Members present throughout meeting: Phyl Renninger, Jerry Dillehay, Gail Vertz, Frank Mandley, Michael Wells, Randy Givens, Marilyn Boess, Deanna Nurnberg. Cynthia Oda joined at 3:25 CST. Janel Patterson joined at 4:00 pm CST.

Those not in attendance: Linda Lambert

Call to Order at 3:04 CST by Phyl Renninger

Financial Report-Michael Wells, Treasurer. A hard copy was sent to the board on Friday, July 25, 2003. Michael reported that expenses and income appear about the same as last year. We are anticipating conference income to be coming in. Question arose regarding where we are with board expenses. To date, we are spending less than budgeted. Only worrisome issue is the income level. Phyl asked that the Financial Committee to do some projections for the organization. Suggestion to change the second column to read proposed. The report will be filed for audit.

Minutes- Linda Lambert, Secretary. The minutes from the April 11-12, 2003 board meeting were not discussed. They were received today and people did not have time to review them for this meeting.

Committee Reports:

Bylaws- Phyl mentioned that the Bylaws were covered during the first part of the meeting on July 17, 2003.

Nominating-Jerry Dillehay, Chairman. Jerry referenced a report that was sent to the board for the July 17, 2003. The report was dated July 15, 2003. There were 12 nominees for the five openings. Since then, Frank Mandley and Ann Silverthorn have withdrawn their nominations. There are still 10 persons on the ballot. A ballot will be sent out to members on 9/1/03. People can vote by e-mail or at the conference. A candidate’s reception will be the first night of the conference. Bios will be available in the conference program and on our website. An outside firm (Shook Hardy & Bacon) will conduct the counting of the votes. Also, another board position spot may be open for Gail’s seat. Marilyn will send out the ballots by e-mail, by Marilyn. The e-mail will ask people to notify us if they would like to receive a hard copy also. Gail will forward the updated electronic membership list to Marilyn.

Credentialing-Frank reported on four items. First was the committee report of the meeting in Arizona. Pauline Annarino is heading up the formation of a 501 C 3 and the incorporation status. Approximate cost is $600. They have contacted other organizations that have experience with credentialing. They have a timeline in place. Frank suggested someone co-chair or be a chair designee since he will not be continuing on the committee or the board after November.

Discussion as to how this will affect a proposed dues increase and the legal aspect-An attorney has not been contacted regarding the relationship with GPCI and AAGP. Accreditation cannot be done without having a different organization than AAGP. It will be a three-year plan to come up with the money needed.

Frank mentioned that minutes for the Scottsdale, AZ meeting on May 31, 2003 were provided to the board.

Master Timeline-Includes action taken, conference activities, etc. They may need to expand the membership of the committee because there are additional tasks that need to be completed and all committee members are already doing various duties for the project. Discussion to form sub-committees for specific tasks was held. The Kansas City conference will be the kick off of the program. A workshop will be set aside, a page in the program, a table with the exhibitors, etc. A workshop for funders to serve two purposes, to increase their awareness level of AAGP and capacity building is scheduled.

Discussion regarding the name of the proposed certification organization: It was discussed that the new organization should mention AAGP in any printing or advertising of the organization, perhaps as an affiliate of AAGP. We need to approve of a name for the certification affiliate. Current budget for credentialing committee can cover costs to get started. The committee will submit budget expenses to the board for approval.

Articles of Incorporation: the committee is still working some things on. GPCI is proposed name. Grant Professionals Certification Institute. Pauline will handle incorporation in California. Since it is a separate corporation it is acceptable to incorporate in California. Discussion followed regarding having a CA attorney review the document for approval. Also, it was requested to have them review the fundraising rules for the organization. Suggestion was made to have Mike Brock review, since he did the original AAGP bylaws. Frank will contact Pauline regarding contacting a California attorney. Michael will contact Mike Brock. Motion: Marilyn Boess made the motion “To approve the name as: Grant Professionals Certification Institute, Inc.. Seconded by Randy. Discussion-regarding pros and cons of the name. Marilyn amended her motion to delete the “inc” from the name. Randy accepted this amendment. Vote: Jerry-yes, Gail, yes, Marilyn, yes, Cynthia, yes, Michael, yes, Frank, Janel-yes, Deanna-yes, Randy- yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Bylaws: State seven AAGP board members will be on the new organization’s board. They also state that AAGP has the right to hold 49% of positions. Frank went through the bylaws. There was clarification and discussion on having Kansas City as the principal location and for Gail to be the registered agent. A suggestion was made to insert the date, as a footer, on any documents like bylaws in the future. Further discussion followed on all of the articles.

The committee will continue to work on the Bylaws and Articles. They will proceed with contacting an attorney in California, providing information, by e-mail, to all of the board members. The goal is to have incorporation papers filed prior to the November, 2003 conference.

Contracted Services Report-Gail Vertz. Gail referenced the July 2003 report that was e-mailed to the board members on July 25, 2003.

Conference Committee-Gail Vertz, Chairman: Gail discussed the July 2003 report that was e-mailed to the board members on July 25, 2003. The registration form should be ready tomorrow. The speaker’s confirmations will be sent out within a week. Publicity is being done. The information will be on the AAGP website also.

Other Business: The arrival and departure dates for the November, 2003 board meeting was requested by Marilyn. Phyl will send that information out to the board members.

The meeting adjourned at 5:08 pm, CST

Submitted by Gail Vertz