Region 5 — The Pacesetter Region FALL 2009 AITP Leadership Workshop MINUTES October 1, 2009 Wausau, Wisconsin

1. Call to Order Meeting called to order by Region President, Larry Schmitz at 10:30am. 2. Roll Call The following Region 5 Board Members were in attendance Officers: Larry Schmitz (President), Mark Gilfand (Vice-President), Bill Riter (Treasurer), John Council (Past President) was Acting Secretary Chapter Liaisons: Mike Welch (Capitol), Bill Erdmann (NEW), Charlie Bowen (ECI), Tony LaCrosse (SEW), Richard Boenisch (Sheboygan), John DeLauriea, (Chicago), Dave Garrett (Twin City), Nicholas Sondelski (Wisconsin River Valley), Vicky Harbour (Illowa), Bill Riter (West Michigan) Members: Laszlo Acs (Capitol), Sue Braun (Twin City), Mike Krueger (Wisconsin River Valley), Rick Griesser (NEW), Rick Steeber (NEW), Mike Hall (Capitol), Roberta Osmers (Illowa) 3. Association News Mark Gilfand gave a report/presentation on recent Association news. Some highlights are as follows:

 Member Summit – This will be January 22-23, 2010 at the Hotel Intercontinental in Chicago. The schedule features 2 tracks of sessions – IT & Chapter Tools. Two members from each Chapter or Region are eligible for a discounted registration fee of $150. Full registration without discount is $250. Hotel rates are $129 + tax/night. Questions can be directed to Paul Dittman at [email protected]. Details are at

 Branding – Chapters should discontinue any use of the old AITP logo by the end of this year. Banners with the new logo are being designed for awards. AITP’s purpose is the “umbrella of the profession” – advocacy, visionary, education, leadership, support.

 APAC – AITP Profession Advisory Council – will help lead our vision and will have it’s first workshop October 23-24 in Dallas. Wayne Munn is the Region 5 rep. A teleconference with Senators from U.S. Congress is being planned. Assistance in applying for federal and state grants will be provided.

 Public Relations/Media – Inside Business with Fred Thompson. Webisodes and TV spots. Filming October 23 in Dallas and January 2010 in Chicago.

1 radio show – 1 hour AITP show broadcast for 4 months starting September, 2009.

 Membership – a Fall, 2009 membership promotion is being planned.

 Additional Association Board Member – the Chair of the Student Leadership Committee (SLC) has been added to the ABOD as a non-voting member. This will give the Student Chapters a representative.

 Publications – Annual reports and minutes, all past virtual water coolers, and much other AITP information is available on the AITP web portal (

 The IT Business Professional – currently needs to have Technical skills, Business knowledge, and Soft skills. Association, Region, and Chapter programs should keep this in mind. For more details on this Association news go to:

4. Region 5 Student Chapter Health Student Chapter Health Reports: All reports are available on the Region 5 website

 Capitol

 Chicago

 East Central Indiana

 Illowa

 Northeastern Wisconsin

 Sheboygan

 Southeast Wisconsin

 Twin City

 West Michigan

 Wisconsin River Valley Common themes from the Chapter Reports

 Someone from Professional Chapter needs to make contacts with Student Chapters and Advisors

 Need for Faculty Advisors to belong to AITP

 Need for reduced rates for Faculty Advisors to belong to AITP Some ideas:

 Have Co-Advisors

 Free membership for Advisors

 Provide speakers to Student Chapters

2  Provide web presence for Student Chapters The following are Region 5 Student Chapters that are inactive or not associated with a Professional Chapter and the actions decided on for them in the meeting. Mark Gilfand will work on those recommended to disband.

 Ball State – they are in process of being associated with East Central Indiana Chapter

 Bradley State – will be disbanded

 Individual Student Members – a virtual Chapter may be created for them

 International Business College – will be disbanded

 Northern Michigan University – will be disbanded

 Purdue – ACTION ITEM – East Central Indiana Chapter should contact to see if they can be their Professional Chapter.

 Rock Valley – ACTION ITEM – Larry Schmitz will follow-up with them

 University of Detroit – ACTION ITEM – Bill Riter will follow-up

 Notre Dame – ACTION ITEM – Bill Riter will follow-up & try to contact Lou Berzai

 UW – Eau Claire – ACTION ITEM – Nick Sondelski will follow-up

 Western Wisconsin Technical College – will be disbanded ACTION ITEM: Mark requested that Chapters keep him updated on the status of these Student Chapters not being disbanded at this time. The Sheboygan Chapter’s Student Health Report has a good action plan to deal with inactive Student Chapters. 5. Other Business Mark Gilfand requested Chapters to send articles to Information Executive as there is a great need for more articles. Articles can be easily submitted at ACTION ITEM: Mark requested Nick to submit an article about the Region 5 Fall Conference 6. Adjourn A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 12pm.