Los Angeles City Section Page XXX Releaguing 2016-2017 September 26, 2016
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Los Angeles City Section Spring Sports 2017 Page 1 Releaguing – 2016-2017 September 26, 2016
Ass Bold= F/S team
Track & Field Baseball C Crosstown Coliseum Marine Western Exposition Crosstown/ Coliseum Marine Western Exposition O Animo SLA Crenshaw Banning Fairfax Angelou Ocean Crenshaw Banning Fairfax Angelou A Foshay Dorsey Carson Hamilton Diego Rivera Animo Jackie Dorsey Carson Hamilton Diego Rivera S Marlton Fremont Boys VolleyballGardena Palisades Charter Jefferson C Robinson (V) Fremont Gardena LACES Los Angeles CT CrosstownMiddle College HawkinsColiseum NarbonneMarine UniversityWestern LosExposition Angeles Ocean O Animo South LA (V) King Drew Narbonne Palisades Rancho Dominguez O BrightDymally Star (V) LockeCrenshaw SanBanning Pedro VeniceFairfax RanchoAngelou Dominguez Burton (V) A Animo Venice (V) Locke San Pedro Charter RFK A FoshayBrightAnimo RalphStar(V) (V) ManualDorsey Arts Washington/Carson King WestchesterHamilton SanteeDiego Rivera Neuwirth (V) S Bunche Manual Arts Washington University Santee S AnimoHarbor Jackie Teacher (V)ViewFremont Park DrewGardena LACES WestJefferson Adams Animo Watts (V) T RobinsonBright Star (V) Port of LA Venice West Adams T Hawkins (V) LACESHawkins King-Drew Palisades Charter Rancho Dymally (V) AnimoNew Designs Venice (V) Westchester New Designs (V) Locke Narbonne University Dominguez Gertz-Ressler (V) LAAAENew Designs- (V) View Park (V) Manual Arts San Pedro Venice West Adams USC Hybrid (V) NewWatts West (V) Port of LA Washington Westchester Santee (V) Middle College Central Eastern Freeway Northern Eastside Neuwirth (V) USCBelmont Hybrid Bell Camino Nuevo Eagle Rock CALS (V) Contreras Garfield (V) Franklin ESAT (V) E New West Hollywood Huntington Park Central City (V) Lincoln Jordan (V) AE Central Eastern Northern E CentralLegacy EasternMarquez FreewayElizabeth (V) NorthernMarshall SouthernLA International (V) Eastside AS Belmont Bell/Maywood Bravo A BelmontMaywood BellRoosevelt AnnenbergODLH Animo (V) (V) EagleSotomayor Rock BravoNeuwirth (V) Aspire Ollin (V) ST Bernstein Garfield Eagle Rock S BernsteinRoybal GarfieldSouth East MendezJefferson (V) (V) FranklinWilson Elizabeth ESAT (V) T Contreras Huntington Park/ Franklin T ContrerasTorres HuntingtonSouth Gate Park Orthopaedic (V) Lincoln Legacy Animo Bunche DMHS Aspire Olin Lincoln Hollywood Jordan USC CAE (V) Marshall Marquez (V) Hollywood Legacy Marshall RFKEast Valley RooseveltValley SmidtValley Tech Mission (V) SotomayorWest Valley (V) MaywoodNorth Valley Animo ODLH (V) Roybal Roosevelt Sotomayor RoybalChavez SouthEast ValleyEast (V) Canoga Park WilsonBirmingham (V) TorresCommunity Charter Marlton (V) RFK South East Wilson Grant SouthFulton Gate Col Prep Kennedy Chatsworth (V) South Gate V Monroe (V) Panorama Cleveland Discovery Prep (V) A North Hollywood Northridge Acad. Reseda El Camino Lakeview (V) L Polytechnic (V) San Fernando Real North Valley Military (V) VL East Valley ValleySherman Mission Oaks CES West Valley Associates ADD: V ValleyVerdugo Hills East Valley ValleySylmar Mission WestGranada Valley Hills NorthTriumph Valley (V) Associates A Arleta Canoga(V) Park Birmingham Larchmont Sun Valley Magnet AE EastArleta Valley Arleta CanogaVan Nuys Park BirminghamTaft IvySun Academia Valley (V) (V) Math & Science L Chavez Kennedy Chatsworth North Valley LY Fulton ChavezVaughn Kennedy Chatsworth SunValor(V) Valley (V) L Grant Panorama Cleveland Military L Northridge GrantVAAS (V) Panorama Cleveland Triumph (V) E Monroe Reseda El Camino Real (will run league E SOCES Monroe Reseda El Camino Real Valor Academy Y North San Fernando Granada Hills finals with the Y VAAS (V) North Hollywood San Fernando Granada Hills (V) Hollywood Sylmar Taft Crosstown league) Polytechnic Sylmar Taft Lakeview (V) Polytechnic Van Nuys Verdugo Hills Van Nuys North Valley Verdugo Hills Military (V) Sun Valley Magnet (V) Community Charter (V) Los Angeles City Section Spring Sports 2017 Page 2 Releaguing – 2016-2017 September 26, 2016
Softball Crosstown Coliseum Marine Western Exposition Ocean Animo J Robinson Crenshaw Banning Fairfax Angelou Animo Venice (V) (V) Dorsey Carson Hamilton Diego Rivera Bright Star (V) C Dymally (V) Fremont Gardena LACES Jefferson New Designs (V) O Middle College (V) King Drew Narbonne Palisades Charter Los Angeles Hawkins (V) A Animo South LA (V) Manual Arts San Pedro University Rancho LAAAE (V) S Locke (V) Port of LA Washington Venice Dominguez USC Hybrid (V) T Neuwirth (V) Harbor Teacher Westchester Santee View Park West Adams
Central Eastern Freeway Northern Southern Eastside Belmont Bell Annenberg (V) Eagle Rock Bravo CALS (V) Bernstein Garfield Central City (V) Franklin Elizabeth Camino Nuevo (V) E Contreras Huntington Park DMHS (V) Lincoln Legacy ESAT (V) A Hollywood Jordan (V) Mendez (V) Marshall Marquez LA International S RFK Roosevelt Orthopaedic (V) Sotomayor Maywood (V) T Roybal South East USC CAE (V) Wilson Torres Animo ODLH (V) South Gate Smidt Tech (V)
Valley East Valley Valley Mission West Valley North Valley ADD East Valley (V) Arleta Canoga Park Birmingham Community Fulton College (V) Chavez Kennedy Chatsworth Charter (V) Northridge Acad. Grant Panorama Cleveland Discovery Prep (V) Monroe Reseda El Camino Real (V) V Sherman Oaks CES North Hollywood San Fernando Granada Hills Ivy Academia (V) A (V) Polytechnic Sylmar Taft Lakeview (V) L VAAS (V) Verdugo Hills Van Nuys Triumph (V) L Vaughn (V) Sun Valley (V) E Sun Valley Y Magnet (V) North Valley Military (V) Valor Academy (V) Los Angeles City Section Spring Sports 2017 Page 3 Releaguing – 2016-2017 September 26, 2016
Swimming Boys Tennis Coliseum Marine Western Coliseum/Expo Marine Western Dorsey Banning Hamilton Dorsey Banning Fairfax Foshay Carson LACES Jefferson Carson Hamilton C Fremont Narbonne Palisades Charter C Los Angeles Gardena LACES O Gertz Ressler Rancho University O Manual Arts Narbonne Palisades Charter A Manual Arts Dominguez Venice A Santee San Pedro University S Middle College San Pedro S Crenshaw Rancho Venice T USC Hybrid T Orthopaedic Dominguez Westchester View Park
Eastern Northern Exposition Freeway Eastern Northern Bell Belmont Los Angeles Bell Eagle Rock Roosevelt Bernstein Santee Elizabeth Franklin South East Contreras Bravo E Garfield Wilson South Gate Eagle Rock Mendez Huntington Park Roybal A E Maywood Hollywood Orthopedic Legacy RF Kennedy S A Marquez Marshall West Adams Roosevelt Downtown T S Legacy RFK South East Magnet T Marshall
East Valley Valley Mission West Valley Chavez Canoga Park Birmingham East Valley Kennedy Cleveland Valley East Valley Valley Mission West Valley Grant Panorama El Camino Real V V Polytechnic Fulton Birmingham Sherman Oaks Reseda Granada Hills A A Grant Kennedy Chatsworth Verdugo Hills Sylmar Taft L L Monroe Reseda Cleveland Van Nuys L L North Hollywood SOCES El Camino Real E E Verdugo Hills Sylmar Granada Hills
Y Y Van Nuys Taft
Los Angeles City Section Spring Sports 2017 Page 4 Releaguing – 2016-2017 September 26, 2016 Birmingham Westchester Golf Palisades Coliseum League Eastern Western League Marine League Hollywood Crenshaw League LACES Carson Hamilton Dorsey Bell RFK Legacy VAAS Dymally Franklin University Narbonne Fremont Garfield Venice Washington Girls Lacrosse Middle College Lincoln Westchester USC CAE Marshall Roosevelt Roybal
East Valley Valley Mission West Valley League League League Grant Chatsworth Birmingham Monroe JF Kennedy Cleveland North Hollywood Reseda El Camino Real SOCES Sylmar Granada Hills VAAS Van Nuys Palisades Verdugo Hills Taft
Boys Lacrosse Conference A B Birmingham Jordan Palisades Manual Arts VAAS Westchester Hamilton Crenshaw North Valley Military Hollywood