To : CMA CGM S.A., 4 Quai d'Arenc - 13002 Marseille, France

Date :

Shipment references :

Vessel: Voyage: Container number: Port of loading: Port of discharge:

Dear Sirs,

In consideration of you agreeing to issue two bills of lading with different consignees for the above shipment, we, …...... … (name of shipper on the letter produced by the shipper)....or.... (name of consignee on the letter produced by the consignee), irrevocably undertake and agree as follows: (Please delete the inappropriate one)

• The consignees will nominate one party to represent both of them and it is this party to whom the container will be delivered at destination against presentation of both original bills of lading. Should one of the bills of lading not be available, the container will be held at the port of discharge until receipt of the missing bills of lading.

• To hold CMA CGM, its underwriters, agencies, sub-agencies, all their representative directors and employees harmless in respect of any liability, loss or damage of whatsoever nature which you may sustain by reason of issuing two bills of lading for an FCL/FCL container.

• In the event of any proceedings being commenced by consignee against you or any of your servants or agents in connection with the issuance of the above referenced Bills of Lading to provide you or them from time to time with sufficient funds to defend the same.

• If the vessel or any other vessel or property belonging to you should be arrested or detained or if the arrest or detention thereof should be threatened, to provide on your first demand and without any justification within 48 hours such bail or other security as may be required to prevent such arrest or detention or to secure the release of such vessel or property and to indemnify you in respect of any loss, damage or expenses caused by such arrest or detention whether or not the same may be justified.

Yours faithfully,

Name of Director: ______

Signature: ______

Stamp of the company