Lining, Compacted Clay Treatment 15 No. 521D Pumping Plant 15 No. 533 Roof Runoff Structure 15 No. 558 $100,000 Roofs and Covers 10 No. 367 per site3 Spring Development 20 No. 574 Streambank and Shoreline Protection 20 Ft. 580 Subsurface Drain 20 Ft. 606 Terrace 10 Ft. 600 Underground Outlet 20 Ft. 620 Vegetated Treatment Area 10 Ac. 635 Vertical Drain 10 No. 630 $75,000 per Waste Facility Closure 15 No. 360 site3 Waste Separation Facility 15 No. 632 $150,000 Waste Storage Facility 15 No. 313 per site3 $100,000 Waste Transfer 15 No. 634 per site3 $150,000 Waste Treatment Lagoon 15 No. 359 per site3 Water and Sediment Control Basin 10 No. 638 Table continues on next page

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 5 Practice Practice Payment Conservation Practice Lifespan Unit Payment Limits Code (years)1 Water Well 20 No. 642 Water Well Decommissioning 20 No. 351 Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment 15 Ft. 380

1 The conservation practice in the EQIP contract must be maintained and used for the intended purpose for the practice lifespan. 2 Payment Caps will be 15% higher for Historically Underserved (HU) producers. 3 Site” is where waste storage and treatment components are interconnected.

Attachment 1 Ranking Guidance

A) Livestock To qualify for EQIP Confined Livestock, the applicant must currently have confined livestock that are used for livestock production on the land where EQIP treatment is proposed. The following two situations are exceptions to the requirement and if applicable, the screening question can be answered “Yes”. 1. The EQIP application is for closing an existing waste impoundment where a confinement operation is or will be going out of business, and the primary practice in the EQIP contract is Waste Facility Closure (360). Where needed Critical Area Planting (342), Mulching (484) and/or Nutrient Management (590) can be included in the EQIP application to support the closure. OR 2. The EQIP application contains the Nutrient Management (590) scenario for “Basic NM with Manure” or “Enhanced NM with Manure”. The applicant does not have livestock but has a manure lease to apply manure and will also implement conservation practices to bring soil erosion to quality criteria.

B) Existing Facility Exemption Non-livestock producers do not have an existing facility but can answer the screening question “Yes” if the EQIP application contains the Nutrient Management (590) scenario for “Basic NM with Manure” or “Enhanced NM with Manure”.

C) CNMP Exceptions for Non-Livestock Applicants EQIP policy requires a comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP) when animal waste storage or treatment facilities will be implemented through EQIP. Non-livestock producers who are applying to implement Nutrient Management (590) scenario for “Basic NM with Manure” or “Enhanced NM with Manure” and associated conservation practices are not required to have a CNMP and would be a “High” priority.

D) Control Runoff from Confinement / Production Areas The applicant may receive ranking points if runoff from contaminated areas used for livestock confinement and/or production is not currently being controlled, but will be controlled by installing practices such as buffer strips, curbs, diversions, gutters, bio filters, and grass filter strips. The site must be within 500 feet of a stream (shown as a solid blue or dashed line on the USGS Topographic Quadrangle Map), a fresh water surface impoundment, a wetland, or a point of concentration to one of the mentioned water bodies/courses. Ranking points may be garnered if the production facility is being closed and moved as the only option to control contaminated runoff.

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 6

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